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Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Oh September

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Oh, September you beautiful month, you have finally rolled round and I sincerely hope you bring us as much fun, fizz and adventure that August did.


I say it every single year and this year will be no different. I LOVE SEPTEMBER. 

Good things happen in September. Crisp mornings, golden leaves, cosy nights, purple nail polish, potato gratin, fairy lights and new coats are all things I associate with this month. 

Whilst I still have a few summer posts left to put up (would you like a giant Summer Summary?) I am so excited for this Autumn. I have so many hopes and dreams for it and would love to share them with you as each one is ticked off my list. I want to further develop my YouTube channel, continue to be relaxed about blogging (I'm finding so much more zest for it when I remove all the pressure), try a few pinterest craft projects with Darcy, revamp my wardrobe, film more vlogs for my second channel, spend more time with friends, exercise more (or at all!!) and organise my office. 

What do you want to achieve this September? Do you have anything exciting coming up?

Last year I had THIS to say about the start of September. 



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  1. YAY! September is my favorite too, it's spring where I live so it's all pretty and florally. I can't wait for more posts! Love you Louise! x

  2. I am excited for September because I never really had a summer, too busy working, and I still have a month to enjoy before school starts for me. I love to seasonal drinks too! So good! I want to redesign my room as well.

  3. I'm trying to eat healthier and exercise more this month! Hope it all goes well with you! love you!

  4. I love September too! It's my 22nd birthday on the 7th! But, I do love the beautiful transition into winter. I couldn't agree with you more :)

  5. Your list sounds really 'comfortable'. For us here, in Australia, we don't have Autumn in September. Instead we have Spring. So I have to make the most of My Spring.

    Which is fine. I don't mind Spring at all.

    Jes |

  6. I would love a summer summary!!
    I'm hoping that I'll find my gala dress this month as I'm going to Krakow with my class. Other than that I want to be more relaxed as well with my blogging and take some more effort into it and the biggest one is to clean up my room. Those would be my goals!!
    I can't wait to hear about your experiences in this month xx

    Christina xx

  7. hello to september!!! hoping to change a few things this month!


  8. i'm honestly so excited for sweater weather, but most importantly what you have to show us! i love your photography and you inspire me to be a better version of myself. your list sounds amazing and very relevant to me.

  9. I agree with you! September is a great month for so many lovely reasons!

  10. I love September!!! September and October are my two favourite months!!! I have homecoming this month and I am super excited!! I would love to see a huge summer wrapup summary posty thingy. :) xx

  11. I'm looking forward to read all your lovely autumn posts!
    I'm excited for September because I love the weather, the colours and the fashion! Who doesn't like big sweaters with leggins and boots?
    I will turn 18 this month which is a big deal for me, too.

  12. September is the best month here in Australia! It's the start of spring, all the flowers are coming out and its beautiful :) (its also my birthday ;)

  13. Although summer is my favourite season I am (however guilty I feel to say it) excited to wear winter clothes. The thought of thick jumpers and thick socks makes feel a little giddy! This month I'm excited to have cosy film nights with friends and get myself organised for with setting out my revision for college and making decisions when it comes to university - scary!

  14. Can't wait for September, love you Louise!
    I'm your newest follower on bloglovin!

  15. I can't wait to buy a new winter coat that's alway in September pay also need to socialise more this month and stop working and stressing all the time.

    Carrieanne x

  16. I'm so glad September is here! It even smells like autum outside now. I really want to get a good start to my college year as I feel a good start means a good year :)

  17. I love September it's my favorite month, I love the fact we get to get all our Autumn goodies out. I can't wait for your baby glitter posts will be lovely to see what you both get up to this month x x

  18. I love september so much! It's such a cozy month! xx

  19. September in Australia is amazing, its spring, not too cold, not too hot (sometimes) and the sundresses come out!!

    Roses are bluee ♡

  20. I am so excited for autumn too! I am really looking forward to seeing the jumpers and coats in stores! :)

  21. So excited! Last year of university, going to make the most of every minute! Also excited that Pink is the new black for fashion this Autumn :') ha! xxxx

  22. I love September too! So so excited for autumn to begin! X

  23. Lovely post Louise, this makes me want to throw on a comfy knitted cardigan and curl up with a mug of hot chocolate!
    Looking forward to a cosy Autumn x x

  24. I love September too because my birthday is in September! A giant summer summary sounds great :)

  25. September birthday :)

  26. I have to admit that I don't share your excitement for September, but sweaters can indeed be cosy I'm just not too big a fan of big winter jackets.. I think I'm a summer's kind of girl. ;-)

  27. My mum is coming to visit 12th - 19th September for a first time since January 2009 when I left home. Normally it`s me visiting her. And it`s also her Birthday on the 21st.

  28. I love september because I go on on holiday woohoo x

  29. I love Autumn, definitely my second favourite season, without a doubt!x

  30. I love September too! Autumn & Winter are my favourite months of the year.

    LittleMissFashion xx

  31. i also love autumn. every season it's beautiful on it's own way, but autumn is just Magical.
    My absolute favorite. My favorite month is actually October, and it's my inspiration for a lot of things, like for my blogger name, it's like my alter-ego.

  32. I love September too - I'm starting sixth form so I want to make new friends which I find quite exciting!:-)

  33. sound like your month is going to be so much fun ! :D

    I have a gossip blog about the youtube gurus, check it out :D
    Follow and i will follow back!!


  34. I love September! It gets me excited for autumn and winter which are BY FAR my favourite seasons! And all those idea's sound lovely, especially the pintrest one with Darcy! Looking forward to them! xxx

  35. September and April are my favourites. I think I just like the start and promise of new things :)

  36. Ohh I love September! It's the beginning of Autumn but not yet rainy and cold! <3 xx

  37. I don't like September because it means going back to school:(

  38. This has made me SO excited about Autumn, i just find September a cosy homely month? i did a post like this on my blog too :) xx

  39. So excited about September!!

  40. I always enjoy it when it starts to get a bit wintery and you can have cosy evening in watching DVDs in a duvet. Alas this year I shall be in the land of Oz and so will miss out on the British winter :( Sigh, I shall have to deal with an extra long summer instead :)

  41. I love September (but also dislike it a little since it used to mean the beginning of a school year but this time I'm going to uni so I'm excited!). I associate Autumn with dark purple nail polish and fairy lights too!

    Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


  42. I love September too, as unusual as it sounds, autumn/winter is probably my favourite time. This is the first year I'm not going back to school so I'm excited to start my Gap Year!
    Look forward to your posts about your summer and what you're doing this autumn!

  43. although i'll go to school I'm also really excited about september. I love both your youtube videos and blogposts love ya!

  44. I love this post, you and September!

    I love the september weather, jumpers, tights. Although I still wear my bright pinks and orange nail varnishes!

  45. September is pretty much my "nothing" month. One of those ones that just slips by with not much happening. I think it's just filler to give me a break and time to get ready for Christmas haha. I'm looking forward to seeing what you get up to! A little bit stalkerish, but what can you do..

  46. I love September too - it feels like a new start within the year - probably a remnant of my school days. I wish I still had an excuse to stack up on snazzy stationery though :)

  47. This September it's my 24th birthday and I will be starting a new chapter of my life and starting my Masters in Psychology. It is my first step on the road to becoming a clinical psychologist xxx

  48. Love September!! Although October i feel is even better!!
    Getting the scarves out, excuse to buy new coats and obvs a whole new wardrobe!!
    Also season of red wine, xfactor and getting the fire back on.
    Look forward to reading your Autumn blogs
    Just set up a new blog ....

  49. I'm kind of clinging to the end of summer, but trying to read lots of autumn-y blogposts to get excited about September! Who knows, maybe the weather will stay nice for a little bit... xoxo

    The perks of being a hipster

  50. I went shopping yesterday and had to hold back from buying every single coat, hat, scarf etc I saw.. they are all so wintery and pretty and yay autumn (I hate the fact that it's still hot in the UK >.<)

  51. I would love to see a summer recap!! I'm really excited for Fall, it's the beginning of my two favorite seasons!

  52. I love September, but October is much better because it's colder and it's my birthday month. I love cosy nights, making pumpkin soup, roasted chestnuts and starting thinking about Xmas pressies for family and friends. I love wearing purple, golden and brown nail polish. I love going out fo walks and wearing my ASOS trench. :)
    Lots of love from a French girl who loves following you!

  53. I'm leaving to study abroad in the UK on Friday!! Eeek very exciting and way out of my comfort zone. Looking forward to keeping up with your blog and YouTube channel while I'm there!


  54. These are the same reasons why I love September! Although I don't think it will get chilly until October this year :P

  55. An entire summer summary?!? YES PLEASE!
    You pretty much described everything I love about autumn here, the one thing I don't enjoy is school.....

  56. A summer summary would be great, I also did one on my blog, it was so nice & also sad looking back at the memories!

    I love autumn though; lightning candles, drinking lots of tea... it's just perfect :) x

  57. I love September too, but the autumn in Spain is nothing like it is in the UK - I really miss a good old English autumn. I hope to be going off to uni in a few weeks and I can't wait to get my woollies out ready for the cold snuggly weather.

  58. I love summer so I cant say that september is my favourite month :( its getting colder andcolder, but then, yeeeeey Indian summer is here, so everything is okey again :)
    and, of course, september is the most important month in fashion industry, so there is a lot going on! yes, september is not so bad :D

  59. In September I got my first work published in stores uk wide :D

    I've just wrote a post for aspiring makeup artists on how to get in the industry. Only wanted to mention this incase anyone see's it who it may be able to help :)!!!! X

  60. I love September too! I'm looking forward to running through piles of leaves, taking walks in the crisp air, and eating pumpkin doughnuts. Oh and college football.

  61. A summer summary would be epic :)

    In September, I don't have much to look forward to, except school, but I still love autumn :3 Going into September means Halloween is nearer and I love dressing up for Halloween :')

  62. I'm so jealous of those of you who get to enjoy the dropping temperatures and the lovely scents of Autumn. I'm in North Carolina (USA) and it has been hot here (90-95°F, 32-35°C range). It doesn't generally cool down until late October, so Autumn is super brief. I'm about ready to wear all my lovely warm gold,russet, taupey/mauve eye colors and deep rosy lip colors in defiance of the weather. Although that feels a bit much in shorts and a T-shirt.

    I do get a nesting bug when the temperatures drop. Suddenly I want my house to smell like baked goods and apple cider. Oh, and Autumn wreathes. For some reason I want wreathes decorating my doors and walls. Pretty soon I'll be taking trips to Michael's and hording coupons (that's the major craft store chain in the US and they always put out 40% off coupons).

  63. I would love to see a Summer Summary :)
    I don't really have anything special planned for September. Only things like: I want to get better in school and do more for it. ;)

  64. Well, finally getting myself a job. that would be nice :) other than that, I need put some more work into my blog to get it out there and a little bit noticed. coz nobody's reading the poor thing :D

  65. I love September! I get excited for the winter and Christmas!!!

  66. I love september! But I'm gonna miss summer a lot!

  67. I couldn't agree more with you! I love the autumn season sooooo much and can't wait to break out chucky sweaters and boots and tights again! Also, my birthday happens to be in the beginning of September, so that just might make it the best month ever ;)

  68. please do a summer summery! i love winter. it's my birthday this month :-) xxxx

  69. Autumn's my favourite month so naturally I love September and I just posted my Autumn bucket list so I hope to tick some of those things off. I'm on the hunt for some autumn scented candles atm.. not quite sure if there is such a thing.

    Looking forward to seeing how you develop your channel :D

    ox Lucy

  70. I just love the autumn fashion xx

  71. Autumn is my favorite season too :)

  72. September is definitely one of my favourite months too! I think a summer summary would be a lovely idea to put everything together in one post:)xx

  73. I love Autumn! I get very excited this time of the year because so much happens! :) xx

    I have written an Autumn Bucket List:
    Emily xxx

  74. This September I'll be training hard for my half marathon and organising a week of wellbeing events - both of which are happening next month (eek!) I'm also hoping to lose at least half a stone and will be celebrating my goddaughter turning two!


  75. I love posts like this! I recently wrote a post my self about what i hoped to gain out of september and how i would get there. Its nice to here other peoples ideas x

    Jessica | Just Say Jess

  76. That's very good you want to try more for September! I feel like September is probably more of a fresh start than January is. This september I've started university, so I am trying to adjust, make friends & all that. :)

    x leah symonne x

  77. I loved seeing you enjoying yourself in louis's vlogs, enjoy september:)

  78. Your blog is one of my favourite ones to read, you're always so positive. I'm looking forward to more of your posts this month! :)



  79. I'm really excited to start Uni this September but also soso scared and nervous!

    I'm giving away a MAC Lipstick of the competition winners choice on my blog if you'd like to enter

  80. So much happens in September.Here is to a great month.


  81. I am excited for September because I start university!! :D Nervous about making friends but really looking forward to studying what I love which is film & tv! :) xo

  82. Definitely agree with you..Autumn is my favorite season of all time! The cozy sweaters, Starbucks Pumpkin Spice lattes (and any other seasonal deliciousness like apple crisp with vanilla ice cream), fall clothes in general, the crisp air....I feel like I could go on for days!
    Can't wait to see what you have in store this season :)

  83. I love September so much, yay! Aside from going back to school that is, haha. I prefer cosy winter nights so much to the heat of summer! Can't wait for your up-coming blogs :) xx

  84. Well hopefully, I will pass my driving theory test on the 4th go!! And hopefully buy myself a Macbook Pro and and and go to one of the catwalk shows at LFW but i think i may have left it till last minute!

  85. I love this blog post! It really gets me excited for autumn! I have loads planned this september! I'm in transition year in school (I live in Ireland, I dont think they do transition year in the UK, your schools are very different) so it means we dont do a lot of study we do work like getting experience in your future job and we learn practical things like driving and cooking. And next week we are getting our Junior Cert results which is the state exam you do half way before you finish school. We are also going to the Botanic gardens as an art trip! A lot of my events planned are to do with school but thats what this year is about! Thanks Louise, you have inspired me so much!

  86. How I wish Los Angeles even had a autumn to look forward too! This same weather year-round is a bit bothersome, how am I supposed to wear my sweaters? Anyways have a lovely September! Can't wait to read your next post whilst I procrastinate on all aspects of life...

  87. love september, except for the school part!

    - Janine

  88. I love September too, not least because it's my birthday on the 29th. I start uni this year too so it's extra exciting. And I would love to see a summer summary post :) x

  89. September brings a change of seasons and a chance to start fresh. I love it too!

  90. I love september because my birthday is 9/20 ill be 22 but in florida we don't get fall it stays in the 80s until december then it drops all the way down to the 70s! hah last christmas we wore shorts and a light weight sweatshirt i wish i lived somewhere that had the seasons change

  91. I reckon September is the perfect month for mixing and matching dresses with chunky knitwear! Gotta love it!


  92. I love September and just Autumn in general so much. I'm really hoping that this year, even though I am starting a new school, I'll be able to enjoy fall and have lots of time to relax. I did a little blog post on the fall season, too, of a bunch of things I'm looking forward to doing this fall. I'm so excited! Hope you have a great day, Louise!

    -Emily :)

  93. You ad your baby are so adorable! Such an inspiration! Keep doin you girl its great!! xo

  94. September is a great month for me, my birthday is right near the beginning of October, and it being my favorite day of they year, September is a month of planning and anticipating for me. Bonus one of my Dearest friends has a birthday exactly 7 days a head of me, so the last week of the month has always been a full on Celebration of the two of us.

    Fashion and Happy Things

  95. September is a great month for me too! I am working on developing my blog, managing my college classes, and getting used to the clothes in my fall wardrobe again! I love breaking out the jeans this season! :) Thanks for being such a happy person; it makes me happy too :)

    Maggie D. xx

  96. Beautiful Lou - if you are interested in starting up some exsercise and healthier eating you should check out my blog, ive done a few posts so far on things i do to have a healthier lifestyle - in terms of reciepes, workouts and mental happiness too!
    Posts: Yummy snack:
    How I get MORE out of life:
    Visual Motivation:
    Follow my Fashion, Fitness, Happiness, Beauty Blog on Bloglovin!

  97. I'm a fairly new fan but I absolutely love you! you have been one of my inspirations to start a blog of my own :)

  98. Hi Louise! I love your youtube channel and your blog. I just read this post and your September blog from last year, and even though I live in Australia and my September means the end of Winter and the start of Spring, I just love this time of year, something about the anticipation of summer and the excitement of the holidays coming soon, there's something about that September air and the feeling that feeling that you really can do anything you want to do.
    You have inspired me to make my own list of things I'd like to achieve this September and I am excited for this great month! Thanks Louise! xox

  99. Its my favorite month too!


  100. Hey there Louise, fellow Sprinklerinos and Babyglitter,
    First off, I really don't want to bother anyone, so Louise, if you decide to delete my comment because you think it might bother you or your subscribers, I'll understand.
    BUT...this is not any kind of spam, tricking people into something, nor am I trying to promote my own channel/ blog.

    Yet, I am trying to ask you a favour. I am currently writing my bachelor's thesis, and I am lucky enough to do so about a topic I am really interested in : Social Media Activities and how they are used by the Beauty & Sporting Goods Industries.
    As a survey related to the topic is part of my thesis, every genuine participation means the world to me. I promise, it won't take you longer than 8 minutes and every participant has the chance to win one of two prizes. The lucky winner can choose between a make up bag filled with various beauty goodies or a pair of brand new Nike trainers.

    Simply click the link below and answer all questions.

    Again, this means so, so much to me. A big, big glittery thank you to everyone helping me out!

  101. September is always something special, hope you'll have a great one :)

  102. September is here! And it will be the first month of what we call "ber months" and before we know it Christmas is coming! :)

  103. Hi Louise,
    I wish I lived in England so I could experience the joys that you describe! Where I am in Australia, its getting warmer and warmer. In my opinion, sweater weather is better whenever so the warmer months are normally not my friend. Hope you have tons of fun in the cold :)

  104. I love September too - it's my favourite month of the year (it also contains my birthday, so my love of it *could* stem from that...)

    Can't wait to see what Autumn brings you, and looking forward to seeing any craft projects you do with Darcy - she's the cutest little button on the whole wide internet!

    Lotsa love,

  105. I also love September ♥
    I hope to find a job, develop my blog and just be happy :)

    xx Jo Betty

  106. September is such a great month. You should definitely do a summer summary :) that would be such great post and I love the name!

    You are one of my favourite bloggers :) you seem so relaxed, friendly and optimistic which rubs off on your readers. Thank you so much xxx

    Forever Dreaming of Oz

  107. I love September too!!


  108. I love that you have such a positive outlook on the future it really is infectious :D


  109. I was sort of dreading september because summer is over and I have to start a new school but this post has made me think that perhaps it won't be so bad, thanks x

  110. I'm not so fond of the thought of being summer over but I am in love with the thought of Autumn coming quickly so I'll definitely get over it :P


  111. I want to have the best birthday ever in September!

  112. As I start to put aside the summer wardrobe to make room for the fall clothes,I will definitely miss summer fashion!

  113. ♡ aw Louise you're so beautiful I love your blog and all your posts you're such an inspiration ♡

  114. Hi Louise

    I am such a big fan of September and Autumn in general, it really does give you a new lease of life, and then it's the countdown to Christmas! I hope you do lots more xmassy posts this year as you are an inspiration! (I went running to marks and sparks for the red and tweed string!!)

    I have been following your blog for over a year via a thumbnail on my phone! I have finally plucked up the courage to create an account and start my own blog! it's mainly a mommy blog as I have recently had a baby boy so have lots more fun things in life to document! I know you are very busy and so so popular but would love it if you can take a look if you get chance! i'm such a big fan of yours!

    Love a fellow Louise (it's a great name haha!!) xxx -

  115. I absolutely love September! It's the start of Autumn and the perfect time for everything I love like candles, tea, rain and the fresh breeze in the mornings :)

    Also I just wanted to say, that I love your blog Louise and you are a really inspiring person. You even encouraged me to start my own blog so thank you so much! :)

  116. I love September too! It's such a busy month but this year it is super exciting as I'm finally going to get to visit London Fashion Weekend and my boyfriend turns the big 3-0 so I'm whisking him away for three days too :):)

    Hope you have a lovely September!

    K x

  117. Hooooooooooly cow; I cannot wait for Fall weather to hit NorCal. It's still around 80-90F.

    Once it cools down, I'm excited to expand my fashion sense. I usually stick to what I know and don't try many new things, but I think Fall is the most opportune season for fashion.

    :) have a good Autumn!

  118. Well this september I am starting a new college which I am both nervous and excited about (fingers crossed)
    I definitely want to see a summer summery post Louise and can't wait for your vlogs and projects with Darcy!
    Have a great September everyone! xx Emmi

  119. I love September too! I'm a November baby so this time of year always makes me happy. I'm working my butt off to fulfill my ambition of becoming a full time make up artist. I'm such a believer that we should 'do what we love and love what we do'. Your inspirational posts always give me that extra boost :)

  120. Hi everybody! Ive just recently started a blog and I would love it if you went over and showed it some love! Thanks x

  121. I'd love a summer summary!x

  122. A "Summer Summary" sounds good!Hope everything goes to plan for you.
    Katie x

  123. I am excited for September and autumn, but I always find it sad when summer ends and I have to leave my family to go back to uni.

  124. my birthday is in september yayay!:) xx Larissa

  125. Got so much to do this September with Uni choices and personal statements will be a bit relieved when it's over even though it's normally such a lovely month. Would love to hear about your summer though!


    we've just released a giveaway, if you're living in the UK, you can enter!

  127. I love September too! But I guess mainly because its my birthday month:) I have to wait till right at the end though, which always makes it seem even longer:(
    I'm excited for all of the new fur coats that will be coming out soon too; going to be getting my hands on all of them!

    Love your blog and your YouTube channel too!



  128. This time of year really is the best:)

  129. I love the beginning of autumn and when are you announcing the winner from your giveaway ?? xx love your blog and youtube so much check out my blog ive just started it up xxx ill be so thankful if you do you are a really inspiring person :{D

  130. I love September too! The weather is perfect in Canada during September, not too hot, not too cold. And surprisingly, I'm always super excited for school to start, haha <3

    Jenny xx

  131. I love Autumn and Spring they are both very definitely my favourite times of year. It's coming into Spring here in Australia so getting out all the Spring dresses in September is always so lovely.

    Debra Bros Blog

  132. I am so happy that I found your blog!!! I love your videos so much, especially hauls and videos with zoella :)
    I have a new blog with my best friend, and it is so hard to get the first follower :/ it would be so nice, if you commented at a post, maybe some would pay a little attention on our blog :)
    best wishes ;-)

  133. I am really sad that summer is over but I am looking forward to Autumn :D

  134. Autumn/Winter is my fave! :)
    check out for all things beauty, fashion & a bit of my life! recent post: crazy colour hair review. previous post: lipstick review including MAC cosmetics!

    ill follow back. loves xxxxx

  135. I too am majorly excited for this autumn. My A/W clothes are my favorites, so I can't wait for it to cool down enough for me to wear them :)

    Madeline | Ring-a-Round a Rosey | Bloglovin’

  136. I love your youtube and blog! Always watch every video x

  137. This month i want to eat healthier and excercise more. Like i wanted to do last month and the month before ect ect...

  138. Great post I love these!
    I got my zoella/sprinkleofglitter badges today they're amazing, they still have a few left here if anyone is interested

    Meg xx

  139. I can't wait for septemer, I much prefer Autumn clothes to summer ones:')

  140. I'm looking forward to starting uni this September! xx

  141. This september will be the first month i'll spend away from my b/f who flew away to canada (aah, studies) AND i'm going back to university, finally.
    Tough month september.

  142. I love September too Louise! I just moved from Texas to Chicago, and it's such a breath of fresh air to have a September without hot weather!

  143. I absolutely love September too! The transition from summer to autumn just makes me smile so much! Only downside is starting back at college and not having time to blog

  144. I am not a big fan of September, since that is the month were school starts again. But beside that I am ready to begin my last year of high school! which is going to be such an adventure! :) My goal this month are definitely working on my blog and making it better and interesting for everybody to read!
    BTW this is my blog:
    And since it's the start of a new school year I think it's important to meet new people so I am hoping that will work out! My mane course at school is art so am I excited to start working on some big project for a exhibition! Yeah maybe after all I am excited for September and a new year! xoxo

  145. I'm starting September with the start of my Blog (Beauty and Books.) You've inspired me Louise! Thankyou xx

  146. I love reading your blog posts because they're so inspirational and amazing!!
    I'm so excited for what this month is going to bring.

    Asia xx

  147. At the beginning of September I always get so excited to be able to wear my endless amounts of jumpers and coats! My wardrobe is built around autumn and winter! But right now in Ireland we are having warm weather! Haha well I think it is meant to get cooler soon!
    Eimear x

  148. I love september too! :)

  149. Great post! Love you :)

  150. I'm enjoying the September breeze, xoxo.

  151. hi louise! You are such an adorable person! I want to thank you and Zoella for inspiring me.... I recently made a blog post regarding this and I hope you can check it out... thanks again for reminding me to do what makes me happy... here is the link if you decide to read it :)

  152. I love september too! On my blog I recently wrote a post about getting ready for Autumn, heres the link

  153. September's great! Autumn is my favourite season and in September it's still warm enough to wear all the thinner clothes autumnal fashion has to over. Alas, ruby, you are one fab colour...
    My goal for this autumn definitely is to broaden my fashion horizon and go beyond blue jeans, shirt and booties!


  154. I love you Louise!

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  156. I love Autumn, it's my favorite season of the year. Lots of birthdays and parties. I am also planning on starting my own company. I really want to design motorbike clothing for women, as there is not much feminine motorcycle clothes. Who doesn't want to ride a motorbike in style?

  157. I used to absolutley hate september as it ment going back to dreaded school but since then I really appreciate the beauty of September and the feel of crisp leaves under my new biker boots. This september i start university to become a vet nurse, i started my blog and i visited harry p studios :P

    Jade x

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx