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Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Self Harm | Your Questions Answered

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

This week's video is serious. It isn't a beauty review, nor is it a tale of awkward situations I've faced, but a topic that I am regularly asked to address on twitter, tumblr and facebook and so, at last, I have.

The reason it took so long is because I wanted to make sure I delivered it just right. I wanted to make sure I was educated on the subject and I wanted to talk to some experts. I didn't want to just sit down, switch on my camera and spout off a load of words that may have actually done more damage than good. Hopefully, I haven't.

I know this video isn't happy happy joy joy, but I believe that even if one person feels helped by it or one person is more open minded to helping someone else, then it was worth it.

Yesterday I was delighted to see that this video was featured on BBC and Sky news to help raise awareness for such a serious issue. 

I'm not encouraging you to comment today, just to watch the video, have a think and then be available if ever someone needs your help in the future. 




  1. Your video was wonderfully made and very informative.
    Well done for making it on the news too.
    You deserve all the good things that come to you.
    Thank you for you videos and blogs

  2. Wow, it's great that you are helping to raise awareness of the issue. Hopefully you will help those that are going through it or know someone that is :)

    Becky xx

  3. Thank you for making this video Louise! You went about it in a great way as well. I love that you included the first aid part of it.

    I've been through the self-harm boat and came out the other side. It's difficult to explain/talk about but I'm so glad that I managed to pull myself through it.

    A great video Louise and you've probably helped a lot of people <3 It's rare you see youtubers/bloggers tackle such serious topics so I respect you for that a lot!

    <3 Katy

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Such an inspiration, your daughter would be so proud of you :-) xoxo

  6. I loved your video! I thought it was really wonderful that you went out of your way to do research and interviews to get the facts. Thanks Louise!!

  7. Wonderful video Louise! Xx

  8. Good on you Louise! it's great to see you tackling serious issues such as this!

  9. I watched this video twice and i think you have done an amazing job. Luckily i have never had to deal with it myself but this has opened my eyes to the different types of self harm and made me understand it alot more.
    The research and the effort you have gone to to make this video is brilliant and i feel if ever i had to deal with a situation like this i would now be more prepared.

    Thanks Louise for addressing serious topics like this there is not not many that could

    Carrieanne x

  10. Amazing video Louise! =] xx

  11. Even with such a serious issue, you somehow are able to spread positivity. I thikn that it is super that you address such serious issues and therefor raise awareness.

  12. You are very brave to tackle such a serious topic as it is something that is very close to a lot of peoples hearts. You did a great job! I think a lot of people don't realise how young many people are when they find out about it and a lot of teens don't know how to help a friend who is going through it. You will have helped tonnes of young girls to learn how to help a friend who is self harming. Well Done!

  13. Thank you for making this video, and Congratulations on being featured on the BBC!

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  14. great job on the video, I think it was needed! you certainly taught me a few things!

  15. I watched the video a few days ago, and I thought it was wonderful that you went and tried to help people! You really care about everyone, and I love that about you. :)

  16. Your video was amazing!! I'm impressed by how well documented you were! xx

  17. It's great to see someone that's such a role model approach a difficult subject x

  18. I think you were the perfect person to tackle this subject Louise and you did an amazing job, thank you! X

  19. this was very well done.
    thank you Louise for this.

    - Janine

  20. This is such a great topic - so glad you made such a huge effort for this video! :)
    you're so lovely louise!

  21. I think its absolutely incredible that you took the time out to go and actually research about the topic rather than just talk about your own opinions which I've seen other youtubers do and like you said it ends up making you feel worse than good. This was a very factual video and I'm so happy you made the effort to do this. Thank You so much Louise. I couldn't think of a better person to cover a topic like this. Congratulations on the video being featured on sky news and BBC news as well!

  22. I appreciate how you did adequate research and visited a charity in regards to this topic. I don't self harm, nor do I know anyone that self harms right now, but I feel like if it were to arise, I can help them out with the points you made in your video.


  23. This is really interesting and probably helpful to a lot of people! I admire you for making this

    Check out my OPI nail polish giveaway!

  24. Such a great video, people should talk about it more xxx

  25. Louise, you're just amazing. I could never get tired of hearing you talk. You make me laugh in funny situation and make me think in serious situations. All around amazing, thank you for this video it had changed my outlook about self harm around.

  26. I think what you did was amazing, louise! You are such inspiration to many and definitely one of my biggest inspirations. You had the power to help people and you took it into your hands to make a difference. This video is definitely going to help many people and although I am not a victim of self-harm, i do want to thank you for doing this :) love you so much xx

  27. Louise I thought you did a beautifully professional job on that video. You were incredibly well spoken and none judgemental.

  28. Very well made and informative! Thanks so much, it is really helpful! xxx
    Maddy from

  29. Very well spoken and informative, and with a subject very serious to me, thank you for posting this Louise, you are fab!

  30. wow. I cant believe you paid to get this video features, Louise! The point of making such videos is helping people not getting popularity.

  31. Think it's great you doing a video like this! Really inspirational! Also was nice seeing you on sky news!

    Beth-Lou's Beauty Blog


  32. I've had a couple of friends who self harmed and I wish this video was around back then, I'm glad you've done it so people can be more informed and be more ready to help :)

  33. What a fabulous topic and you covered it perfectly! Very informative x

  34. Even though I do have some experience with self harm, watching this really helped. Such a delicate topic that you tackled elegantly.


  35. it's really great that you want to bring attention to this topic and it's so nice of you to go out of your way to learn about this

  36. I think it's wonderful that you made this video, and that you're raising awareness on something so important. Such a helpful video, thanks Louise!

  37. Great video.It really explains a lot.It's a wonderful way to raise awareness on this topic.

  38. Dear Louise,
    i think I never responded to one of your videos although I watching for two years now.
    I was scared because my English is so bad (I'm a 17 year old, dyslexic girl form the Netherlands).
    But on this topic I had to response.
    Self harm is something I unfortunately know.
    When I was 12 one of my best friends which I know all my life was taken into a hospital. She was 15 then (my sister is between our ages so thats why there is a wide age rage but never had trouble with that). She was taken into the hospital because she couldn't deal with her mental problems( she had depressions and she was bullied). She was burning herself and her underarms were full of scars. I am extremely happy to say now 5 years later she can finally see the positive things in live and she can go on with her live. She doesn't need her medication anymore and is more happy than ever before. This wasn't possible without professional help and support from family and friends. Maybe it sounds like a dream but it is really true anyone who is struggling with selfharm can have a bright future even though it looks far away. Five years ago I didn't thought my friend would get better but when I look at here now she is the happiest person in the world. There is hope for anyone!

    xx Astrid

  39. Hello Louise
    Thank you so much for making such an informative and helpful video. It really hit home to me, and unfortunately, i'm a person who suffers with self harm.
    It started last june, when I started feeling extremely anxious and depressed. I stopped attending school. My life was one huge hell hole. I didn't think that it could ever improve.
    I was diagnosed with anxiety disorders and depression at the end of last year. I saw counsellors, psychologists, and doctors. They all threatened to put me in a mental hospital, all because I wouldn't and couldn't attend school. Every day, I would just cry and cry, and the only thing that allowed me to feel anything was self harm. Otherwise, I felt empty. I wanted to die, I planned to commit suicide numerous times. Every day, I would contemplate ending my life. I wanted to walk in front of a car, jump onto railway tracks, fall off a bridge, hang myself, overdose, etc. The only reason I decided to live was for my family. Eventually, I was put onto antidepressants. That's when everything started getting better.
    Slowly, over time, I became a bit better. I stopped self harming so much. I felt better. Now, almost a year later, I feel almost normal. I haven't self harmed in over a month. Of course, I do relapse every now and then, but for the most part, I am becoming a lot better. I actually genuinely feel happy now! It's crazy. My life is starting to get back on track, even though I haven't been attending school since last may. In february, I started distance education. It's like home schooling, except that you have teachers who send you feedback and you can organize online lessons with them. I am finally feeling a lot better! Heck, I even was able to meet up with some youtubers last month! It was 1 hour away, and I hadn't met them before! My life is finally better.

    Thank you for reading the story of my past year. I just wanted to say, as crazy as it may sound, beauty videos really helped me through it. They made me happy. Every time I would see a new video from you, Zoella, Karissa or Shannon, I would smile. So thank you, thanks for helping me through this.

  40. So wonderful for you to do this Louise... you're amazing. I hope that one day I will be as articulate and inspiring as you are <3 xx

  41. I've self harmed in the past when I was having a really tough time, so I try to use that as a positive thing now to be there for people who are going through the same thing:)
    Everything happens for a reason & positive things can come from something negative:)

  42. This is wonderful. People should raise awareness about this subject.


  43. You're such an inspiration Louise! I do like your serious videos. It also shows that your not afraid to put yourself out there with those types of videos. Much respect for it :)

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. This video is amazing Louise, your are such an inspiration! Your so stunning and this video was really eye opening I hope now with this people will be able to see what its like from the point of view of someone that self hamrs. You said many things I didnt know about self harm and I am really happy that you raised the point, many people in my class are bullied about self harm and are told they are just doing it for attention. I advised my friends to watch your video and they told me it helped alot thanks again Louise love you and Darcy very much x x x x x

  46. I really appreciate you making this video. People need to become more aware of these problems that young boys and girls face. I think it is great that you made the effort to talk about it, especially in such an educated way.

    Great job!

  47. This video was so motivational thank you for doing it

  48. THIS IS A REAL STORY!!! this is really hard for me to say but i think it might alert some of you... well, i always thought that self harming was something that would never happen w/ me or my friends; however, reality knocked hardly at my door... a really good friend of mine was cutting herself... i didn't really know what to do, and i spent days crying and without sleeping... finally i decided to tell the school counselor but it was a really hard task... sadly, my friend moved country and she continues to harm herself, she tells me she is trying to stop and that she's getting better; but i never know if it's true... i know she's afraid to get into details with me because she knows i'll get upset....
    After i got through the first and big shock an started trying to live my life again, i discovered that another close friend of mine was cutting herself too. I panicked. I was afraid of loosing a friend (or even 2)... however, this time i was alone... in the first time, this same friend was helping me with the first case and we could support each other; but, this time it was HER. The worst part was that i discovered by myself and she didn't tell me anything... I was lost and my grades started to go down, i was depressed and lost track of life... i had to take a deep breath and open my mind to make the right choices. Again, i went to the counselor and this time they called her parents... she took therapies and now i know that i have at least 1 friend that's better. It was though, since i was only 13 (now i'm 14). I want to thank you Louise for this post/video... because it gave me hope... we have to alert people that this can happen to someone they love, but we have to be there for them and you have to show that you're strong... sorry for making this comment to long, and i would be rally glad if you could reply me or at least read this, it's important for me. Thanks, again.

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx