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Thursday, 26 September 2013

Skin Saviours | Beauty

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Wait what? Louise is doing a beauty review? She remembered she used to do those once upon a time? Haha yep! Here I am, getting all beautimus up in yo' face. How'd you like them apples? Ok, enough with the quips, let's get cracking.


Lately I have been opting for a low key routine and feel like quick and easy are the main criteria for all beauty related choices. 

That being said, I'm not prepared to sacrifice my skincare and so these are the products I have been relying on to keep me all lovely and smooshy- technical eh?



Origins Make a Difference + has been my facial moisturiser of choice over the past few weeks. I sinks in beautifully, doesn't leave a sticky or greasy residue, has a gentle scent (lychee and watermelon- yum) and let's face it, the packaging is cute too. Anything mint or turquoise gets a thumbs up in my books. At £34 this is definitely a luxury purchase and stung a little bit as I handed over my card but really, I have loved it and dare I say it, will repurchase. My face has enjoyed feeling so soft and quenched. Goodbye dry patches, hello super skin.

Side note - Minutes after I took these photos I dropped the pot and almost cried as I watched about £15 of moisturiser splatter up the wall. Sad times. 



Soap and Glory Butter Yourself Body Cream seems to be the product that keeps on giving. This jar has lasted me AGES. With orange, watermelon and fig, this cream smells divine. I want to eat it.

I use this product on my legs and arms and whilst it takes a little while to sink in, it does leave you feeling smoothy soft soft and what more do you want from your legs? Aside from standing and running and such??

For £10.50 for a 300ml jar that lasts a looonngg time, I think this is excellent value. Also, Soap and Glory often have 3 for 2 deals on (online and in store) so look out for those.


Hydraluron Moisture Booster was a pricey but nifty little purchase a few months back that I have loved and will continue to buy. I'm not even going to try and get in on the science lingo (google will be your friend here) but this is a serum. You apply it before your moisturiser to a clean face and it helps look in hydration for longer than just using cream alone. I was sceptical at first but have felt a noticable difference and find it such a quick step in the morning that it's not a lot of extra effort. It sinks in VERY quickly and has no scent so won't clash with whatever else you are using. At £24 for a 30ml tube I think you could call it luxurious but it's a price I'm willing to pay for gorgeous looking skin. 

I'd heard great things about Burts Bees Lip Balms ever since I started blogging and looking into these things but never really bought into the hype. A while back I needed something to chuck in my bag and so picked up the original flavour for £3.69. I wouldn't say it's a wonder product and I'm still not sure why everyone piddles their panties (ew) over the brand but it does the job, my lips are balmed. I have since tried the mango flavour and whilst that was really nice, again, I'm not flailing my arms around it wild exuberance over it. They are good, standard, well priced products. There. 

And there you have it, the little gems that have been keeping my badaaaiii all soft and lovely. I change my skincare up so often that it was nice to for once stop and talk about it. 

I would love to hear what products you are using or loving at the moment or if there is anything you think I would get on with (I have normal-dry skin)?

More beauty chats soon??



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  1. What would you recommend for hand cream ?

    1. The Soap and Glory Hand Food is amazing! it smells great and gives great moisture!

  2. I have the burt`s bees Lip balms and they`re $10 in Australia.. which is quite expansive but oh well.
    I also took it school and my friend thought it said Burt`s Beef which i thought was very funny haha x

    1. Really, 10$ for one? I used to study there for many years. I bought a pack of 3 sticks and 1 tin at 14-16$ from Terry White Chemist.

    2. yeah for one, i got mine from target but its lasted me a long time so the price doesn't really bother me.

    3. at Priceline they're only about $6 I think :)

    4. That's insane! I get mine on sale for $2 in the US, and it usually retails $3-5!

  3. I would like to try Hydraluron. I have to check out at Boots in my town. I'm not so sure if Boots Thailand imports this brand.

  4. wow! a great post Louise, I love seeing your beauty reviews x

  5. I love these posts, we have VERY different skin types as mine is an oil slick, but I'm always interested to see what other people are using. It's like snooping in the medicine chest while on a visit. It's amazing to see what works for people. What makes this better is I always wonder if a thing is working for someone and what they use it for and how they use it and this gives me all that information with a big Bloggy Bow on top.

    Fashion and Happy Things

  6. I haven't tried Hydraluron yet but it sounds like a great option to Elizabeth Arden's 8 hr cream! Xx

  7. Hydraluron is epic! I love how it contains acid to get rid of spots :)

  8. My Mum treated me to my very first facial the other day. I was a bit shame faced when I confessed to the lady that my skin care regime is baby wipes and whatever moisturiser is on offer. She said that my skin is in good nick despite this. Must be the pregnancy hormones. Think I will keep an eye out for the Soap n Glory offers :-)

  9. well I haven't yet found my perfect moisturizer! I have a combination skin that dries around my mouth and my nose (yep, it has it's one will) and I'm battling. I must admit I would not spend more that 20 pounds on a face cream, maybe only if it will bring awesome results which is hard to find out if you try only samples :D
    I've heard a lot about the hydraluron booster and maybe I would give it a go if only I could find it in my country (small chances :-D)
    Hugs :*

  10. I've been using the Origins Make a Difference + all summer and loving it in conjunction with my Hydraluron (which I am amazed cost more in the UK than in Canada, that never happens! Its only $24 here)
    I also started using the Clarins Gentle Exfoliating Toner after reading about it on Caroline's blog and it has helped my skin immensely when it comes to texture and dry flakiness. Also, if you haven't tried the Origins Drink Up Overnight mask, definitely do! It is amazing!

  11. I have been meaning to purchase the Hydraluron for ages! I think i might have to treat myself to a tube! Sounds like a must have product!

    Stefy ♡ | UK Beauty + Fashion Blog
    GIVEAWAY WIN A MAC LIPSTICK of your choice

  12. I was looking into this moisturiser for a while, whoever tried it loved it. Well, it looks like it is time for me as well:)

  13. I love the Burt's bees lipbalms! They're very good in my opinion :)


  14. Some good picks here. I really want to try the Make a Difference+ moisturiser, it looks like it would do wonders for my dehydrated skin! x

  15. I love Burts Bees lip balms, so nourishing! That Origins moisteriser sounds yummy haha, I use nivea soft because it's so cheap and cheerful but if I had the funds I'd like to try this one!! :) xx
    kooky capricious 

  16. Love the picture of you and Matt in the background!

  17. I like the Burt's Bees lipbalms, but i not crazy about them. I like other lipbalms too :)
    xx Stephanie (

  18. Been curious about hydralon for so long will be googling and I expect purchasing after the effort hehe xx Emmi

  19. Mmm, I love nice smelling beauty products - so glad my skin isn't sensitive to scents!
    Megan x | MeganRoisinn

  20. burts bees do the best lip balms! x

  21. Thanks for the review, think about getting the soap and glory body cream now, I have only heard great things about it :)

  22. This is fantastic :D Thankyou Louise! I have wanted to try the Hydraluron for such a long time, I'm just trying to find spare money that I don't mind spending on it. It's had such great reviews though! Soap and Glory things smell so amazing. Hoe horrible to drop that moisturiser though :0( An excuse to buy more....? :D
    Love from Jasmine @

  23. I love the Burts Bee's lipbalms. They are so moisturising!

    Leanne @ Leanne-Marie | Beauty, fashion & lifestyle. x x

  24. I have The Righteous Butter from Soap & Glory sitting in my room unopened so I'm really excited to try it out! :)

  25. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove your beauty posts.

  26. Ahahaha Badai means Storm in Indonesia!
    Great review Louise! x


  27. I really want to try the Hydraluron Moisture Booster!
    I hate that Soap & Glory products are double the price in Germany -.- so expensive here! Can't wait to be back in England to stock up ♥

    xx Jo Betty

  28. I love hydraluron too! When I am having a bag skin day I like to use my cane & austin acne pads! They are pricey but completely clear up my skin!

  29. Really need to get my hands on Hydraluron! My skin is so dehydrated :/

  30. I'm definitely going to try that soap & Glory body butter soon.
    I've been using the Michael Todd True Organics products for a few months now and they are awesome. My favorite stuff to use at night from them is: 1-avocado and mango facial mask -2- honey and oat cleanser
    -3- cranberry antiox toner -4- intensive eye treatment -5- and citrus cream moisturizer
    I've also been using the laura mercier almond coconut milk body souffle before bed on my arms and legs.

  31. I'm normally an Origins girl myself being paraben free and all but I've found out it's not easily found in NZ (where I shall be fleeing to in the not to distant) - I've found the Kiehl's Skin Rescuer Moisturiser is great for my skin and it comes in a handy pump bottle so no risk of spillage!

    I did a recent entry on my own blog about it as it really has worked a treat ( I won't spam your comments page don't worry!) - my skin is so touchy at the moment, this helped to calm it right down without leaving that nasty residue like you say :)

  32. I actually love the Burt's Bees lipbalm as they last for absolutely ages!

  33. I just purchased the body butter and I am loving it! I have terribly dry skin and between using the body butter and the Flake Away body polish my skin is feeling extra soft. I'm also one of those people who swear by my Burt's Bees lip balm. It's just the best lip balm I've found and is so easy to throw in my bag. I've been looking for some new face products to help keep my skin moisturized this winter so I'll definitely have to look into the Hydraluron and the Origins moisturizer. I'm hoping to keep the flakiness to a minimum this winter.

    I love these reviews and hearing your honest opinion on products :)

    <3 Devin

  34. I never understood what all the fuss was about with Burt's Bees lipbalms (same with the Yes To Carrots ones). They're good, but not special. I highly recommend the Caudalie Lip Conditioner, it's very affordable and the best lipbalm I have ever found! Bought it on Gemma's (gemsmaquillage) recommendation and I'm not looking back.
    I loooove that Origins moisturizer! Still using a deluxe sample of it at the moment and I hate how good it makes my skin feel (well, not I actually love it... but that means I'll have to fork out a load of money soon). Ah the things we do for beauty! (aka empty our bank accounts)


  35. I have really dry skin so the origins moisturizer sounds wonderful! Thanks for your reviews Louise!
    Lovely Notions

  36. Loevly reviews Louise, love your sincerity about everything and... what a pity for your moisturizer!

  37. That pic of you and Matt is so cute Louise. Ive never really thought a lot of the burts bees lip balms either..... x

  38. I'm trying so hard to be better with my skin care - but sometimes after having done a late shift at work I just dont care!! :(
    Have to admit I do agree on the hydraluron its epic! :) xxx

  39. I love the Butter Yourself so much, it smells amazing! x

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  40. Aaaaaw, Louise, I'm sorry about your Origins Cream. :/ That sucks big time.

  41. Hmm, I really want to try Burt's Bees.. :) xx

  42. Love the soap and glory!!!!!


  43. I love the pic of you and Matt <3

  44. Heads up for the next time you're in the US, that particular Origins moisturizer is only $39.50 here, so that would be like £10 off for you! Well, plus the cost of a transatlantic flight... ;)

  45. Louise, you have to try the tinted lip balms from Burt's Bees that come in the dark packaging - they're so much creamier!

    Lucy x The New Northerner

  46. That picture behind the beauty products is what caught my eye! It is adorable!
    I use Olay moisturizer for my face and I love it! There's also lots of different kinds for different kinds of skin.

  47. I really want to get Hydraluron as I have really dry skin, but I always forget every time I go into boots! I agree about the Burt's Bee, there is so much hype but they aren't amazingly incredible.

    Lucy | a little of lucy

  48. These products seem really useful, it's crazy how much people underestimate the importance of skincare!

  49. I've been on the hunt for moisturizing products.. thanks!

  50. that picture of you and matt is so cute <3

  51. I agree about the Burt's Bees brand. I prefer Baby Lips or I've also heard amazing things about eos but haven't tried those yet.

    I've been using lots of Elemis products and I think they're so good! I've noticed such a difference in my skin. Clinique is also a classic choice.

  52. Love the photo in the background! haha, I keep seeing people raving about Burts Bees, making me really want to try it. I'm using Carmex at the moment but when it's all done I think I might get some. xx

  53. Ohh I love everything Soap & Glory and Origins! They have good products. And I have the same feeling with the Burt's Bees lip balms, they are good but I didn't go crazy over it haha Great reviews! x

  54. Love this post Louise! Definitely want to try the Hydraluron now you've mentioned it. It sounds like a great product :)


  55. Great post! I have also wondered at all the hype around Burts Bees. I've tried it before, and while it's good and does it's job and such I've never felt the need to rave about it. And I am a girl with some seriously high maintenance lips (if I ignore them any time of the year they enjoy painfully reminding me of their existence). I am always on the lookout for brilliant lip products that help me not need to use the high power medicinal type ones, because they really do not smell pretty at all.

  56. I love Burt's Bees lip balms! They're definitely my favorite!
    Wonderful post, Louise! :D


  57. I have been wanting to try the soap and glory butter yourself body cream for quite a while now. Sadly they don't sell that brand in my country. I might just klick it home later if they don't get them in stores here any time soon. :) xo

  58. I'm thinking of trying out Hydraluron Moisture Booster... Do you think it would be ok on my combination skin... I've got a really oily T Zone going on atm but my skin feels parched from all the aircon here in Dubai... My mums visiting soon see so thinking of getting here to bring me some over as we can't get it here in Dubai yet... Enjoyed this post :) Love n Sparkles Clare Elise xx

  59. Loving all the technical language you used here Louise! I've always wanted to try a Burt's Bee's lip balm, particularly the Mango one :)

    Amy |

  60. great post! the background picture of you and matt is absolutely adorable too! :)

  61. I really want to try the Soap and Glory body cream! We don't have Soap and Glory here in Japan so would love to try anything from them. Btw I LOVE the photo of you and Matt in the photos :)

  62. I love the Origins Make a Difference Plus and the Hydraluron! it was Caroline Hirons who introduced me to it and it's brillant! :) X.

  63. love soap and glory products!

    - Janine

  64. love your beauty posts!

  65. I have a gossip blog about the youtube gurus, check it out :D
    Follow and i will follow back!!


  66. i have dry skin too, i rarely get any spots i tend to use Clarins hydration moisturiser and there serum during the colder months when my skin gets really dry!

    check out my blog -

  67. I would like to try Hydraluron. I have to check out at Boots in my town. I'm not so sure if Boots Thailand imports this brand.
    youtube unblocker

  68. I would recommend Burts Bees Eye Cream. It has been helping under my eyes stay hydrated throughout the whole day and has also been leaving my skin looking radiant! Another product I have been loving is St. Ives Blemish Control Apricot scrub. It has been working wonders for my skin and leaves it so soft and it has a lovely warm scent!

  69. I really want that body butter!!!!! :P

  70. If you try Burts Bees lip balm, you've GOT to get the Pomegranate flavor. It is THE BEST, and whenever I use the regular one it's just not the same. Trust me on this ladies!!


  72. baby lips is really good to use, and all the simple products;)<3

  73. I remember you trying to pronounce "Hydraluron" in one of your videos with Zoe, haha :) I'm currently using La Roche-Posay's Effaclar series for my skin care routine. I start with their foaming gel, then use their astringent lotion and finish with a sebo-regulating moisturiser. I find them to be really good products for my somewhat sensitive skin.
    I've only tried Burt's Bees' body lotion before...

  74. I love soap and glory products

  75. I quite like the Burts Bees Lip Balms, I have the pomegranate flavoured one. I really like The Body Shop's body butter, they're quite expensive but worth it. I also had a LE Valentines massage bar from Lush which was amazing for when my skin was really, really dry! I'm sure the other ones are just as effective.
    Water Painted Dreams

  76. I need hydraluron in my life! Its like a cult favourite! Love you LOU LOU <3


  77. I'm actually more obsessed w/ the picture in the back! Ya'll have such a cute relationship.

    - Janelle
    Little Things

  78. I love love love that you're skincare isn't crazy expensive! Makes me feel better hehe
    - Kat

  79. I really liked reading your blogpost! I would love to try the daycream of Origins and now I'm really convinced. :)


  80. I have wanted to try the Hydraluron for so long and I think that it will be my next naughty purchase.

    I love your blog Louise, you are just so beautiful and you give me so much inspiration :)

  81. I Really want to try the Hydraluron it seems like a good product:)

  82. I love yoru beauty review as you seem so honest and down to earth, (

  83. im not too keen on the soap and glory body butter, I find it too thick which makes it hard to rub in and soak into my skin! other soap and glory stuff i looove though :) x

  84. I need to try Burt's Bees out now!

  85. hahahaha love the part about the burts bees lip balm. I've never tried mango, but I too have heard a lot about it!

  86. Everyone raves about the Hydraluron product and I really want to try it!
    P.S. I actually laughed out loud at the Origins side note! Poor Louise. xx

    Squares - Bookworm and Beauty Enthusiast

  87. Love this skin care routine! Please check out our new fashion and Beaty blog!:-) charley and abs xxx

    it's my new fav thannggg.
    Put together a list of things to use this Autumn to make it perfect.
    Now i'm wishing I had included a few of your picks too..
    Take a gander- it won't disappoint!

  89. Nice to see a bit of soap and glory has sneaked in :) I really do need to try Origins but will have to wait till next payday I think.

  90. I've never tried Soap & Glory, but I am always tempted to pick some stuff from their line because it smells SO good!
    For my skincare, I am loving the L'Oreal micellar water, especially for the morning. I actually just posted my monthly favorites where it was most certainly included.


  91. The Soap & Glory body butter sounds so delicious!! I must check it out the next time I go into a Sephora~~


  92. I'd highly recommend the Emryolisse Filaderme Emulsion. It's like a richer version of the famous Lait-Creme Concentré, perfect for normal-dry skin or harsh british winters (uugh). It's not greasy, but it is sooo hydrating! I'm in looooveee :P
    I like totes recomendzz it ;)

  93. Love Burts Bees and Hydraluron! The Hydraluron is a little pricey but I've found that a tube lasts for aaaaaaages - like seriously, I'm still on my first tube and have been using it pretty much every day for 3 months now. I even bought a second tube as backup, because I was sure that it would run out soon, but nope, it keeps on going!

  94. I have never tried any of these products but they seem very good:)

  95. I used to LOVE Burts bees but now it makes my lips sticky. :( It was saddening until I found the EOS ball. The chap stick ( well its not really a stick) lol but it is amazing! You should try it!!


  96. I love the Body butter and I agree these last like ages ..Loved your blog ..A new follower :)

    Skin Whitening Tips

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx