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Thursday 13 January 2011

Beating the January blues, one page at a time...

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I'm just waiting for my YouTube video to upload and I thought I would do a quite blogspot- talk about multitasking!

I saw on on my chum Zoella's blog recently, a stack of books that she plans to read this coming year and in amongst her stash was one that I have previously read and enjoyed. :)

When I last read it, I was 9 weeks pregnant, feeling physically sick and awful, stressed out about wedding plans and all in all, not in a 'good place' as they say. So, after being mentally nudged by Zoe's post, I decided to dig it out and start reading it again.

I Heart New York by Linsey Kelk is such a fun, girly, easy read that I would (and am!) recommend it to all of you Bloggerinos.

I don't really want to tell you too much because I don't want to spoil it, but basically it is about a young woman who finds out (very early on in the book so I'm not ruining it here!) that her fiance is cheating on her. In her anger and upset, she boards a flight to New York, stays in a snazzy hotel, makes a chum and her adventure starts! It reminds me a little bit of 'Divas Las Vegas' (forgotten the author) but set in New York.

I'm finding it the perfect antidote to the January blues.

Have you read this or what are you reading at the mo?




  1. i LOVE that book, I literally couldn't put it down. when I finished it, I actually picked it up and read it again. But just as a warning, it will make you so jealous of her life. Enjoy :)

  2. I haven't read it but you left me on a note where I want to now lol. Nice post :)

  3. That sounds pretty good. I just finished a book last night "Homer's Odyssey". I highly recommend this book. It's about a blind cat that the author took in and has become one of the most brave and wonderful cats, it's a true story. If you're a cat person, which I know you have a cat, then you would love this book. I laughed and cried while I read, which I've never done with a book, it's just very well written and pulls at your heartstrings. :)

  4. I've read this book and thought it was wonderful :) I've had a couple of bad breakups where I've just felt like running away to another country!
    There's two other books like this I think, one is in Paris... look them up :)

  5. Have you read I heart Hollywood and I heart Paris? Im a quatre of the way through I heart hollywood but I'm finding it a bit hard to get in to x

  6. Hi sweets! I read this book last summer and loved it! Super easy reading at bedtime is my fave! I've just got into Cecilia Ahern books which are great!!! Pure comfort reading! xxx

  7. Read this last year and LOVED it! It's a great read (: xx

  8. Im planning on getteing the True Blood books..and hopefully reading them..all! Theres 9 of them and as im addicted to the series on tv and were only up to season 2 in it i cant wait for season 3 so need my fix hehe! xxx

    shall have a look out for this one too! :)


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx