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Monday, 16 September 2013

Working From Home || Monday Insights #2

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

With any luck you read THIS post from last week and fully understand what is going on here. If not, in a nutshell, every Monday you are given a topic to freely ask whatever you like about and I will answer the next week. Hopefully the topics provided will be of interest to both of us and we'll both learn something new. Plus, it's a great opportunity to be totally nosey. 


Working From Home as a Blogger and Vlogger

Are you partnered with adsense on youtube? if not, who are you partnered with? 

Yes I am partnered on YouTube. I partnered myself by filling out the eform attached to all channels (or at least this was the system when I did it in 2011) and waited to be verified via email. Good times. 

So, My question for you is have you or do you ever find yourself struggling to find things to write about and post? Or does it come naturally for you?

Not anymore. In the early days I often had writers block and so left my blog to dwindle (naughty Louise) but nowadays I have systems and methods to always stay on top of things. More on those later!

How do you organise your time and stop yourself from becoming lazy?

I don't have a set routine as such because each day is quite different as I juggle Darcy, blogging, filming and trips to London. I'm a very driven person and constantly set myself little goals and know that if I don't meet them I'll feel cross at myself. I do have lazy days (like last Thursday) but they make me really grumpy and so usually they're just not worth it to me. 

How do you keep yourself from getting distracted?

I don't. Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Bloglovin' and Pinterest are the bains of my life. Way too much of my time has been frittered on them!

Could you tell us about how adsense on blogger and youtube works and what you have to do for it because of the taxes and stuff?

I'm not going to comment on taxes because everyone's are different and they range from country to country. But yanno, pay them! Adsense on blogger (which I don't currently use) works by putting ads on your site and if people click on them you earn a percentage of a penny or something like that. YouTube is exactly the same. 

What was your "aha!" moment? Was there a day when you realized that there was something amazing that you could do to take your blog to the next level?

Sadly not. I always knew I wanted to really work hard on it and so I never let myself enjoy a success (whatever it may be) too much or dwell on it. Maybe I'll have my 'aha' moment this year!

With blogging, do you always have the majority of the posts planned ahead of you so that you know every single day (or that days you're blogging) what's being posted and when?

Hmmm. Since February I went all out in my blogging efforts and planned everything meticulously. I was about 2 weeks ahead of time and rather than feeling great, I felt really stressed and constrained by it. I'm a lot more relaxed now. I kind of know what I want to do this week but I'll take it day by day. For example, you are reading this on Monday and I'm writing it Friday afternoon (or 17.42 to be exact). As yet I have no idea what you're going to read for the rest of the week. Hopefully something good!

Does it get boring?

No, never. 

I was wondering what's the best thing about blogging/vlogging and working from home (despite getting to spend heaps of time with the fam)? 

Naturally the best this IS that I get to have my Daughter at home with me and watch her develop in her tiny years. Aside from that I would say the freedom to plan my day however I like and not have to answer to an arsehole boss like in my previous jobs haha. 

Does it get hard working from home? Considering you're at home, and not around other work colleagues and therefore, it may get pretty lonely must be quite a challenge?

I don't often feel lonely but when I do, I REALLY feel it, which isn't fun. In those moments I turn to Skype or phoning a friend or arranging to do something. If all else fails I have a good cry to Zoe or Matt. I'm usually really comfortable in my own company and suit being a little hermit. I do like it when Matt is home though. Hugs on tap. 

Do you ever feel like you're missing out on something that the 'outside the home work world' gets?

Yes. I miss out on work socials and Christmas parties which always makes me a little sad. Matt's job is never a 'bring your partner' kind of thing (goodness knows why- the stingy lot!), so I'm secretly jealous of office parties and such. However, thinking back, I always slightly resented having to spend evenings with people I was forced to spend 8 hours a day with anyway. I also half miss getting dressed up for work. 

Do you ever get scared of the idea of essentially working for yourself?

No, I get excited by it. 

My biggest problem is that I plan to have a full days blogging - taking pictures writing posts etc - and nothing turns out right! The lighting is bad, my post formatting wont work or I just cannot think of anything and everything in my book of blog ideas just doesn't seem very good! How do you overcome this sort of thing?

Years and years of practise and I'm still not there. I used to do days like that too but would find them really overwhelming and then give up tackling them. Break it up and do one or two posts worth of work at a time. Good luck!

How do you edit your photos with such cute fonts? I've always thought your pics were charming and very Sprinkleofglitteresque.

Thank you. I use a website called picmonkey but have recently invested in photoshop so will see how I get on with that. 

Do you get distracted easily? 

*Flicks through ASOS for 20 minutes*. Yes. 

So I was wondering how you decide your time up between Darcy and blogging? Like me, do you do as much as you can while Darcy is sleeping or do you manage to work around her throughout the day?

Darcy is my daily priority. I do work around her because she is quite happy entertaining herself with toys, puzzles, books and crayons but I try to do most of it when she sleeps. 

How do you actually make money from youtube? And is it enough to feed the family. I am really curious.

'Enough to feed a family' is a really subjective concept. It is also quite a personal one. What I will say is that with mine and Matt's income together, we are well fed and happy. You make money from YouTube through their adsense programme which Google will explain far better than me!

My question has to do with your blog writing process. I am afraid that I'll run out of ideas after just a few posts! What are some of the things that help you draw inspiration?

Over time I have found and honed in on the things I enjoy to write about. You will note that everything is usually in the same genre and you are unlikely to find something different. For example, you are not likely to find a post about exercise but you likely to see something on family life or beauty products. Once you know what area you want to 'specialise in', you can focus on ideas around that. Every time you have an idea, WRITE IT DOWN! Jot it in a notebook or on your phone or on the back of a napkin but make sure you do! Everywhere you go and everything you do, think, 'Is this something I could blog about?'. 

What is your biggest challenge on being a blogger-mom?

Balancing being on my laptop and spending time with baby.

How can I get more people to follow my blog and to read what I post?

I do want to answer this but I don't think today is the right topic. Maybe ask again if we do a 'Blogging help' week.

 am starting to blog (and vlog) myself and sadly I am at a loss as to how I should organize my ideas and thoughts. So I'm wondering how you keep all of your "glitter" organized?

Simple answer- notebook app. It's a lifesaver haha. Also, keep a diary for all your deadlines and events. I'm currently REALLY behind on doing that and my brain feels very fuddled for September. 

Do people respect the fact that you work from home? Do they ever consider you to "not have a real job" because you work from home?

This is a bit of a negative one. I don't think people do fully respect the fact that I work from home. It has taken a lot of my family (except Matt who has been great from day one) to even half understand what I do. My Dad is now 100% onboard but it's still pretty frustrating to explain this to other people. I suppose that since blogging and vlogging are relatively new things still, it's hard for people to grasp. I live in hope!

I'm wondering if you always think about your work and sometimes feel stressed because of it? Because if you have an office etc. then you ususally think about your work AT your work and when you come home you focus on your personal life. Now everything is happening all at once, and how is that?

I think about Sprinkle of Glitter ALL the time. Sometimes I have to actively force myself to shut off from it otherwise I have those weeks like I did this summer where I just burn out and no blog posts get written. The problem is that I love it all so much that I WANT to think about it and work on it all the time! :)

What was university like? Are student loans scary?

Again, a good question well worth answering but this isn't the right topic. Sorry!

Do you sometimes wish you had a different job?

No way hose! There is literally nothing I would swap this with. 

When do you usually wake up if it's one of your work days?

I no longer have an alarm clock. I have a toddler. It's worse because the snooze button is obsolete. I get up about 7.30 each day. On Saturdays Matt will usually get Darcy up and I sleeeeeeeep. 

How long does it take you to edit a vlog?

Far too long because I'm easily distracted. 

When you began blogging were you working another job that blogging has replaced? Would you be working outside of the home if you weren't blogging or has blogging happily filled that place?

Good question! Yes is the answer to both. I worked full time in an office (which I hated) for a year when I started all of this and only left due to maternity leave. During my pregnant boredom I went crazy learning everything I could about blogging and vlogging because I realised I loved pouring my time into it and that it would help pay my bills a little bit when the new baby came. If this hadn't have worked, yes, my plan was to put the baby in daycare and return to the office of doom and misery. Thank goodness for you guys!!

How do you stop your self from fridge/cupboard raiding? Having been home for 4 months for the summer, I have struggled!

Errrr I don't? There is a reason I'm not skinny. I eat ALL the foods ALL the time!

I was wondering this question- "what advertisng company do you use- i.e. google adschoices, glam media etc etc?"

I use Glam Media on my blog and Ad Sense on my YouTube channel.

Don't you miss preparing yourself in the morning, choosing your makeup your outfits and everything?

Yes definitely. I used to really enjoy that element of office life so it is sad I now live in 'comfies' but I do have a lot of swish London days and evening events to compensate so it's not too bad. 

in the long run, do you ever get the feeling you're 'stuck' at home and how should one prevent that?

Sometimes but very, very rarely. If I do, I just go out. Haha. Problem solved!


WOAH that was a lot of answers! I hope you managed to read down to the bottom! if you did, pat yourself on the back!

I have really enjoyed going through all of those and look forward to next week. If you would like to leave a question for Monday Insights #3, the topic is....drumroll please.....


This is your chance to ask me anything you like (within the boundaries of good taste) about my own experiences or my thoughts on the above topic. I think this is going to get veeerrrryy interesting! 

Looking forward to reading the comments!



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  1. Have you ever struggled with keeping a relationship happy and staying true to yourself? If so, how did that go/did you manage to find a balance?

  2. great post! thanks for always working so hard! i am currently jotting bloggie/youtube things in my handy-dandy notebook now!

  3. Hi louise! Have you got any thoughts on how to avoid intimidating boys? x

  4. if you didn't have this amazing job, what would be your next dream job? x

  5. Aww, this was so enjoyable to read, I probably should of got ready for school instead but oh well, who needs an education ;) joking

  6. I'm not sure if you will know the answer but how can I manage a relationship whilst I suffer from depression. My recovery is ongoing and I'm already involved with somebody but I feel like my depression is preventing our relationship from being as good as it can be.

    What do I do to keep my bad days at bay and not let it affect my relationship (ie I take it out on him a lot)

    Thoroughly enjoyed reading this by the way Louise. Been trying to do my own blog and always get unmotivated x

    1. First of all, congratulations on taking steps to recovery! I've suffered from depression since I was a teen, so I completely understand how hard it is to deal with at times. The things that are most helpful on my worst days are getting out of bed and off of the computer, practicing basic self-care (which can be super hard) and getting outside for a walk or otherwise moving around a bit. I try to warn my partner when I'm not in a good 'place' and do my best to tell them exactly what I need from them at the moment or if I'd rather just be my myself.

      I hope that makes sense! Bye!

  7. Thank you for this post Louise... I am just starting out on my blog and it was really useful getting this kind of insight. Love you and your blog.


  8. Love this post! Thanks for the insight.


  9. Hey Louise. Just wondering how would you tell your parents about having a boyfriend without all the embarrassment?? Thanksxx

  10. Hi Louise! Thanks for the feedback! Photoshop can be a bit challenging to learn at first but it isn't so bad. There are lots of books that can help (libraries, yay!), there are tutorials (but some of them assume you know the basics, which can be tricky), and I'd be glad to help too! :)

  11. Loved this blog post!:)

    where do you think you'd be if you didn't have Matt right now?

  12. Personal but when did you have your first kiss/ boyfriend... I feel like im never going to find anyone and be forever alone :( haha x

  13. Hi, i want to know how to keep contact with boyfriend? He does not always give me a call!

    Robe de cocktail violette

  14. Really cool series and very good blogpost :)

  15. Thanks for answering thse questions Louise :) very helpful
    Xx Stephanie (

  16. Do you think being a romantic and daydreaming about love is helpful or hindering to a person? <3

  17. I loved reading this post! I've had my blog for years and for most of that time it has just been a space to document out life. Readers were mostly my family and friends that no longer lived near us (yay military life) so now Im at the point of trying to grow but not used to actually blogging for an audience. It's very new to me.

  18. Thanks for your answers Louise I hope you could do a 'Blogging Help' post. :)

  19. Louise, that was such a good post, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it! Your honesty when it comes to anything, is just so refreshing!

    Amy x

  20. Thank you so much for this post Louise, you are amazing :)

  21. I love your blog, can you do a post on blogging tips x

  22. Loved reading this blog post. I am currently off work on Maternity Leave and have the hope that I will be able to be a stay at home Mum too x x

  23. I go to an all girls high school, I don't know many guys and I feel like at my age I should have guy friends! How did you meet boys at school?

  24. Great post! Really fab advice that I will be using. I'm a stay at home mum and a blogger too (although at the moment blogging is a hobby not a job)


  25. Thank you for answering our questions :) your honesty and your love for what you do is amazing, that's why we love you ;)

  26. Have you ever felt like you didn't want a boyfriend or need one, at some time in your life? (Before you met Matt, obviously!)

  27. Loved this post! really insightful for somebody just starting out.

    My question this week is:

    How can I be more confident in being single? at the end of last year i broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years and even though it has been over 6 months i am still not confident in being single. I feel alot more judgemental of myself and what others think of me. I am scared i won't find anyone else?

  28. How do you tell a boy you like them if you're unbelievably shy and haven't had a huge number of conversations with them?

  29. Do you think Matt is your soul mate? What's it like being in love?

  30. I literally think of you as a second mother Louise! You have the best advice xx

    I was wondering if you could send an email to - it would literally mean he world if you were to even just write one word, knowing I have been acknowledged by you would probably make me cry! (happy tears of course)

  31. How do you meet guys when you go to an all girls school? :)

    1. Exactly my own question! I don't *think* that I want a boyfriend, but I do miss having friendships with boys. I would love it if you could cover both bases, especially making it clear from the start that you're seeking out a friendship, not a relationship.

  32. Great blogpost! It has helped me so much as there are so many misconceptions about blogging from home! :)
    Thank you! X.

  33. Such a great post! Love your blog and you!

    I'm currently in that office you speak of, wishing I could blog full time! think I need to bite the YouTube bullet too...decisions!

  34. I have a marriage question, if you're up for it. Do you have any tips for keeping your relationship fresh and exciting after you get married? I love my husband dearly but sometimes we just get stuck in a rut doing the same things every day.

  35. I admire you for managing all this. But it also sounds kind of cool setting yourself your own work times and being around your family a lot ;)

  36. There's a boy who likes me a lot but I don't like him(well, he's a nice friend, one of my best friends actually but that's it). I've tried hinting that I'm not interested and I barely ever say anything back when he flirts with me. How should I handle it? And if I get a boyfriend, how should I tell him without making him angry and jealous?

    Thanks so much, I loved this Monday seeing as I study at home and there was some useful tips! :)

  37. Hi louise! First of all, I want to say that I love your blog and youtube channel!
    My question is: When did you know you were in love with Matt?
    Thank you! xxx

  38. Lovely Blog, And great honest answers!

  39. I was wondering if you had any tips on how to keep the 'flame'/romance alive once you've moved in with your partner.

    I'm a few days away from moving in with my boyfriend of two years -and 3 other people we know as it's a student house- and I really don't want us to develop a monotonous day-to-day routine and get bored of each other. I have some ideas for date nights and little, quirky ways to show him I appreciate him, but I won't say no to a few more ideas. Thanks! :)

  40. Hi Louise, I am getting back together with my boyfriend after about a year of being separated, how would you suggest tell my parents without it being awkward?

  41. This is soooo helpful and great post Ms. Louise! Thanks for sharing! ^^

  42. This is such a great post. It was really helpful thanks!

  43. How do you or have you gone about opening up your insecurities to boys before or in a relationship? Do you 'say it how it is' from day one or think women should hold back sometimes to not end up so vulnerable to their (potential) partner?

  44. What advise would you give to someone who is in highschool and is feeling pressured into needing a boyfriend because everyone else has one? The reason I don't want one is because I'm still trying to find myself and figuring out who I wanna be, so how can I put time and effort into someone else when I'm struggling to give myself the time and effort?
    Btw, I love you Louise, thank you for being you xxx

  45. great post - i really loved this. I would more than happily give up my left foot to be in your position with a beautiful family and able to work around them if you choose. You are incredibly lucky :)
    Absolutely love your blog and every post you write - i relate to so much of it and as cliche as it sounds, its like my second internet home - i feel welcome and all warm anc cosy here. Thank you for that!

    All my love Rheya xxxxx

  46. You are such an inspiration to me being so self driven and motivated, You really have inspired me to push my blog further and continue to take it as a path for myself because I enjoy it, not just because it's not immediately successful,
    Thank you. xxxx

  47. This is such a helpful post. I always find reading your posts so enjoyable!

  48. Such an awesome post! I'm also working from home - THE FRIDGE DEVIL!! it's the worst! haha

  49. Loved this post very informative and great to see how you organize things <3

  50. My previous boyfriend left me for another girl around 7 months ago, we are no longer in contact and haven't been for about 2 full months but I'm still struggling to move on from him and forget about how hurt I was. Any advice?

  51. As a WAHM that was nice to read, to see that my daily ups and downs weren't only mine! I think, unless they've been there, the world completely underestimates the prowess WAHMs!

    Question for next week: What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship? Love, compatibility, trust etc.

  52. Such a great post! I've found it very interesting to see a bit of how your life is working from home and helpful aswell :) something I'd consider as I'm a mum to be!

  53. Loved your post Louise! How do you deal with having a serious relationship while trying to balance a social life?

  54. Greeaaaat post! Thank you so much for all of your answers, it is amazing to see you so close to us :*

    My question is:
    What would you do if you had to say no a boy that has been after you for a long time and you just don't know how to tell him that you don't love him back?
    AAAAND, where you really picky about boys? I'm 16 years and whenever it comes to boys I am really picky because I have never had a boyfriend before and I think my first one will also be my "first one" and it should be someone really special, right?

  55. Louise, I really enjoyed this post! It was helpful, insightful, and (due to the author)it was fun!! Congratulations on all your successes. I wish nothing but happiness and a bright future for you! Have a lovely week! :-)

  56. Firstly, thank you for answering my questions (: <3
    Now onto the next topic... Relationships with boys lol.
    There's this guy that I really like and I've liked him for a really long time but we don't go to same schools or anything and I just got to know him at a camp and now I don't know how to get in contact with him anymore, any help? ):
    love you Louise<3
    xoxo Maddie

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. I love this post!
    My question for next week is;
    If all my friends have boyfriends and rarely go on nights out now, and I have a job that doesn't quite involve boys (beauty therapist) , then what's the best way to meet someone?

    - Joining a club isn't really an option as I'm 20 and there isn't much clubs for people my age, not around my area anyway haha!

    Love, Natalie xx

  59. Hello Louise~ I really enjoyed reading this post <3

    my question is: how do i not be awkward around boys?

  60. I think I'd love to be a full time blogger! I salute you thought because I struggle to juggle the dog and a blog nevermind a toddler! I've added advertising to my blog to try and get a bit of an income from it as I spend more time on it than I do my actual job.

    As for the boys post what is the best date you've ever been on?

    Water Painted Dreams

  61. LOVE these kinds of posts, please continue to do them!

  62. Because of my faith, I want to wait until I get married (you know what for!) but I'm worried that because times have now changed that boys I meet in future, and maybe want to have a relationship with, might think me prudish or a tease, which I'm really not! And therefore they may decide from the off that they don't want to be in a relationship with me.

    I don't really know - I don't want to abandon my beliefs, but at the same time I don't want to be alone. Obviously I wouldn't put out after the first date, but would having sex before marriage be so bad? I could still be in a committed relationship and everything. But that would still be a long time before having sex from the start of the relationship and I think many guys would think that we're moving nowhere and leave.

    I don't know what to do or think!!

    Sorry this is a bit like word-vomit, my thoughts just spewed on the screen! Anyway, thanks

    Amy xx

  63. what age did you lose your virginity?

  64. How to deal with being the only one of your friends who hasn't had a boyfriend yet? xox

  65. Do you believe that there is some kind of age limit on people being in love and staying together? You know how lots of people look at teenage relationships and expect them to not last etc.

  66. How do i get a boy to like me, when i´m to shy to talk to him?

  67. I love these posts and the fact that you take the time to answer all these questions and help people! Thank you for always doing this kind of thing, Louise :) xx

  68. Louise! It was an amazing post. Thanks a lot for it.

    And my question to you is: Was there moment in which you felt like giving up on your relationship? If yes, how did you two overcome this moment?

    Have a wonderful week!

  69. clever louise, excellent blog post x

  70. You are so Lovely Louise! I love your Blog so MUCH!! <3
    My question is.. Is it bad that I haven't had my first kiss yet? (Keep in mind i am 16)

  71. Loves this, where is the bag from that's in the picture at the top?xxx

  72. Thank you for responding to my question about scheduling blog posts (yay!).

  73. I like this guy im most of my classes, but how do I get his attention? And any signs he could like/ not like me? xx

  74. Hi! I didn't know you used Picmonkey, but I did always thought how Picmonkey had so many fonts and stuff you used ;) And when are you going to do a blogging help week!! :)
    I love you Louise!

  75. This post was amazing Louise as always love you lots !! xx
    sarah xx
    My question is... How can you stop yourself from thinking about your ex even though the relationship wasn't bad in anyway at all but you know you need to move on ? xx

  76. Loved this post louise!!!! My question for you is, what do you do when the guy you like is flirting with you but he is flirting with your best friend even more than he and you reckon they like each other but wont admit it. Its really awkward as me and him are really good friends but she is my bestest chummy!
    Thanks, Katie xxx

  77. I loved this post <3 thankyou.

    My question: Hoe did you know when it was the right time to get engaged / get married?

    Thanks louiiseee <3
    Love from Jasmine @

  78. An incredible post as always!
    Now on to boys, the most exciting topic of all, eh?
    I recently got out of a relationship of decent length, but not long after I did (I'm talking a couple weeks here) one of my best guy friends made a move and he thinks we are going to be putting a label on this... thing soon. Any suggestions on how to politely decline his offer without ruining the friendship?

    Lots of love!

    xxx Caitlin.

  79. A boy recently moved to my school for sixth form and i really like him but the problem is he isn't really in my friendship group and isn't in many of my classes, how would i be able to get his attention or see if he maybe likes me too? xx

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. Love this blog!!!

    Please check out our blog

  82. AHHH! Louise! You used my question! I might be overly excited about that but oh well. It's so amazing that you keep in tune with your readers and answered so many questions! It was all so helpful. Can't wait to read next weeks' post!


  83. (Obviously, you definetly don't have to answer this if you don't want to, I just thought I'd ask you because I have no one else to ask) I'm just worried I'm getting older and haven't 'done' anything with a boy, not because I don't want to but because.. I haven't had the opportunity? How old were you when you lost your virginity and was it a bad experience? Xx

  84. There's this boy that i really like and have done for quite a while but i don't think that he likes me back.
    We're quite close as friends and i don't want to mess that up and i don't know what to do. Please help

    1. I am in exactly the same situation right now! x x

  85. OMG so many distractions at home don't know how you do it thank you so much for letting us know

  86. I really like the idea of these posts Louise!
    Hazzie xx

  87. Just wondering - What is your opinion on long distance relationships? Can they ever work?

  88. Thank you soo much for this! It helped a lot! I recently saw your video with Zoe about blogging and it really helped me out because I've just start a blog.. I really recommend that video to everyone!!

  89. When you are at school, do you advise in waiting until you find a perfect guy or settling for relationships that may not last just for experience?

  90. ah thanks for that post louise, I much appreciate it. I really like all you comments to the questions and you have giving me hope for my blog.Keep up the good work I know its hard to juggle children and work at the same time. I find it very hard and overwhelming some times.

  91. Yay my question was answered! :) That was fun to read!

  92. such a lovely post i enjoyed it thoroughly! But i have a bit of an issue, this boy has been texting me and being quite flirtatious but he has a girlfriend and im worried that i will come between them! Have you ever experienced anything like this? Could you help me? Much love x

  93. Lovley post Louise! I lovelovelove reading your blog!! My question is, how do you think I can keep a long distance relationship going and yet still be interesting? My boyfriend has recently joined the navy and I am at university :( Thankyou you beautiful lady! <3 xxxx

  94. It must have been scary going into blogging full-time, I am in awe! x

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  95. How can someone (me) overcome being a bit afraid of boys and being in a relationship? were you nervous/ scared about this when you started dating?

  96. At school how did you balance being in a relationship and lots of homework and tests, I spend the majority of my weekends studying for the weeks tests!

    P.S Love this series Louise! My mam has worked at home since before I was born and it has/is honestly the best thing having a parent at home when you're younger and knowing that you have a parent at home after school/ if you're sick and things like that, you're such a great mother to Darcy <3


    My Question: How do you make things less awkward when the relationship is not quite BF/GF stage and you really enjoy the persons company and have lots in common but do still find it awkward?

    Lots of love,
    Sophie x x

  98. whoa, that's amazing! great answer Louise!
    I wouldn't have traded my job with anything either if I were you :D

    New Question:
    I'm 19 and my last relationship ended like 3 years ago, my friends kinda force the ideology of me needing a new boyfriend, I'm just scared to take chances now, and sometimes I feel like I've lost my confidence in that sense. Do you think I should try or wait till I feel comfortable?

  99. Lovely post Louise, makes me want to work from home so much more :) hopefully one day I'll be lucky

    Clair x

  100. Okay, I don't have a question but rather a response to your answers. I think it's ridiculous that people can never be happy with what people choose to do with their lives. Especially women. "If you have a career and a child = how selfish of you. If you work from home with a child = how selfsih of you. If you don't work and you're a stay at home mom = how boring and unambitious of you. If you just have a career and no children = what's wrong with you?". There's literally no winning. If you can stay at home and do what you love and be with your child, honestly more power to you. That sounds so ideal to me. Have a good day :)

  101. Such an interesting post and answers alot of the questions I have about being an newbie blogger trying to expand my blog :)

    Thanks Louise!

  102. How do you explain (without being horrible) to a boy who really likes you that you don't want to be in a relationship just yet? Would love to know your answer at the moment haha x

  103. I love your blog and I have a lot of respect for what you do as a mother. I'm a new blogger, unmarried and childless, who juggles it with a full time job in PR and I don't think I give it even close to the detailed attention you do...and you're juggling a husband and an ADORABLE daughter who clearly adores you.

    Just wanted to say this because while I do agree people have a negative feeling about those who work from home, (mainly because they don't understand it) I think you do it all swellingly and it's hopefully an inspiration to other women out there!

    Much love <3

  104. Ohh I loved this post, thank you. :) I've been curious.. :)

    I'm 20 years old and I have never had a boyfriend, or had any of those experiences with guys (exept for stupid random kisses that meant nothing). I feel really down about it sometimes, 'cause I really want to be wanted, held and feel loved (I know it sounds stupid but its true) and I feel like there's something wrong with me. Everytime I see someone I fancy I shut down. I don't know what to say, I look away and feel really odd. And almost everytime my mind goes ' don't even bother he's not into you, you are too fat, i bet he likes skinny girls, ugly etc.. '.. How I could boost my selfasteem ?

  105. What would you say is an appropriate age to date? When did you start going on dates?

  106. I have yet to have a boyfriend and I'm in college (university) :P I feel very weird not being able to talk to my friends about past relationships because I haven't had any! I've obviously had crushes on boys in past years but nothing has worked out. I also go to a very small university so it's hard to find someone especially when the girl to guy ratio is 70:30 -__- any suggestions? I'm not longing to have a boyfriend(not my personality) but it'd be nice to have a relationship with someone and experience it.

    thank you xx (sorry that was so long!)

  107. Loved reading through all these questions and answers, they were really interesting :)

    My question is: I am a very shy person (a 16 year old who has never been even close to being in a relationship) and most boys in my age-group/live near me I have no interest in. What can I do to get out into the world to meet someone new?

  108. I love Louise :D x Great Post and Questions :D Ive only started my blog :) .. Im 16 and I love it !

    Twitter @CaitrionaTighe

  109. Heey Louise! How do I get a guy to like me back??

    I love love love your Blog and I think Monday Insights are the best idea EVER!!

    Lots of Love Katie xxxx

  110. Hi Louise, i'm 15 and i have a question. I recently started talking to this boy who is 17 over facebook (don't worry, i knew exactly who he was, he wasn't a total stranger) and when I finally felt brave enough, I went out to him. Basically we went for a walk and we kissed a couple of times. For some reason, I haven't heard from him since, other than from my bestfriend, who has a boyfriend, when she told me he had begun speaking to her on facebook. He doesn't reply to any of my texts or anything :( have I done something stupid, or am i just over thinking things?

  111. I really enjoyed reading this blog post, a really nice way to learn more about someone (you) :)


  112. Hi!

    I remember a video of yours from about a year ago about how you went to the alpha course and started going to church. This is the video that made me want to know more about you because I know of very few (if any!) Christian vloggers/bloggers. I don't know if Matt is a Christian but I'll get to the point. All of my friends think it's weird that I've never dated anyone, or pulled anyone or anything. How can I explain to them - and boys who are interested in me - that I just can't date anyone who doesn't share my faith, without getting too in their face about Christianity and whatnot? (I'm 16 in case you were wondering).

    I completely understand if you don't feel comfortable answering this on your blog but it would be amazing if you did!

    Love and hugs

  113. Yay! Thanks for answering my question from last week. Anyway, I have somewhat of a "dilemma":

    I'm nearly 20 years old (my bday is in January) & I've never been kissed! I'm not moping around or questioning if there's something wrong with myself, but it's kind of like " this going to happen, or what?" I know I should be waiting for the right person, but I feel like I skipped out on the whole awkward middle school/high school "dating" phase. Any advice?

    :) Allison

  114. I'm really looking forward to these posts now!! I have crushes on guys but when I start to really like them or I think they might ask me out I get really nervous because I'm inexperienced, anything to help? xxx I'm 14 x

  115. Thank you so much for the insight Louise, it's great stuff to read!

    As for the boys, I'm feeling a bit desperate. I'm 21, never had a boyfriend and even though I don't shy away around guys, it just never happened. I'm getting a bit worried I'll never meet anyone, have you ever been through such a situation? How did you keep going on?

  116. I'm really loving this post. This series is so fun!

    Fashion and Happy Things

  117. I KNOW NO BOYS! Basically I go to an all girls school and I'm sixteen... and I don't know any boys! Help?!

  118. at what age did you get your first proper boyfriend? and were you ever really shy and nervous around boys, if so how did you get over that?

    :) xxxxx

  119. Hey, just looking around some blogs, seems a pretty nice platform you are using. I'm currently using Wordpress for a few of my sites but looking to change one of them over to a platform similar to yours as a trial run. Anything in particular you would recommend about it? Home Design Ideas

  120. Love this series :) My question is how do you know when the time is right to get a boyfriend? I'm 20 on saturday, never had a boyfriend, never been on a date.. but I'm quite shy so I think maybe guys won't like me because of that. I really would like to find someone but I don't know how? I'm just going into my second year of university now. I can't wait to read your answers on this topic, I need all the help I can get!

  121. Hello Louise ,I'm from Greece and I reeaaly wanted to let you know that *woohoo* you're all around the world. I find you and your style of writing very interesting and you know you're that person for me that can inform me about that type of life (young mother-wife-blogger-youtuber) as I don't know anyone else in the same shoe. :)

    So concerning the boys... I'm tall (in fact 182 cm) and now the fact of being a teen with a few insecurities and with a bit different figure ,than the other girls in my school, makes me wonder if boys are a bit afraid to approach me or it's just me .Do you know if they have that kind thoughts in general?

  122. My boyfriend has just gone away to uni while I'm still at home. Any tips for a long distance relationship?

  123. another question... How did you know that Matt was 'the one'? :) xx

  124. Can a relationship work if you both live in different countries? I have been talking to this guy I met online for about a year and I would love to meet him in person although I'm really shy, any advice on how to overcome this?

  125. I really like this boy but he is with another girl (one of my close friends) he is always talking about her behind her back to me! He also doesn't want to be with her anymore but won't dump her and I really like him!! What should I do!!?? Xx

  126. Hi Louise! Looking through the comments, I see I'm not the only one, but I'm nearly 20 and have never been kissed/had a boyfriend. I've always been kinda shy, but it bothers me sometimes that I can't connect with anyone. I'm also worried that when I eventually end up in a relationship, how I would tell them that it is the first one I had? If you have any advice, that'd be great!

  127. I don't have the confidence to speak to any boys, help?! It really bugs me and gets in the way:(

  128. Louise :) Do you have any tips for new bloggers?

  129. How can you move a relationship from friends to more than friends?

  130. What are some cool date ideas for teens dating? My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 years, and I'm running out of cute little ideas!

  131. I really enjoyed this post! I can't wait for next week's Monday Insights. :)

    My question: How would you go about setting boundaries within a relationship?

    ~Erica x

  132. After being repeatedly rejected in the last couple of years, my self esteem and confidence have taken a major turn for the worse. How do I feel "good enough" and confident again?

  133. I'd love to be in your position when I am your age.. you're a fountain of inspiration, and I can't thank you enough for that!
    I have a question for you -
    How do you know when it's 'right' to move in with your significant other? And do you have any tips for moving into your own place with someone? :)

    Thanks Louise, looking forward to next Monday's post already!

    amyalaska | Beauty & Lifestyle blog

  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. Such a great post! Can't wait for next Mondays! You're such a inspiration!

    I've recently started my own blog, I'd be so grateful if you guys could check it out :) xoxox

  136. I love these type of posts! :) Thank you for doing them!!
    My question is: How do you think of topics to talk about with a boy you like so you can become better friends with them? I can only ever think to talk about the classes I have with the guy I like, but I don't think small talk will deepen the relationship at all. Help?

  137. very interesting read!

    I have a gossip blog about the youtube gurus, check it out :D
    Follow and i will follow back!!

  138. How do you figure out or are assured if a boy likes you? or not? I've asked and he says yes but it just doesn't feel that way.

  139. I have noticed guys really only see me as a friend. I'm not looking for relationship exactly but at the same time how do I put myself out there so guys are interested in me and know if I'm interested?

  140. very cool stuff and blog
    so girly ^^

    do you want to follow each other ?
    follow me at
    and also my instagram
    at carolineberly

  141. I loved this post so much!! It was not only helpful and informative, but it offered such wonderful insight into the daily life of a full time blogger/vlogger. Thank you so much for making it.

    (I love that you're all for all the foods, too. Hehehe food is awesome.)

    Maybe Lately

  142. Hello Louise :)

    Did you ever feel isolated getting married at a relatively young age? I'm engaged at 21 and while my friends are excited and happy for me, none of them are at a point in their lives where marriage is in there immediate future, so it's hard to relate to them (or anyone else my age) on that topic.

    Your blog is wonderful, so happy to read about your successes


    Bridget (

  143. So many blogging questions answered! This was so helpful for me, so thank you, Louise!

  144. Have you ever had one of your guy friends "fall" for you? How did/would you address it without totally crushing him? (if you weren't interested)

  145. How do you overlook flaws in other people? I don't ever date because I always find something wrong with the guy, even if they are fine!

  146. Oh, I so loved reading this post. As someone who is just getting started with the vlogging thing and looking into starting a blog this was wonderful to read. So happy for you that you get to do what you love and that it allows you to spend as much time with your family as you can. Can't wait to read the next blog and watch the next video.

  147. This was really lovely thank you Louise xx

  148. I like one of my close guy friends, who I think used to like me a while ago but I'm not sure if he still does. What should I do? I'm scared incase I completely muck things up!

  149. I'm loving this so far Louise! My question is have you/how would you get over a boy you really liked but are only friends with and are never going to be more?

  150. Hello dear Louise <3 Thank you so very much for doing this. I look up to you like a mentor and I have so much love for you. Your posts somehow, make my heart feel complete. I want for your happiness to always increase, forever. I do have a question if it's alright. I'm someone who strives in life to be nice and considerate of all individuals. and The dilemma I have is, I find myslef feeling embarrassed because I'm afraid I make boys uncomfortable when I approach them out of kindness. In short, is there such as being too nice where boys will be taken aback, and disturbed rather than thankful for a kind gesture? (I'm terribly sorry it's so lengthy). I cannot wait for next week's post, not to mention your next video, and posts in general. Much, much love xx

  151. Dating advice for people with anxiety disorders?

  152. What's your advice on meeting nice boys and actually talking to them and getting to know them?

  153. Hello Louise~ I really enjoyed reading this post <3

    my question is: how do i not be awkward around boys?

  154. what are the pros and cons to teen relationships!

  155. Did you ever feel like you were less wanted/less worthy of boys because you're not a skinny minnie? Because I sometimes do (even though I know better). If you did, how did you deal with it?

  156. Hi Louise, first of all I want to say that you are such a big inspiration to me !
    My question:
    I am a girl and I am 18 years old. I have never been in a relationship let alone kissed boy. It is not that I don't want that, it's just that boys don't want me I think... I feel so inexperienced and also so stupid because of it.. Like my friends talk about kissing and sex a lot and I have never kissed a boy.. Please give me some advise!

  157. Have you ever been/felt trapped in a relationship? if so how have you dealt with it?


  158. Do you think you need a lot of common interests or hobbies to make a relationship work or is it good to have some differences? And do you think it is important to have space in a relationship to do your own thing away from your partner? I used to think we had to be together all the time and I used to feel guilty for spending time with friends or on hobbies but I think if it is a reasonable amount, it's OK and gives you more to talk about. What are your thoughts on this?

  159. How does a relationship start? Most people I know in relationships say something along the lines of 'we just got talking' but how? Xxxx

  160. I too work from home as a translator(temporarily while I try to get a job in the Education field) and I really struggle with other people understanding that job.
    All the time I get comments from my inlaws like "since you don't work, you can do this...", "did my phone call (at 11am) woke you up from sleep? sorry", "When you start working..."

    They make feel like a 27 year old hobo who lives off his son, when in fact I have more degrees than all of them combined. We have to learn not to worry about what ignorant people say or think about us.

  161. Since you married your first true boyfriend, I was wondering how you felt comfortable marrying him without seriously dating other men. I have been dating my boyfriend for more than 3 years, and I'm nervous that if we do get married I will secretly wonder if there's someone else out there for me.

    You are such a beautiful woman and I love reading your blog/watching your channel. It's always filled with such joy! Much love from America xo

  162. Do you ever think you can go back to being friends with someone you were in a relationship with if you were friends first?

  163. Great post! :)

  164. What should you do to get a 'shy' boy to feel comfortable enough to talk to you?

  165. Have you ever had a Long-Distance relationship thats worked out positively? or know anyone who does? what are some good tips? because my boyf and i are miles away and Im finding it really hard to keep it 'going' but i really do like!!!! ;) great videos and posts!! x

  166. I really liked this one , it gave me a chnace to be nosey without feeling like a nosey parker , can't wait for the next post x

    Beverly |

  167. I was on many dates with a guy I like a lot. We know eachother from school. During the holidays we hung out. He took me to the zoo, we cooked dinner at his place and a lot more. When we are together we talk and laugh a lot. But we never got physical (in terms of kissing and holding hands). Now that school started again everything is so weird. I feel like we are both scared of confronting our feelings, wether "the" feelings exist or not. I am so scared of being friendzoned! What should I do? Should I just give up? Should I wait for him to do something? Thanks! :) ps: I am seventeen years old.

  168. Hello my dear Louise!
    I love your blog and your channel. You are an inspiring person.
    My question: I am 18, I never had a boyfriend. This stresses me out a lot. What should I do?

  169. My question is: Did you know Matt was going to propose? or was is a total surprise?

  170. It's so nice that one can make a career out of something you are so passionate about and to do it your own way is just the cherry on top. I think if more people did what they loved in life we would see a lot more passionate people walking around with smiles on their faces! Your enthusiasm for what you do is inspiring and it shines through in everything that you do. Thank You for sharing a piece of yourself with the world!

  171. How did your relationship change with having Darcy at what many would regard as a young age??

  172. Hey Louise! Thanks for this ace blog post!
    My problem is that I really like a boy who already has a girlfriend and I've liked him for 9 months now. What should I do? Nobody knows but I need some advice! And have you ever been through this kind of thing?

  173. This comment has been removed by the author.

  174. I have just started dating a boy and now my ex is spreading rumours about me that are not true to people in my school, I'm afraid my boyfriend will think its all true. any advice on this?

  175. Once you've friendship zoned a boy you used to like, do you think it is ever possible to go back to having feelings for him again?

  176. I just broke up with a boy I was dating for 3 years. Any tips on how to get over a long term relationship?

  177. How do you get past baggage from previous relationships? My last boyfriend was truly horrible to me in many ways... Even though my new boyfriend is the total opposite, I struggle to trust him or to believe that he won't start treating me poorly as well. I know that this is absolutely not a reflection of my current boyfriend's behaviour or personality, and that it is my past experiences making me think this way. Any ideas on how to let go of that negativity?

  178. What do you think about boys being "out of your league"? Is that a real thing?

  179. How long did it take you before you knew Matt was the man you wanted to marry and how did he propose/how did you react? xxx

  180. Do you have any advice for teenagers that are overwhelmed and pressured by the idea of getting a boyfriend and worried they'll never find love? Especially when all your friends seem to find it easy?

  181. How should I tell to/start the discussion with my boyfriend that I want to move in with him?

  182. How did you learn to be so amazing when your best friend's ex boyfriend was a big old meany, and she'd ring you eveyday crying from her car? :) haha love you xxxx

  183. How do you get over body image issues concerning a boy's opinion. To clarify, I am curvy, petite, and have a bit of a tummy that I am EXTREMELY self-conscious about. Whenever I start to like somebody, at first I just let that lovely flirting/butterflies/just friends but also a bit more stage happen but then I back away when I start contemplating what he thinks of my body. For example, I have a huge fear that I could hide it for a while, but then if he saw me in a swimsuit, he would immediately break up with me. . . Ahhhhhh! Help me please Louise!!!

  184. How do you get over boyfriend jealousy? I have a friend who it seems is adored by every guy, which doesn't leave the slightest chance for me. Any advice? Thanks, Louise xxx

  185. Hi Louise, how can I stop myself from saying stupid things in front of boys, let alone, what should I even speak about?

    Thanks :) x

  186. I love this post, I was reading all your answers in your voice! I work from home too, not blogging unfortunately and it was lovely to hear how you enjoy it as much as I do! xx

  187. I'm currently in my last year of Secondary school, making me more mature than I was before. I don't want to spend this year single as all the others, and find myself constantly yearning for somebody to cuddle and kiss my cheek. There are Over 700 students in my school and not one boys are decent souls and if they are, they're mostly already taken.. I have no idea of any other way to meet nice boys. My friend group isn't one that goes out very often (at all) and they definitely don't like club or things of that nature. How do you suggest I find a nice boy?

  188. im 16 and ive never kissed worried that people think im a weirdo and that it will never happen!!:(

  189. I like this boy and he likes me too but I'm scared about what other people will think if we start dating, which I know is stupid and childish but I can't seem to get past it. Any advice?

  190. I've been in a relationship with an amazing, loving and sweet guy for over a year and a half now. But lately things haven't been quite the same.. I guess you could say that he's pretty emotionally sheltered. He's in college now and I'm in my senior year of high school. He's not like very far away so I still get to see him like twice a week. But when I see him he's just so distant. I really love him and want to get through this.. Do you have any advice? Did you and Matt ever have times like these in your relationship? How did you guys get through them?

  191. I am 15 and I've never had a proper boyfriend. I had one for 2 weeks in 4th grade but we didn't even talk so I don't count it. No boy has ever shown an interest in me since. I'm feeling very down on my luck in this department and I just don't feel like it's going to happen, at least not until I get out of high school where I can have a broader selection. I just want to know how you stay positive durong these times. (Obviously before Matt) I'm finding it very hard to not go to the place where I say, "I'm going to be alone forever." I also can't really speak around guys if I DO like them. I just kind of clam up and can't be myself. How do you think I could get better at at least being able to be me around them?

  192. Everyone always tells me that i like the wrong kind of boys. Not like the bad boys or anything like that but the below average type, the type no one gives a second look at. I also think gingers are gooooorgeous. Everyone is constantly judging me on this and i really want to stand up for myself but sometimes i wonder if maybe i'm selling myself short, any advice?


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx