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Tuesday, 18 January 2011

I am a Nesting Machine!

Aloha Bloggerinos!

This is a bit of an unplanned post but I do enjoy to document my little life on here, kind of like a diary, and I thought you might enjoy a baby related post.

Today I was planning on making a few YouTube videos, catching up on my correspondence (yeah, I just mean emailing people back that I need to haha), completing my uber complex 16 page maternity allowance form and make a nice dinner for Mattmoo before we go to our antenatal class at 6pm. Well, this hasn't happened.

I had a lovely long lie in and then was suddenly gripped with a crazy urge to clean, tidy, organise and polish! Obviously I've been slowly, slowly getting a bit sorted buying clothes and helping (watching) Matt make the cot etc but today I've been like a woman possessed- I even found some white paint because I felt it imperative to touch up any little scuffs there were on the skirting boards!!! Sheesh!


Seeing as I'm now about 31 weeks pregnant, I think we can safely say I'm 'nesting' and oh me oh my, it feels amazing!!

For those of you not in the know, nesting is a common oddity of pregnancy, where the Mummy feels the need to completely sort her home (her nest), in preparation for her new arrival. Common nesting things are ironing everything, folding and re-organising the baby's clothes and cleaning. Personally, I've got my eye on those windows- they need a good clean.

So, I'm off to let this nesting thing take over and blitz my nest. Have you ever heard of/experienced this?



Image lovingly borrowed from


  1. Oh you're so lucky! I really want a little one, but Mr J says now isn't the right time, d'oh! x

  2. I could do with some nesting kicking in for me, my house is a tip! Unfortunately I'm not pregnant so it's not going to happen and unfortunately for Mr Shadow I didn't nest with either of my pregnancies! Make the most of it and enjoy ;-)
    E x

  3. Aww thats so cute! I have heard of this before! I wish I could feel the need to nest my room :)


  4. I got the nesting urge for a couple of weeks. Then I couldn't be bothered moving cause I felt so enormous! When do you go on maternity leave?



  5. Nesting sounds like a wonderful thing - wish I had it right now in this stage of pregnancy as I'm trying to find motivation to clean the house. My coworkers said they can't wait until I reach the nesting stage and when I asked what it was they said it was when "everything had to be perfect and you go out and buy anything you think you must have for the baby, house, etc." Made it sound like becoming a wild, demanding, person. Am relieved to hear THIS definition!!

  6. I bet your getting really excited now arent you. Wont be long x

  7. I loved the nesting stage! With my second bubba my hubby caught me cleaning windows at 6am. I also sprained my wrist while cleaning the kitchen cupboards! x

  8. Hi Louise, been a while from I commented! glad to see you are doing well and not long til baby girl W comes :) can't wait to see her. I am planning a little giftie poo if that would be ok?

    shel xx

  9. Nesting sounds so lovely -getting everything perfect for a little one :)
    gorgeous post!! x

  10. Oooh I love this!
    I don't remember my mum doing it when she was pregnant with my little sister, but it was 10 years ago!

    Did you know, your little baby is about 17 inches long and weighs 4lbs :)
    And she won't kick as much because she has less space to move around :)

  11. Oh that's so cool, I've been on my Obstetrics Rotaion in hospital and I haven't heard of nesting before! It sounds like a wonderful experience xx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx