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Tuesday 16 July 2013

Playing with Chalk | Baby-Toddler Ideas

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

As the Summer draws on and Darcy becomes more and more active, we are increasingly looking for fun, easy things to do. 


My criteria for at home fun is always- easy to prepare, interesting and affordable. 

Drawing with chalks is all three- woop!


Whilst in IKEA a few months back, we bought a pack of chalks on a bit of a whim. Darcy has only recently started showing an interest in crayons so I they were a bit of a gamble. Since Spring (when these pictures were taken, hence the wellies and coat), we have been spending a lot of time outside, renovating our overgrown, crappy backgarden. Whilst we chop and dig and moan about the hard work (mostly me!), Darcy potters about on the raised patio area playing.

We introduced the chalks to her thinking she wouldn't bother but we couldn't have been more wrong! She played for agggggeessss. And by 'aaggggesss' I mean over 10 minutes, which is like 4 years in Tot-Terms. 


As you can see, I was pretty enthralled too. 

I love, love, love the 'naughty' element of not using paper and the fact that with the rain the pictures will be gone.

Since we took these snaps Darcy has decorated the outside bricks and we have bought and installed an outdoor blackboard with holders for her colours, which she LOVES. You might have seen it on Instagram if you follow me over there. 

So there you have it, an easy toddler activity that costs nada (providing you have the chalks in of course) and is completely fuss free! 

Last year we did THIS and THIS, so if you have teeny tiny ones, they might be worth a read. 

What do you do in the Summer to keep kiddies occupied? What did you enjoy doing as a little one? I'd love to hear your ideas in the comments. 

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  1. I ALWAYS used to play with chalk on the street! I might have to bring that back again this summer xo

  2. I used to create elaborate cities that I would then scooter through my entire cul-de-sac. Now, when I babysit, I always suggest chalk because I enjoy making hopscotchs, and animals as much as them. And the adventures one can have with chalk art..!

    I also loved and still love window markers. I loved to decorate the windows with holiday pictures and then it could easily come right off with a little cleaner!

  3. I used to love playing with chalk as a kid. Great for makeshift hop scotch! X

  4. Try giving her a paintbrush and a bucket of water so she can "paint" the paving slabs, house, etc.

  5. I actually uploaded a picture of me lying down in a chalk world for one of my glittersnaps
    in the 30 day challenge! You can never be too old for chalk :D
    Beauty/Fashion/Lifestyle Blog

  6. That is to precious! Love all your meaningful photos xx

  7. I used to draw with chalk in the garden when I was little and make a chalk hopscotch too. It's a great idea for keeping little ones amused on dry days when they're out in the garden.

  8. The children at my school always love chalks. We have a chalk board set up on the school playground and a few small chalks. We also have some massive chalks the size of bricks! X

  9. I used to play with chalks all the time! Our garden was always so colourful haha

  10. I don't have kids, but I work for a holiday camp an we have some real youngsters there. We always do arts and crafts. They love drawing, painting and making friendship bracelets! And if not then it's always football or story time. | Beauty, Lifestyle & UK Blog

  11. I used to love doing this as a kid :)

  12. Cute! I love doing that as a kid with my sister. Our mom even prefers us using chalk than crayons as it is easily washable. :)

    -Anne's Scribbles and Doodles

  13. Hi Louise, I'm sure this will get lost in the tons of comments but I was wondering what advice you have to a new blogger? I recently created mine (very very recently) and could use some advice.

    p.s. i'm loving your summer fashion!

  14. Louise, I know you'll get loads of comments on this post and my comment will more than likely get lost but I love you so much, you are my inspiration. you inspired me to start a blog and its the best decision i ever made, everyday i watch your videos and you make me smile so much, it would mean the world if you replied to this<33 x

  15. Looks like Darcy had such a great time! Such a lovely idea with the little ones! Unfortunately my nephew is just that bit too small! Next year!

    Awesome post Louise!


  16. I loved doing this when I was a kid!

  17. This is a great idea Louise! When I was a kid, we used to play with my little sister with colored chalks and it was wonderful memories. I bet my kids would love playing with these too. Thank you so much for posting this! What an amazing reminder. :)

  18. Chalks are perfect for the summer! Love the idea of an outdoor blackboard, I know a little girl that would LOVE that. Looks like ANOTHER trip to IKEA for me!

    Beckie xo

  19. Love this! It was almost nostalgic for me to read this, I too loved drawing with chalk on my pavement when I was little. Darcy is too adorable! xx

  20. The minute my mum gave me some chalk they become my favourite drawing utensils... ever. We used to draw in my nan and grandads back garden through the summer, and when it started getting colder my nan bought me a desk which had a chalkboard on top, and then you could lift the lid (of life) and store whatever you wanted underneath. I'd spend hours on it, and then when I got too big for it my dad managed to break it apart and put the chalkboard on my wall.

    I don't know if Darcy is quite old enough for it yet, but one thing I used to love doing was making bubble pictures, where you'd mix a bit of paint and washing up liquid with water, blow bubbles to the top of the container and touch them with a piece of paper, it was amazing. Oh and potato prints! Oh, I feel nostalgic now...

  21. This is great! Have you ever heard of this blog, it's jam packed with easy, creative activities for children! :

    Hope that helps to give you more ideas! x

  22. This is such a good idea, will definitely be doing this with my little cousins! x

  23. As mummy blogger im loving this post! Thr best fun is often free..shes too adorable!
    WTTP - The little lady with a baby!

  24. awww i used to love doing this sort of thing as a kid! so cute! :)

  25. Such a cute idea! Wish I could have done more of this as child.

    Jasmine @

  26. Aw this brings back so many memories! (to be compeltely honest I'd still love to play with some chalks now..)
    flawedfairytale fashion blog ^.^

  27. Oohhh Chalks...Apparently I Used To Eat Them As A Child....? Hoping My Little Man Wont Do The Same.. *Must Keep An Eye On Him*

    oOo oOo

  28. Thats so cute! I would like to play with these and I'm nineteen lol xx

  29. Darcy is so cute! I always used to play with chalk in the garden when I was little!:)

  30. I love your blog soooooooooooooo much <3 <3 xxxxxx
    Please follow my blog if you love beauty blogs xxx

  31. You are just so cute!

  32. Louise! I love your blog and it always brings a bit of happiness to my day. I just wanted to say, you are EXACTLY like my mum was when we were growing up. The things you do with Darcy, the activities etc, the way you like to make things and find treasures in thrift shops, your little Pintrest-y house... you remind me of how my mum was with us when me and my brother were little. I say this because I just thought you should know that my brother & I absolutely loved our childhood and we look back on all these little things so fondly. And I just know Darcy will too. You're such a wonderful mum and she's a very lucky little girl!
    Nice chalk drawings, by the way!

  33. Ahhh this has brought back so many memories! Me and my neighbours used to all draw on the path... make hopscotch! I love Darcy posts :)
    Nicole x

  34. I might buy myself some chalk so I can do this *inserts winkey face, deletes it because I'm deadly serious*

  35. Your daughter is the prettiest girl I have ever seen.

    Your blog is amazing.

  36. You could give her an old fairy liquid bottle filled with water which she can use to draw letters or shapes on the floor.. cheap and easy and can be a good way of practicing letters or numbers (maybe at an older age though hehe!)

  37. I used to enjoy mixing washing up liquids, oils and paints up and then dipping paper in it and making sheets of 'rainbows', though it might get a bit messy! Also, I was wondering if or when the Louella products would be back in store, as they all say out of stock on the website. Thank you!

  38. I used to do this all the time when I was little!
    I still love doing things like this with my niece and nephew, a couple of weeks ago we made a fort in the garden with blankets and a goal post! It was so much fun!

    Emily x

  39. I used to love riding my bike and going to the pool as a kid on those hot summer days. I never really liked chalk because they made my fingers feel weird and dirty and I never enjoyed it, even as a baby. But I did like to draw... a little... >.> Much less than I do now haha! I'm glad to see that Darcy loves using her chalk to draw, when I have a baby I would love for them to be creative in some way <3

  40. Looks like and amazing idea and it is adorable! I might try it with my cousins I think it would be a lot of fun! I hope they enjoy it as much as Darcy.

  41. we always have chalk about the house, and it's much loved by my son. I'm thinking he may need a new box next summer, and the best part is as long as they love coloring they'll love chalk.

    Fashion and Happy Things

  42. This brings back memories for me! When I was younger I used to draw a hop scotch the whole way along the path in front of our houses with big chalk sticks! :)

  43. Used to love doing this when I was little, and then pretending to jump into the pictures like in Mary Poppins haha! We had glitter chalks one year they were soo cool!

    Also used to play for hours under a sheet thrown over the washing line as a den!
    :) xx

  44. I also used to love drawing with chalk! It was my favourite thing to do during the warmer months. Maybe when it gets colder you can get a little chalk board for her to use?

    Carol | Bitten Glam

  45. I love that first picture Lou! its beaitiful!!!! Fun and free activites truely are the best :)
    Follow my Fashion Blog on Bloglovin!

  46. So beautiful. There's nothing like the innocence of drawing with chalk on the side path. I cannot wait to have kids!

    erin //

  47. I just love Darcy !
    She's sooo cute !


  48. Such a great way to keep kids entertained. Great drawings :) xxx

  49. aaw this looks so fun :) xx

  50. I was just looking at chalk today for the monkeys I look after :) Will have to invest I think! I'm loving all this time we can spend outside at the moment.


  51. My mum is a childminder so we look after a 2 year old twice a week and yesterday we turned the sprinkler on, put her in her swimsuit and let her go wild. She played in it for about 45 mins. Great easy easy to keep little ones active!

  52. I loved drawing with chalk when I was younger!
    Love your picture Louise

    A La Mode Avec KJ Blog

    Feel free to follow my blog
    K xo

  53. I always enjoyed playing around in a sprinkler when I was a kid. Summer is a great time for this. The most fun sprinklers are the ones that swish back and forth (you know sprinklers for watering your grass). Easy to do, no pool needed, keeps you cool, and your grass gets watered at the same time!

  54. My little sister(5) paints on the tiles in the garden with water in the summer, it is no mess, and is evaporated by the sun, so it becomes a game to finish a drawing before it disappears! x

  55. That's such a fab idea! I have an 18 month old niece and I'm always thinking of things that we can do together when she's a little bit older. Thank You. x

    Imogen Treasures

  56. We have been usng expensive diapers since our baby was born and we have never had an issue. Our baby has never had any rash and the diapers never leaked (and there were mornings when we were amazed by the extra weight they had taken on).

  57. That is such an amazing idea! I love chalk still and it is such a good way to get your creative side out! Your blog is amazing and I really enjoy reading it as I always find something to relate too! :-)
    P.s. I started up my blog based on Zoella's&Yourself's video from youtube! x x x


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx