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Monday, 26 August 2013

Motivational Monday #24

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It took me a little while but here I am, finishing off my Motivational Monday series. What a series it has been! 

I hope you have had great weekends and if you live in the UK, woohooo for it being a Bank Holiday!

Motivational Monday
Do feel free to pin this image. 

This is a quote my Dad has said to be several times this Summer. 

You may have seen THIS post where I talked about my trip to LA and all that it brought to me but I think what strikes me the most from that experience is that I took a leap of faith and left my comfort zone. It was scary and more than a few tears were shed before I did it but the point is, I did do it.

By moving away from what I feel at ease with, I put myself in a position to try new things, meet new people and grow as a person. I'm so glad I allowed myself to go on that adventure and didn't hold myself back like I have done in the past.

I feel like from now on, I will try not to let my comfort zone hold me back so much. I am a home bird at heart but I need to learn to fly off a bit sometimes.

If you are like me and relish the comfort zone, step out of it. Even if it's just for a day, step out of it and see what happens. It's exhilarating and liberating and in all honesty, quite addictive!

I hope this post inspires you to make a little exciting change, if you do, please tell me about it in the comments so I can be thrilled with you!



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  1. Love that quote! Your dad has inspired me!

  2. I guess I could give it a try. Lol Thanks Louise! Love the quote!

  3. I absolutely adore your motivational mondays! They always make me think more positively and brighten my day! Thank you ! <3

  4. I feel like I really needed to read this. I'm always afraid to push my comfort zone and always get so nervous doing new things. But ever since watching you and Zoe I feel like it's easier to take that leap of faith. Thank you for this little encouragement, even though you don't even know who I am. You've inspired me in more ways than you know. And I am truly grateful.

  5. That is such a great quote! And at the perfect time as well. Thank-you Louise, hopefully now I will have the courage to try what I want to do :)

  6. Ya!! Another Motivational Monday! I love that you stuck with this series for so long as they were always some of my favourite blog posts you did. Thank you so much for doing them, they really did motivate me. :)

  7. I do have a big problem when I'm about to leave my comfort zone. I always need to know that there's a friend leaving with me, to put it this way, but let's face the truth, I won't always have someone by my side whenever I'll go. Thank you for the post and encouragement. Every little encauragement helps xx

  8. in terms of travelling i'd be the opposite of you, if someone handed me a ticket to L.A. now i'd be off asap, but sometimes in actually usual situations I should step out of my comfort zone simple to get noticed f.e. :)

    have a good bank holiday, even though I have to work :((

  9. This is really apt. Thankyou so much Louise =)

  10. really love this quote! it is so very true!

    x leah symonne x

  11. This post has come at a great time as I am off to uni soon so I am completely stepping out of my comfort zone as like you I am also a home bird! I know going will do me good but taking that first step is going to be hard! great post! xx

  12. I love that quote! So happy that your blogging again :) I love to read little snippets of Louise! Ahaha
    I really admire your bravery and the fact that you are always so upbeat. You have really inspired me and I hope that you just keep doing what you love <3

  13. I love this! :) Indeed, sometimes it takes a single step out of your comfort zone to reach your dreams. :)

    Anne's Scribbles and Doodles

  14. I'm going to Disneyland in December and I am so scared of heights! So getting on a massive rollercoaster will defo be out of my comfort zone!

  15. Very nice quote,I love it! :)

  16. My exciting change is leaving my job which I've been in for the past 3 years and relocating to a new city :-)

  17. This quote is so true! :) it really does start outside your comfort zone :) I'm so glad you had a really great time in LA & well done for doing it & fighting through the tears! :)
    Anna :) xxxx

  18. It's such a good quote! I find it really hard to step out of my comfort zone but it is something I'm trying, slowly but surely, do more often. I think you are so brave to be doing things that scare you!

    Debi x

  19. this is so true! but it's easy to say than do :/ x

  20. Love this quote... and bank holidays! :) x

  21. I love your motivational mondays so much! You really are an inspiration to a lot af us, I believe ^^
    **Demi V.**

  22. Love this quote :)

  23. I love your motivational posts Louise :)! I'm going to step out my comfort zone by trying something new... joining the rockclimbing society!

  24. That is so true. I actually experienced that the other day. The best time I had in the last couple of weeks were an perfect example of that. The moment I got out of my comfort zone I started to have fun. So much more then before! ♥

  25. Very true! I have been thinking about this more of late and what I'm going to do! : )

    Louisa @ My Family & Abruzzo

  26. I love this quote! :)
    Well done on stepping outside of your comfort zone and achieving such amazing things! :)
    I wish I could do the same!

  27. Well timed post. I am very fond of a comfort zone and same, I am anxius to step out of it in the near future. Being afraid of fear is holding me back but I think I'll do something to defeat that.

  28. This was really inspirational, Louise! My class is going on a trip for a few days & in all honestly I'm dreading it as I'm worried about having an anxiety attack while we're there, but we're all gonna be in the same boat I suppose! Loved this series of posts xx

    Sarah |

  29. I'm the same - I get scared about doing different things and meeting new people. But just pushing yourself to do something can make all the difference. When you said that you were so glad you went out of your comfort zone and met knew people, it made me realise that doing things that make me anxious and nervous will only make me get more out of life and make it all worth it in the end. Thank you Louise :) x

  30. Motivational Monday's are brilliant, love this one!

  31. You are such an inspiration Louise. I'm a recovering agoraphobic (is that even a thing?) but I have extreme anxiety and panic attacks which cause me to say no to everything. Stepping out of my comfort zone is stepping out my front door but as you said, just do something to put you out there and I've done so much this year! I'm starting college (again) which is massive and I even passed my driving test!
    Thanks for just being you :)
    Love Sarah

    -Sarah Speaks

  32. I have had really bad anxiety related to a specific thing this year which stopped me from doing a lot of things but I have taken inspiration from seeing everyone on YouTube and blogs having such amazing opportunities because you guys took a chance. So two weeks ago I did not have much happening and now I am starting my first full time job and have just bought my first flat! I also decided to start my own blog as it is something I have always wanted to do. So just wanted to say thanks for inspiring me x

  33. I suffer from anxiety and it holds me back from a lot of things, sometimes even simple things like leaving the house to go to the shops! your dads quote is inspiring! I have stepped out my comfort zone and I made my blog! I've wanted to do it for so long but never had the guts! love your posts Louise, Milly xxxx

  34. i LOVE this! makes me feel much better about the college i've chosen to go to xx

  35. So true! Love your blog!:D

  36. i love that quote so much! and i try to live by it every day :)

    love, chris xx

  37. "I am a home bird at heart but I need to learn to fly off a bit sometimes." I LOVE this! It's awesome to see you coming out of something scary with a smile.

  38. I am definitely a home bird. I almost immediately say no to things that scare me, even just a little bit. It takes me a while to build up to things as well but this makes me a little bit more open to stepping out of that little comfort bubble with the cozy chair and blanket. Thanks Louise :)

  39. Aw I love this!

    I have a top with the quote "Life is what happens when your busy making other plans" on it (apparently a John Lennon quote) but I actually prefer this one so Hi5 to your Dad! lol

    Natalie xx

  40. I love motivational mondays! xoxo

  41. I am trying to do the same thing at the moment and you are such an inspiration to me to do it xoxo

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Lovely quote!

    Great post, Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs, Brittany, xx

  44. Great quote!

    I moved from San Francisco to London which was a big change but well worth it!

  45. Hey there,

    Today i stepped out of the comfortzone, i had my first day back at school and this year i went to a new school. I was frightened. But everything went fine, i met some great new people and the day wasn't that bad. This post is also very good for me now, because i'm still in the situation that i have to get used to all the new things. I will step out of my comfortzone, and hopefully it will work.


  46. Hello!

    I love your blog its a real inspiration, and I wrote a poem for you and it would mean a lot for you to take a look at it. Its called the dreamer, and if not thank you for the inspiration :)


  47. Very true words :) Its a good feeling when you force yourself to try something new and it leads to something great. Have really enjoyed this Monday 'pick-me-up' series!

  48. aww I love this quote!
    would some of you mind checking out my blog? I'm more than happy to return the favour! :)

  49. That's exactly what I wanted to do this schoolyears!

  50. This post is soo timely!!! I started my very own blog last week precisely to step out of my comfort zone, since it is something I had been wanting to do for ages but hadn't because I kept thinking things like "what if people dont read it?" "what if they hate what I write?" and that sort of stuff.. last week I said ENOUGH and went ahead and did it, and I am sooo glad I did! You cant put a price on the sense of pride you get from doing something that you thought you weren't capable of doing.

  51. You're very inspirational, Louise. Thanks for sharing this with us :)

  52. This definitely inspires me to start saying yes to opportunities and indeed get out of my comfort zone :) thanks louise, can't believe this is the end of your motivational monday series I've loved reading! xx Emmi

  53. I love that quote! It's up on my wall along with a lot of others. There a really nice decorative reminder that inspires you every day :)

    Beyond Bally.

  54. Thank you for your motivational Mondays, I absolutely love your positive outlook on life!

  55. I totally agree with that! Some times, we all need to step out of the comfort zone so we can experience new things! :D xx

  56. Wow, this fits in perfectly with my life right now. I just moved away from home to study in a town far away where I don't know anyone, and I'm really nervous about starting uni tomorrow and everything just feels so new and scary. But I know it's time to get out of my comfort zone, and at the same time that I'm anxious and feeling a bit homesick, I'm also really looking forward to meeting new people and try living on my own. This post really made me feel better, thank you Louise xx

  57. Lovely post. I have that problem where I'm terrified to leave my comfort zone but I'm working on it. Hope you're well!
    Katie x

  58. Usually, I am happily hiding in my comfort zone. because it's safe... But just last week I have ... I have done scary things I've never done before, and it felt... still strange and slightly scary, but great! empowering! free and... oh wow, I still can't cope with what it did.... :) :)

  59. soo inspiring!
    Started school again today soo weird when ur used to summerholidays haha!

    Lonneke X

  60. Great quote, will definitely be saying this one to myself :)


  61. I'm starting a new college this year where I don't know anyone, scary but hopefully worth it! I'm glad something amazing came out of your experience in the end :)

  62. Your dad must be such a cutie, this is very inspirational :) x
    Freya's Fashion Chapter

  63. Fab quote, I definitely have to work on stepping out of my comfort zone more- it's a far more exciting way of living xxx

  64. Such a good quote!

  65. I love this quote. I did the 21 questions tag on my blog today!xx

  66. Such a great quote and words to live by. It is so easy to let the comfort zone rule your life. I know sometimes I need a reminder that it is ok to try new things. Also, that it is ok to be nervous about new stuff. It's part of the excitement of them. I just try not to let the nervousness keep me from what want.

  67. I just started college today and it wasn't the best of days as it is completely out of my comfort zone as I don't have friends there. However, this has made me feel better about t and I'll keep this quote in mind for when I'm at college Xx

  68. Love the quote! Louise, you are such an inspiration to me. I am beginning to realize also that in order for me to succeed with my life I need to step outside my comfort zone and just go for it! Thank you for this!

  69. LOOOVE Chek out my page xoxo

  70. this is great! I definitely need to do this more, when I do I always end up feeling extremely positive :)

  71. Louise i've loved the motivational series and you are the perfect blog to read when you need a pick me up! I adore your posts and they are a great read, I really enjoy them! I hope my blog posts will one day be half as good as yours!
    Beauty/Fashion/Lifestyle Blog

  72. one of my favorite quotes!

  73. agreed. I like change and stepping outside of my comfort zone, sometimes

    - Janine

  74. You are so inspirational

  75. LOUISE, I have been following you and your blog/youtube for about the past month now. I just want to say a huge thank you for being so inspirational. I love that you are just so open and honest about who you are, what you like, what you do, and just generally just being really uplifting for any of us that are lucky enough to stumble across you! Your "So... I go to church" video was the one that really tugged on my own heart strings. I am a new Christian, and have a similar story to you! Thank you for being brave enough to share your own personal experience with God + church, and I just wanted you to know that hearing your story has affected me in a positive way :)

    Sorry for the big spiel, I don't even know if you are going to read this or not, but I just want you to know that I look forward to seeing your updates and can't wait to see/hear more about you and your beautiful life!
    P.S, Darcy is just GORGEOUS.

    Ariana (a fan of yours all the way from little old New Zealand!)

  76. This is so true, I definitely think that moving outside of your comfort zone & trying new things is one of the best things you can do for yourself! I'm still trying to figure out how to do that myself, but it's a process. :)

    x Leah Symonne x

  77. So nervous and apprehensive about starting my new job on Monday. I know if I weren't to take this opportunity I'd stay in my current job, unhappy and sticking with the norms I knew. I'm just scared like so many of stepping into the unknown. Reading this has made me realise, I might be scared but it'll be worth it, if it isn't at least I can say I tried.

  78. Nice quote :) Now everyone will start quoting the Sprinkle Father! And I'm steping out of my comfort zone by looking for an appartment away from my parent's house and try a new school and everything! Looking for the best! xxx have a great week!

  79. LOVE THIS :)

  80. Great quote. I couldn't agree more! xoxo

  81. This is so much help to me as a survivor of child abuse


  82. I love this, and absolutley loved your Having Hope video. It came at just the right time for me! Making a lot of changes to myself :)
    Mentioned your video in a recent blog post!

    Keep doing what you're doing Louise!!

  83. I really do like these Motivational Mondays and I enjoyed reading them . As a matter of fact I did do something out of my comfort zone , and this was creating my Blog . It may not seem a big thing , but I am not one to share things good or bad with people so doing this has definitely felt liberating as I am no longer trapped in my own world as much ... I hope

    I hope Motivational Mondays continue as they contribute a huge amount to the things I do and have changed in my day to day life .
    So thank you ever so much Louise

  84. I really enjoy reading Motivational Mondays and this post especially as it really applies to me! I'm a 'home bird' too and I know that I miss out on a lot of things because I don't like to step out of my comfort zone. Definitely something I'm going to try much harder to do when I head back to Uni next month!! :) Xx

  85. Hey Louise, I've loved your motivational Monday series! My favourite by far has been 'Don't let your mood dictate your manner.' Since I've read that quote, whenever I'm in a bad mood I don't allow myself to be in any way rude with anyone, after all it's not their fault you're in a bad mood so why put them in one? I just repeat it in my mind and it does the trick! Anyway this has been a long ramble just to say that you've definitely motivated me and I love your positivity and good attitude to everything! I love both your you tube channels and your blog, by far my favourite blog, love it! -Rachel

  86. Hello!

    I, along with the rest of the commentators, have so enjoyed and looked forward to your Motivational Mondays. This may be creepy, but I wish you were the alarm on my phone so I could wake up to your inspiring words every morning! Okay. That was really creepy. Agh. My apologies. I digress.

    Anyway, In the next week I will be traveling alone to study abroad for four months in Scotland- a place I have never been, full of people I do not know and who do not know me. I am absolutely terrified, but I am taking this post as a sign that I need to toss my fears aside and simply live. Thank you for doing this little segment; I have loved reading and learning from your thoughts. I hope you continue to step out of your comfort zone, and I can't wait to read about it when you do.

    Much love,

  87. Im obsessed with this quote! I also did a motivational monday and I would love it if someone would check it out!

  88. I just started at a new school and I've tried to live like that quote says! But it's hard to do something I'm not used to. I keep working on this!

    Louise you're awesome and I really enjoy reading your blog and watching your videos! I inspired to try blogging too!


  89. Thank you for this post. I'm always scared to step out of my comfort zone because it really stresses me out and I end up crying. Unfortunately, there's always someone there to witness my weak moment and I feel awful. I'd love to know how you deal with that...

  90. lovely post<3 please could you check out/follow my blog? i only just started it; xx

  91. I love this series of posts Louise, so much so I've actually started doing a similar thing on my blog. I actually suffer badly with anxiety and I find motivational quotes so helpful as a reminder to push myself outside of my comfort zone a bit more. xx

  92. I love LA! Cute pictures<3


  93. You always make my Monday brighter! Thank you for all of your positive thoughts and inspiration.

  94. This was exactly the kind of inspiration I have needed! I was stuck in that rut of wanting to blog but having given up a trillion times as I was category-less, so to speak! And now here I am, new shiny blog ( and a big cheesy smile! Thanks, Louise!!! Great to see you're back too! x

  95. Louise, i'm addicted to everything you do now, because it changed my life so much.
    P.s I'm still trying to look good by putting makeup on just like you do and it never works!! :(
    Thanks for making all my days brighter filled with positivity <3

  96. I will step out of my comfort zone next year in school. I will say more during class and not care what others think about what I said :)

  97. I'm seriously going to try it! I'm just so scared ;(
    Just to get over it I guess ;)

  98. I'm starting college this year and I miss home everyday. Sometimes I just want to give up and go home. But this post reminds me of why I wanted to go away in the first place, I want to meet new people and grow as a person. I plan on writing on my bulletin board so when I think of giving up it will help pull me together. Thank you, Louise. <3

  99. Wow thats amazing! More vlogs about your normal life-days?:)♥

  100. Before stumbling upon this post I had been debating whether or not to move from my small town in Springfield, MO to Chicago.
    I have been looking for a confirmation of some kind and I believe I've just received it.
    You're awesome. And so is your dad.

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx