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Thursday 6 January 2011

IMATS 2011

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I am all of a dither of excitement becaauuusseeeee I've been very kindly offered a ticket for the London 2011 IMATS!!

This year it's being held at Alexandra Palace on the 29th and 30th of January and you can still get tickets if you have a looksie on their WEBSITE. There will be an array of shows from industry professionals as well as stalls galore and plenty of shopping opportunities- woop woop!

My only fly in the ointment is I will be 34/35 weeks pregnant by the time it swings round! I have asked the PR Lady if my friend Charly can come because 1) She will kindly drive me there (the tube is out of the question with this enormous bump hahaha) and 2) She's a nurse, which is oh so handy because yesterday I fainted and today I've been feeling really light headed. I feel a bit :( about the fainting to be honest, so will you all cross your bloggy fingers for me that Melissa the PR Lady let's Charly come, otherwise I can't :(. Phoof what a lot of waffling and unsmiley faces considering this is meant to be a happy post!!

So, are any of you going? If you are and you see me, please please come and say hello, I would love to meet the Bloggerinos that read this and will even let you have a bit of a bump stroke- ooerr!!




  1. how your okay lovely!! i got my tickets the other night =) am so excited to go!! fingers crossed youll be there too!!xx

  2. Sounds like fun, wish I could go :)
    Hope your feeling better after fainting and I hope your friend can go along with you. Having your own private nurse is always nice! :) x

  3. Hey Louise! I've had a month away from blogging but have loved catching up on your videos/blogs. Your bump is coming along just nicely! Super dooper jealous of you going to IMATS! You have to take a video/photos when you're there!

    Sounds like you deserve to put your feet up! xxx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx