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Friday, 3 February 2012

I heart Glitterworld

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I have just spent over an hour writing a post and uploading a zillion pictures of a a few bits I picked up last week but as I was writing it, I was finding it more and more laborious. I promised myself when I started this blog that I would only ever write for the joy of it, and so that post was quickly sent to drafts and I decided to talk about something much more fun.

This week has been another good one and I couldn't be more grateful- mostly to you fabulous Sprinklerinos!

♥ My lovely chum Zoe came to stay. We laughed our socks off, mooched round cute shops in a local village, ate our weight in pizza hut and put the world to rights. Once she was home, she wrote a really unexpected and beautiful post and I felt really rather emotional. I shan't go on because I don't want to sound like Mrs Feelings, but it really did mean a lot.

♥ Baby Glitter has been an absolute joy this week. She's always my little treasure, but this week she seems to have been more brilliant than usual. My friend Charly and I had some retail therapy today and Baby Glitter was sooo well behaved. She cooed and giggled and clapped like a pro. OOhhhhh I could just squish her to bits...but I won't...that would be frowned upon somewhat.

♥ Whilst shopping today I picked up 2 more Topshop lipsticks- yay! More on those to come.

♥ It's the IMATS tomorrow!! I cannae wait!! Matt is dropping me off and collecting me so I'll enjoy chitchatting to him in the car and then he and Baby Glitter will be spending the day together with a friend in London. I absolutely loved the IMATS last year and this year will be even better because I won't be 8 months pregnant and waddling- hooray. If you see me, come over and say, 'Howdy Doody' please :)

♥ Best, best, best thing about this week- I won 'Highly Commended' in the Marie Claire Beauty Blog of the Year Awards. I literally could not believe it. Really, I couldn't. It has just been a huge boost to me to know that so many of you voted and makes me love GlitterWorld a trillion times more that I already did, which was A LOT! I could gabble on and on about how grateful I am but you're eyes would get very tired indeed. Just, thank you. I heart you. Yes, you.

What good things have happened for you this week?




  1. Congrats on the award!
    I wish i could go to IMATS!!

  2. Congratulations on being runner up Louise! You deserve every inch of success you get from your blog or YouTube. You are such an inspiration and I will remain a loyal reader of this blog/watcher of your channel for as long as you make them :) xxx

  3. Aww sounds like a fab week, well done on the Marie Claire award thats amazing:D Have fun at IMATS tomorrow I wish I was going sounds like so much fun :D x

  4. Congratulations on getting 'Highly Commended' :) You deserve it, you have such a lovely blog and I love watching your Youtube videos! Also that lipstick on you is gorgeous!xxx

  5. congratulations!!!!

    my week was amazing too :)


  6. I love the color of the lips :)

  7. Huge congratulations on your well-deserved award; I am so chuffed for you, hun!

    Love that photo of you. Yummy mummy indeed.

    I watched the YouTube film of 'A day in the life' and cannot believe how Darcy has grown. Sitting and clapping, taking delight in Mindycat. She's lovely.

    Have a great time at IMATS.

    Z xx

  8. congratulations louise, thats absolutely amazing and you really deserve it! :)
    ohh, i wish i could go to imats.. have a lovely time! :) xxx

  9. congratulations!!!

    BTW, Just wanted to tell you that I already posted My memories suite Giveaway! I hope you'll join!^^

    here's the link:

  10. You totally deserved the award!
    I love reading your blog, it always cheers me up no matter what! You and Zoe seem like such great friends!!
    I wish I was at the IMATs but since I won't be - Howdy Doody!!

  11. I'm so happy you had such a great week :D What lipstick are you wearing? It's delicious! xxxxx

  12. That's a fab photo of you louise, your hair looks mega long!
    Your blog is amazing and thats why you were highly commended, its the first thing I check when I turn on the laptop and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
    I'm so glad your having a lovely time, you really deserve it you lovely person you!

    B xxx

  13. I started reading this blog a while ago and i was at a really low ebb in my life. I didn't know who i was in myself and what i wanted, i was the loneliest most insecure person you ever could meet. But you helped me, you might not have realised or known it but you did. And now you're doing sooo well and thats great! You won the award from marie clare you must be thrilled! I followed loas of blogs but as nice as they were they wereso materialistic and i never felt connected to them but you never were''nt which is why you were my favourite blogger. I remember the first ever time i watched one of your videos, you were pregnant and you'd just gone for a job interview and were telling of your ridiculous day and ive never laughed so hard and i stayed up for hours scrolling for hours through these videos all night just laughing and forgetting. Then i followed the links (sorry im telling you a frickin essay here) and i saw your 'ring,bump and me' blogpost. Oh my god its like you touched my soul, you were this normal lovely funny girl who'd had some rubbish, rubbish times and you'd got everything you ever wished for, and you made me believe. And i swear i just snapped out of it and i got a little happier everyday knowing that i could create my own future instead of just waiting for it to happen that i could get everything i wished for. Its easy to get swallowed into the beauty world with the great events, new people 'freebies' and so many people would love to have all that glamour in their lives, probably me included. But i ask but one thing, don't find yourself getting too lost in all of it, your blog is yours to write whatever you want and i can't falt you for that i just want you too know that if you ever feel at stuck for words, or whether people want to hear what you have to say remember that what you write, your words they matter, they're what got me where i am now and for that i only have gratitude.

  14. Sounds like you have had a brilliant week! I saw what Zoe wrote about you and I couldnt help but think I wish I had a friendship that strong and filled with love. Sorry to sound gushy! Congrats on the award - you deserve it. XXX

  15. i'm so pleased you won the award, you really deserved it!! Nichole is going to look out for you at IMATS, I was supposed to be going too but at the moment I'm just not up to it health wise :( silly illness!! But she has a list for me so I still kind of benefit, just would have loved to meet you. Glad you have had a lovely week and a great time with Zoe too :) Enjoy the IMATS. A lovely thing to happen to me is that Friday 3rd Feb my sister had a baby boy, Isaac James so I am a new Auntie, lovely news, I'm so pleased and proud :) xxxxxx

  16. Oh I just love you Louise :) I love it when you post something or upload a video :) it just makes my day! You deserve everything you get :) your awesome! Keep being fab xxx

  17. Congrats!! Very nice pic of ya too! :)

  18. oh louise you really do just brighten up a girls day whenever you post!
    i'm only fifteen, and so can't really afford all the expensive makeup, liz earle, mac, nars and so forth, and so I feel like reading some of the beauty blogs is a waste of time as that's all they seem to mention. I read every post you write because no matter the subject you always bring a bit of happiness to the table and that is something special I tell you! you should of won in my opinion, and I will be voting for you next and each time you are nominated. thanks for being such a great blogger louise, and well done for sticking to your morals of only blogging for fun.
    so much love louise!xxx

  19. You are a very down to earth woman so you deserve all the happiness in the world so I'm glad things are going so well for you x x

  20. hehe i do love your life posts! So glad you have had a wonderful week!:) congrats !

    love lots,x

  21. Congratulations on the award, and for having such an amazing week!

    You really do deserve all these good things :)

    Love, Elizabeth xx

  22. Yay yay yay, congratulations on the award, you deserve it very muchly! Your blog is so fun to read. I read what Zoe wrote about you on her blog and I saw "aaaaaaawwww" out loud like a strange person. I would love to have a friendship like that! Anyway hope you are having a gooooood day :)

  23. Such a lovely post :-) Congratulations on the award - it's well deserved! xxx

  24. wow! sounds like you had a fab week, and congrats on the award its very well deserved !!! :D, you look beautiful in your picture xx

  25. aww congratz on your award sweety!!!

    Gorgeous piccy you look really happy, hope lil one and you are all doing good.

  26. Beautiful post Louise! I love how your life is now amazing and full of joy. You deserve it all <3 xx

  27. Congratulations on your award! Lovely pic, your hair looks great :) xx

  28. aww so happy for u girl! =D
    wish i got to go to IMATS but I hope u have a great time xx

  29. I love your blog and your youtube videos I awarded you the Cute Blog Award for more info please check out my blog

  30. Just discovered your blog - I love how positive it is! Love your lipstick colour there too.

  31. Helloo, Have been reading your posts for a while now, and just wanted to say that I think you and your little one are just lovely :)


  32. congratulations Louise, you thoroughly deserved the recognition! X

  33. Congratulations, you really deserve it! Love your posts and videos, you are always so upbeat and funny!

  34. Congratulations hunnie. You look beautiful x x x

  35. congratulations Louise!! you deserve it , your blog is amazing<3

    i have a blog if you would like to have a little look

  36. Awww congratulations, you deserve it! I'm just going to have to admit how much I've fallen in love with you this weekend. You've managed to successfully distract me from doing my essay draft for the whole weekend by watching your videos, reading your blog and getting all broody over gorgeous baby glitter!

  37. You honestly do never fail to make me smile :) seeing this blog post just lightened my day! You have inspired me to add loads more sparkle and fun to my life and for that I thank you. Congrats on all the lovely things that are happening to you lately, you completely deserve it! lots of love xx

  38. I am literally in love with you and Zoe! I read the post she did and I couldn't stop smiling! Hope you had a good weekend!x

  39. Congratulations, truly deserved!! Love your bubbliness!! =)

  40. Congrats on the mention, I read the post Zoe wrote, bought a tear to my eye! Can we have some Baby glitter pics soon? She's makes my heart melt she's so gorgeous! xx

  41. Congrats on the award. You deserve it. What lip colour do u have on. It's so super pretty xxx

  42. Yayyy!! So happy you got the award, it was well deserved.

  43. Just to repeat whats been said to you a gazillion times already, your blog is amazing so well done on the award, it just echoes everything you've achieved so far. My week was craaazy, and this one looks like it will be too. But oh well, it's all fun.

    e x

  44. Hi lovely Louise!

    Congrats on the blog award - you deserve it! I always have a big smile on my face after I read your blog or watch your videos! :)))
    Hope you have fun at the IMATS and take lots of pics and video! I wish I could go!
    xx Lexi

  45. Well done !
    you look amazing on that picture.
    You blog is truly inspirational!

  46. i just found your blog and i'm not surprised you won the award! love love xx

  47. Loving the IMAT blogger love at the moment! great blog I'm a new follower, wanted to say hi!


  48. congradulations.
    I love your blog and I loved your Imats haul video on youtube x

  49. You're so purrrtty Louise!
    You and Zoe are my favorites :)
    Congratulations on the award, you really deserve it!

  50. You are so deserving of the award, you make so many people happy and clearly work so hard on your blog. We all love you ;)


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx