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Monday, 27 May 2013

Motivational Monday #16

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday! Don't be sad that the weekend has gone, be joyful that you are privileged enough to see a new week and achieve your goals.

Please feel free to pin today's image. 

Comparison is the thief of all joy | Motivational Monday | Sprinkle of Glitter

This quote by Theodore Roosevelt is brilliant and something that all too often I need to remind myself of. 

I think it's kind of obvious what it is saying but the jist is- if you compare what you have to people who have more (or less), you're not going to love your own stuff the most and will be less happy for it. 

I am a sucker for this. You could give me the most amazing bag ever and I would be giddy with glee, then see someone with a slightly better bag and feel like mine is rubbish. Honestly, it's terrible how easily I compare myself to other people, other success, other everything. It leaves me feeling unsatisfied, unmotivated and unworthy. 

Recently I have stepped back a bit from all this comparison crap (sorry for my potty mouth there) and taken stock. I focused on what really matters (which we discussed last week) and I can't tell you how much better I feel for it. I am happy with my lot. I have enough. I am fulfilled. I am fine. Knowing these things makes me feel good. 

It goes without saying that nobody has everything. Your friend might have a beautiful house worthy of several pinterest boards, but she might be lonely. You might have an amazing partner and fabulous friends but live in a (what you think to be) crumby little flat. Both of you are comparing lives and neither of you are happy with what you already have. 

Next time you find yourself doing this behaviour, think to yourself, 'What do I have? What do I love about my life?', and I bet you'll find it's a lot. 

Stop comparing yourself to other people, it feels really rubbish. Alternatively, if you are looking at people and thinking, 'Ha! I've got better xyz than her! Hahaha!', that's no good either. Those kinds of smug or gloaty feelings are false positives. They might feel good for a few minutes but they are stemmed out of spite and don't fulfil you. Just focus on your own stuff and be glad of it. 

Yes, today has been a bit preachy. If anything I'm preaching to myself who is in much need of learning this lesson this week! 

Do you struggle with this too? What are you glad of in your life?



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is The Life of Bon. If you would like to find out more about advertising on this blog, click HERE.


  1. That is completely true! I do this all the time by comparing the way I look to others which makes you feel rubbish, but as soon as you start ignoring that you feel so much happier! Very true post, love it!!

  2. I love your motivational mondays! And it's so true, once you compare yourself to others you're not happy with the person you are. Great post!

    X Valérie

  3. I couldn't agree more. Everyone has joy in their life and things, that actually are good. If you start to comapare them to others, it will kill the joy! Thank you Louise!

    Check out my blog:

  4. This is so true! I'm always comparing myself to other people. This posting has given me food for thought.


  5. I definitely struggle with this a lot actually, I might make an extra effort this week to stop comparing myself with others :)

  6. Really puts things into perspective. Love the idea of motivational Mondays, such a good way to start a week :)

  7. I completely agree! I've always been one to compare myself to others also. I think its important to stop and think and be grateful for what you have and the people you have in our life and realise that comparing yourself to others will get you no where and will just make you feel unhappy.

    Check out my blog! :)

  8. This post came at exactly the right time! I struggle with this quite a lot but you're so right! I have a pretty great life, I just need to remember it! Thank you for this! x

  9. This is one of the things I had in my mind lately!
    Yesterday I had a long talk with a friend who traveled india for a few months
    about how little we need in lives but have so much already.
    We tend to want more and more, compare ourselves to the people who have more.

  10. You always know how to make people feel better Louise, good on you xx

  11. I have been doing this a lot recently. I am an architecture student with a few years left of studying before I can step in to a proper architects role meaning im pretty skint and still living at home. A few of my friends have well paying jobs, their own places and cars and one is even off to New York just because, somewhere I have wanted to go for years.

    Crazy thing is, I have a boyfriend (scouser ;) that makes me very happy, the prospect of a job I will love and have started saving for a deposit. All I have to do is work hard for two more years and I will achieve the goals that are important to me!

    Sorry for the essay...thank you for sharing Louise, you have opened my eyes and I feel much better :) x

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Love this quote, I agree with it so much! xx

  14. this is just what I needed! Don't stop, preach it girl :) totally agree!

    if you would like to read a motivational quote I recently posted check it out here:

    it actually really goes along with this! :)

  15. Love, love, love this post Louise! I look forward to you Motivation Monday feature every week.


  16. I am glad now when i read this article.

  17. i think is really important to keep in mind, even though it can be really hard.
    thanks for the reminder! i really needed this lately

    -Tara x


  18. I couldn't agree with you more Louise, we are all guilty of doing this at some point but then we learn to appreciate & not compare :)
    Motivational Monday is a great way to start the week off!
    I'm glad of a lot of things in my life :)
    Anna x

  19. This is such a great post! I always compare myself to others, and its so depressing sometimes! :)

    Next time I compare myself to someone, I will think of this post :)


  20. This quote is so true and i get what you said about the bag, I do that all the time!

  21. Good quote to remember. We always have to remember there is always someone worse off than you and we have to be grateful for everything we have. Still i cant help envying the people sat next to me in their designer Clobber!!

    Carrieanne x

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I always compare myself to others! Great post to wake up to x

  24. I watched a documentary about happiness once and they were saying that comparisons really do lead to unhappiness and sometimes depression.
    As silly as it may sound I find that every so often making a list of the things that I am grateful for really helps

    Emily x -

  25. I've always trouble feeling happy, so I'm very glad and thank you for your postes about this! It's helping me a lot!

    Annika -

  26. Living in a college with about 150 other girls can get a bit much. I often find myself comparing myself to these other beautiful girls. They're all amazing in their own way and sometimes it's easy to feel like you don't really stand well next to them.
    It's things like this post that make it easier to feel better about yourself. All it takes is a post like this for you to think about that one thing that sets you apart from the rest. What's that one thing I've got that makes me me?
    Love your motivational Mondays Louise.

  27. This is an amazing post!
    I am a sucker for this too as I used to compare my blog to bigger blogs and think that mine is rubbish. However I have learnt that it doesn't matter about the size of your blog, I enjoy writing mine and thats all that matters :)
    I do love your blog though, especially your Motivational Mondays :)
    Love Maddie

  28. i have to totally agree with your post Louise. in modern day society we are constantly comparing our selves to one another, always attempting to be better and if we are not it makes us sad. i think its important to look at the positives in life.

    Leyla xx

  29. you always inspire me Louise :) x

  30. Louise, I always enjoy reading your blogs, I'm delighted that you do them regularly. Sometimes I feel as though you've read my mind... "That's exactly what I was thinking!". I've decided to stop buying magazines. They really do upset me, comparing myself to women on the page that appear perfect, but no doubt they're not all that perfect. No one is in fact. It would be lovely to go through life, feeling confident and content with oneself. Wouldn't ya think?

    Keep up the good work ;)
    Lots of Luvin' Michaela xxx

  31. that's such a nice post, i love your blog.; Your really inspirational. thanks for this post xoxo

    holly xox

  32. So true!! Love your posts

    Check out my OPI nail polish giveaway!

  33. I'm very guilty of this. I think it partly comes with being a girl but I'm attempting to be more positive lately instead :D x

  34. very positive outlook on mondays hahaha
    but bank holiday yay!!x

  35. I do this way too much! I buy something which I'm really happy about and then I see someone with that item but the more expensive version and I'm just there feeling crap about myself and what I've actually got. When actually I'm extremely lucky to live the life that I do.

  36. I am always comparing myself to others especially being curvier, when I see all the clothes that look far nicer on other girls than me, it's just depressing.

    You're right aswell - When we compare ourselves and act smug, it's just as bad!

  37. I love reading your Motivational Monday posts!

  38. I love love love motivational Mondays! Keep them coming, this week is my new favourite. Thank you Louise :) xx

  39. I wish more people thought this way, Louise. It's really frustrating to see people comparing themselves to someone that has everything (in the material sense), be grateful for what you have in life and send out positive vibes because it really does help make you feel a lot better about yourself! :D I love these posts, they're just exactly what you need on a Monday morning :).
    Michaela xoxo

    p.s. sorry if I've ever annoyed you by putting my blog link at the end of comments, I've never meant to spam you!

  40. Just wanted to let you know that I absolutely love reading your blog :) x

  41. I really liked reading this post because I totally agree with you.

    We live for us not for other people so we need to focus on our lives and not on other's. I used to compare my life to other's and you never feel right doing this... Now that I don't do this anymore I realize that I am happy living my life.

    Really love your blog !
    Christie, xx.

  42. It really is, we are all individuals! Yet we are all the same :)

  43. I do this ALL the time. The worst time I did it was when I was having driving lessons. It took my a year and a half to pass (and three test attempts). I used to be insanely jealous when someone passed their test and it would stress me out so much that it was taking me so long. I wanted to be them and have passed. I thought that when I passed, my life would be perfect and amazing. When I did pass, yeah it was great and exciting but not worth the jealousy I had before. It had made me unhappy and I felt rubbish about myself.
    The moral of the story is, there is no point comparing yourself because you're different to other people and ultimately, what you think will change your life, might not

    I love your posts Louise! I actually read them think 'Oh my God I feel the same!' Also, Darcy is beautiful (as are you mind)!

    Alice :)

  44. these posts always complete my mondays :-)

    - Janine

  45. I love this! I am forever comparing myself to other people, whether it be how good they are at something, what they look like.. everything! Especially since my boyfriend has like a million girl mates who are like the most beautiful creations ever!

    It's really hard to break out of the habit of comparing, but I know that if you keep doing it, it will just make you unhappy and feel bad about yourself! so we must stop!:)

  46. I defintely struggle with this a lot. And what's worse is that when I'm not comparing myself to another person, I try to make myself feel better by judging them. Obviously, both of these habits are extrememly unhealthy and I'm left feeling worse than before. For the past few months I've been very depressed because I've been comparing my life to others and wondering why life is so "unfair". I always thought that my life was so much worse than anyone else's. This is so false. It's actually unfair to myself and to them to assume that they have a better life, when in reality, I have no idea what they could be struggling with. I don't know what moment changed my outlook, but now I am proud of who I am and I'm comfortable with the life I'm living.

    So all I have to say is thanks for writing this post because it helped reaffirm my views on my own life and others. I think what I'm trying to say is don't bother comparing/trying to change yourself, because that one thing you think is different...could be your unique feature that defines you as a woman.

    Love to all
    Kaler xoxo

  47. I always thought comparison was a good thing, as long as you only compare with yourself. Look back to se how far you've come from what you used to be, and look forward to what you still aspire to. Compare yourself to the person you used to be and to who you want to become and think in terms of steps to take.

  48. This is me >_< it is so hard to be happy with what you have when you are surrounded by gorgeous things.. but I a happy with who I am and the little I have because my fiancé and family make life worth it all <3
    This is a beautiful post, Thank you :)

  49. This is a lovely post, I love your motivational monday posts :)

    It's my birthday tomorrow but I was having a bad day today and this made me smile and feel better



  50. This is such great advice, Louise!
    & I can't express how much I look up to you!
    I definitely needed to be reminded to stop comparing myself to others because I have a bad habit in doing so.
    So thank you for reminding me to be happy with what I have :)

    But thinking about it, I am so happy to have such a great family and amazing friends in my life.
    Being able to have the talent to perform on stage doing something that I love so much which is dance!

    Thank you Louise, so so much!

  51. Thank you, I needed to hear (read) this today! I'm currently planning my wedding and with pinterest and about a million beautiful blogs its hard not to compare! I have to remind myself that it doesn't matter what it looks like it matters who I'm marrying. Though I would still like it to be nice =)This post reminded me of a quote that I've been trying to remember while planning, "The best is the enemy of the good." Voltaire. Its so easy to get caught up looking for the best you start to ignore the good you already have. It's something I try and say to myself everyday, so that I remember how lucky I am to have the good! And try not to stress about having the best!

    Thank you!!!

  52. Hi, Louise! Thank you so much for your motivational Mondays!

    I'm always looking at other girl's bodies and thinking that mine is not good enough. But, that being said, I think it's important to love ourselves even if we don't feel good everyday (what a cliché!).

    I'm so grateful that my parents gave me the opportunity to study what I love and of course, I'm so glad I found your blog and youtube channel! :)

  53. Couldn't agree more Louise, these posts are seriously fab! I always look forward too them and truly do take them on board. You affect a lot of people's lives and ALWAYS for the better - a true inspiration :)
    Please continue to be so awesome!
    Sassy xxx

  54. I find myself doing this a lot, it's easy to do whilst and Uni and everyone is getting grades and marks all the time. Essays you worked really hard on and someone else did in five minutes but they get a better grade for that one essay? Sometimes it's hard to take but you're right, comparing yourself is a waste of time and you need to look at why you're not happy - if you can, then change it and if not, look at the happy, positive things you do have! :) Thanks Louise. xoxo

    Emilia Grace / Beauty Blog

  55. I am definitely guilty of this!! I shouldn't compare myself but I guess it is a bad habit we are all in!
    This post really helps


    Madeleine In Wonderland

  56. Lovely post as per usual!
    I think it's hard not to compare yourself to others, but blogging helos you to just do your own thing haha!
    Not only is roosevelt's quote inspiring, but so are you!

    Please Check out my blog

    Ren xx

  57. Oh So Inspiring!
    Jess x

  58. I totally agree with this, I'm always looking at other people's stuff and automatically thinking my stuff it rubbish and there lives are so much better than mine, and I really need to stop doing it because it doesn't achieve anything!
    Really nice post (as always), love motivational Mondays!

    Millie xx

  59. Your oh so filled of wisdom Louise. These posts always make me happy :) I wish you and your lovely family all the best.

  60. You are such a lovely person and this is a lovely post. All round loveliness.

    Chloe xx
    hello plum

  61. I always read your Motivational Mondays when I come home in the evening and it makes me feel bad every time. Not because the blogpost is bad or the topic or anything else, but it reminds me time after time of how rubbish I am at starting my week in a positive mood.
    Then I'm reading what you have to tell us and after feeling bad, because I'm such an unmotivated person, I start feeling better because at least I can face the week minus Monday now with a smile.
    Tanks for being my weekly source of motivation, Louise!


  62. Such a good quote! And yet also right!

    Pipp xx

  63. You always know how to make people feel better and boost my mood!! Thanks Louise!!xx

    Come visit my blog and make a suggestion :)

  64. I love this series you have on your blog. The quotes are so inspirational and informative :)

    Carina xx

  65. I completely agree; I think this is something that a lot of people struggle with, myself included. I've been so so inspired by your motivational mondays that I started a similar feature on my blog: feel-good fridays. I just think it's such a lovely idea to be spreading positive thoughts.
    xx Amber

  66. Hi Louise, i love this post, its something i have defiantly felt in the past. I love your motivational mondays. I've just started a blog
    Lots of love Eve x

  67. I've recently come to realize the same thing. If you spend your whole life comparing yourself to others you'll never live up to your own expectations. And, probably more importantly, you'll miss out on all the great things you do have. I've recently discovered your blog/youtube channel, and you never cease to make me smile. You've gotten me through a few rough days,so the next time you compare yourself to anyone else, remember how much everyone appreciates you for being you!

  68. i'm usually really happy with my body, other than some imperfections that i can't change such as stretch marks, but i find that i'm always comparing myself to my older sister, who is skinnier than me. what makes it worse is that she's not happy with being skinny and tries to lose weight. we're always comparing ourselves to each other, wanting what the other has.
    thanks for this post, i loved reading it and it did make me feel better. :)

  69. Thank you, Louise! I really needed this today :)

  70. I spent most of my high school constantly comparing myself to other people and getting a really negative image about myself and my lifestyle choices. It is something that still bothers me today and that I'm slowly trying to get away from by writing a blog for myself and by trying to look past those common comparison points. I was stuck in a terrible place for a long time and I don't want to fall back into that. I love that quote by good ol' Teddy and it truly speaks volumes! Thanks for another amazing post Louise, you honestly make Mondays so much better and brighter! (even at 1 am <3)

    Cheers! x

    -A (

  71. So true Louise. Love your blog posts so much xxx

  72. This quote could not be more true! Thanks for the reminder!

  73. This post brightened up my day so thank you very much! It's made me realise not to compare and that all I have is enough too...great post.

    Lucie xx

  74. Thank you Louise! I look forward to your Monday posts. I imagine they feel good to write, and they certainly feel great to read.
    Hope the rest of your week is great.

  75. Great quote :) I need to take this in to account more xxx

  76. Love this quote so much and your Motivational Monday posts! It's nice to step back once in a while and reflect your thoughts and actions :)

    I recently started my own blog.
    Maybe you want to check it out :)

  78. So true I always compare myself to other girls. Check out my blog love you xxx

  79. I could not agree more!

    Comparing yourself or your life to others and what others have can be so depressing. It's nice to see others, but to appreciate what you have and enjoy it is the key to living!!

    Love this post!! Thank you!

  80. I agree. Some of the most difficult times come from when we focus too much on what others think of us. Nobody's perfect, so true happiness comes when we accept our own flaws and learn to seek others' gifts. Have a lovely day!

  81. I love reading your Motivational Mondays.

    I try not to, but too often I do compare myself to others. This is a great reminder to stay focused on being grateful for what I have and for the good in my life.


    i need to keep reminding myself this, :)

    Have a super week.


  83. So true, I know that I'm guilty of comparing myself to others when really I should just be proud of my achievements.
    Another great motivational post :)

    Zoe | Adularescent

  84. I'm taking a hiatus from Facebook for this exact reason and its very freeing :) Thanks for this!


  85. I struggle with that sometimes ... not always of course but there's always those days when you look at people and all the sudden all you can see is that they have things that you don't. I try to be happy for them, instead of wanting the things they have but . . yeah like I said . . sometimes that's hard :/
    The things I love about my life is that I got in to the school of my choice, I have the possibility to do whatever I want with my life and no rush to make up my mind. I have amazing people in my life and I am generally proud of myself.
    Gotta say that I love your YouTube channel and your blog is just as good :) Oooh... and your daughter is so cute!!

  86. I tend to do this a lot with my artwork. When I see that someone can draw better than me (in my opinion) or is getting more views or attention for their artwork, I get really sad :( Like I'm not good enough, and then that escalates to thinking I will never be good enough and then I end up with why do I even bother trying... but then the next morning it's as if it never happened XD I think we all have those weak moments when we feel like we just don't compare to other people in any way. We're never going to be as good as them so why bother trying? I think it takes a lot of time and positive thinking and confidence to climb out of this mentality. It's taken me a few years to be able to climb above my own criticism, and I still deal with it sometimes today.

    Catching Stars

  87. Love it! Life's a climb but the views great :)

  88. This was a wonderful post! Thank you so much for sharing, I really enjoyed it.

    I recently did a post similar to this myself, but more of my own thoughts, if you would like to check it out that would be great!


  89. That is completely true! I do this all the time by comparing the way I look to others which makes you feel rubbish, but as soon as you start ignoring that you feel so much happier !

    Motivational Speaker

    Mark Duin

  90. Love this quote! It's so true! xx

  91. This seriously might be one of my all time favorite quotes now. I think that this is a great way to look at life in general- for example, often when you are viewing other's Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages it often seems like they have a perfect life. But I have found that if you look at your own from an outsiders perspective it can look like you have a perfect life too, even though you know that you don't. You have to take into account that people aren't generally going to post about when they are unhappy.


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx