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Friday, 10 February 2012

Jeans from Marisota

Sponsored Post.

If like me, you are a little softer round the edges, clothes shopping can turn from a fun day out trying on clothes, to a total nightmare at the drop of a hat, or should I say, at the strain of a zip? What was supposed to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience, can become a stressful ordeal in a changing room, under harsh lights, with a garment that makes you look like a burly truck driver. I'm not saying this as an, "oohh imagine that" kind of scenario, this has happened to me more times that I care to admit.

My favourite clothing to go shopping for is dresses because I know my figure can pull them off well and I know what shops accommodate my size 16-18 frame (sometimes more depending on the brand). Clothing my bottom half however, is a different story.

Trousers, jeans, even tights (urgh that clingy feeling round my bumbum is not my idea of comfort) are my nemesis. I find that ordinary highstreet shops usually only go up to a size 16 and being a pair shape, I need to go a little bigger.

Today I have been looking at the Jeans from Marisota and was really impressed to see how much variety they had available on there. I know this is a sponsored post, so it was going to be positive anyway, but truely honestly, I really do love how much choice there is! 

There are over 150 different jeans to choose from (I even spotted some hot pink skinnies! Woop woop!) in sizes up to a 32 (so if you're a curvy misses, you're well catered for) and also different leg lengths. This is great for me because I'm too tall for regular lengths, but not quite tall enough for long lengths- do you see what I usually hate jeans shopping so much? Haha.

After having a good look through, I have decided that I'm going to invest in the jeans below for Spring/Summer.

They look sooooooo comfortable and with Baby Glitter on the cusp of walking and running, I need something practical!

I appreciate that for a lot of you Sprinklerinos, you might be able to go into any shop you fancy and buy lovely things, but for me it's always a bit of a hunt, and when I find something that gives me the freedom to choose things that are fun and that fit, I'm a very happy bunny indeed!

Have you shopped with Marisota before? What did you think?

Thanks for Reading!


Sponsored Post.


  1. I love the way your write. This dosen't really concern me as im rather skinny but your writing is too good for me not to read on!

  2. love this blog!!!!

  3. love your blog and just had a look at your youtube!

    take a little peak at my blog!

  4. Unfortunately, they're still too short for me. Le sigh. Being plus size with a 36" inseam makes trouser shopping a right horror story. :(

  5. Got one of my dresses for a friends wedding from their! they're good with Delivery and service aswell! and totally get what you mean about the truck driver thing! I use to be a size 16/18 now a 14/16, but still love this!

  6. Oh how refreshing to read a blog for gals who are not a size 10! Thank you so much. Being a size 16-18 myself, this is a massive help, love it!


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx