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Friday, 14 January 2011

Depotting Feels Gooooodd

Aloha Bloggerinos,

In a bid to make more space in my wardrobe (I keep all my makeup in shelves in there), I have been condensing my stash somewhat.

I've been considering depotting my eyeshadows for quite a while but the thought of tearing my Urban Decay Palettes up was too much to bare and at the time, taking the insert out of my MAC Pro Palette was not on my agenda. Well, needs must and I have actually found it incredibly worthwhile as my UD eyeshadows have seen so much more love for it :)

So first up, I ripped my Amo (not entirely sure it's called that but it was the black palette with purple flocking on the front and a gun shooting out swirls) annnddddd Bamboo (again not sure what it's called- the one with bamboo casing- I'm rubbish I know) Urban Decay palettes apart and with a sharp knife, winched out the pans. I pulled the insert out of my MAC Quad, popped in the majority of UD pans (they didn't all fit but I wasn't overly distraught because I never use the light blue/aqua shades) and voila! I need to get some magnetic strips or possibly a lick of glue because currently they aren't secure but overall, I'm really happy!

These hadn't seen any use for such a long time because it was such a faff to trawl through little palettes but now, it's a cinch!!

I also decided that rather than buying another MAC Pro Palette and feeling pressurised to fill all the holes (it's sad but I know I would), I just threw caution to the wind, ripped out the insert and now can fit more in and can fill it up at my own speed.

Ooooohh I do love a good MAC Eyeshadow. I've got my eye on quite a few colours that I'm hoping to pick up at the IMATS if I can gather some mulas.

Colours in my Pro Palette are:

Top Row L-R: Carbon, Deep Truth, Parfait Amour, Swish, Nylon, Phloof
Middle Row L-R: Nehru, Fig 1, Stars 'n' Rockets, Aquadistiac, Vanilla, Crystal Avalanche
Bottom Row L-R: Contrast, Satin Taupe, Sumptuous Olive, Swimming

Can you bare to depot? What are you fav MAC colours?




  1. Great post! I've been thinking of doing the same with my UD palettes. Maybe this will give me the courage to rip them apart!

  2. Great post,I received my z palette the other day and depotted all my shadows that i hadn't used in aaaggggeeessss,now there all to hand and are getting some luuuvvvv from me :)

    Oh did you notice that i gave you an award on my blog :)

    Hugs xxxxx

  3. Great post! I just started buying from MAC and I'm only buying pans of the eyeshadows (unless they're LE).


  4. FOr a while, I didn't want to depot anything. I wanted everything "perfect" looking in its original packaging. As I starting to get more and more, depotting was very necessary. And it actually makes it easier to actually use my collection. Never seen a quad w/ the divider out like you did!

  5. Truth! I LOVE depotting because everything just becomes THAT much more compact

  6. This is awesome! :) I ripped off the packaging of my Urban Black Palette too. I've been lemming Ammo for a while, I might pick it up and do this to it too! x

  7. From the second palette, it seems that you really liked pink!


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx