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Thursday, 12 July 2012

Peace At Last

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

This morning I waved goodbye to Matt and Baby Glitter for three whole days. Naturally I was a little blue about not squishing my baby every day, but know she'll be in safe hands, especially as she's going to be spoilt rotten by her Grandma and Grandad!

 (Would you believe these flowers are from my Auntie's garden? What green fingers she has!)

I thought I would write a little blog post and tell you some of the things I'm looking forward to doing with myself. Not because it's incredibly ground breaking, but just because it makes me happy, and this blog is my happy place. 

I'm looking forward to:

Listening to the silence.
Catching up on books I have laying around.
Eating naughty food.
Going out for cocktails with my chum.
Filming a few videos for my YouTube channel at ANY time I like. (Usually I'm confined to nap times).
Watching trashy TV.

What are you looking forward to these next few days?



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Confessions of a Secret Shopper. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top! 


  1. I'm looking forward to the weekend and making brownies. Yummy!!!

    Hope you enjoy your alone time : )

    Gemma xxx

  2. Enjoy your days away! Gorgeous flowers, brightens up the apparent summer we've had.
    Just wanted to say, having read your post on Zoe's blog, that you two are obviously great friends and it's fab she's got someone like you to help bring her back to 100%. Well done you! ;)
    (Also just a quick thing, I can't see the start of the comment box whenever I post, the left sidebar cuts it off slightly - not sure if you know this but just thought I'd mention!)

    1. Yes I can't see the start of the comment box on the left either! I thought it was because of my computerscreen or something haha.

  3. I am looking forward to the next 3 days as well! I will see my chum tomorrow, before that I will write a DIY Organic and Natural Cheap Hair Mask that really makes your hair soft and bouncy! Then in the weekend I am going to shop and bake a pie with my mom and watch all kinds of fun movies :) Have a great 3 days Louise, you deserve it! Ixx

  4. i'm getting my cook on this weekend before a friends BBQ! Hope you have a lovely relaxing and cocktail filled weekend Louise!!

    Jenn xxx

  5. Everyone needs a little 'me' time. :) Enjoy, Louise!

  6. Such a lovely post! Sounds like some great things you've got planned, jealous! x
    Dreams and Dresses

  7. This weekend I will watch my 'baby son' graduate! Where has the time gone to? I read and listen to your vlogs/blogs about baby glitter and being a new Mum and it takes me right back. In fact I have just found a teeny tiny baby grow of my sons..which I have kept as a reminder of just how tiny he was. You have a fabulously sparkly weekend, re charge your batteries and enjoy your 'me' time. :-)

  8. Sounds lovely! Can't beat a few days off alone to catch up on me time and relax :)
    I'm starting a new job in 2 weeks time so I have some time off at the moment to do what I like with, my flat will hopefully be spotless!
    enjoy your time off !

  9. Have fun! Perhaps you can do a top ten lipstick video, we all know how you like your lippys!! And maybe a few videos with Zoe, you and her videos make me laugh so much!!! :D x

  10. I have to work tomorrow :'( And to make it worse Stacey has an inset day *cries* However, I am looking forward to Saturday as I'm off (hurray) and we're going to a swimming party and also Monday as ... I have a job interview and the job is home based which would be awesome. Maybe I should brush up on my interview techniques? Hmm

  11. Sounds like the perfect way to relax :)

  12. This weekend I'll be celebrating my boyfriend's birthday woooooop!!! Xxx

  13. Sounds very relaxing! I'm looking forward to catching up on some sleep!

  14. I have to study all weekend because next week is exam week :( but after that, I have four weeks off and THEN I am going to ENGLAND for one whole year abroad and I am soooo excited! <3 I hope you have a blast of a weekend!!

  15. Sounds great! im looking forward to getting my blog started!

  16. A few days without your wee'll not know what to do with yourself at times!
    I'm heading to a wedding party this weekend without hubby or the monsters, I can't wait to let my hair down for a few hours :-)
    Enjoy your 'time off' !

  17. Enjoy your days of luxury xx I have just started my blog and you give me inspiration xx

  18. I wish you some wonderful relaxing time! Oh yes, sleeping is on my list as well (the heatwave im Vienna was simply too hot at times, how can one sleep with 28 degrees in the room?). Have fun!

  19. Aw how lovely for you! As a mummy myself I know how lovely it is to have some well deserved time to yourself. Enjoy :) I bet baby glitter will be having a blast with her daddy and grandparents x

  20. this is cheesy i know but we like cheesy things dont we louise, im waiting to enjoy your new video post's and hopefully will be some with zoe. xo

  21. Sounds like a lovely few days! :) You deserve some nice quiet time.

  22. sounds amazing. cocktails sounds great - jealous!

  23. Awww sounds like your going to have a great few days!!! hope you enjoy your "you" time and relax :) i wish i could join in with you! hehe

    Jen xxx

  24. Enjoy your relaxing deserve it! This weekend, I'm looking forward to having a fitting for my bridesmaid's dress for my cousin's wedding in December. I've been a bridesmaid before and I can't wait :D xxx

  25. Hope you have a lovely few days alone! Sometimes it's nice just to sit back and relax with no responsibilities :) xx

  26. "Eating naughty food" made me laugh :) Enjoy your "me" time Louise!!

  27. Enjoy these next few days! It's like a mini vacation in your own home, those are sometimes the best :)

  28. Ooooh I am excited for lots of funny Lou stories of what you get up to in your 3 days of child-less freedom!! Your Auntie's flowers are Sweet Williams, I bought my mum some 2 weeks ago and they're still ALIVE and kicking, they're beautiful!!! I love english flowers, now go and have wine!! xx

  29. Have a great time Louise :) x

  30. Ooh enjoy your 'me' time :)
    got the whole summer off so i'm relaxing every day!

  31. Those flowers are lovely.
    Everyone deserves a little me time! Especially if they have a gorgeous little baby to look after everyday!

    Im looking forward to lots of things in the next few days. Mainly my birthday gathering. 19 isn't a particular fancy age but having friends around makes everything special! :)

    Enjoy you're time off!


    Makeup for Biochemists


  32. You're so crazy (in a good way) with love and fun and just general bubbliness :D
    I love reading your blogs!

  33. I'm glad you will have a good time :) I understand you'll miss your (super lovely) baby but maybe a bit of 'just you and yourself' time will be good? I hope it for you :) xx

  34. That sounds so lovely! You deserve a bit of time to yourself! :) I'm looking forward to this weekend too as I'm heading up tp Birmingham for a weekend with some of the youTube girls! :) Hannah xxx

  35. I'm excited about going camping for 3 days(: have fun without baby glitter!(: xoxox

  36. I know exactly how you feel although my little monster is a bit older so my things are slightly different. Although saying good bye is horrible and you watch the car untill it disapears all watery eyed and you mope about for about a hour, a sudden realisation of what you can now do makes it all ok. Like i dont have to watch shrek or buzz a million times a day, and can watch re-runs of america's next top model whilst eating a eclair which you havent got to share. You only need to take ONE bag with you whenever you leave the house. Can start all those crafts i've had planned in my head for weeks, blog whenever i wish and play on the xbox till my hearts content cause im a bit of a geek :). hope you enjoy your time off and just for good measure id throw in a nice long lush bath xx

    p.s i love those flowers always like having some on my dining table but sadly i dont pick mine for free i get them from sainsburry's for like £1.50

  37. You make the little things in life sound so much more exciting louise! I'm looking forward to having a little pamper session with myself, shave the legs, paint the toe nails, you know the story! xxxx

  38. Hope you have a good ole' dose of relaxment. Yep. I made up a word. Even though we all love our loved ones (go figure!), it's nice to have a little solitude now and again. Especially when it involves eating and watching trash! Yay!

    I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow (it's my day off!), getting a proper coffee from the cafe down the street, cuddling my guinea pigs, watching many an entertaining Grav3yard Girl video, painting my nails bright colours and having a night out on the town with my boyfriend.


  39. I hope you enjoy the time and space to yourself :) I know myself how important time to yourself can be. I suggest an extra long pampering bath is definitely in order, maybe even with a cheeky glass of wine! And I hope you enjoy catching up on books! Would you ever do some book reviews on here of your favourites? I am an avid book reader and would love to hear your views on your favourites :) xo

  40. I hope you have a lovely relaxing few days Louise, filled with lots of the lovely things you like to do :)

  41. You're such a lucky girl to have 3 whole days to yourself! Enjoy them! I hope that you will make a video sometime in there as well!

  42. Looking forward to work!!! Only because it my last ever shifts this weekend before i leave the country to go study in Canada for the next year!!! :) Excited for new videos... btw your hair has been looking Amazing in the last few videos... it grown heaps, as somebody trying to grow their hair i've got some serious hair envy!!
    Enjoy the silence!!

  43. The flowers bring an ounce of brightness that we so desperately need in the UK! Hopefully your time alone gives us time to see some Zoe & Louise videos as they are my fave! xXx

  44. Sounds perfect to me! :) xxx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx