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Thursday, 23 February 2012

Kiss It Better

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Today has been one of those days. The kind where everything you touch crumbles and nothing will go right. Your hopes are dashed and you are left, sat in front of the One Show, eating Pizza Hut and wishing you'd ordered Dominos instead.

(Who doesn't love a grainy instagram picture of themselves looking a) overconfident and b) mental?)

I'm supposed to be doing highly grown up things tonight (no, not that you filthy minx), like setting up my printer, cleaning my tip of a dining room, planning upcoming videos/blogs, sorting our taxes and all that boring junk that I can't even bring myself to finish listing.

Instead, I'm going to sit here, on my bathroom floor, waiting for a hot bubble bath to run, brush my teeth (goodbye all traces of pizza sin), and read a book.

Yes tomorrow Baby Glitter will still have a cold and will be as clingy as ever, the taxes will still require me to stare confusedly at them and my house will still look like a carboot sale threw up, but I don't care. I'm a woman on the brink and I need someone to say, "It's OK Louise, don't sweat the small stuff".

For the most part, I feel incredibly blessed, but just today, please can I wallow in bleaurgh-ness? I'm sorry to not be Mrs Chirp, she'll be back tomorrow. If you have any requests for blog posts (baby/beauty/other), please do let me know and I shall make you wish my command.

Right now though, my bath is ready and my book is calling.




  1. i love your blog, quite new to it, but love it - and you look gorgeous in that photo :) hope tomorrow is a better day for you! xxx

  2. Aw Louise, it's not like you to feel like this! i know we all have our bad days, but they're once in a while so dont let them bring you down! I love cleaning, call me weird. I love to open the windows, put some music on, tie my hair back and get stuck in! Of course, you have to stop for a tea break ;) You looked lovely in this picture, Xxx Daisy

  3. Aww Louise just relax. Everything can go away till you have done pampering yourself.
    Everyone needs a little break at some point!

  4. This post is so relate able. I'm feeling your pain today. ><

  5. This post cheered me up! :) x

  6. It's ok Louise, don't sweat the small stuff! And screw the taxes ;)
    Hope you feel happier after your bubble bath, if not have a cold apple tango, in a can of course!

  7. a bubble bath sorts everything!!!!

  8. Enjoy your bath and relax! We all have these days, just stay positive and don't worry about it :)

  9. I totally know how you feel today!! "I need someone to say, "It's OK Louise, don't sweat the small stuff"."
    I am saying it: It's OK Louise, don't sweat the small stuff!
    Hope that helped! :)

  10. Love this photo! And ahhh- love a good bath with a good book. Hope you makes your day better xx

  11. Ah boo (and I mean boo as in boooo hiss, not in a Kelly Rowland 'ah boo' kinda way anyway!!) we all get those days and you are coping with it like we all do, carbs, bath, loaf.
    p.s your hair looks lush in that pic!

  12. It's okay not to be okay! Just chill and have us cheer you up for once! Have a wonderful evening with a warm bubble bath and maybe a tv show or two. Or an early night! :)

    shabna x x

  13. Oh Louise, you don't need to apologize if you have a bad day! It's perfectly normal, it happens to everyone. Nobody is perfect and once in a while we all need to take a moment for ourselves, put everthing aside and just relax! I hope you feel better tomorrow :)

  14. Have a nice lush bubble bath and relax! :)

    Love your blog, your such a lovely, down to earth girl!



  15. I wouldn't worry, I'm having one of those weeks. not good!

  16. I'm a relatively new member of your blog (and a blogging noob myself), but I must say it is FABULOUS!
    You're stunning, Louise, and seem super duper lovely. Enjoy your relaxing bubble bath and soak the cares away. :]

    <3 Laura. x

  17. At the end of the day, we're all human!! sometimes when you have a lot to do, the best thing to do is.....nothing!!! :) Enjoy you soak in the tub hun xxxx

  18. It's OK Louise, don't sweat the small stuff :)
    Your hair looks amazing ombred and curly! I keep seeing so many pictures of people with gorgeous long hair which makes me want to grow mine, but I know once I grow it I'll probably get sick of it and cut it all off again. Grrrr!
    Enjoy your bath - they're the best things to chill you down xx

  19. 'Its OK Louise, dont sweat the small stuff' :D We all have these days, I have them on a quite regualar basis, being a mummy and running a house can be quite stressy at times. x x

  20. i love your blog, your so down to earth and friendly and you are really inspiring me, because of you i have created my own life blog where i just blog about my life and whats on my mind. At the minute there is a lovely post about blonde moments so i would love it if you could go check it out xx

    hope you enjoy xx

  21. I feel your pain, today has been a total bleearuughh day for me too! My plan for this evening is a nice hot bubble bath, a big bar of chocolate and a bit of Celebrity Juice!

  22. You look beautiful in this photo!! what lippy are you wearing?

  23. aw don't worry about it girl! Ur lippie looks awesome and we all have those days <3

  24. Could you do a hair care post would love to see what products you use and enjoy x

  25. It's okay Louise don't sweat the small stuff! Everything will be okay tomorrow doll. We all have those days but (sorry to get kinda mushyish) there's always those who are so worse off and things can always be worse. Remember though, it's okay not to be okay all the time :) Much love to you and Baby G and all the fam! Hope Darcy feels better xo

  26. Awww lovely I've felt a bit like that all world. Hope you feel much better soon xoxo

  27. "It's OK Louise, don't sweat the small stuff" - I too have been feeling the belurgh-ness for quite a few weeks now! I hope you feel better soon! I think a good bath and a cuppa is always a good idea :) XX

  28. It's nice to see you take a step back from the beauty and such and just blog about everyday things like taxes :) X

  29. Aw everyone has days like this! I'm sure you'll be back to your lovely self in no time and on the plus, it's Friday tomorrow :) xx

  30. It's okay Louise, don't sweat the small stuff! Beautiful pic :) xx

  31. Everyone needs to take a day! Relax and enjoy today for yourself. :)

  32. You look lovely in the pic m'dear so take that as a great big positive, cherish the shitty pizza and enjoy the lovely bath... taxes and dining rooms and printers will still be there tomorrow.. xxx

  33. You don't always to be chirpy and happy !It's alright to procrastinate, but doing a couple of things one at a time is a lot better than doing nothing at all! That's what I personally do, even though I'm OCD, I still have the days where I barely feel like making my bed !
    So don't worry, don't stress out. You're a mum, you're a blogger, a wife, a daughter, but most of all, you're human. So, RELAX, TAKE IT EASYYYY (8) <- Cheesy Mika song right there :D x

  34. It's OK Louise, don't sweat the small stuff :)
    Bubble baths, Chocolate and a book and you time is always the answer <3

  35. From experience i can tell you that a bath will fix just about anything, that and a nap. Poor baby glitter, i was at the doctor for my own cold yesterday and there were two babies there with colds as well.. there parents had a laugh because even though im almost 20 i also needed my mom to take care of me.. and fill out my papers! hah im so useless when im sick. I hope she gets better and i hope your luck gets better :)

  36. Everyone needs time to relax and just shut out the craziness of every day life. You don't need to apolgize to anyone! Just enjoy your book and make the most of your alone time!

  37. We all have those days, Louise. Just take a step back and think about how blessed, happy and lucky you are to have the life you live!! We are all always here for you and I know that tomorrow will be a better day!


  38. It's okay Louise everyone needs a break once in a while but my favourite posts/videos of you have to be when you're just talking and being yourself. I love watching you and Darcy together, it just puts a smile on my face. :)


  39. Aw, everyone deserves to have a day like this - it's okay to take some time out. I love that you have such a positive attitude on life x

  40. You`re so sweet! Nice post! Check my blog and follow me if you want!

  41. aw so cute :--)

  42. Hope today is a better day for you Louise :) x

  43. Everyone has bad days...enjoy your bubble bath and book:)

    Sophie x

  44. 'its ok louise!' :) hehe have a nice bath! what book are you reading?? xxx

  45. We all have days like that - infact yesterday my hot bubble bath and reading time helped to clear away the black clouds. Hope today is a better day for you! x

  46. We all have our down days! I know excatly what that feels like! But at least you have a stunning pic to support your post xx :o)

  47. I have got to say that is one of the most stunning photo's I've seen of you. You just look PHWOAR!!! xx

  48. I love your blog Louise, just goes to show even when you are having a not so chirpy day you still look gorgeous... xx

  49. Stressed is desserts backwards :-) xx

  50. Hello lovely Louise!

    Hope you're having a better day today! I def know what it's like to have a total crap day, but just take it in stride. And I totally agree with x.abigail: "stressed is desserts backwards." Num yummy! Chocolate makes everything better! Love you lots!

    xx Lexi

  51. aww louise, don't worry! everyone has those days xxxx

  52. i know how you feel girl! everybody gets those days but don't let it get you down :) would love to see a lipstick collection or top drugstore foundations xox

  53. Its ok louise.. dont sweat the small stuf!! :) i really hope your bath and book helped.. what are you reading? I'm such a bookworm. Sounds like my life minus the tax stuff. I'd love it if you could check out my blog i only started the other day <3

  54. "It's OK Louise, don't sweat the small stuff" :D I hope your bath and me time helped! <3 x

  55. It's OK Louise, don't sweat the small stuff!! :) I hope you had a better day today! It's the weekend, woo!
    Love the pic, your hair looks fab!

  56. I definately know those days! Enjoy your bath.
    Chelle x

  57. I have just found your blog and I look forward to reading often.
    If you like you can take a look at my blog.

  58. I think Dominoes is the ultimate pizza place. I'm always disappointed by Pizza Hut, Pizza Express, Papa Johns or any other pizza place! x

  59. Don't beat yourself too much! you are doing a fabulous job caring for your wonderfully adorable baby, blog, home and life!!! You're wonderful and remember, it's totally okay to give yourself a break and be okay.

  60. Totally get what you mean... today has been sunny and lovely, and I had nothing to do... so I went to Sainsbury's, bought bread, came home, and now I'm in a slump and avoiding uni work.
    Definitely will be indulging in a nice hot shower (*wish* we had baths in my uni halls!), chocolate and a lovely film tonight : )

    x.Emma --

  61. Hi Louise, I'm sorry to hear you have been feeling a bit low and not your usual bubbly happy self!

    Your you tube videos always cheer me up! I really hope you're feeling better now! :-)

    Chin up, you are an inspiration to alot of people and the video's about your Mum etc. really make me feel sad, she would be so proud, you're a lovely girl! My Mum was diagnosed with breast cancer and is doing well since she had the all clear, it's a horrible thing to happen. But I'm sure she is looking down on you and very very proud!

    And your hair looks lush in the photo!!

    I have just set up my own little blog and would love if you could check it out (as you are my fav bloggerino!!) haha. I have a big fat zero followers (which I don't mind) but would mean alot if you had a peek!

    Best wishes x

  62. Love the eye shadow!! :) what is it?

  63. I love the eyeshadow too, what is it? xx

  64. Ok this is a few days late now, but yes it most definitely IS ok to have a few hours break every now and then - if not at least once a week. Life is a never ending to do list - especially for a busy lady and momma like yourself, and you deserve some time to just decompress and rejuvenate.

    I hope you enjoyed your relaxation and got to grips with those evil taxes afterwards! :) *huggles*

  65. I have spent the weekend wishing i ordered dominos! I live in the sticks so that isn't an option! I.NEED.DOMINOS.NOWWWW! Hope you've had a good weekend, hope you're back to your old cheerful self soon! xoxo

  66. Aww hope things get better! I've had a rough week too :(
    Charlotte Couture Blog

  67. You look absolutely gorgeous in that picture, I love your hair! :) xx

  68. I love this look! Playing in makeup is so much more fun and good for your soul anyway! : )

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx