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Monday, 22 July 2013

Motivational Monday #23

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday! This could be the start of the best week of your life.

I have made the desicion that there will only be 25 Motivational Mondays in 2013 and I will bring back a new series in 2014. I think to do anymore might be too much and by 2014 I will have learnt a few more life lessons to share and reflect on. I just thought I would tell you in the spirit of transparency and so that you don't rock up in a few weeks wondering what's going on!


This week's quote from Pinterest is a beauty. Beautiful sentiments as well as beautiful artwork.

The idea is optimism. I think this is pretty self explanatory but it is about keeping a positive outlook, for the past, present and future.

Looking to the future can be a pretty daunting excersise, especially if your past has left a lot to be desired. It can be easy to feel like history will repeat itself or things won't get better, but the one of the keys to living a happy life is having a positive frame of mind. This means not fretting that the worst is to come, not over thinking things, not constantly worrying that life is going to be rubbish.

If for example your friend asks you to a party that you think is going to be boring or full of people you don't like, turn it around. Envisage it being really worthwhile quality time with her or imagine meeting someone really interesting/funny/handsome (ooer). When you approach a situation with a postive outlook, you come across better to other people, make great lasting impressions and operate at your best.

Next time you start to feel negative thoughts about something in the future popping into your head, note them and see if you can turn it around in some way. If you train your mind to do this every time, it will eventually become second nature and I promise you life will feel a lot brighter.

What are you looking happily forward to this week? Let's be postitive in the comments.

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  1. Louise, I love this so much! Your Motivational Mondays always cheer me up. I always try to keep your advice in mind when dealing with unhappy problems. I love you and thank you!

  2. It's so important to always stay positive!

    Carina xx

  3. Always so inspirational. Thanks for posting Louise!

  4. Louise... I can't thank you enough for posting these 'Motivational Mondays'. They always brighten my day, and I can nearly ALWAYS relate to them. I especially loved this post, as I'm currently thinking quite a bit about my future, and it can be overwhelming at times. I'm quite an optimist by nature, so I definitely agree that positive thinking can be contagious in your everyday thoughts!

    Can't wait to read the new series in 2014!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you girl! Lovely way to start my week reading an inspirational message from an inspiring person. I'm excited to travel to Costa Rica this Friday after 4 straight days of closing shifts...groan. But I believe that something incredible will happen on my adventures and am already airing out the swimsuits, sunscreen and bug spray!

    I hope you have a wonderful week as well!

  7. Today marks the beginning of my adult life. It's my 18th birthday!
    The party example, I'm so guilty of that kind of thing. I tend to convince myself that I'll have a horrible time and stay home. I've been working on it, and so glad! More times than not I have a great time!
    Have a wonderful day!

  8. Louise! I can't thank you enough for your Motivational Mondays. They're always so inspiring and somehow they're never corny. I always look forward to seeing them! Keep it up!xx

  9. Great tips Louise! Always much appreciated on Monday mornings xxx

  10. I love this post. It's an outlook on life I don't have often enough but I aspire to! So, this week and next week and the week after that, I'm going to be excited about the hours ahead of me and not worry about events that I think are going to be bad and assume, instead that they'll be fab!

  11. Love your positive outlook on everything. Have an awesome week Louise xx.

  12. Amazing outlooks on life love reading your motive Mondays!!! Always brightens my Monday blues :D

  13. Pinterest is the best place to find inspirational/beautiful quotes, Louise! Great view on the people you aren't too fond of at parties.


  14. I love your Motivational Mondays! They always help in some way or another (: I always find myself worrying about every single little thing that could go wrong, so turning it around into something positive is such a great day to deal with stress. Thank you!

    This weekend one of my best friends is getting married to the man of her dreams and I'm her maid of honor so I'm stoked! I can't wait because I know I'm going to have fun with some of the best people!


  15. I love this post! It's so helpful! This week I am going to a festival with my best friend! I'm so excited! :D
    Alice xx

  16. I love this motivation for Monday.. I am looking forward to getting away this weekend for a wedding and to see family and old friends :) Exciting times ahead... good luck with your week!

    x Natalie

  17. Thank you for these motivational Monday posts, they never fail to put a smile on my face.

  18. Perfect start to my monday! Thanks Lou xx

  19. I love this post so much, at the moment i'm on a bus because i'm going to a week long camp where i meet the people i met last year and the year before in that camp too, i always have such awesome memories from this camp and i can't wait to get there already! :)

  20. Optimism is something I always struggle with, I won't deny that, but I am slowly trying to be more optimistic about each and every day and just be thankful for everything I have.

  21. You always give such great advice, Louise (: I am definitely guilty of having a negative mindset when it comes to going to parties or hanging out with people I don't know very well. I always tell myself that I won't have any fun, so more often than not I end up staying home while all my friends have gone out. I've probably missed out on loads of opportunities to have a great time and make new friends! I definitely want to try taking your advice, and start being more open and positive about social situations! x

  22. I am moving to London on Thursday! :D

  23. Amazing quote :) You always make these post inspirational as well as motivational xxx

  24. Thanks for this monday morning quote x


  25. Favourite Motivational Monday yet!<3

  26. I am positively looking forward to my 18th birthday on Friday, which I'm nervous about because its such a huge occasion! I'm going out for a meal with my relatives that I don't get to see very often so that'll be nice :) I love this Motivational Monday by the way, so inspiring!


    Amy |

  27. This is so true! I really love this one! I really live by hope. I don't know if that sounds weird, but sometimes it feels like hope is all that I got left.

  28. This is lovely :) Almost want to get it printed and popped in a frame!

  29. Louise, you never fail to cheer my up, however miserable a monday morning can be!

  30. You always give mondays an extra sparkle.
    Miss Bows

  31. Love this post, Louise! I will miss Motivational Monday, but I'm glad you are bringing it back next year haha.

  32. Thanks so much for these! This brightened my morning :)

    xo Rowan

  33. Love it!

    Hi everyone!
    I know these comments are incredibly annoying and I apologise. However I'd love it if you could check out my blog. Thank you x

  34. love that quote!

  35. I actually saw this on Pinterest the other day and it made me smile! Looking forward to those last two Motivational Mondays! I've really enjoyed them!


  36. after reading all your motivational Mondays I think this one is my favourite! I shall miss them after the last 2 but shall wait eagerly for their return :)

  37. Definetely one of my favorite quotes from now on!!

  38. im excited for my friend coming over to visit this friday :)

  39. great quote! thanks for the motivation!

  40. this was lovely:)you're so optimistic and cheerful all the time and it always puts a smile on my face!

  41. so important to always stay positive! I found that especially when I was faced with being diagnosed with CANCER last year! :) I write a blog about positivity and my fight with cancer! Take a look :)

  42. I'm not sure Louise but I think something really good will come to me this week. :) POSITIVITY!

    -Anne's Scribbles and Doodles

  43. I love Motivational Monday posts! Deffinately will miss them!
    I really need to work on this as the first thing comes on to my thoughts is negative. Lately, I'm thinking of future as well as getting to that age I guess but no matter what can't get out negative thoughts. I'll deffinately try this approach and if it helps then you'll be a star. Thank you!
    This week I'm looking forward to orgaise my flat the way I want to.

  44. Hi Louise, I love your blog! Positivity is contagious! Keep spreading the joy!
    PS- you have motivated me so much to be much more open in my life and not worry so much about what silly people think. A BIG THANK YOU! Lots of happy thoughts and good karma sent your way!

  45. So true! Over the past few days I have realized that I have been somewhat better at fighting off any blues and worries and impending depressions... I don't know how exactly it happened, but I seem to be *really wanting to be happy* and it works! even when you've been unluckily job hunting for a long time, etc. But whenever my mood sinks and I start to feel all hopeless and negative, I just... I try to forget about it and DO something instead. And for once in my life it seems to be working... :o Shocked but very happy about that!! What a coincidence to find your blogpost on this just now :)

  46. I can be an incredibly negative person as I suffer with anxiety. But reading this and also watching Zoella's 'Just Say Yes' video, has really motivated me to not be afraid do do things or think negatively on certain aspects of my life :)

    Thank you Louise!

  47. well, that relly motivated me for the rest of the week, thanks! xx

    Martyna | NEON MIZZLE

  48. Perfect reminder for a Monday, thank you!

  49. I think it was two years ago I decided to banish negative thoughts... because really they're useless! Focusing on the positive is much more happy and helps us to develop.

    Thank you for spreading positivity!

  50. I just love you and everything you say !

  51. optimism. love it.

    - Janine

  52. Love this quote! I have been to the world of Beatrix Potter and raspberry picking in the Lake District today with my best friend (blog post later this week!) and I'm looking forward to a meal with friends from college who I haven't seen since starting uni, so that should be good! Hope you have a fantastic week in whatever you do Louise!

  53. Thanks Louise! It's really nice to have a pick-me-up on Mondays!

  54. I couldn't agree more! I've been working on my optimism lately and saying yes to things that I normally would not. Xx

  55. Aw I love these motivational quotes!

    xx K

  56. Love your positive and inspirational posts! Firstly, after a couple of years of silent following and reading blogs, I'm jumping in the community, speaking up, subscribing, expressing my opinion about posts I like and that speak to me and slowly starting to write bits of my own! So I'm looking forward to THAT - getting in touch with people, writing up my own posts and work on my little space on the net - to me, that's also living thinking that something wonderful might happen :)
    Second of all - I'm spending my week at a summerhouse by the seaside, the weather's perfect and I was looking forward to this week so much!

    Thank you for making me really reflect upon the positive things going on! :) Love your blog. That's also positive! - being a proper follower now and having new posts pop up in my reader :)

  57. lovely, as always!

  58. Good advice! A positive outlook can make a world of difference. I am happily looking forward to thursday this week because that's the day my husband returns home! He's been gone on business and I am excited to see him again...and I know my puppy will be excited too (she loves my husband to death, lol).

  59. You always know how to cheer me up Louise:)!

  60. This post has seriously put me in a better state of mind!! :)

    Jack! :)

  61. Very good sharing of positive outlook towards life. Life is made up of beauty and love.

  62. Thanks for this Louise! Your Motivational Monday's always cheer me up, I'll be looking forward to more next year!

    A La Mode Avec KJ Blog

    Feel free to follow my blog
    K xo

  63. Louise!!! I'm gutted motivational Mondays is ending, make sure you keep pinning these little gems as I'm a sucker for you on pinterest.

  64. Louise!!! I'm gutted motivational Mondays is ending, make sure you keep pinning these little gems as I'm a sucker for you on pinterest.

  65. Louise, I can't thank you enough for this post! Its something I really needed to hear (well read, haha) today! THANK YOU XX

  66. I love these posts Louise! Something great did happen to me today and it was all down to me being just that little more confident!! Thank you for inspiring me with these posts, its helped the smallest of things! xxx

  67. I love this bit of motivation! I've been trying to live by a 'Just Say Yes' motto (totally not listening to the advice of the Grange Hill cast...), to stop myself worrying about things to come and closing doors that could lead somewhere exciting so it's nice to hear that you're doing the same thing! I have a job interview next week so I will try and remember your words of wisdom!

    Lucy xx

  68. This one is pretty darn difficult! But I am trying to work on this.


  69. Love motiavational Mondays louise, you really are such an inspiring person, please don't brush that comment away, stand up take notice of it! I have one question for you, for the above image, did you just download it straight from Pinterest and upload onto the blog? I am writing up a blog post on my blog and wish to include a few quotes such as above, but am worried about enfringing on copy write laws? x

  70. I've loved reading these posts on Mondays as a way to prepare for whatever kind of week I'm about to have!
    I've loved them so much that I've done my own "Inspire Day". Perhaps some people would like to view another inspirational quote on the blog below? Maybe it'll cheer up your day a bit just at Louise has done every Monday!

  71. Love how you can make a bad day into a good day just with a few words. Please, keep doing Motivational Mondays because whenever I feel sad or in a bad mood, you make me see that there's no reason for not showing a smile and show that I'm strong enough to overcome the bad thing in my life. I know we all have problems and nowadays there's so much poverty and a very important social crisis so why not to show my happiness and my joy and try to make other people smile or just make them see that life is worth it.

    I'm really grateful Louise and I just wanted you to know that you are a very important person in my life even though we don't know each other face to face. You're light to me.


  72. I live by this quote! Im so happy you wrote a blog post on it!

  73. Your blog has been a constant source of support and encouragement for me I am grateful for your words of wisdom and positivity

  74. Good post! We will be linking to this particularly great post on our site. Keep up the great writing

  75. Thank you for consistently putting out such great content!


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx