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Monday, 1 July 2013

Motivational Monday #21

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday one and all. Not only is it the start of a new week but the start of a new month, so an even bigger leaf to turn over and an even bigger fresh start. Let July be your month! 


Today's quote is one I have seen floating about but decided to create in my own font because I like pretty. 

More and more this year I have been working on my grace. By this is don't mean walking like a princess and sipping tea with my pinkie out (neither of which I excel at) but acting with dignity and decorum.

When I'm in a bad mood, something doesn't go my way or I feel slighted, I have been saying in my head, 'be gracious, be gracious', and by jove it's worked! I find myself squashing down the rising heat of anger or annoyance and feeling a sense of calm and control. Controlling emotions is a big thing for me. I'm easily happy but quick to anger if someone presses the right buttons so being gracious has been a good challenge. 

I have found it has benefited me in many ways. First and formost I'm wasting a lot less energy on negative emotions. Secondly, I am being a better friend. Rather than being bitter or jealous, I am being gracious and happy for other people's achievements, experiences and progression. I am able to rejoice in their happiness with grace and this makes a big difference to how you behave in the relationship. I have found myself being a lot less selfish with time and resources because I am happy to give more. It's amazing really. 

It took a good few months and I have to work on it every day but I have really noticed differences in my general happiness levels by having good grace about things. 

Next time you feel yourself getting wound up by a colleague, parent, partner or teacher, quietly say to yourself, 'How graceful can I be about this?' and you will be pleasantly surprised by the difference it can make to a situation. 

What do you think? Something worth trying? Have you found it has good results to practise good grace? Leave a comment and join the community. 



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  1. I agree, I don't think it's fair to take out your anger on someone who doesn't deserve it, or someone who's not involved in your problems. I think you should confront people when they have done something bad to you, but you shouldn't let your emotions control your interactions with other, unless they've something very terrible then it's ok to lash out haha

  2. Thanks for that Louise. You're totally right, sometimes we just redirect out anger on those who aren't involved. My mom gave me some similar advice: whenever you take out your anger on someone your probably either lonely, angry, tired, or hungry. Just let them know that an apologize. Of course ideally, you wouldn't have a reason to apologize in the first place. :)

    Je M'appelle Molly

    xo Molly

  3. You couldn't have put this is a better way Louise! I completely agree with everything you mentioned. Just because I'm in a bad mood sometimes doesn't mean that I have to drag people down with me or disrespect them in a way because I have the excuse of being unwell. Being gracious to even those who have hurt you not only shows you are the bigger person but also a respectable human being that knows how to handle a situation. This post couldn't be lovelier x

  4. I've been trying really hard to do this this year as well. Not only does it make life a lot easier, but a lot more enjoyable as well! I agree with you 100%

  5. Hi Louise! I abosolutely love your motivational Mondays! They allways give me a boost and put a smile on my face. :)

    Please check out my blog, I've only just started.. but there will be lots of exciting things coming up this month. I think you would really like them. :)

  6. This is just exactly what I needed to hear. I am a person of extreme emotions. I can be so very excited and happy, but I am also quick to frustration and annoyance. I find myself getting annoyed or snapping at people quite easily and I really don't like that about myself. Who am I to be annoyed and snooty with others. By golly they are the ones who deserve to be annoyed with me.
    I am going to give this a go because I think it would really help me find some more happiness, something a person can never have enough of. Thanks Louise! You have quite the lovely mind!

  7. Love posts like this, they are so inspirational!

    xoxo, Aman | coffee chic twitter

  8. This is one of my favourite sayings, it's so true! It's not the fault of other people when you're feeling grumpy so you shouldn't take it out on them. I really try to live by this saying :)

    Louisa's Notebook

  9. This is so so true, it makes such a difference! I definitely need to start trying this a little harder, because I really dislike the jealous, moody me.
    Good reminder for the start of the week :)

  10. I completely agree and wish more people would live by these standards! Great post!


  11. I agree, life would be so much happier. For those who like to throw tantrum to others, if we react nicely and gracefully, their anger will reduce too. Good thing to start and practice!

  12. This is such a helpful reminder! I took a stress management class in college (I'm from the US :)) and one of the best things my professor taught us was to really "think before we speak." When you're angry at your parent or sibling or a friend for a silly reason, my professor advised us to think of the times they've been kind to us, the times they've made us happy, instead of irrationally snapping at them. Most of the time people (or at least me and my family) bicker and argue about the silliest things anyway. Keep it up Louise as it'll only make you even happier! :)

  13. Good advice, great post!
    leyla xx

  14. Motivational Monday posts are my favorite things to read when I can't sleep at 2 in the morning. I am especially fond of this one because I tend to be able to control my emotions and 'be gracious' when it comes to friends and strangers, but family is a different story. I think it is more difficult around them because I am just so comfortable that I don't think of controlling my temper or what comes out of my mouth. Thanks for helping me realize that I should get it together and not reserve all of my grace for those I know the least. :)

    Jessica x.

  15. You're so inspiring! This is an amazing post.

    Seaside Beauty

  16. I love this post! It's so inspiring, and you honestly couldn't have said it better. xxx

  17. I don't often say anything aloud when someone winds me up as I hate confrontation. I do get into a mood though and let it fester away in my head and often they can tell. Bottling it up isn't healthy either though! Maybe I should try this approach a bit more often.

  18. Oooh this is a really good post! I often find myself getting in a bad mood and being rude to people and then regretting it instantly. I think this is an amazing quote, and as you said, so pretty! I will really try to use this advice to my benefit. Thank you again Louise!!! I love reading these every single Monday!!! ^_^ xxx

  19. Grace is something I definitely something I need to work on, I didn't think it could be this easy thank you x

  20. What I love most about your Motivational Mondays is that you don't exclude yourself in them. You post them for yourself AND for us, you are not afraid to admit that you need to work on yourself. One of the many reasons why you're absolutely amazing and I look up to you very much! xxx

  21. Hi Louise,
    I've just discovered your blog and absolutely love it! I completely agree with what you've said about taking things out on others and regretting it, sometimes when we're angry we tend to take things out on those who don't deserve it, usually those closest to us. I'm off to check out your youtube channel now :)

  22. After a difficult evening and morning looking after a 3 and 5 year old I needed this! Next time I'll bring a bit of "Grace" to the situation! A reminder that it's the start of a new month has cheered me up no end too. Fresh start!

  23. I agree - not enough people realise how much negative emotions not only hurt others but hurt themselves. Whilst it feels like a release to voice negative thoughts or opinions, it's just allowing the ego to think it's okay to bannish thinking positively and treating others nicely. The more we think positively, the more easy it becomes and it does become a habit :)

  24. I agree completely. Living in a house at university with four other girls, all of whom can be pretty moody themselves with the prospect of a deadline, definitely means that at times I have to be careful to have good manners and not take my mood out on them. But I also agree that making the conscious decision to be polite and positive makes all the difference!

    Megan. x

  25. This is perfect for me.. because honestly everyone loses their temper once in a while and it really affects your whole day and it will turn out to be a crappy day for you.. so this might work.. will try this one thanks louise!!! hugs!!!


  26. Love this quote, I really need to take note of this xxx

  27. Ahh this is a lovely sentiment, and I really admire your perseverance! I think I'm generally quite good at being gracious, especially as, being a waitress, I just have to grin and bear it with rude customers all the time. Kill them with kindness, I say! But I'm definitely going to consciously work on it in every aspect of my life now. Also I have a lovely feeling that July IS going to be my month! Lets hope I'm right =D xx

  28. Such a lovely post and I adore the picture, so pretty!

  29. I love this! This actually helps me so much! Yesterday I found myself in a situation where I was negative, if NLT I had read this post then! I can tell that this will definitely be coming in handy, as I always try and be positive, so thank you!:) xx

  30. I love your motivational Mondays! They really do help with thinking more positively about everything :)

  31. I think the being gracious thing is such a good way to think about it, because I have the opposite problem to getting too angry with people, if something makes me angry I don't let it show and just avoid the feeling, but I think what you do is better, still expressing your feelings, but doing it with good grace. :)

  32. Such a good idea, I've got a few testing times coming up so I'll give this a go!! xoxo

    The perks of being a hipster

  33. Aww lovely post =). You've made me smile! xx

  34. I'm definitely going to have to try and be more gracious (act like a lovely, respectable princess lady and such like) because as soon as someone pushes my buttons I'll take it out on them or anyone around me. It's definitely one of my worst traits and needs improving. Thanks Louise, I'm going to give this a go! x

  35. I completely agree with you. A few years ago I made a big change with my attitude and decided to stop being so negative, especially in regards to other people. I would hate people for no real reason and it was stupid. When I decided to make a change, I felt so much better! 3 years on I'm a much happier person and I feel good about myself. It actually makes a world of difference, not only to you but to the people around you too. xx

  36. Wow, definitely. If I think negatively, I can't help but see everything in a negative way. Whereas if I make an effort to be positive life is so different! It's all about picking the right battles - sometimes you just need to bite your tongue and be gracious as it's just not worth the anger that comes from it. Have you ever read 'The Happiness Project' by Gretchen Ruben? It's not a self help book or anything ha but she spends a year trying to achieve goals in different parts of her life, and she just talks so much sense! I love it and I'm certain you would! Love your posts Louise as always!
    Charlotte xxx

  37. Louise you give the best advice on here, I have recently found myself quoting pictures like these to my friends! You have taught me a lot through your blog and I appreciate it a lot :)
    Beauty/Fashion/Lifestyle Blog

  38. I couldn't agree more! What you think often defines what you do and the best way to change things you dislike about your behaviour is to overhaul how you think about it. Focusing on being gracious is a really lovely, simple way to to cover a lot of different things too! Definitely love the thoughtful post =D
    Sam =]

  39. You motivational monday posts are the best! You thought me a lot and I hope to learn more. Thank you Louise! :)

    Life's A Beach

  40. GREAT advice. I'm having landlord issues and it does make me snap at others when I've had a particularly bad convo with them. I need to remember not to let my mood about one thing affect other stuff. xx

  41. Love this post i'm going to try put it into practise thanks Louise xx

  42. I definitely have a very, very short fuse, this is something I HAVE to work on, pronto! haha

  43. I need to keep this in mind most times...

    - Janine

  44. I think I may have just found my newest painting project. I have a lot of trouble in my current job in being gracious towards some of the people I work with. I'm going to try and do this the next time I go into work, which would be later today. If I started to get annoyed I'll just repeat it over and over again. Be gracious.
    Thanks for this lovely post, Louise <3

  45. I know I'm in general quick to anger, sometimes over stupid or trivial things, so for a long time I've actively made an effort to curb rage and negativity and stress, and it has worked very well! All of my family are quite susceptible to anger, actually, and I notice the difference between me, whom certain things can now wash over without effect, and them, who are always raging so extremely for barely any reason. Angry people are unhappy people, and I am so much more calm and relaxed now that I force myself to be calm in situations that would normally have me in fits of anger. :)

  46. Things upset me or annoy me really easily because I'm really sensitive and have a short temper so this is definetly worth trying out! You're such an inspiration Louise, i love motivational mondays, they always make me smile! :) xx

  47. I love this post! I have ben thinking alot about being gracious lately so I have decided to be as classy as possible, I am currently working on a blog post to do with classiness too because I feel like the old fashioned ladylike habits are being lost like graciousness and classiness :D

  48. This is my first time commenting on your blog, Louise. I usually just read it obsessively to myself. Then go on about my day. My friend did a blog about you and I've been hooked ever since. Your posts are so lovely and I can't get enough. I wish you posted 4 and 5 times a day ;)
    This post in particular really hit a soft spot for me. I can have a bit of a short temper. I try not to retaliate when a person displeases me. Thanks for posting!
    xoxo Stephanie

  49. Hi Louise ^^,
    I love your motivational mondays!!! They´re just so picking up, and I love quotes anyway but you always pick up the right ones to lift me up if I´m sad, thaaank you :*
    XOXO Abby

  50. Best quote, it really annoys me when people not follow this! xxx

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  51. I think a lot of people need to be doing this! Myself included! | Beauty, Lifestyle & UK Blog

  52. What a lovely post! I would really appreciate if you and your followers can check out my blog. i just started mine and need someone to share it with! lol


  53. Thank you for that Louise! I could change moods really easily this is definitely something worth trying!

  54. Inspirational :)

    Visit my blog! I am doing the July challenge posting every day!

  55. That is so true! So many times I have been really grumpy and been rude to people close to me because of it, even though it's not their fault. It would be nice if you could stop by my blog again :):)

  56. This is an absolutely AWESOME quote. Fabulous

  57. Glad you posted this, a nice gentle reminder for us all!
    I definitely need to work on this more, especially at work!


  58. This is a very good mantra! Especially during PMS ;)
    Hannah x

  59. You're totally right. Love this!

    Zoe // The Caribbean Flower

  60. I totally 100% agree with this, and I wish the whole world did too! It doesn't take a lot to be nice to people, especially when they're in no way responsible for what caused your mood.

  61. This is an excellent thing to do Louise - I will definitely definitely try this. Recently I have found that I have just become so jealous of other people's success and it's making me be a bit harsh with them when they really do not deserve it at all. I will try this. BE GRACIOUS, JASMINE.
    Jasmine xo

  62. I adore your Motivational Mondays. When your first started doing these, I was going through a rut and your posts always seemed to open my eyes up, and kept me seeing the positive side. Since then I have really begun to find myself and have started doing things that I love doing! One of them being to start a blog. So I have started one and have loved every minute of it! My blog is still quite young but maybe if you see this you would have time to take a peek!
    love always,

  63. I love this Louise, I value manners so highly but I think we all have to actively work at maintaining them. The results are so worth it though!!

  64. so true! Sadly a lot of the time a let my bad mood get the better of myself but I will try this xx

  65. I should remember to make this my new life motto or something. Or better, I need an alarm that rings everytime I'm in a bad mood to remind me this.

  66. Could not agree more!!! I love your motivational mondays :)
    Best Wishes, Keri

  67. Loved the post! Love all your posts in general aha!xx

    Nixi at

  68. I LOVE these posts! great words!

  69. Louise, I love your Motivational Mondays, but I have never loved one more than this. I have being dealing with this kind of thing lately and this post has given me great advice to help me in the future. Thank you so much for being such an inspirational person to me! I will definitely try to remember your advice the next time I get a little angry. I love you Louise!

  70. Absolutely right! Thanks for sharing! Love x

  71. Louise, you are a gem. I have been doing the same this year, but couldn't quite word it, and then I pop over to your blog and there it is. It's still a work in progress, there are times when I find myself not so graceful, but I'm happy that I am aware of my actions now, and acknowledge the change I would like to make.

  72. I really love these motivational monday posts! :) xx

  73. Your motivational Monday posts really do make me feel more positive about life and that I will be able to better myself. So thank you Louise for doing these, they really are helpful to me and many other people I'm sure.

  74. I definitely need to take this on board. I always let my mood affect everything like if one person annoys me I seem to be moody with everyone else for the rest of the day. I'm sure loads of people are like that but I guess you can't get on with everyone ALL THE TIME. So thanks for that bit of motivation :)

  75. Love this <3 These posts always brighten my day and that's what inspired me to create a blog this summer as well. Oh! And the motivation is much appreciated ;)

  76. Definitely learning from this! Im the worst with my mood affecting my manners! Loving the Motivational Monday posts, they always make me feel happy and make me think xxx

  77. great quote! i'll admit that i'm guilty of this at times & i hate when people treat me the same way. now making a conscious effort to be better!!
    Follow on Bloglovin'


  79. Sometimes it's hard not to be a little snappy when you're in a bad mood. I do my best to be aware of my moods and just be honest with people, letting them know that if I'm not quite myself it's a reflection on myself, not of them. And of course apologize if I ever do get a bit rude!
    Love you Louise!
    xo ruth

  80. This is a good one. Sometimes hard to do.. great post!

  81. definitely gonna try being more gracious - thank you for these posts Louise!x

  82. I am the most calmest person and I always try not to take my own upset and anger emotions out of anything I am doing or anyone I am speaking to. I agree it really makes a whole lot of difference when you're being "gracious" as you say.


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx