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Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Summer Spending Ban

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

If you follow me on YouTube, you may have noticed that I have been a bit of a naughty spender recently and have been doing more haul videos than usual. I would never say I'm Mrs Haulypants or anything of this ilk, but I just feel like I have been treating myself a lot more than I usually would.

For this reason I have decided that it's time to take action! I will fritter no more! I will take control of my finances! Tighten my purse strings! Save the planet! Ok, maybe that's a little too far, but I will be spending less. 

(Here's my last haul video, where you can see how much I need to STOP bringing beautiful things home in lovely paper bags in exchange for a quick swipe of a small plastic rectangle. Mmmmmm shoopppppiinnngg.)

I have decided that from now until Sept 1st, I will only spend mula on the following (brace yourself, it's list time!):

Baby Glitter
Food Shopping/Petrol/Bills
Presents (but not for myself haha)
Experiences (eg. Family days out, time with friends etc)
Train Tickets
Storage (Had to slip this in as I'm buying a storage unit from IKEA soon)


What I will NOT splash cash on is:


I plan on putting my saved pennies towards a trip abroad next year and a few nice things I have planned this summer, which I will, as always, share with you. 

I'm looking forward to finding lots of ways to have fun (because let's face it, shopping is FUN) without pouring all my money away and if I discover any good'uns, I'll be sure to let you know.

Do you have any tips for not spending on clothes and makeup? Or do you know of any fun free things to do? Share in the comments and we call all be richer for it. Ooohhh see what I did there?!


This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Confessions of a Secret Shopper. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!  


  1. I've done one month of shopping ban and it was quite difficult! I think a good way to face this could be trying to rediscover your old favorites, I'm sure you have tons of products that you like but haven't really used, like we all do! xx

  2. Plan to empties posts or videos, I find this distracts me from wanting to buy new things as I become addicted to trying to use things up! Good luck :) x

    1. Love this idea. Will have to try this soon... spending way too much when I've already got enough!

  3. Ohhhh, that is so hard to do, you better stay away from any tempting stores then. That helps me a lot, go for a walk in nature instead, try new recepies and become a cooking queen...

    Good luck!


  4. To stop buying more clothes I empty my wardobe onto my bed, realise I have absolutely loads of clothes and don't feel like spending anymore. I also try to mix and match my clothes in combinations that never occurred to me before.

    Good luck on your mission! x

  5. I actually LOVE baby glitter hauls! When i have a baby (hopefully not for quite some time)I want it to be dressed like baby glitter! Unless its a boy of course. Ha ha ha!

  6. I have a makeup mix-up going on on my blog Louise. Basically I banned myself from buying makeup or nail polish for 10 weeks and mixed the products I already own round on a fortnightly basis. The plan was to finish some older products, however I got sun burn a couple of weeks ago and could only use a few products that didn't hurt my face so I guess it's not going that well haha.xx

  7. This literally could not have come at a better time!! I put myself on a budget yesterday, saving up for an epic travel adventure with my boyfriend. The amount of make-up and clothing that I have does not justify any more spendings. I will be turning my blog into a money-saving/bargain beauty&fashion blog now, so be sure to check up :)!

  8. oooh i've always said i wanted to try something like this. a "ban" on myself. haha maybe i'll statrt after my birthday ;)

  9. Being a teenager with limited pocket money, no job, and an expensive hobby (art and photography) you end up learning quite a few little tips so as to not spend so much money on clothes and makeup. The first is to feel like you've bought stuff when you actually haven't, I know I can't be the only one with drawers full of clothes I've not worn in months. Going through this and finding new (yet old...) stuff is always kinda fun! The second is to use items in completely different ways, such as using the same cardigan for a grungy look one day and a pretty, girly look the next. With makeup I'm afraid my only tip is to use it sparingly!

  10. would love to see a sort of 'shopping your stash' video/post if you decide to do that as part of your efforts to not buy new things! look forward to seeing how you get on and what other fun things you find to do - good luck!!
    nicola xxx

  11. I have become addicted to watching empties videos and accumulating them myself. Please do one of these! I think it makes using using up products so much more fun and you will be less likely to go buy new products!

  12. To quote the wonderful Rizzle Kicks chaps, "Oh na naaa, never gonna happen". Well, if you're anything like me that is.

    -Elodie x

  13. Making lists is the best way to save money! I write a list of all the things I think I need/want, then afew days later I'll re-write the same list. If things appear twice then I consider whether I will buy them as I clearly do want them. However if they don't make it on to the second list then they were clearly things I wanted on a whim and not because I genuinely would have a use for them if I bought them. Once I have my list I shop around on the internet for reviews to see if they're any good, which helps get rid of more things on my list. Then I shop around on the internet to find the best price thus saving me way more money than if I simply walked into Boots!

  14. I'm looking forward to your tips because I'm currently struggling to save money! I just love to spend and have new things, it's so naughty!

  15. Good luck on the ban! My tips would be to not even look at makeup release info or go into stores you usually buy makeup from. Walk right by the display of lipsticks, because as soon as you start swatching, you're done. As for clothes, spend some time putting together new outfits and really accessorizing everything to make it feel fresh!

  16. Great idea! I need to start doing this :) I want to save up for a new laptop but if I go into town I just can't help myself :D xx


  17. I've never have done a spending ban successfully haha. But if you think of the greater picture, it would be easier to save up if you know you get to do something great with those savings. Good luck! haha

  18. I've been very good at self-control since I've switched to natural/organic makeup and skincare because it's quite expensive (though I do have a few non-organic makeup pieces too.) I love to keep my skincare and makeup routine clean and green... I hate having too much stuff! I always ask myself, "Do I really need it?" Most of the time it's "NO!" :) Investing in more quality pieces helps too, I love simple classic pieces that are well made because they will last a long time. And there are so many people and charities that could use money, makeup to me can be so petty at times! I've been down the "I have to have it!" road many times!!! xx

  19. I'm doing this during the summer too! Trying to save a little bit of cash or my next year at uni!

    I find making lists of the things that I want/need and the things I genuinely need or want aha!

    And also, GOOGLE! Google is my best friend. If I'd like some new things, I google how to make them at home. Like I needed some new vests, so I googled how to make my old tshirts which I didn't want into vests! And I really needed a hair masque really badly, but I googled how to make a homemade one and it worked really well!

    Love, Elizabeth xx

  20. I applaud your efforts to stop spending on things like clothes and cosmetics. I need to stop spending so much myself. I don't really know if I could do it. I've tried before and failed. So I'll definitely be rooting for you!

  21. OOh this is such a good idea, I've been spending like crazy this summer, I find its worse after watching beauty/fashion hauls or reviews. I get very jealous of all the lovely things and feel the need to buy them. So I'm steering clear of those untill September!
    Daniella x

  22. I really should try this! :) xxx

  23. I did this last winter!

    I found it really hard but I told my self I had to do it until I'd Fully used up 10 items and hit pan on 5 (that I hadn't already)It took me two months and now I find it easier to restrict myself on shopping trips!

    Focus on doing an empties post, and you'll get distracted about using up old products it'll help you forget about buying new ones! Also if you get a bit bored of what you have swap some items with friends, like you could do a swapsies video with zoella!

    Good luck! xo

  24. ohhh i tried to do this, but then epically failed and spent even more than usual! Hopefully you'll have more willpower xx

  25. Good luck, I tried to spend less but I couldn't even do that :)

  26. But you need clothes and make-up and purses of course. Good luck, that's a hard one for me.

  27. Dein Blog gefällt mir richtig gut. (:
    Tolle Posts und schickes Design. (:

    Liebe Grüße (:

  28. good luck with this, im sure you'll do great! xo

  29. Good Luck!! I always say to myself, every month, i am not going to be silly and go and spend all my money.... i need to save!!

    What did i do the other day... go to boots and spent like £50!! NOT GOOD!! Then i find myself trying to justify it... thats when you know you didnt really need EVERYTHING you brought!

    Rooting for you!!


  30. I've recently been spending far too much (and trying to buy a house at the same time...eep!) Once I close on my new home my budget will take a huge hit with the downpayment and the new painful mortgage payments. It's time to tighten my pursestrings as well. Overall, I think I'm going to try to wear things that I haven't in a long and in different combinations to make them feel new again. I will watch other people's hauls and try to pretend they're mine. I will try to spend more time outside, at parks, and at home getting crafty with things I already have. I will actually USE the products I get in Birchbox instead of wanting to buy new stuff. Hopefully.

  31. Good luck! The biggest thing for me in helping budgeting is not using my card. Its too easy! I work out my budget for each week and take that cash out for the week and then leave the card at home. Seeing a physical bit of cash diminish makes you realise what you are spending so much more! Charity shopping and altering my clothes tends to limit my need for cheap trend clothing, and meal planning for food saves money. Then there's a little more to spend on nice things!

  32. Love this idea! I need to seriously start saving! Good luck and let us know how you get on!


  33. you are a braver woman than me, i have to stop spending so much too my car is soon to be going to the garage in the sky and i need mula for when that happens but now i have nothing to blog about now :(

  34. i have this same problem i think 'ooo' ive got money lets go spent it reclenty i dont know if you are aware bu superdrug are doing an offer on barry M where if you spent £6.oo you get a free nail varnish in there new range so i feel like i have to spend when alot of the time i dont need if that makes sense :)

  35. Can baby Glitter walk yet? If so then do a treasure hunt with her. Go to your local park and hunt for treasure (sticks etc) then bring them home and make a fairy princess house (or macho pixie den in our house) with the treasure at the bottom of the garden :-) free and time consuming and fun and can be repeated as required.

    P.S. I ask about the walking because my eldest was 19 months before he got going so didn't want to presume that she was marching about just yet x

  36. Louise I must say I love your haul videos! But still, for your purse´s best, it´s a great idea you came with :-) I could recommend geocaching - have you heard of it? It´s a lovely family experience with really very little money needed! Plus you discover many many places you would never go to ;-)

  37. Ooo - you are so good! I watched your Primark haul last night and then went there myself today and bought lots of naughty things! Seriously though, I do this every other month and it really does make a difference to the old purse strings and after a while you don't realise you're not even spending any more.

    One tip - If you fancy a new bag or accessory - just see if you friends will do a swap with you for a few weeks, or just borrow one for a special occasion. I haven't bought a hat/fascinator for years doing this! Also, make use of freebies at Boots etc - if you fancy a new perfume, just pop in and try one for the day! Good luck and look forward to reading about how it goes.

  38. i need to save some cash and have been spending alot on shooooes and bits oops! (my shoes are gorgeous though :D) on my blog, but this made me want to get more things oops, defiantly trying to save :) eeek it wil happen soon...

    lovely video :)))


  39. look for plays or festivals that are free entry... i know they have loads in cali, and they are usually family friendly. car boot sales and charity shops are great to, especially if you have an urge for a splurge, and you don't want to spend the cash. also, if you feel like you want something else, i always love to go through the back of my closet or makeup collection, finding new things or trying out new looks. this is very hard, i hope this helps!! good luck Louise <3 hope to see you in america soon :)

  40. I don't usually promote my blog in comments but I have a whole new blog dedicated to saving money, and how to cut down on spending. I have tips and tricks for beauty, and there's a lot of free things on there. :)

    Good luck with the spending ban.


  41. Im with you on the no spends thing. I just gaze adoringly at all the mouth watering cosmetics everyone else buys and thats my fix. Free fun things to do,hmm what about geocaching? Thats what im planning to do with my little uns this weekend, bizarre realising theres all these hidden things around places you live that you never new were there and gives you some exercise to boot.

  42. If I go on a spending ban, I watch make-up tutorials on youtube to get my fix (I know you run the danger of finding 'essential' products, but I make a wish list in order to placate myself). I also dig around in the back of my wardrobe/make-up drawers to find things I haven't used or worn for a while. Then I try to kid myself that they're actually new and feign surprise when I use them :) xx

  43. i will be joining you on my shopping ban! unless i run out of anything, or items of clothing are falling apart i am NOT going to buy anything new! Like you, I will only allow myself to spend money on the boring bills, seeing friends and family and days out.
    I've recently started making craft items, bunting, quilted hearts, that sort of thing! So I am hoping this will keep me entertained, and having a sewing machine will now allow me to mend clothes instead of just buying new items!
    Fingers crossed we succeed! Good Luck :)

  44. Good luck! I think you're a stronger willed lady than I am.


  45. Hey lovely I did a 100 day spending ban a while ago! It was hard nad i blogged about it on my blog here >>

    The first post is

    if your interested xxx

  46. I admire your strength! I would love to be able to do a spending ban but I have no will power whatsoever! I might just try to stop wasting money on rubbish instead! Good luck :)!

  47. This is such a good idea! I really should do the same, but I'm not quite sure I have the will power just yet haha. xx

  48. Honestly the only way I can save money is to buy one of those massive coin tins and put $20 in every now and then. Any other savings idea, I manage to splurge. Oops.

  49. I really should do this to myself. I realized (today, actually) how atrocious I am when it comes to spending. I can go into almost any store and find something to buy. The problem is that I NEVER need them! xD I can totally relate, Louise. Now that I think about it, this almost happens to me anyway. I'm nearly 18 and don't have a job, so I don't have continuous money to spend in the first place. I guess there is an upside to being unemployed. Hahaha. Lovely post and good luck with your spending ban! xx

  50. I should join you on this one but every time pay day comes around, I just can't help myself. :)

  51. Hahaha I can totally relate to this right now! I've been spending like a busy, busy spending bee when I should be saving up my moolah, as I plan to move to a whole new state next year! It's horrible really, I'm like a moth drawn to a flame whenever I come face-to-face (or, let's face it, within a mile radius) of any beauty related product. So let's do this together! :)
    Gotta keep our priorities in check! What I do sometime when I'm suuuuper tempted, is take a deep breath, and count to 100. Usually by the time I get to 50 I've come up with a reason why I shouldn't buy it (and if I truly REALLY need it) and I pop it back on its shelf :D xx

  52. keep us updated on how it goes xx

  53. I'm trying to buy a house at the moment so I'm not spending money on beauty or clothes either and ive been raiding my beauty cupboard for products which I havnt used for a while and are half empty and I'm trying my best to use them up (to make more space) and I have to say its rather a good feeling when you use up a product you have had for a while, plus you realise why you liked it in the first place. Good luck with your saving!!

  54. I am on a similar ban this Winter and it has been so good to be more conscious about my spending. Sure, I feel limited sometimes, but I gave myself a few loophole purchases that I actually need and it has made it much easier. Good luck with the ban! x

  55. think i'm going to have to try something like this myself in preparation for uni!

  56. Thank you for the inspiration I have decided to give it a go too if you wanna check out my take on it

  57. Such a good idea but sounds like hard work! I'll miss your haul videos though haha!
    x x x


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx