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Tuesday, 17 July 2012

LOTD || Blog Post #4

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Tuesday's LOTD is 'Blog Post'. This means you are to share a blog post that you have read and enjoyed/felt inspired by/learnt from/all that good stuff. You can choose one of your own or someone elses, from any time, on any subject. This is an opportunity to share the love.

Tuesday will always be : Blog Post.

I don't know about you, but sometimes I sit for hours just flicking through people's blog posts and watching YouTube videos. One such person I have been flicking through (that sounds kinky and weird) is Lily from What I Heart Today. A blog post of hers that I have LOVED recently was THIS ONE showcasing her Essie nail polishes. 

I am a HUGE fan of Essie polish so seeing all her lovely colours made me VERY tempted to go shopping. Mmmmmm pastels! She's such an enabler dagnamit! If you haven't already subscribed and followed Lily, then you are silly. And I am a poet.....and I did not know it. Tehehe what's gotten into me today??

If you would like to join in, simply copy and paste the image above (please link this blog with it), find your favourite blog post and share it with the world. Feel free to let us know in the comments if you have done this and we can all mooch about together!

Have you ever found anything amazing in a charity shop?


This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Confessions of a Secret Shopper. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top! 


  1. i love your blog!!!

  2. I love how you spread the love in the blogosphere!


  3. Idon't have any Essie polishes, I think it is time I got a couple!
    Here is my post if you fancy a look :)

  4. I love Essie polishes, I seem to have completely different ones than Lily though, I thought to do 'My Essie collection' too but never seem to get around it haha.

    So my LOTD Blog post is from Em from
    I love black & white clothing style inspirations :) Ixx

  5. I love the idea of this :) This ( is a link to my most recent blog post, I cannot express how much blogging helps me in my day-to-day life, it's not a beauty blog but I'm trying to expand it so I can include them as I LOVE reading them xx

  6. Love the picture on that blog! xx

  7. I like Lily's blog. It amuses me how "incestuous" blogs are, you all know each other. You can play "Six Degrees of Bloggers" and work from The Londoner to Milkteef. I may do a flow chart. (Joke)

  8. love your blog Louise! I joined in with a post by Gemma (gemsmaquillage) here xx

  9. I also found this blog recently and loved it, and also want some essie nail varnish now! xo

  10. Great blogpost choice :) xxx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx