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Monday, 15 July 2013

Motivational Monday #22

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday lovely ladies (and gents) of this glittering community. Did you have a good week while I was away? I did. I needed it.

I didn't really see it coming because I'm the type to bulldoze through things with my head down, carrying on, but all of a sudden I just felt like I couldn't.


I am quite sure that to a great many people (and I'm not at all cross if this is you), blogging and vlogging looks very easy. In some respects they are. They are fun and enjoyable past times and they allow you to release and enhance your creativity in a really positive way. 

Sometimes however, they're not. They require far more work than the audience sees and take up a lorra lorra time (I might do a dedicated post on this soon). For the last six months I have really been pushing myself in all aspects of life. I'm not sure why but I constantly feel as though I must set and achieve all my targets, I must be dedicated to ALL fields (Motherhood, being a good wife, being a great hostess, being a good friend, building my main channel, developing my second channel, improving this blog and of course, finding the perfect regime to leave my skin flawless) and frankly, it's exhausting!!

I could feel myself growing tired but kept pushing, kept striving and kept going. Until something had to give. I knew it wasn't going to be Mummyness since that's my number one job, so just for a week it had to be this blog and I tell you, I was gutted. I was annoyed at myself because since February, apart from the 7 days I was out of the country, I have posted consistently and I felt like I was dropping the ball.

I needed to.

Sometimes the way to make things work isn't to hold as tight as you possibly can and never let go. Sometimes you have to let go so that you can breath a bit, refresh your resources and then get on. 

I can and I will achieve the goals I set myself and it's alright to take a breather here and there.

I think that it is easy to misinterpret resting as failure but having taken just a few days away, I feel full of vigour and ready to pick myself up and do all the things I want to. Sometimes when we really want something, we need to down tools before we get there.

If there is anything you are striving for and you are finding yourself on the brink of exhaustion, before you get there, stop. Take a moment to say, 'Will I be better at this with renewed energy?'. The answer is probably yes. 

Is there anything in your life that you can and will achieve? What steps are you making to take yourselves there?  Encourage in the comments. 

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  1. Well, I started drawing since I was 13. I only thought of it as a hobby growing up, that is, until 2010 when I thought...

    I'm going to be an illustrator.

    Ever since then I was working to make this happen. I feel like a lot of the time I'm not doing well enough, I'm not working hard enough, I need to work harder... but it isn't the only thing that I want to become. I also want to be a teacher in Special Education, and I feel like I put being an illustrator as kind of a second priority?

    But I feel like that doesn't mean that I'm not going to achieve it. I know, without a doubt, for a fact, I will become an illustrator on my own terms. I will become published, I will become known, I will make it to where I need to be. Even though it has become second priority, it is still an extremely important priority for me.

    So I understand what you mean about misinterpreting resting as failure. Having lapses in something that you dedicate yourself to so completely doesn't mean you're stopping, it means you're taking a break. I completely agree.

    (Sorry if that seemed like a rant, I guess I was holding that in for a while... thank you for the opportunity to put it down.)

    Catching Stars

    1. You can do it! I've felt this way about a lot of the projects I take on in life. Sometimes putting things on the back burner for a while helps you to appreciate them more when you pick them back up again. :-)

  2. Louise, this post is so relatable. Not all of us are bloggers/vloggers like you, but I think everyone has those times when they just want to do everything; they try and juggle too many things, and eventually you're going to drop a ball. You're right that sometimes it can be hard to give something up or give something a rest for a while, but sometimes it's for the best.

    I started uni this year, and as well as studying full time and working three jobs, playing netball just wasn't going to fit into the equation, and as much as it upset me, I'm much less stressed for not doing it. :)


  3. I plan on achieving some great things with my own blog as I enjoy it so much lately. I also want to focus on writing and getting healthier, graduating college, and simply finding myself (which is much harder than it seems!).

    Good on you for taking some time to focus on you and your energy!


  4. I always find myself trying to cram in so much into my day, I feel like I rarely rest at the weekends. However I found myself with some time alone this weekend, and rather then using that time to tidy up or rush about ticking things of my to-do list, I found myself in a cosy armchair in the conservatory reading a book. It felt good to take a timeout and relax.
    Claire x

  5. I don't know how you juggle all these things! I struggle to make sure I blog regularly and when I'm tired its awful but I try to do all my blogs for the week at the wkend to give me free time in the week.

    I couldn't imagine also having a little one, YouTube channels etc! Always good to have a break, take stock and refresh! Glad to see you back xxx

  6. Perfect way to start the week! I've been at work since 5:30am so this was a nice read, couldn't agree more on the taking time off to refresh yourself! It applies most things in life but not everyone has the confidence to let go of what they're clinging on to.

    Beckie xo

  7. Louise i'm glad you had a break, although I missed your posts it is better to know you fully enjoy what you are doing rather than doing it for the sake of it! No one's perfect, and I know it's hard to not pleaae everyone, but sometimes it has to be done.
    Beauty/Fashion/Lifestyle Blog

  8. A great post to start a new week! Sometimes it is important to take time for yourself and stop doing one thing in your life for a week, a month or whatever. Everyone needs a rest at some point. Working hard to be the bet you can be in every aspect of your life can be exhausting! I know the feeling.

  9. this is so positive, and good to hear! my goal is to work towards a PhD, which might be the hardest thing i'll ever do! Everyone's telling me that you have to sacrifice so much and that its so hard to get there, especially (so they say...) for women in science! but i believe i can do it.. and i'm going to do it my way, which is why i'm taking this year out first. Glad you had a break, definitely believe in sometimes taking it all one step at a time.. but good to see you back!!

    Bumble Speaks

  10. You are so right, Louise. Sometimes you really do need to take a break. I've been studying for my finals for weeks and at one point I also had to decide to just take a breather, seeing as chances are studying so much I become a zombie and drinking energy drink (which I HATE)that at one point didn't even help because I was so tired, simply would not help me graduate.
    And taking a pause from it all really helped, because not only did I graduate, I did it well rested and less stressed!

    I love your motivational mondays!

    xo Deborah

  11. I am like you, if I have a target, I need to reach it no matter what. And that is staying up all night to finish a craft project for the blog or make something massive when a small project would do - pushing myself when I may not necessarily need to. But I learn a lot, and for me when I have a finish that is when I can breathe again and live. It was ok to live this life when I did not have baby MiH but now at 8am it is all starting again no matter what. And you have to be again the best mummy in the world.

  12. Hi Louise! I just received bad news over the past few days. It felt disheartening as I was already looking forward to it and I've foregone a lot of other great opportunities. It made me feel really sad. But then again I'm not the type of person to just back down. So I decided to move on and proceed to Plan B. I CAN AND I WILL!

    Thanks for all these motivational stuff Louise!

    -Anne's Scribbles and Doodles

  13. Happy Monday! Love your Monday posts. Always gets me ready for the week ahead! =]

  14. I am in complete agreement with you, I have been feeling like I was on the brink of exhaustion for a while but this weekend, I just took a time out and yesterday I didn't see anyone or do anything and more importantly, I did not aplogise to anyone for not being there. Rest is a great thing, it helps bring perspective back in the picture...

    x Natalie

  15. Louise, I feel like I need to take your hand and show you all the thousands of people who love what you do and hugely appreciate the work that you put into this blog, on top of your YouTube channels and being a mum. Taking a break is by no means failing. We are all due holidays from our jobs, you even work weekends! Remove every single piece of worry about this from your head, its just sillyness :) have a lovely Monday x

  16. Anxiety got the better of me last feel and I didn't do anything, definitely going to try and push through it this week and start making a change! x

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  17. I'm a new blog and this has just given me the motivation to carry on writing even though it feels as if hardly anyone is reading. I can do this :) At the mo, I'm waiting for my A-level results and trying to push through everyday is so hard because I get so anxious all the time! But I can and I will pass. I've just got to keep positive!

    You are such a great role model and Baby Glitter is such a lucky little girl to have a mum like you <3


  18. Everyone deserves a break. Even you Sprinkle Queen. Don't be so hard on yourself, all of us understand. and the bloggers amongst us will sympathise. I find it hard sometimes just to fit in Blogging around my full time job and helping looking after my dad and being taxi to my parents. And I don't even have the added strain of being a mummy/Wife and Youtuber like you do. The amount of work you put into everyday life is an inspiration to all of us and your only human.

    Keep up the good work you do (Just make sure you play as often) and I give you permission to take as many rest days as and when you need them. lol :)

    Much Love xxx

  19. Everyone deserves a break once in a while, you do so well - I don't know how you manage it all!
    Love the Motivational Mondays - thank you.

    A La Mode Avec KJ Blog

    Feel free to follow my blog
    K xo

  20. Louise, I absolutely love this post. It's so honest and has so much truth to it. I used push my far way too far sometimes and was absolutely devasted afterwards if I had to find out that it was all for nothing really. I did not see where I went wrong. It took me a while but then I noticed - as you already said - sometimes one just needs a break to refresh and use the newly gained energy to carry on even better than before. There is a lot I want to achieve the next two years. I set high goals..sometimes, too high. However, I think it is all about looking after oneself and actually believing that one can reach anything! And by anything I literally mean ANYTHING! It's all in your own hands and sometimes closer than you may think!
    Miriam x

  21. This is a beautiful post. I'm always pushing myself to reach these insane targets I set- always with unrealistic time constraints, too. I'm guilty of the 21st century mantra of wanting everything now and completing all my goals immediately. It's a bitter pill to take, but when you realise that taking time out and a breather is sometimes all you need to revaluate. Thankyou xox

    flawedfairytale fashion blog ^.^

  22. Love this!

  23. Glad you enjoyed your break and feel better now. I look forward to your posts xx

  24. So happy you are back! And everyone needs a break now and then, don't worry!

  25. This implies in my situation right now. I'm a graduating student and I don't focus on the important things in life, because I give up easily. I better do something to make my last year easier, because I can and I will. Thank you Louise! <3

    Life's A Beach

  26. We all need some time away from thing to reconnect with ourselves, I'm beginning to feel that need too. Luckily I get to go away this weekend to a friend's cabin and couldn't be happier :) I know I'll struggle with no internet for two days, sad as that is, but I'm excited too.

  27. Hi Louise! :)
    I just want to say thank you.
    I find your motivational monday's very helpful, but this one has really helped me.
    I've been swamping myself with work, my summer course, my blog and absolutely anything I can, it's like I'm purposely stressing myself out.
    I keep telling myself that I need to take a step back, but I'm not listening.
    Reading this post and reading what you've done to make sure you aren't burnt out makes me realize that I need to do the same.

    You are truly one of the most inspirational people and I'm so happy that I've found your blog and YouTube channel months ago!
    You are definitely my favouite YouTuber :)

    Hugs and Butterfly Kisses
    Sarah :)

  28. This is so true, Louise! I also feel like I push myself in every aspect... and it gets exhausting. I love these Motivational Monday posts!

  29. I think a lot of people need to hear this Louise, including me! Rest is always a good thing, that is why God gave us the gift of sleep! Haha! I personally love your youtube videos and your blog, even though I haven't be following you for that long. You're always posting stuff! And it's good stuff! I'm sure all of us will understand if you take a few breaks. :-) Keep up the good work, and thanks for your quality work. I know from experience that blogging is time consuming and your hard work shows. So thanks for making a blog that's so enjoyable to read. It motivates me to go work on my blog. ^_^

  30. I agree, blogging isn't always as easy peasy as people think it is. You have to plan the post, take/find pictures for it, type it up and make sure it makes sense, post it onto other sites such as Twitter so other people can see it and it can be quite time consuming! I don't blame you Louise for taking a week off as I know how stressful it can get and I only run a blog! I hope you enjoyed your time off and did lots of fun things with your little Darcy and Matt. I'm looking forward to seeing what posts/videos you post soon :) Take care, lots of love from Taylor xxx

  31. Lately I have resolved to be a better blogger and to work harder at making time for my art. I have so much free time since I'm unemployed and I've decided to look at the glass half full and take advantage of the extra free time to do some things for me.

  32. i really want to make my blog successful!
    and just get good grades in school i guess! you're really inspiring Louise because you're honest, and readers appreciate that :-) xoxoxo

  33. lovely post! I love these types of posts!

  34. I really love your blog, I find it inspirational, it inspired me to start my own blog xxx


  35. My summer is partially dedicated to making my blog the place I want it to be and reading your blogposts always help me relax before stressing out about writing a post! :)

  36. I'm so glad you took some time out and feel much better for it as you really do deserve to have a break and spend time with ur family as you work so hard in all that you which i admire you for but yep you need to just stop and chill for a bit,love ur video's Louise and sorry i don't get to read ur blog as much as i'd like but i'm more of a watcher than a reader or typer and never really been good at blogging,hope you Darcy and Matt are enjoying this glorious weather xx♥xx

  37. I'm not usually one to read your "Motivational Monday" posts. Not because they aren't well thought out or anything negative about them, but I just become so easily bored with long texts that I just glaze over a bit. However, something struck me about this week that I decided to click on it and I'm very glad I did. This last week has been so hard for me for various reasons and it's been a struggle to even get out of bed most of the time. I have all of these goals set for myself and most of the time I just think "Oh, I'll work on that tomorrow" but this pushed me forward to really make that push and make things happen for myself. Thanks, Louise.


  38. Hi Louise! I've only recently started blogging, and actually you're my inspiration in doing so. You're hard work has definitely paid off and is much appreciated and is so inspiring. I have been on a work out regiment lately doing a 30 day squat challenge and a work out dvd, but over the weekend I dropped the ball and ate way too much bad food and didn't work out. Thanks to your post I realized that everyone needs down time and It's ok to drop the ball once in awhile as long as you keep going.

  39. Always look forward to these! They get me through! Thanks so much Sugar!


  40. You always brighten up my Monday with these posts Louise. You are truly an absolute goddess!

    I just did an ootd! If anyone would check it out that would be amazing!

  41. You are amazing louise! These posts are extremely well written and have the desired effect. Please carry on doing these posts!
    Alice xx

  42. Aw,
    I love reading these posts, they're so inspiring and always make me want to be a better version of myself

  43. Awhhh this resonates with meeee.
    I'm totally new to blogging and not very accomplished, not very sure of what route I want it to go and not very confident about my writing skills.
    HOWEVER, I have been running a successful beauty business for nearly three years and have just this month decided to hand the reigns over, but this thought only crossed my mind after I took my first holiday (and by holiday I don't mean leaving the country, I mean having four consecutive days off)in over 36 months.
    When you stop loving what you're doing after all the blood, sweat and tears and you've accomplished what you set out to, learnt your lessons and grown your soul whilst hugely compromising on your social, mental, love, fiscal and family's more about moving on then giving up.

    I'm so glad you still have love for your fabulous blog, as we still have so much love for you. xxx

  44. Hey louise,
    honey if you needa rest you take as long as you need ok ww love you just the way you are and we wouldent want you to be unhappy. The most important thing is that you are a great mummy for baby glitter (darcy). We want mummy glitter to be super duper happy and playful as usual not stressed and tired nobody liked being either of those(especially when you have a baba). Stay relaxed for as long as you want,we want you to be fully recovered before you make a vid or put up a blog post ok chillax baby. Love youxxxx

  45. Hey louise,
    honey if you needa rest you take as long as you need ok ww love you just the way you are and we wouldent want you to be unhappy. The most important thing is that you are a great mummy for baby glitter (darcy). We want mummy glitter to be super duper happy and playful as usual not stressed and tired nobody liked being either of those(especially when you have a baba). Stay relaxed for as long as you want,we want you to be fully recovered before you make a vid or put up a blog post ok chillax baby. Love youxxxx

  46. I don't know you do it all, props to you! I have a hard time blogging everyday just with school!

    xoxo, Aman | coffee chic twitter

  47. ughh, you're so AMAZING Louise !


  48. I adore these motivational posts, you're so right in so many ways! Sometimes the standard you set for yourself is the hardest to maintain or even downright unfair and you have to cut yourself the same slack you'd give anyone else. So glad you're feeling renewed Louise, you have a lot of wonderful things to share =]
    Sam x

  49. Louise, you do such a stupendous job keeping up with your blog and your channel!! And while I appreciate how consistently you post when I need a pick me up, and I would miss it if you posted less often, you have to do what's best for you and your family. You have such a sweet family and after all that you've been through you deserve to take care of yourself and not feel like it's a failure. You set such a great example and have been an inspiration to me in many ways! No one can do it all and if something has to go, better it be something like a blog than being a good wife and mom (which is what makes you so awesome to follow anyway)!!

  50. I absolutely love this! Louise, you are such an inspiration. I heard of you when I found Zoe's blog and I really love reading your blog because you are so real as well! Seeing that you do so many things, and balance them all so well, inspired me to be start a blog of my own. It's truly incredible how well you seem to do it all! Of course you need to take a break every now and then, after all, you are only human! (: But a truly inspiring one!


  51. I know what you mean: I often feel like I have to be the best at ALL aspects of my life at the same time. And blogging IS hard work; so many people don't realize that! Taking a breather is necessary sometimes - it helps to recharge the batteries and come back better than ever!

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Love these motivational Mondays!! They give such inspiration. Thanks for continuing to post Louise, you keep me going.

  54. This was really, really motivational! You definitely deserved a break after all the blogging you've done so far this year xxx

  55. I really love your motivational mondays, look forward to them every week :) Its nice to know im not the only one who stresses about juggling everyone and everything, sometimes its a good idea to just take a break and have some Me time :)

  56. You really are amazing :) Even when you let yourself slip you still post more than most other bloggers do, I really don't know how you do it. Loved this post :) You're right, you do need a break every now and again just to recharge your batteries so you can be even better when you get back on track..really inspiring xx Laura


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx