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Wednesday 4 July 2012

Lou's Reviews || Clean Skin 5 in 1 Water | ThisWorks

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It was my birthday in April (mini woop) and one of my lovely chums, Fleur, very kindly gave me a This Works 5 in 1 Water Cleanser  as part of my present. She also bought me a wallet, a cute key chain and threw me a little party complete with champagne and cake- she's far too generous! (If you did want to see some snaps from that night, Zoe did this blog post on it).

I've never used this sort of cleanser before as I have tended to lean toward creams, balms and washes that lather, so I was pretty interested to see if this would do the job.

To use it all you have to do is squib (yep, squib) a generous amount of product onto a cotton wool pad, gently swipe round your face and voila, yukkies removed and your skin feels beautiful.

I would use 2 or 3 of these circular pads or 1 of my big square ones (featured in a haul video a while back). I like to take my time and ensure I look after every part of my face and that I'm not just harshly rubbing in a haphazard manner. I think if you are going to have a luxury product, you may as well take your time and enjoy the experience.

I have been surprised and pleased at how well this 5 in 1 cleansing water has worked. It boasts soluble olive oil to gently remove impurities and unclog pores (something I really do feel it has done, I just feel so much clearer), almond oil to remove makeup, wild water mint to cool the skin, glycolic acid to balance ph levels and rosewater to help shed skin cells and increase elasticity.

Normally I'm pretty sceptical of these wonder products and think them too good to be true, but I really have been thrilled with this. After I use it, I feel like all the dirt, makeup and pollution in my skin has been drawn away and my skin is just my skin. Not my skin plus residue or my skin plus a layer of 'day', if that makes sense!

I have also noticed that after using this, moisturiser sinks in like a dream. It literally just vanishes into my face leaving me feeling soft and supple and glowy. What more could you want?

I think the packaging is pleasing (although not travel friendly unless you have an enormous washbag), the smell is non existent (perfect for fussy folk like me), the price tag high (£21) but reasonable for a luxury cleanser (and a little goes a long way) and the product actually does all the things it promotes.

One downfall that I will just throw in was that I wasn't much match for my heavy eyemakeup (liquid eyeliner/85 layers of mascara). I'm not too sad about this because I never think any product will do this amazingly well (except Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish) and am happy to use this purely as a face/skin product.

All in all, hurrah huzzah for This Works Clean Skin 5 in 1 Water. You can find this in a array of places like Boots or online retailers and I have linked it above, but do feel free to do your research and use good old google. 

Have you tried this or any other 'water' cleaners? What did you think? Is £21 too steep for a cleanser?



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Confessions of a Secret Shopper. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!   
If there are typos in this, I apologise, I feel like my brain has fallen out today! Haha!


  1. I have been considering putting this on my birthday list for a while and I definitely will now! Thank you

  2. Sounds flabby but I can't afford the £21 price tag but it's on my 'to try' list x

  3. I haven't tried this, and probably won't as I think as you said yourself 21.00 is a LOT to spend on a cleanser. I recently tried the No 7 Beautiful Skin Hot Cloth Cleanser and found it so good that I think I'm going to incorporate it into my every day skincare routine instead of just using it on bath nights xx

  4. Sounds flabby but I can't afford the £21 price tag but it's on my 'to try' list x

  5. I don't think 21 is too much for a cleanser if it works well, I'm loving my sonicleanse so anything that works well with that is great! I've never tried any This Works products though, must have a look soon! Hannah xxx

  6. This is a great review, and the pictures are really good too! :) Thankyou xx

  7. I have always spent alot on toners and stuck to a 2.50 cream makeup remover.did you use a toner with this as well or was the lotion enough? In two minds to give it a go as that is a heavy pricetag! xxxx

  8. I'd love to try this cleanser as it does look really good but the high price tag puts me off! I'm using the Caudalie Beauty Water at the moment 400ml for £14! Bargain! x

  9. This sounds fab! I think I want to get face wipes out of my routine and start using something like this, so pricey though! Thanks for this post :) xx

  10. I've been seeing a lot of this brand recently but have never branched out - maybe now I will! Thanks! - For all things frivolous, materilistic and a hint of humour.

  11. sounds impressive apart from the little downfall at the end of your post xx

  12. Sounds pretty swish to me. £21 is a lot, but at the end of the day if it gets the job done well it's a £21 well spent.
    I shall put it on my list of things to pick up ^_^ x

  13. This sounds great, but the number 7 beautiful skin cleansing balm is great, and extremely cheap with the £5 voucher! ( it works out about £3) i love your blog louise! You are a massive inspiration to me as a beauty blogger and youtuber and you also come across as a fantastic mother! You also seem like a happy jolly lady and I think the world needs more jolly happy ladies like you.


  14. I've never tried cleansers before, I might get myself the No7 cleanser but now I'm re thinking and I might get this one! I don't think £21 is to steep for a cleanser being as you always get what you pay for :) x

  15. Wow this sounds really good, especially if it unclogs pores too. Great review.

    Lauren x

  16. It seems really good! I think the packaging reminds me a bit of the Liz Earle cleanser though :P I might try this! xxx

  17. it sounds really good, i havent used any water cleansers yet but i may just splurge soon enouhg! xo

  18. Great review, very detailed! This is now on my wishlist :)

    Lots of Love, Ana

    * *Checkout my giveaway* *

  19. This looks soo good!! Where can I buy this?! hehe i really need a good cleanser rountine sorted. do you think it will be ok on dry skin?

    Come and enter my give away! You could win a Stila eye shadow palette!!

    Jen xxx

  20. i've actually heard a lot about this recently and really want to give a water product a go!

  21. I've heard so many good things about this cleanser but at £21 I am very hesitant about buying it!

  22. This sounds really great, if it does all it's meant to and has good results then I guess it's worth the money!

  23. I have never heatd of this cleanser, but it looks really good :) £21 is a lot of money to spend, but I suppose it is worth it for a good product! I'd like to give it a try :)

  24. This looks lovely but I can't break away from my Cleanse & Polish. I might DIE!

  25. Ive heard such good things about this and havent even tried others like bioderma! sounds like a great product x

  26. I really want to try this!

  27. Sounds really good. Bit pricey tho. Especially for my budget! :) xxx

  28. I really want to try this! I've seen so many good reviews on it. Might take a dip...x

  29. I bought this on BeautyBay whilst it was discounted at £16 and am waiting for my Bioderma to finish so that I can try it out! For heavy eye makeup, you might want to tryout the Bioderma Cleanser as it does wonders :) The thing about cleansing waters is that you do need to wait half a second or so before swiping off the mascara...

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I recently bought this cleanser after seeing a review of it on YouTube and it is amazing but I don't know if I would say it was worth £21. I bought it from and you can use your Tesco Clubcard vouchers on it and get 2x the value so makes it much more affordable!

  32. this cleanser looks gorgeous! definitely one to put on the christmas list I'm thinking.. also love your nail varnish in the pictures, any ideas where it's from?!

    Would really appreciate it if you had a spare second to check out my blog and see what you think? (baby glitter can look too haha!)


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx