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Thursday, 16 February 2012

Has Spring Sprung?

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

This morning as I brushed my teeth, I opened the bathroom window and heard something unfamiliar but oh so lovely- birdsong. For me, the first musical notes from my garden friends of the year are a mark of hope, of good things to come and at last, an end to grey dreariness.

I instantly wanted to do a 'spring' post and sat down with Lappie (who doesn't name their laptops?!) to have a bit of a mooch on weheartit for eye candy. Suddenly, I realised that this all felt a bit de ja vous. Hmmmm. After a little think, I realised I did something VERY similar last year in February! If you would like to read that post, HERE it is. Haha, it goes to show what a creature of habit I am.

Never one to miss out on the opportunity to create a new tradition, I typed "Spring" into and here are a selection of my favourites :


Tulips have been one of my favourite flowers since as long as I can remember. This picture reminds me of my Auntie Rose's garden which is always in full bloom.


Although this is clearly not in England (there are no lorries swaying across two lanes and sports cars cutting anyone up), it makes me want a road trip with the windows wound down.


With two of my girlie friends engaged this winter, weddings are on the horizon. As soon as the shops start stocking nice summer clothes, I'm going shopping!


In our house, Spring is birthday season. Baby Glitter, Me, my Mum in heaven and some of my cousins all have April birthdays, so the anticipation of cake and parties is never far from our minds.

Are you full of the joys of Spring yet?




  1. Yay! I love Spring, it's beautiful!
    Check out my new ELF haul?

  2. I love the caption for the road trip picture haha! It's so true! And that cake looks delish. It's pretty springish here too, it was almost warm outside yesterday ha. :)x

  3. yay, i love spring:-)
    please check out my blog xo

  4. Awww i would just like to say this has honestly made me feel so super duper happy this morning! I'm an April baby too (27th) and even though i know a lot of people who think Spring is quite boring, i love it! xxx Thanks Lou :)

  5. My daughter is born in April as well, hoping for a lovely outdoor spring party for her :) I love spring, makes me soo happy when I see all the blossom starting to come on the trees and the flowers starting to grow. I'm ready for spring NOW!

  6. I just opened my window for the first time in months! The sun is shining in Northants today - amazing! I love springtime, definitely one of the nicest times of the year! x

  7. Both of my babies are April babies... Soon to be April adults... Though here in Australia (Tasmania) April is in autumn. We are coming to the end of a hot horrible summer so I couldnt be happier at the though of crisp air and cool nights. X

  8. That cake looks so yummy. It is so nice to finally get some nicer weather here in Britain!!

  9. Aw, I think I'm just as excited as you Louise! I absolutely love Spring! :)


  10. Ooooh that cake looks so cute! This is a nice post - makes me want some nice sunny days! x

  11. The cake looks amazing ! would love to have the same for my birthday (which is also in April).
    I love spring, and I must say that I'm in love with your blog (stayed up very late to read all your posts).

    Have a great day Louise ! xxx

    Ps. you're absolutely beautiful !

  12. That Cake Looks Lush :o) Making Me Hungry!

  13. Spring just brings more exams like every month :(
    But I did go for a lil walk this morning to get some fresh air :)

  14. HURRAH SPRING! Where the devil have you been?!

    I'm so excited for Spring - a) because I'm bloody freezing, b) because I'm bored of winter now Christmas has buggered off and c) because it means I'm getting closer to enduring hell on earth and popping out my little boy! He's due in May!

    Excited! Lovely post - has got me in the mood and straining my ears for birdsong when I should be working...


  15. That cake looks stunning! I am excited for spring xxx

  16. You have such a beautiful way with words Louise! I feel all excited for the leaves on the trees now!
    Lovely pics as well, that I may just pinch to use as my desktop wallpaper ;)
    (HELP I'm new and need all the advice/tips I can get!!)

  17. I love spring- it's always so bright and cheerful :)

    The pictures you chose are gorgeous, I do love a good wedding!

    Love, Elizabeth xx

  18. My Birthday's in April too! I can't wait for spring, the slightly warmer weather (ever so slightly) is getting me in the mood.

    xoxox - for beauty reviews, hauls and health posts x

  19. I love spring! Makes me so cheerful. Great pictures!

  20. lovely photos! I love it that you call your laptop Lappie, you posts & videos always brighten my day, your so funny! xoxo

  21. Such a lovely day outside here too! X

  22. I love tulips, I've just returned from Amsterdam and they're blooming in abundance over there! I cannot wait for Spring :)

  23. I've just started a blog

  24. Love spring!
    I have an April birthday as well so it's something more to look forward to after the dreary weather. Although it's still a bit dreary here if I'm honest haha!

  25. I love spring! I have a wedding on the horizon as well so can't wait until the shops start stocking their summer bits either! x

  26. spring is by far my favourite season! Its that time of year when the flowers start to bloom (especially tulips, also my favourite!) and the weather gradually gets a little bit warmer!xox

  27. I love spring, its my favourite season, it might have something to do with My birthday being in March! Really cute photo's x

  28. Lovely photos, especially the tulips, they're so bright and colourful! Not feeling very spring link myself, it's been miserable and rainy here all day! Can't wait to put away my winter woolies though! I have a few birthdays (well not me, lots of friends have their birthday... obviously I don't have multiple birthdays, though that'd be cool...)in March/April so buying for those always gets me excited for warmer weather! xx

  29. I bloomin' love spring! Lovely photos xx

  30. Ooo i do like spring, it makes me want to have bunches of flowers everywhere around the house. Hmm, I might buy some tomorrow actually. Seeing that picture of those lovely pink roses makes me want to go out and buy some for my bedroom haha.
    I also like spring because its like the perfect time to declutter and make way for shiny new things!

    Lovely post :) xoxo

  31. i love spring, its mine and my daughthers bdays in march and april...... however best of all ...i think neways that the garden is once in use again theres nothing better than chilling in the garden with all the birds flowers and bees lol and watchin to children run wild lol.....great blog asaways !!!! please check out mine its pretty new, however a work in progress

  32. what is your weheartit profile??xxx

  33. Tulips are lovely flowers! I lovelovelove Spring.

  34. I keep getting bursts of springiness and summeryness everytime I look out of my window and it's even vaguely sunny. I do love myself a bit of winter, but once the sky becomes a constant grey and the temperature creeps up to a mere 5 degrees I long for warmer days and flowers and daisy-chains and long walks during which my feet won't freeze due to the inability of my boots to keep my feet warm, despite my wearing of 2 pairs of socks AND tights! (: xx

  35. OMG that cakes looks amazing hahaha! So exciting that its nearly spring for you!

  36. Lovely pictures, very inspiring. Thanks for sharing, Spring is almost at my door thanks to you!

  37. Louise i adore your blog and youtube videos, such a fun and uplifiting person! Ive just started a blog thanks to inspiration from reading yours a a few others including zoella :) Its so exciting and fun to do!
    If you have time check out my most recent post on all my fun nail designs :D
    So much love! xxx

  38. Louise thanks for writing such great blogs you always brighten my day :)
    ooo.. the last picture of the cake looks fabulous lol the icing/frosting looks amazing I wonder how they did it ?

    thanks again keep up the great work xx katielou

  39. I can't wait for spring, need some temperatures above 3 degrees and colour ASAP! X

  40. this post just brightened my dull, cold, snowy evening! and I really wanna do a road trip around the US too, but would settle for a piece of that yummy looking cake right now...or any cake, or just food! hmm must be dinner time!

  41. I felt that too.. it was actually quite sunny today! although it was still fairly cold.. :( oh i know you dont really care but you were mentioned in a blog post I did. dont worry all positive tehee :) x

  42. Lovely post :) I follow your blog, would love you to check out my blog and follow back :)

  43. WOW XX i didnt think i could miss the spring as much as i have :D when i serch up things like spring it makes me happy :P please could you cheak out my new blog :) xx

  44. I love love love spring, I was born in the spring as well! And I love weddings, wish someone I knew would get married already! hahaha :)

  45. I can't wait for spring either! I miss the warm weather and all the bright colors. Winter's dreary weather really drags down my mood everyday :(

  46. Nice blog, I can't wait for spring :)
    follow me,

  47. spring is one beautiful season xx

  48. BEAUTIFUL - I only wish that I saw these first thing this morning as I have been having such a bad day until late this afternoon when I went for a nice walk to the park with my children. I love the tulips too. I am part Dutch and had them all over the place at my wedding so this has really cheered me up. I have a nail blog and would love you to take a look.

  49. been reading your blog for a while now, it's fab :-) and i can't wait for spring :')x

  50. Love your blog. That cake looks delicious. I have an uncontrollable need to bake now :)

    Following you!

    Check out my blog if you get the chance


  51. Spring is most deffo here I think. I can feel it in the air ^_^ Lets hope we don't get a massive dump of snow and freeze before it comes though :)

  52. I dunno about you, but I still think its winter, it has snowed in some places, and its still really cold here :( But maybe its because I'm in Wales! aha :)

  53. All the pictures are really interesting, but the last one gives me the I-want-cake-now feeling! very cute blog btw versatile too. I am a huge fan of glitter meself ;)


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx