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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

LA Vidcon Questions

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

When I published THIS post about my trip to LA for Vidcon, I invited you to ask as many questions as you liked and promised to answer them. Well, the time has come to get cracking with my replies so I hope this provides a little more insight for you re: YouTuber Trips and if there is anything else you'd like to know, do feel free to ask.


What was it like sharing a house with lots of other YouTuber's?

Completely fine. Since I'm married and female, everyone agreed that I could have my own bedroom (spaces were limited) so I always had a quiet space to go to when I needed it. The boys were all really tidy and also very gentlemanly toward me. They are good eggs. 

Did you meet any new people who you never had heard of before? 

Yes! Two girls that stuck out particularly were Lily and Nadine who live in LA and are singers. They were so open and warm and interesting and I would like to have spent a lot more time with them both. I'm hoping they come to the UK soon so that I can play with them more. I also spent quite a bit of time with a YouTuber called Sawyer (watch out for our video collab soon) who was an absolute doll. There were obviously a lot of other new faces but they were my tippy toppy highlights.


Did you ever feel a bit overwhelmed by everything (as if you were a celebrity?) or did you feel comfortable the whole time?

Yes and No. I feel uncomfortable with the idea of being a 'celebrity' because I feel like to say, 'I am a celebrity' is akin to saying, 'I am above other people' in some aspect. That might not be the actual truth but that's how it feels in LouiseLand. I think I would prefer the term, 'well known YouTuber' or something of that nature for the time being. I felt entirely comfortable with having my picture taken and talking to people I didn't know and being in large crowds though, it was a lot of fun!

What was it like getting to meet some of YOUR favourite youtubers? 

Brilliant! I totally fangirled and got giddy and couldn't think of what I wanted to say. If you look closely in the video I filmed with Grace (one of my all time favourites), the vein on my forehead is popping out (ew)- a sure sign I am over excited!!


What were the beauty items you used most while you were there day-to-day?

I seemed to always be doing my makeup in a rush but steps I NEVER skipped were foundations (Mac Studio Sculpt), Eyeliner and Mascara. I also always made sure I had lipgloss in my bag at all times. 

What shops/restaurants would you recommend and why?

Believe it or not, I didn't actually go shopping whilst I was out there because I was more eager to meet viewers and spend time with people. I did go to quite a few restaurants though- a girl's gotta eat after all! I'm a huge fan of The Cheesecake Factory which I know is a chain (Zoe and I could've eaten there every single day!) and IHOP of course. Whilst in LA we went to this really cute little place called The Stinking Rose which specialises in garlic. It was great food with a great atmosphere and I will definitely be going back next year. 

What were the most amazing things that people gave to you at the meet up?

I don't like to pick just one thing because it seems unfair but I would have to say the things I was given for Darcy- she was spoilt rotten! I'm also rather fond of the little mini Louise figurine someone made! Also, someone rather naughtily gave me a beautiful mint necklace from Nordstrom. I always say, 'Please don't spend your money on buying me presents, treat yourself instead'. A lot of people at these events are young viewers who most likely live off pocket money- please don't waste it on me!

That doesn't really have anything to do with LA but i was just wondering, is it harder to edit vlogs or videos for your main channel? Or like which do you enjoy doing more?

It's much harder to edit main channel videos than vlogs. Vlogs are just clips of my day and I never give myself a time limit like I do my main ones. They feel a lot more relaxed and unpressurised so I think I'd lean toward saying I enjoy them a lot more.


The question I would like to ask you is what purchases did you make while over there? Also can you pick one favourite moment from the entire trip?

No purchases really except a few tacky magnets in the airport gift shop but my favourite moment I think was dinner with the Shaytards and my friends. I was missing my family SO much by that point and spending an evening with another loving family was just what I needed. I felt at my best that night- even if I did have crappy pool hair!

What website did you use to find the house in LA, or how did you come across the place?

I didn't find it myself, some of the boys organised it all. Sorry!


Have you been to Vidcon before?

No, that was my first trip but I plan on returning next year. Hopefully, depending on dates, with my family this time. 

How do you afford/save up for these trips?

A good question. I'll make no secret of the fact that this blog and my YouTube channel is my 'job'. I say job but really I feel like I need a word for 'amazing fun thing that I love to do'. I make money from the little ads that flash up on my videos (which you are not obliged to watch) and so I have been saving up that money to afford my flights etc. I must say, it is a very large expense and for that reason I very nearly didn't go. I actually told everyone I wasn't coming and then at the last minute (with a little bit of financial aid from my Dad- thanks Dad!), I went! Next year I will be more prepared and start saving earlier!!

Would you ever bring Darcy on any of you international adventures?

Absolutely yes. I took her to a British event (SITC) this summer and she was happy being there. I am hoping that next year or the year after she can come to Vidcon.

What were your favorite US makeup purchases? And did you ever make it to Target?

I never made it to Target. Once again I have missed out. I'm going to Florida in October so hopefully I can go then.


Guessing you were present when Zoe had her panic attack, I am just wondering how you/others who were also there reacted. Really don't hope this question makes you or Zoe or anyone else uncomfortable or distressed.

Yes I was present and I reacted how I always do to Zoe's panic attacks- with love and sympathy. When people are having panic attacks they don't need everyone to flap about and fire frustrating questions at them, they need calm reassurances and plenty of space. Fortunately we were in our hotel room so we didn't have to dash off to find a quiet place or anything. 

I was just wondering how you dealt with the massive crowds of people that were at Vidcon? Have you ever had any like phobias (of crowds or stuff) , or panic attacks or things like that?

Crowds don't bother me too much unless I'm really hemmed in. If that is the case, I just move away. The crowds at these sorts of thing are always well wishing and happy and so it's always nice to be amongst them. 


How does it make you feel when you see so many people who have travelled there, just to see you or one of your closest friends?

Very proud to have such an amazing friend and also very lucky to know her as well as I do. 

Do you have to pay for the flight and hotel room or is it paid by sponsors? 

This is tricky. Vidcon pays for some people in terms of hotel rooms and flights but not others. I paid for my own stuff :) If you would like more info on that, I suggest you contact vidcon because I'd rather not discuss other people's arrangements.

What would you say was the most memorable part about Vidcon or just visiting LA in general? 

Most memorable moment at vidcon was dancing on the main stage to celebrate the finale and most memorable moment of LA was the day we went to Malibu beach and then had dinner with the Shaytards.

Did you have an accident this time like in playlist live, if you know what i mean ;)

Ahahaha, no, I did not poop my pants!! 

And I thiiiinnkkkk that's all of them covered! Some of them were repeats so hopefully if you asked something, the jist of it is there. 

What a trip!! All the photos were quicky snaps I took on my vlog camera and forgot about. I'm so glad I took those snaps, the envoke such happy feelings for me. 

What do you think of vidcon? Is it something you would ever be interested in attending?



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  1. Wow thankyou for answering these questions Louise! I would love to be at Vidcon next year too! Hopefully I can start my holiday job and savings hehehe

  2. I'd love to go to vidcon one year! It looks like y'all had a blast! Love your blog and videos, Louise! They make my day so much happier. Hope you have a wonderful day! xoxo

  3. Awh it looks like you had so much fun, I would've loved to come out as being in New Zealand means hardly anything happens here! Your blog, vlogs and videos are amazing :)

    Sophie x

  4. Thanks for doing this cool Q&A!

  5. yeah i would really love to go meet u louise and some other people but i live so far away ( morocco) so i can t really go :/ BUT someday i will meet people i really love and admire that have actualy made a difference in my life like few amazing singers/writers and a few youtubers that i love and they actually care and have really good hearts like u louise wx

  6. I love how positive and bubbly you are :)

  7. I really enjoyed reading this! Looks like you had a great time! :D

    X Valérie
    I'm giving away TWO custom blogger designs! :)

  8. Do you already know the datey for next year or when they afe going to be announced? Because I would love to come but as I live in Austria I want to book my flight as early as possible because they tend to get really expensive :/ Also, do you know if VidCon does like a Facebook group or something to meet other people that are going, cos I'd have to go alone but it is kinda scary to be honest haha :)
    would be helpful if you could somehow get back to me :) xx

  9. You're awesome. xx

  10. I'm so happy you all had such a good time! And that picture of all of you at the beach is definitely one of my favourites that I've seen of the trip, you looks great Louise, there was no need to worry (especially with such a cute costume)!

  11. This is such a lovely post :)


  12. thank you for responding these questions. I am hoping to go to Vidcon next year. The pictures are so awesome!! Good thing that you were able to come back with no incident :) It looks loke you had a great fun there!! Thanks again for this wonderful post!!

  13. Such a lovely post
    Love Oresiri xoxo

  14. This was a great post to gain some insight of how Vidcon is like for YouTubers (:
    I really want to go next year, as it will be my summer before I start college, and it'll be a fun trip for me and my best friends!

    It's a Bug's Life

  15. I wish I could of gone to Vidcon or SITC

    Louise- I feel self-conscious on the beach in swimwear and wondered if you had any tips to get over my fear and to regain confidence about my body and the whole swimwear situation? xxxxx

  16. Thanks that you responded on the questions! The pictures you made really give the post something more. It's good you had a great time there.


  17. oh..thank you Louise for all the answers.
    I would love to attend some day this type of reunion, but I'm realistic and America is far far away from where I, unless I win the big pot on the lottery (I never play) it will be kind of hard.
    But a girl can dream!
    Hope you have a beautiful trip this October with your family!
    Hugs from Romania :*

  18. Sounds like you had the time of your life over in LA. Especially meeting grace, I also love her funny videos!!
    Thanks for your honest Q&A!!

  19. It sounds like you had such a wonderful time, I wish I could've come to see you!!! I'm currently watching all your old videos on YouTube (stalker much) and you're making me laugh so much which isn't very good because I'm supposed to be asleep.. Oops. Have a wonderful day Louise, lots of love and kisses to you, Matt and Darcy!


  20. Such a lovely post!


  21. Thank you for answering the questions! Sounds like you had a wonderful time in LA. I loved your collab with Grace. Made me laugh so much!



  22. I'm so pleased you had a good time, you deserved it so much!

  23. I'm glad you had fun in LA, Louise! :)

    Lucy | Lucys Lifestyle

  24. I love your honest answers! You deserve this so much!! Lots of love xx

  25. Wish I could go to vidcon! Sounds like GREATTT fun!! Izzy

  26. I love this post Louise, it's great to get a behind the scenes insight into what goes on. It sounds like you had a super time.
    I would love more of these Q&A type posts perhaps once a month you could set us a topic to ask questions about it, I would love to get involved.

    Sarah oxox

  27. Sounds like you had a blast. Love your beach pictures wish i could do something like this. Totally need to plan a road trip!!

    Carrieanne x

  28. Aw this made me smile :) - RR X

  29. Sounds amazing! x

  30. Great to read! Hopefully i will go to LA one day :)
    xx Stephanie (

  31. I would love so much to go to LA one day, it looks like you had an amazing time! Thanks for answering all these questions, Louise :) xx

  32. Great blog post - laughed out loud a few times to it. Also, great pictures! LA looks insane


  33. I would love to go to Vidcon one day! I think the atmosphere would be so fun and it'd be awesome to chat with people that watch the same videos as I do.

    Erin //

  34. your posts always put a smile on myself because i can imagine you saying it! xxx

    she goes wear

  35. I love how even though your gaining YouTube fame you still have time to write long blog posts :) xx

  36. Sounds like you had a really great time! I've loved watching you vlogs too :)

  37. this is a great post, please do more Q&A posts like this about various topics, maybe I'm just a little nosey hehe! Sounds like you had an amazing time! xx

  38. Louise you look absolutely stunning in the photo at the beach!! Loving your style! xx

  39. I would love to go vidcon ! But as I am in England is pricey. Lovely recap x

  40. I wish I'd have gone with you guys :(
    I'm sure you loved it!!!

    <3 Louise.

  41. Thank you for answering these questions it's nice to get a little peak into your journey(s)

    Summary for this all ...

  42. Thanks for answering all these questions Louise:) They really give us an insight as to what vidcon was like for you:) I have always wanted to go to vidcon or SITC but as I live in Ireland the price of plane tickets, hotels, food etc. is a bit too expensive!!! I hope to meet you and some of the other youtubers some day :) Clare xxx

  43. I loved following all your vlog's in LA it was interesting, I'd love to live in LA at some point, just somewhere with lovely weather all the time :) Also thanks for answering all these questions, you are literary my favourite person ever!

    Beyond Bally.

  44. Glad you had fun in LA! The house looks amazing, and so do you at the beach! :)

  45. Sounds like you had an amazing time! I really want to go to LA at some point

    Alice x (

  46. I loved watching all of your LA vlogs and the last time I didn't even mind the un-sped up clips, they were actually really chill and calm. I liked them :) Thanks for answering these questions, even though I didn't ask any of them, when I saw the post I was interested to hear more about your trip to LA. I don't know why, but I felt the need to play blurred lines in the background whilst reading this because you mentioned in your little random faves thing that it was your LA song :) Well, anyways, loved the post Louise :) x

  47. It is so nice of you to answer all the questions you get asked so honestly. I feel you are so close to us who watch your videos and read your blog, like a real friend although we don't know you personally. Thank you so much for being amazing!
    I also enjoyed all the vlogs by every one from vidcon so much, when you're all together and vlogging and we can see your day from so many different perspectives, I always almost feel like I was there with you as well.


  48. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  49. I would lovelovelove to go to Vidcon! LA also looks incredible and beautiful!

  50. This was so interesting to read! Thank you so much for spending the time on writing such a detailed post!
    I would absolutely love to attend vidcon next year, but being a poor student, I know it won't be financially possible *sighs*

    charlotte xxx

  51. I would love to go to vidcon!
    You really inspire me with your blog and youtube :)
    Oh and I have the same sunglasses as you! River Island? I lurve them a lot!


  52. Sound like you had a great time in America:) You look amazing:)!

  53. Glad you had an amazing time. Very lovely snaps!

    :-) Tabitha

  54. I'd love to attend a youtube convention but I panic in crowds, so i'll probably never get to meet any of you, which is very sad!:( xx

  55. Can't wait for your video with Sawyer :) x

  56. I would love to visit an international YouTube convention, but I live in the Netherlands and plane tickets are expensive, especially if you don't have a job *oops*.

  57. beautiful blog ;))

  58. i wish so badly that i was there meeting you and zoe and everybody else

  59. I would've loved to go and meet everybody, but maybe another time. What's the next convention that you were saying your going to Florida for in October?

  60. What a fun thing for youtubers & viewers! You guys have such a sweet community & I hope you know you are my favourite youtuber out there!! xo.

  61. I would have LOVED to come to vidcon or another gathering, hopefully my mum will let me go to sitc next year!
    -Zara xo

  62. I like you so much! You are so cute and sweet! I love watch your videos on yt ;)

    Please look sometimes to me :)

  63. The photos are really good Louise!
    Katie x

  64. love this louise!

    Please look at my new blog,

  65. I'm trying to save up enough money to get tickets to Vidcon and plane tickets from the UK (they're expensive!) to come next year. Either Vidcon or Playlist, I can't decide!


    Amy |

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Hiya :) I've just started my blog which is going to be a documentation of my journey into becoming a beauty therapist! I would love it if you could take a look for me?

    Always love reading your posts Louise!


  68. alfie's bod...

    - Janine

  69. Awww sure it was magical! I love to visit places I never been :) You're so lucky xxx

  70. AHhhhhhh!!! I love how open and honest you are! Always a blessing to read your posts!!


  71. You simply must go to Target, It's my favorite store ever!

    Fashion and Happy Things

  72. I would LUUUUURVE to go to Vidcon; but unfortunately America's a bit far to go :( Summer in the city is a definite must though! A lot easier to get to :D xxx

  73. Yes! I would love to got to Vidcon, maybe in the future I'll be able. Really want to meet all of you!

  74. Loved reading this Vidcon Q&A!! I would love to attend Vidcon to see all of my favourite Youtubers (Including yourself :D), but unfortunately for me, a flight, hotel etc from the UK to the US is a little (a lot) out of my price range :( Maybe one day when I'm a little older I might be able to!! :)


  75. Having the time of your life. I enjoyed reading as well as you feel the wonderful experience. Thank you for sharing.

  76. Sounds like such a fun time! I really hope you all come to Austin, or I can travel to meet you because you seem like such a genuinely sweet person. Lots of love to you and your glittery family
    Blue Valentine Vintage

  77. I love the pictures!!


  78. How was the whole LA vidcon trip experience? I can tell you did had so much fun! :)

  79. Awww it sounds like so much fun! I am really happy that you and all the others have the chance to experience cool stuff like that, because you are truly amazing!
    Thanks for being that way

  80. sounds like so much fun!
    bet Darcy was so excited when you returned :)


  81. I would love to attend vidcon it looks like so much fun!

  82. I would be amazing if you could check out my blog! I've just started.

  83. Such a good post, I love reading you blog and I love watching your vlogs! It sounds like you have so much fun! x

  84. Hey Louise! I love you! I found you on YouTube first, but then I found your blog and I love it as much as your channel! Could you tell me how to make a blog of my own? You, Tanya, and Zoe have inspired me to create one for myself! Love ya! Kisses<3

  85. Thanks for this, Louise :) feels like a little "behind the scenes" insider's look :)
    I don't think I could ever attend such an event, definitely not as big a VidCon. Would love to meet some youtubers, but the huuuge crowds of screaming people would scare the hell out of me. Maybe if I had a really good friend with me who could sneak out to quiet and lonely places with me. Anyway, would have to win the lottery or rob a bank first, so I don't need to worry about that :D

  86. Vidcon was so much fun! I'm really glad I got to meet you and so many of the others! I actually did a blog post on it!

    xx Rena Kiss and Make Up

    Vidcon Blog Post

  87. I would love to go to vidcon! You're such an inpiration to me and it would be so amazing to meet you one day. I'm not sure my dream will become true though. ;(
    I love you Louis, you're a beautiful person. Not just because you are a great blogger and youtuber. Also because you're so sweet and caring and just beautiful! I love you so very very much! :)<3

  88. I seriously would love to go to vidcon and LA or even London to meet you guys but no I am stuck down here in Australia. I really hope one day all you British and Caspar would come to Australia, especially Melbourne *hint hint* it's beautiful down here and Darcy would love it. I would let you all stay at my house for free if you don't want to stay at a hotel or anything, I would persuade mum some how hahahaha. I really do love your blog, and you were the step I needed to start doing mine, thank you :) xx

  89. Vidcon sounds amazing. I really hope I can go one year and meet you. (: XX

  90. Loved this post, it was really nice to find out a little extra info! I've enjoyed following your trip by watching all your vlogs, it sounds like you had an incredible time! You are very lucky, but you do deserve it :) x

  91. Loved that you included some photos from the trip too!x

  92. Hi Louise, I love reading your blogs and watching your videos you're so inspirational. The sunglasses your wearing are so pretty! Where did you find them?

    1. They are from river island for £10, i have them also:)

  93. thanks for sharing, this was great to read :D xx

  94. You make such pretty pictures! I love reading your posts:)

    Have a nice day!

  95. you make my day better just by doing a blog post :) i love you lots x

  96. enjoyed reading this Louise!
    hope to meet you one day!

    - Janine

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx