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Friday, 23 August 2013

Friday Fess-Up

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I'm writing this post with no plan or notes or agenda. I'm just writing. Matt is watching a french DVD on his laptop, the baby is in bed and the fairy lights are lit. Perfect blogging conditions. It's like the olden days. Blogging for the sake of sharing thoughts and letting my brain spill out in a mess of things I like, things I don't, ideas, images, the lot. 

Sprinkle of Glitter
 Excited to be home in blogland!

If you are an avid reader, you might have noticed my absence. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I haven't provided something for you to read each day but I'm not sorry that I took a break. I feel refreshed. I feel ready. I feel like I have a new and happy direction to walk in.

The problem I have (and prepare for this post to get rambly) is that I am a sponge that reads too much. I read beauty blogs, lifestyle blogs, DIY blogs, interior blogs, money saving blogs, haul blogs, funny blogs, mummy blogs, A LOT OF BLOGS. I see things I like and think, 'Oh yes, I could do something along those lines' and so I do. I get addicted to a blog or writer and read EVERYTHING they have ever written and wish I could be a bit like them. I felt like I was loosing myself in a see of brilliant blogs and that I could firmly grasp an identity for this place. It was a good problem to have- I wanted to do TOO MANY things. I once was a craft blog, and then a beauty blog, and then an everything blog.

From now on, this is a Louise Blog. That's the category. Louise. 

I am giving myself permission to write about anything that brings me joy. If it is a beauty product that I have adored then I'll tell you, if I have had a good flurry of instapics then I'll share, if Baby Glitter did something precious then I'll document it. I want to document my life. I want to photograph my home and cherish the things I purchase and share my loves and dreams and hopes and thoughts. 

Sprinkle of Glitter
Jersey top || ASOS

I'm still going to read all those blogs because they enrich my mind. But I'm going to be healthy about it. I'm going to read them and congratulate them on being so brilliant. And then I'm going to settle down and be myself. 

I almost feel embarrassed that it's taken me this many months and weeks to realise this, especially as I had so many blog friends (thank you El) tell me the same, but I guess I just had to feel it, rather than know it. 

I know it now. I don't want to quit, I want to do quite the opposite. 

I want to incorporate all my worlds on here. I want to share all the amazing YouTube things I do, all the places I go and all the glamour, as well as my home life. For the longest time I have shielded my blog from the glitz of YouTube land because I felt it would be un-humble to talk too much about it. I was afraid you would think I've changed or that I am becoming someone above her station. After quite a lot of thought it dawned on me that you would most likely just be happy for me (as I would for you) and that it would be really exciting to have you along for the ride. I'm not silly, I know these experiences (trips to America, premieres, swish hotels etc) won't last forever so I am savouring it all and would love to have you all involved. 

On top of that, I am FINALLY finishing off my home, room by room. We moved in over four years ago! I had a year to arrange the major things (rewiring and kitchen fitting) and then I fell pregnant. I lost my job, was tired all the time, had a bambino, Sprinkle of Glitter took off and the house was left by the wayside. With the help of ideas from across the web (God bless pinterest), I have started styling my home into a space I am really proud of.

Being at home is my most happy place. I would choose it over ANYWHERE. I look forward to weeks where I know I don't have to leave and I yearn to be here when I'm away. Since it's so special to me, it makes sense to show a bit more of it on this blog. 

Oooooeeeeee I've written a lot very quickly. That all just fell out in about 30 seconds. With that off my chest, I feel pretty confident in saying that I'm back. I have a huge list of posts I want to write and new vigour to write them.

Stick around, things are about to get fun!

If you have anything particular you would like to read on this blog, now is your chance to tell me. I can't wait to hear from you.



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  1. Yay, this makes me so happy :)
    I'm glad that your blog will now be a 'Louise' blog and that you're not quitting! You shouldn't feel the need to have to only be a certain way. Can't wait for all the future posts!
    Maybe if you were to talk about books or songs that you like or songs and the memories attached to them or something?- I don't know, just an idea :) Much love xx

  2. lovely ramble Louise! You are amazing at what you do! x

  3. Oh Louise, I love you. Your blogs is amazing. I also love the fact you're a fellow Northamptonian. I accidentally deleted the majority of my blog post and cant get them back woops :(


  4. I love your blog Louise (:

  5. this is great louise! i love watching your vlogs on youtube, & i feel like your blog is a completely separate world that holds up all on its own. it's a great idea that you are writing about anything & everything now, because who really wants to talk about only one topic all the time?? keep it up :)
    Follow on Bloglovin'

  6. You and zoe inspire me! I love your blogs! any tips on how I can get a bigger audience? please check out my blog! you don't know how happy it would make me! have a great afternoon! love you Louise!<3

  7. So happy that you're doing exactly what you want to now - can't wait for all the posts:D <-- if you have a moment, please check out our blog:Dxxx

  8. This is really very inspiring, Louise, and I'm really happy you're doing what makes you happy!

  9. I'm so happy about this! I love your blog and have been following for years. Can't wait for the future posts!

  10. This is really inspiring Louise, can't wait for the outcome! :) xx

  11. Love this post! Well done you for writing in what you believe!
    Love the pics too! Fab! I'd love a pair of pink rims for my glasses! Xxx

  12. It's great that you're doing exactly what you want. If you were just writing things to please other people then it would take away the fun you have writing it. Love you louise!xxx

  13. Good to have you back, Louise! Can't wait for all the good stuff, that is coming up :)I LOVE YOU

  14. Im so happy that you have found who you want to be as a blogger Louise! Don't ever be afraid to share anything on here, especially when it comes to the amazing opportunities you have experienced thanks to your hard work on youtube! No one would ever feel that you are bragging, and if they do say anything of that sort - then they are not a true sprinklerino! (Goodness knows if I have spelt that correctly!) I'm probably an older sprinklerino (there I go again) at the grand old age of 25, but I adore reading your posts! I use them as a way of escapism, starting my teacher training in less than 2 weeks means I am overloaded with information, and love to read blogs to unwind! Thank you for being an inspiration; I've started a blog to document my teacher training year so I can look back and remember where I have come from! Thank you for everything, and keep on achieving those dreams :) @rachhh_88 xxxxxx

  15. Carry on being YOU Louise, because its YOU that we all love! <3

  16. YAY! You're back, and I love reading everything you post. I'm just so happy you post about what you love.


  17. Well done, that's exactly what everybody should do, categorize their blog as Louise, or Katy, or Zoe or who ever she or he is. You are a true inspiration and I'm looking up to you, I always have and I always will. I love reading all kinds of posts of your already because of your amazing writing skills, you could totally write a best seller book btw ;) and your blog is definatley on top of my favourites list <3 ps. these pictures are gorgeous - as always :)xxx

  18. :) That's exactly the same mentality that I have on my blog - if I want to write about something, I will! There's much worse places to be selfish than on a blog! x

  19. Oooh you've gone all out with posts today, haven't you? Great post! Love when I see you've written a new blog post. You're definitely one of my blog inspirations.
    Katie x

  20. Loved reading this post, it inspired me to rethink my about my blog. Thanks Louise xxx

  21. Nice to see you back in the blogging world Louise! I'd love to hear about all your exciting adventures! :D Love you and your blog muchly! :D xxx

    Taylor Lou-xo | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  22. Welcome back, Louise! It's great to have you with us again. :)

  23. I thought you did this anyway, I think one of the reasons why I love your blog is because it doesn't subscribe to any particular category, it just seems to be you.

    I'm not much of a youtube watcher but I do occasionally watch your videos because you seem like a genuine, nice, normal person.

  24. Louise will you do a post on your favourite blogs you love broken down into lifestyle, mummy, beauty etc? It's lovely to share the blog love and see what inspires you and also learn something a bit different about you away from the world of you tube. Xx

  25. So glad to see you back, it's good that you have a break, sometimes it's what we all need!
    Lovely post Louise!


  26. YAY! Louise is back! I love seeing your adventures of youtube but it's such a different sort of experience to reading on your blog about you life and loves etc can't wait to see your posts back on my reader, I always look forward to them :D So glad you're in such a good place right now. It'll be lovely to see your home!
    Helen xxx

  27. We're all so happy for the amazing opportunities that you've been given, I think 'Louise' may become my favourite style of blog!

    Lydia x

  28. I totally understand why you wanted to separate blogging from youtube, as not to 'brag', but you've hit the nail on the head, I think most of your readers are very happy and excited for you. Well I know I am, you are experiencing new things and taking us along with you, and just as exciting as it is for you, I also feel excited for you! I'm glad you stepped back and now back on form, i'm excited to see what you'll do next.

    (I've realised how many times I've excited in this post, I'm sorry I really should crack open the thesaurus!)

    Sarah xx

  29. glad to see you back and with a great attitude!;) I cant wait to see what you'll bring to your blog because I know it will be interesting and unique as always

  30. I just really adore you so much!
    You are the best, seriously I Love how you always Stay True to yourself !

  31. I'm so happy that you aren't quitting blogging! I think it's nice not to catorgrise your blog as being about one thing, and just writing what you feel like:) I'm looking forward to reading the new posts !:)

  32. Love this! It's all about you and if people don't want to read it then that's fine just as long as it's what you want to write :)Love your positive posts, they make me feel more motivated to strive to achieve like you!
    Frankie xx

  33. I am so excited you are back! I know I'm not alone in saying that I honestly, truly love any content you post as long as it's "you". :)

  34. Girl you are SO beautiful!!!!! Looking SO GOOD and blonde is TOTALLY your color!!!

  35. Tha's truly amazing, Loise. You have to write about anything you want and anything you feel. I'm pretty sure that everyone will like these posts. Just stay you and listen to your heart. I love you. :)

  36. Hi Louise! I just discovered your Youtube channel and blog a couple of weeks ago and I love them both! This post really spoke to me. I started a blog not too long ago. I read A LOT of blogs too and kept trying to figure out where to place mine when I realized I was happiest just writing and sharing everything and anything I choose to. I think it can be somewhat daunting see so many amazing blogs out there and not comparing yourself to them. But I also think it's what makes these communities so great the ability to share and work together and create. I so enjoy your humor and feel my talking in a horrible fake British accent has run amuck but it's totally worth for having stumbled upon such inspiring people like yourself. Looking forward to reading more over here.

  37. To be honest... I love blogs like this! It is exactly the one I love to read! So I'll be here every day now to see if there is a new post!(I actually allready did that)
    And it is really nice to read that you are so happy with the small family and you're own house and everything!
    you're are very lucky!
    Love you!x

    ~Roy Assink

  38. I'm so glad you're back, I've missed my regular read and catch up on your blog! I'm sure we will all enjoy what you'll post. as long as you're enjoying writing and writing what you love then we all with love it too!xx

    Also, you're soooooooooooooo beautiful its not even fair!

  39. Louise, you really are amazing. I'd like to sincerely thank you for everything you do for us. I love being able to be a small part of your life and get to hear more of your story, it's truly a privilege. You really are one of my top role models and I just love seeing you succeed, as long as I'm as happy as you seem when I "grow up" i'll be extremely satisfied with my life. Additionally, thanks for making all your fans see that we're all beautiful in different ways. I can honestly say you've really helped my self esteem during tough moments of my life and for that, i'm eternally grateful. Anyway, thanks a lot for everything, you truly are an amazing person. I hope to meet you someday!
    Lots of Love,
    Chandler, @chandlernohr

  40. Louise, I read your blog every time you post! (I check it about 3 times a day! I have it in my bookmarks bar!)
    I don't ever comment but today I thought I would. I have loved watching you grow in your channel and I am so pleased so many other people have seen how wonderful you are like I have! Thank you so much for making my days that little bit brighter (Oooerr I am getting mushy now! HA!)
    I reckon you're proper boss
    Ellis :)

  41. I'd love to see pics of how you've jazzed up your home!

  42. I would love it if you would share recipies you cook at home and maybe the baking you do with Baby Glitter. Also I would love to see how you organise your house and bedroom!!

    MissBeccaBeauty xo

  43. I sometimes find myself doing the same. I find myself writing things I think other people may enjoy instead of what I actually want to write. Luckily, I seem to be fighting against this and I write what I love.
    This means I write about literally anything and everything. My last post was about elephants and Rhinos and the one before that vintage decor.

    I want my blog to be a virtual diary of my life and I'm happy you feel the same about yours :)


  44. As I read this, I felt a sense of pride. Although you don't know me, I really enjoy reading your blogs and watching your YouTube videos. You are so humble and funny. I'm so happy for you that you have decided to make this what YOU want. And I'm sure it will be even better than before! (Even though it was great before!)

    You are such an inspiration to so many people. And I can't wait to see what's in store! :)

  45. Go Louise and welcome to the I don't fit into a standard blog category clan!

    When I started me blog,, I tried so hard to structure my posts to fit in with the rest. I quickly realised I write because I love to and limiting what I wrote about didn't make me happy. So now I'm flexible in my approach to my posts, sure I have some themes, but no set structure.

    I hope you reconnect with why you started blogging in the first place and have a blast doing it.


  46. Love this post, you don't need to fit into any category, just make your own! Your blog is just so lovely and inspirational so don't ever go absent from the blogging world again!

    Belle x
    Mascara & Maltesers

  47. I love your blog Louise, its perfect! I too only realised that my blog was a 'Kay' blog and not just a Mummy blog. Took me forever to think its ok to be more than just a mum!

    Kay xxx

  48. This was a lovely blog post :) Its nice to have a catch up with louise, for yourself and for us. I just like to see you happy is all :)xx

  49. Yayee I'm glad your happy with your blog and I love the category Louise haha. I'm just documenting my life too, I love looking back on the things I've done and this is a great way to do it! You do you ;) your one of my favourites! :)

    Beyond Bally.

  50. I have the same problem, I want to be every type of blog! BUt I love how your posts vary so much, it makes it all the more interesting! I very much love the 'Louise' category of blog!:)xxx

  51. awww rading the bit about lost job then having baby glitter i know that must off been hard as i was the other way roung had my daughter then lost my lost job, ( the joy of the wooiles day.) love the blog and youtube x

  52. I like that idea, a Louise blog because you're not just a mum or a beauty lover (you're those things and more). This is along the lines of things I keep telling myself in life and when blogging. There isn't anything in particular that I want to on here just things that you enjoy (because that really comes across). Thanks for the honest post!


  53. I love this post :)
    You are such a wonderfull person. You are a HUUGE inspiration to me :)

  54. I am so happy you are back! And I totally agree that you should write about whatever you want. In fact, I love reading posts about your home life and youtube as well as beauty reviews and crafts. I am finally moving into my own place and I am so excited to decorate and I often look to you as inspiration. Without sounding greedy, I would love to see more house/decorating/home corner posts. You are amazing!

  55. I love your blog - and never felt aware when reading to any difference in style or content, all your posts are super personal and humble.
    I would love to see a blog post about your University days! You have previously talked about Liverpool so fondly.
    I'm currently studying, and would love to see all the memories you had a uni, and maybe a reflection of your time when you were there?

    Sending love and good wishes to you and your family!

  56. Louise you really are amazing at what you do and i adore your blog :) Also please can i be as gorgeous as you? :) xx


  57. Yay I'm so happy that you're back!
    I love this blog because it you are so sincere and beautiful and it just makes me happy every time I read it. :) I will say that my favorite posts are the motivational Monday ones because, let's be honest, Monday sucks. My first Monday back to school is coming up and I know I am going to need something to help me be happy and fun and other good things, so if there isn't a new one I am all about reliving the old ones. I don't know how you managed to be that inspirational and motivational on a Monday morning, but I appreciate it. So, thank you. Thank you for making Mondays better and having such a cuuuute and fun and loving blog.

    Jessica :)

  58. Awww what a great post, so happy your happy. Love you're blog and Youtube channel, their so fun and interesting.

    Sophie xx

  59. i think the louise blogs are the best way forward! x

  60. What a lovely post, Louise (as always)! When I write, it's about things that make me happy and that's all that really matters. You're my biggest inspiration for starting my own blog, seeing what wonderful blog world you've created, so thank you so much for that! And I'm really glad that you feel happy with writing about what brings you joy :)

  61. Aw I am so glad you are back, you have really been missing in my feed :)
    I like that Louise category, I think it is best to do what you like to do anyway. Just do what you enjoy, you don't need one special area to focus on, I think the mixture is perfect :)

  62. This might just be the thing I need to do with my blog. I feel and understand that I've been away for too long, but I just didn't know how to get back! It's hard to keep up a craft blog if you don't have much ideas, you're too lazy to make a tutorial, ect. :) I did tend to write about myself, but nothing much though.

    ~Anete :)

  63. Aww, love this & love you!
    "Louise" is a perfect category!

  64. Louise I love your honesty and the rammbling! I've watched so many of your youtube video's that it's actually weird, but I can read your blog posts and hear your voice reading it.... weird but comforting :)(sorry if that creeps you out haha but its been a tough year for me and your videos are a constant pick-me-up)
    You have been an inspiration to me and by the looks of it... to a hell of a lot of other people.
    I pinned something on pinterest ages ago but it says...
    'I aim to inspire before I expire'
    & you inspire me to want to inspire others :) I love your blogs and im so pleased that you've found yourself and again! I'm looking forward to your blog posts and your youtube vid's, anything you post we'd be happy to read :)

    Keep Happy, love from Scotland :)

  65. Aww a Louise blog is the loveliest :) expressing yourself however you feel like is more important than a specific category anyway is what i feel :) You're absolutely gorgeous and you are a huuuuge inspiration for me<3

  66. So glad you're back! I have missed reading your blog but I'm also glad you've stopped and refreshed. We are only human and when things get too much, it's important to take a step back :)
    I just want to read about what you want to write about. If you like it, it will be positive, convincing and full of enthusiasm! That's the best kind of blog post.
    Sam xx

  67. Louise you're perfect! i love your blog and Youtube video's. You and Zoe inspire me and I'm proud to be a spinklerino :') <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  68. yaaay, I'm so glad you are back Louise. but I'm also very glad that you took the time to figure out what direction you want to go in. This blog post was very refreshing to read, and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us avid sprikle of glitter readers! xo, Ashleigh.

  69. Enjoyed reading this post, I definitely missed your posts on my to-read pile, but I understand why you took some time to yourself to reflect and to find your own place on the sometimes absorbing interwebz. I'm happy you decided to categorise this blog as 'Louise'. No restrictions, just being yourself. As it should be, that's why we all start our little blog to begin with. At the end of the day, you don't owe anyone anything or vice versa. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this blog of yours again as much as I do! xx

  70. Welcome back! Home always makes me happier as well. I'm excited that you're excited! :)

  71. this has made me very happy Louise! I'd love to have more of an insight on your life and the things you like as I think a lot of us like those things to:') & I must say, you look beautiful in these images!! x

  72. So good to have you back and feeling like yourself again! :)
    Can't wait to see what new things you bring to your little blog!!

  73. This is so exciting! I can't wait for future blog post! So happy you're happy. :D

    Karla @

    Ladies Join my "That's my Style link party today! Share your beauty/fashion/DIY links for every to see!!

  74. I am new to blogging, but your blog has given me so much inspiration, and I want to sincerly thank you for that. I really look forward to reading your future posts :)

  75. YAY LOUISE! I'm so super happy that you've decided this for your account! That's so amazing that you can feel comfortable enough to do what you want because that's what your own blog is supposed to be all about! Its so hard to figure out what you want to write about but I think that you should have an open forum and do whatever you want! GO LOUISE! love you lots!!

  76. Oh Louise! We could never hate you for not writing! I know how stressful it is to write every single day. I am super glad that you are feeling more like yourself and are happier with your blog. I will read anything that you write. If you wrote about to rangle an alligator I would still read it. I think I would like to see a bit more beauty reviews but I also love lifestyle posts with pictures of Darcy and Matt!! Love you so much, you are amazing!!! ^_^ xxx

  77. Love your rambles, I think what you're doing is great and I'm glad you're happy :D x
    Freya's Fashion Chapter

  78. A "Louise" blog sounds just perfect! Can't wait to read all your posts coming up.

    And by the way, you look so pretty in that picture.


  79. This made me smile so much! I have been watching your videos and reading your blog for so long and I think it's amazing! You are amazing! It's brilliant that you feel you can be yourself and if you want to document everything then do it! I think I speak for all your readers when I say that we are just as excited to read about daily life and Darcy as we are about make-up and clothes! That is my exact plan for my blog, documenting everything!
    We love you Louise!

  80. I love you Louise!
    I love just hearing about what you've been up to really hahaha! :)

  81. I love the idea of your 'Louise' blog! It's something I'm trying to do with my little baby blog, is make it me.

    On an added note, where do you get that red and white striped shirt?

  82. At the end of the day your blog is for you and we will all enjoy it whatever you want to share!
    I have just started a blog and i'm thinking the same as you - it's purely me and things I enjoy, like a diary almost - and along the way you get to gain friends (hopefully)!
    Enjoy your blog! I love your posts :) x

    Lou's News
    Louise x

  83. I've never seen your home. Could that be a subject? I'm decorating my very first and only own place right now :B ...ideas, ideas!! I have had a few kinds of blog: a journal kind, a travelling one, an art one, all with my own material and I have ended up deleting them all. Why?.... Today I only keep the craft one. But I miss writing. :/ XD

  84. Loving this post Louise! I do the exact same, I obsess over blogs but then feel like maybe i have to try be like that person, or that i am not actually good enough to blog. My blog is about anything i want to(only a beginner), plus i have a daughter so it can be mummy-fied. but i always worry that people are not going to like what i write. I'm worried i wont be accepted. I would love to be in your position with working from home due to having a little person to look after 24/7. As well as me being... well jealous but super happy for bloggers like you, I seriously hope i can become as amazing as you are.

    Keep bloggin as I love having a read of your blogs. You may not even see this. But anything is worth a try, right?

    Looking as beautiful as ever in those pictures too! :)

    Clair :) xx

  85. As a new blogger I am just finding my genre but this has inspired me to just blog, what I want, when I want and not to follow what others are doing. To be original. Thank you for the inspiration!!
    Emily xox

  86. I'm so excited for all your upcoming post! I love watching your YouTube adventures and can't wait to read about them! I also would love to see your house and all the effort and love you have put into it. I already know its wonderful. :)


  87. You are sooooo beautifull. Love from Poland <3<3<3 my beauty blog

  88. This inspired me... I love your idea of your 'Louise' blog. I just started mine and I can definitely say that this has inspired me to make my blog an 'Ashley' blog. I shouldn't be attempting to be like someone else. The best person I know how to be is myself. I love to blog, and I want to share my life and the things that I love with people. That is the reason why I started it. Thanks so much! :)

  89. Hello Louise!
    Wow! Your 'having hope' video made me go into so many tears! :') I'm so happy for you to getting this far, and it's all down to your attitude, you always have a smile on your face, and give every one your smile even when you don't know them! ;P oh by the way I love you 'extras' part in your description bit on your YouTube videos and I also love your new end parts with random phrases, they make me laugh. You have taught me so many things throughout the past years and you've probably taught others too! You look though things which others would seem as difficult. You are so beautiful. And your baby glitter is beautiful too, she must get all her looks from you! :) you inspire me so much and I feel like I know you so well! Even though its is through a camera. I'm so glad you've had all the success you have because you deserve it and I'm very much sure that millions of others will agree! Love you loads xxxxx❤❤❤❤❤❤

  90. Hey Louise:) If you want you can also read my blog :P ! I love yours, it's great, sunny and funny:)

  91. I'm GLAD that you want to continue blogging. I have to say your blog is one of those I enjoy reading the most as all your posts just seem so real and sincere. :-) Keep doing what you do!

  92. I'm an everything reader and before starting my own blog, I wanted to be like an A another, but now I just write because I love writing. There's no other better feeling than just being yourself! xxx Jade

  93. wow, Louise, that shirt looks great on you! Better than dresses , you look so young and fresh but still girly! + your last video was amazing, I just want to hug you! You deserve the best!

  94. Hi Louise!
    I know you probably won't ever get a chance to read this, but I would love to let you know that you are such a wonderful person. Your YouTube video's cheer me up whenever I need to be cheered up, everything you do you do with so much kindness and thoughtfulness (but also making sure that you yourself are happy). I'd probably have to say that you are one of my idols and I would love to grow up to be like you one day, although not an exact copy o you as everyone should be their own person (you taught me that).
    But you are honestly amazing Louise I love you :* xxx

  95. When you were saying that you wanted to be like others, I feel like that about you. Be happy in yourself because to me, your amazing and inspirational xx

  96. Is Matt watching Untouchable?? It's an amazing French film if you haven't seen it already. hilarious!
    My blog has always been just me, I do what please me and just see if others are interested :) not much pointing doing it if you don't enjoy it.
    I absolutely love your vlogs and blogs and will read and watch for ever and ever :D

    -Sarah Speaks

  97. I don't usually comment but really just wanted to say thank you for always being you.
    It's sad when people become more popular and appear to change as a person - from what made them popular in the first place. You come across as very down to earth and genuine which are two lovely quality to have - with a great sense of humour too! :)
    I honestly pretty much enjoy everything you post (in a non teen fangirly kind of way of course, being as I'm half way to 50 already! Urgh..!) but especially like lifestyle posts.. Days out, what you've been upto etc. just cause I'm a bit of nosey bugger really! xxx

  98. This is such a good post! It's very easy to fall into categories rather than just writing about things you enjoy and cherish- can't wait for future posts :)

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. I just wanted to say that I always really enjoy reading your blog posts and watching your videos.You are so humble and appreciative of everything you experience and it is a pleasure to see you experience all of these amazing things. All the best for the future xxx

  101. You're a lovely person, and I literally love every single post or video you make:)
    I've just started a blog myself, but I haven't got any comments yet. Would you please read a post and leave a comment? I would shout so hard if I saw you did that I bet you would hear me(and I live in Holland).

    love ya xoxo

  102. I'm so glad you're back! xoxo

  103. Louise, I have to say your latest video upload about hope made me well up! You are so deserving of everything of all the positivity in your life now, I love reading/watching the little snippets about your life and look forward to more posts! In my opinion people love you so much as you are so humble & appreciative which are both beautiful qualities to have :)

    Bloss xox

  104. These chatty posts are some of my favorite! I love reading just about the little things that you going on! You do an amazing job keeping up with blogging and youtube and just life! xx Rena Kiss and Make Up

  105. Love this post, very honest and from the heart. I love my daughter, family and home very much too. xx

  106. I love your blog no matter what you write, Louise. Basically you could write about a cabbage and i'd still be interested. I'm glad you're back :)x

  107. Wow you are such an inspiration! Just wanted to let you know that how you feel about these blogs you read like crazy well, it'S probably how I feel about yours :) You're one of my favorites! xxx (And I myself went crazy reader about your blog, it's kind of a big thing as a compliment huh?! :D)

  108. I love this post, and I adore your blog. I think that making it your own space is the perfect direction to go. I follow you on Youtube as well and I'm always excited to hear about all the opportunities you have.

    Fashion and Happy Things

  109. Great post, you blog is so great! Just write about what makes you happy! :)

  110. I honestly just love you Louise, this along with your latest video just reinforces to me how lovely a person you are. Can't wait to read more :)

  111. Lovely to have you back blogging in such a fabulously refreshed mood Louise :)
    You look wonderful in these photos x

  112. So excited to see you back on the blog wagon!

  113. hi Louise, glad you're feeling refreshed and ready to blog, blog, blog! I'be been reading you blog for what seems like ages and you've inspired me to write my own blog! wish me luck!

  114. you look so beautiful in these photos! <3

  115. you are honestly amazing Louise! share whatever you like, I'm sure many of us will enjoy ANYTHING you write/share! xx

  116. yaaaaayyy! louise I am so beyond happy that you're back! you're blog puts a smile on my face every time I read it (which is everyday) and I think it's fantastic that you're actually blogging this you want to blog! I so can't wait to see what wonders you have in store! :)
    lots of love!!

  117. Another great post Louise! You are absolutely right. You should blog about anything your heart desires. If you do, your passion will shine through it will continue to be a happy place for you to come and reflect though and on.

  118. I want to read your blog because you are fascinating JUST BEING LOUISE! And you are beautiful and hilarious and sweet and charming and fully YOURSELF. That last one is something to which I think we all should aspire!

  119. This post is so inspirational, your blog is one of my favourites! I would love to read about how you got to where you are today and what inspired you to start blogging in the first place!? x

  120. Aww I love your blog so much! Write about whatever you want, I'll always be here to read it!!

  121. Louise you should never feel pressured by your readers to write a certain thing. We want to read about you and find inspiration from you and in order to do that you have to enjoy blogging and share posts that capture all aspects of the life that you love. I love reading each and every one of your posts because they are YOU.
    I am so glad you feel yourself again and can't wait for many happy posts (especially about your new decor, I am having a little Pinterest interior craze myself)!

    Feel free to take breaks when needed so we can keep you feeling energised and happy just like the Louise we know and love! :)

    Can't wait to read more!
    Love, Lou xxx

    P.S. I adore the first picture, it's so natural!

  122. such an inspiring post, excited for all the good things to come! you are amazing, Louise. xx

  123. It's the best way, of course! And you are now one to be envied too not just other bloggers! I'd love to have even 1/4 of your comments on my blog. I must keep sharing though as I want to pass on what I've learnt about creating a Lusher Life.

    Funny thing, I had a dream last night I bumped into you and Zoe at a local cafe. You said "Ohh aren't you Lusher life? From my sidebar?" I said "Yes, that's me!" All chuffed to bits! Haha have to laugh :O)

    Much love

  124. I just started out on blogging and you were one of my inspirations to start it, I seriously love your blog with the many things that you post. I love how you are yourself, not caring what people think or post, just doing what you want to do, I seriously LOVE that, thank you. xxx

  125. So glad to see that you're back and that your break away has given you the fresh start you were looking for. I love your posts and videos. They are always so positive and inspirational that they always make my day that little bit brighter. In fact, it was your log that inspired me to start my own and I'm so glad that I did as it gives me so much enjoyment in my little quiet life. So thank you, Louise.

    Debi x

  126. that's why we all love you xx

  127. Whatever you write about Louise it is always interesting! I love your stripey top!

    Charlotte xxx - Giveaway:)

  128. We missed you Louise! I'm so glad you're back with your blog.
    Congratulations on everything you've done!

  129. I like it a lot that this blog is in the category Louise. Although I'm super excited - like a child (or me) on Christmas morning - that you're back, I'm glad you had your break for you!

  130. Welcome back! I would really want to know what blogs you've been reading lately, since I'm always looking for new blogs to read, I'm a bit addicted myself, haha.

  131. Thanks so much for your real and honest posts and videos. I love that you are who you are and I find it very inspiring. I've recently come across your YouTube channel and then found your blog from there. I'm completely addicted to your videos and get excited every time there is a new one up. I always feel so happy after watching you or reading your blog and I find it makes my day that little more joyful. I know this sounds soppy but keep being who you are, because so many people are attracted to people that are sure of themselves.
    I can't wait to share in the snippets of your life that you share with us. Thank you for letting me be a part of that.

  132. Can't wait to read your new content! I definitely don't mind Sprinkle of Glitter being a Louise blog, because you and your amazing personality is why I check this little corner of the internet nearly everyday! xx Emmi

  133. your current hair colour is really beautiful! and what else i have to say, your daughter is the cutest! i really like how you dress her! (:


    i am back with a new blog:

  134. I think I found where's wally! hehe :)

    Imogen - A Rendezvous with you

  135. Ahh, Louise, I love this!! I think a lot of people who have blogs dwindle on this, and then think "OH I MUST ONLY POST THINGS PERTAINING TO MY BLOG" and then we miss all these other wonderful things in their life! I think it's good for some people to organize but I want my blog to be more of a reflection of me as well. So I'm going to try to follow your lead and do the same with my blog :D I recently made a side blog for my every day stuff. I keep it more private, but at the end of each week I want to make like a "catch up with me this week" post where i summarize the week and the happenings. Kinda rambled there for a bit XD But I like the idea a lot, and I'm glad to hear you're going to be writing here more often! I missed you, Louise!

  136. Cant wait to see what coming up next lou!

    Pipp xx

  137. Great ramble post :)
    I love blogs that are all about the person rather than a certain topic. I've started going down this route with my blog and am enjoying it so much more. Anything goes now! x

  138. I loved this random post, your so pretty louise!! Hope you had a great time in America with all your youtubearino friends :)

  139. I can't wait to see what posts you have coming up soon, specifically lifestyle, baby Glitter and home style blogs. You look lovely as always :)!

  140. Please Check out our blog and have a read

  141. I do the exact same thing! All I do is read blogs and wish my life was like the bloggers. You are an inspiration and a reminder to be yourself :) I'm excited for your future posts! <3

  142. Love having another thing to read from you!(:

  143. Louise I haven't been following you long but already I think your amazing, no really your blog posts are always interesting and fulfilling to read. I think its lovely idea to just post what you want people to read about you :)


  144. I love you Louise, you are my inspiration :) <3

  145. Don't feel silly sharing your experiences on this blog too, we are all so proud of everything you have achieved! You're great :)

  146. Welcome back Louise!
    I love your blog so much. :)

    Verve Hues

  147. i love (and would like to see more of) these chatty posts! And pictures, lots and lots of pictures; they just make me so happy to have a sneak peak into you. You're positive attitude and smileyness always make my heart happy.
    T H A N K Y O U

  148. This may sound odd but I would love to see a blog post about writing/creating your blog, as you've inspired me to start my own but I have no clue where to begin!

  149. Hi Louise! I'm soo happy that you've decided to start writing you blog again because i love it so much and i've missed reading your blog posts! I especially love the blog posts you do with Baby Glitter (Darcy) in them because she is just the cutest baby ever, and she has the most inspiring mum in the world!

    Love you lots oxox!


  150. Welcome back! I'm looking forward to reading your 'Louise' blog :)
    I've wanted to make my blog a place where I can write about anything from my life that I feel like sharing, but I've also felt a bit silly and I've started and deleted a few because of this! This post is inspiring :)

    Emily xo

  151. Hey Louise,

    It's good that you now know what you want and that you've decided that your blog is going to be a 'Louise' blog! I know the feeling that you want your blog, or in my case my life to be like someone elses. This post has been usefull to me as i now know that that will be fine too. I wish you very much luck with your 'Louise' blog!


  152. So happy for you Louise! I've always felt that your blog was more of a 'Louise Blog' anyway though, as your character and personality shines through in everything you write (: you're just fab! I'm also starting up a blog and am finding it difficult to decide what I should put on there, so this post has been really helpful (:

    Lots of love xxx

  153. Oh, Louise, I just love you. This is actually the first time I have ever written a comment on your blog or youtube but I've loved you for a while already. I also read too many blogs about everything and anything but personal blogs like yours are really my favorite. You seem like an incredibly nice person and I wish I could know you in real life!

  154. i just wanted to click the like button but there is no one. so i write a comment.
    I like your blog post verry much and you should only write when you feel happy not to make other people happy.

  155. you are so pretty!!!

  156. I really love your posts but particularly your posts on confidence and plus size fashion :)

  157. Love this post! Why shouldn't you write about the things you love! Cannot wait to read more! :)


  158. I think its good to expand and evolve as a blog, but as a person also. People don't progress doing the exact same thing all the time! This is YOUR BLOG, you should feel like you can write/blog about what ever you want! We are all here and interested in hearing (reading) your points/thoughts. Its good to have a break, you deserve it!! Love your blog (whatever you post) KEEP IT UP!! :)


  159. Glad that you're not quitting! Very excited for your upcoming posts, a house tour, perhaps? Category Louise is fine! I can't seem to put my blog in any category too now :) Your blog is definitely much better than mine

  160. Woo! This is brilliant! You're fantastic and "just be you" is the best message any blogger/youtube guru could give to their readers. Thank you!


  161. Yay! Louise your blog is so brilliant and fun to read and I really enjoy all the personal things you write about (such as Baby Glitter and your adventures1). I am so glad you aren't quitting and thank you for always being a ray of sunshine! <3

  162. Great to have you back and even greater you feel at peace with your blogging self as well again. I would never hae dreamed of thinking less of you because you get the amazing opportunities to go to premiers etc. because you are one of the most down-to-earth persons I've ever come across on the Internet.
    Please, continue to be as fabulous as you are, we all love you :)


  163. I really liked this post and why shouldn't you write about what you enjoy! I can't wait for more of your blog posts :)

  164. This is such a great post, I really like you, you are so inspirational! Now I feel confident not to worry about being myself. Thank you :)

  165. So inspirational, since i've discovered this blog, i've been nothing than confident, thank you so much xxx

  166. probbaly this comment will get lost in the hundreds you get everyday but it's worth a shot. i really admire your work even if you are still "looking for an identity" for the blog, you are so spontaneous and sparkly that it's a pleasure to read you and watch your vids! i also started a blog at the beginning of my year abroad and now that i'm back i suffer from post-erasmus depression (thats a legit condition u.u ) and i wanted to keep my blog alive and possibly helpful/entertaining for people, not just me and my close friends, so reading your stream of thoughts and ideas about your blog was very helpful! i wish one day to have some cool ideas and keep up the good work like you are doing ^^
    *long comment is long*

  167. I love posts like this. More of these please! I've just decorated my bedroom and I still have a few last minute things to do so I would love to see some of your decor! Welcome back Lousie :) xx

  168. This post is so great, I really want to get into blogging but I feel like I don'y fit into any proper category, but this just let me know that on my blog I can do what I like, thank you Louise! :)

    1. Awww this is so sweet Deanie, whilst I have been doing blogs I have learnt that it doesn't matter if you don't fit into a category just be yourself and write about what you want to write about :)

  169. All of your posts are just amazing SprinkleofGlitter! One day I would like my blog to be as popular as yours and your blogs are always fabidozey! If you have the time can you have a quick peak at my blog to give me any pointers please x

  170. your so beautiful Louise, I think your an inspiration and so relatable to everyone <3

  171. Louise, I think you're amazing.

  172. I like the sound of just a Louise blog, No actually, I LOVE the sound of a Louise blog!

  173. hey DIY Louise,
    Just an idea but i would love if you showed us your plains on how you are going to re-decorate your home, maybe what furniture your planning on getting or even got and/or even colour schemes your going for!
    anyways that was an idea!
    George xx

  174. Louise you've inspired me to blog just for the sake of blogging and for the enjoyment I get out of it and I'm done worrying about what kind of posts will get me reads etc. My blog name suggests exactly what will be on my blog from now on, my life. I want to be able to document my life and to make my blog a place where people can go and learn about me and somewhere that I'm proud to showcase on the internet so thank you! Also I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts whether they be beauty/lifestyle/baby glitter whatever they happen to be I always get excited when I see you've written and I always rush over to read it so you're doing a great job, keep it up and well done on the Youtube success and your blog's success I'm so proud of you!

    Ray xxx

  175. I love that you're just going to write what you like, so to speak. All my favourite blogs have this kind of format and its nice to see all aspects of life :)
    I would love to see more real life baby stuff, the ups and downs! I have an almost 10 month old daughter and sometimes wish I could read a blog about how hard (but rewarding of course) motherhood really is. A lighthearted look on this would be fab, especially coming from you as the way you word things always makes me smile!
    Look forward to reading lots more from you, I love when blog lovin' tells me there's a new sog post!!
    Kerry xx
    (P.s If you get time you can see my baby over on my little blog at

  176. I feel the same way sometimes. But my problem is that I do want to do everything and then I get overwhelmed and do nothing until I pick an avenue to go down.
    Anyway, glad you're back to normal :)

    Erin //

  177. I love seeing how happy you are now Louise! I'd love to see more Baby Glitter posts and posts about your fave movies/music/books etc?x

  178. Louise I'm so happy for you !!! Cant wait for you to take your new path and bring us with you :)

  179. Thanks for this post Louise, it was really lovely, happy and inspiring to read! And I love your photos too!


  180. I am definitely the same type of blog-reader as you, though in my case, I then find that I've used up all my time I set aside to blog to read blogs instead. And then I don't post for a while. So go you for being so frequent in your posts. Serious props :)

  181. Yay! A Louise theme! I think that is the best idea ever. Can't wait to read more, you're blog is always one of my favorites to read and it motivates me to work harder on my own blog. :-)

  182. im so happy i love your vids i always watch them

  183. inspiring, I love that you have decided to be yourself and I have decided I will try and do the same with my blog. Thanks Louise :)


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx