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Sunday, 30 June 2013

30 Day Snap #30 - COMPLETION

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Today is the last of the 30 Day Snap and I have mixed emotions. 

I'll miss reading all your comments and stalking through (don't lie, you do it too) everyone else's entries but I must say, I'm looking forward to having a little break. Not a proper one, I'll still be posting everyday, but only once, not twice.

What have I learnt from the 30 Day Snap?

Well, I've learnt that it was a much bigger challenge than I thought it would be. Remembering to take my cameras places and actually taking a snap of something worthwhile, editing, uploading, and publishing was a bigger job than I anticipated. 

I didn't evolve my photography skills like I thought I would. I was so focused on taking a snap of something that represented my day that I stayed in my 'safe zone'. I will find new ways to improve my skills. 

This community IS a community. By doing this challenge and seeing who else is taking part, I have found a much bigger network of inspirational women and made new friends. That alone was makes it worthwhile. 

That I really do heart the small things. I've said it before but this challenge has only confirmed it. I had big days in London, went to parties, hosted parties, took road trips and saw a lorra lorra friends but I chose to focus on the ordinary and 'mundane' little bits of life. It's those things that I like to see of other people's and they are the aspects that I cherish most. To me, wandering down to the corner shop to buy sweets with Darcy is no less of an event than going to Google HQ to party in the YouTube space- both of which I have done in the last 4 weeks. 

Most of all I have learnt that Life. Is. Good. I have easily found something happy to photograph each day and I have been blessed with big ol' heap of brilliant memories. 

Did you take part in the 30 Day Snap? Whether you did it for a day or you managed the whole 30, let me know below. If you didn't, what have you enjoyed about this challenge? Or will you be glad to see the back of it haha?

Let's chat in the comments!!

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  1. aww I LOVED your 30 day Snap, it was amazing to see what u got up do!
    I would love a similar project again soon :)


  2. it looks so cute when you put it together like this!! :D loved your posts this month, you should do it again soon!

    Leyla xx

  3. I enjoyed doing this little challenge and also seeing what pictures you took :) I found it hard to remember to take a picture each day meaning I had to find alternatives and remembering to blog each day was a challenge! Maybe you could make up a different monthly challenge that we could all do one day? :D xxx

  4. Loved browsing (*cough* stalking *cough*) through your 30 day challenge, really wish i had got involved however i don't think my day-to-day photos would be as interesting as yours, haha. (Darcy is such a cutie btw!)

  5. I've loved the 30 Snap challenge and I'm starting the 31 Day Challenge tomorrow :) It's 31 set questions you have to answer with a question for each day, a lot easier than trying to find something to take a picture of each day. Like you said though, it does take time and it might be nice to take a break :)

    You can read about it all here:


  6. well done on finishing :D I tried to but only got half way! Going to miss seeing all your pictures. :(

  7. Good for you for finishing! It looks so cool putting all the pictures together. I loved seeing all your pictures and what you have been doing!

    xx K

  8. You really say all that I feel about this challenge , I agree with you 100%. I also think it was brilliant to introduce me as a new blogger into the concept of blogging regularly and making new friends and people to follow.
    Thank you so so much for coming up with this, I'm going to miss it a lot!


    My final snap:

  9. I loved looking at your 30 day snaps! I would love for there to be another challenge :)!

  10. I'm uploading my final picture tonight, it was alot of fun, but so much harder than I thought it would be! xx

  11. I love the photos! I can never keep up with a challenge :(

  12. I loved your 30 day snap, it was so fun seeing what you've been doing and Darcy is so adorable!! I'm new to the world of blogging and this was a great way for me to see how its done


  13. Ah no. I'm definitely not happy to see the back of it Louise. I really enjoyed browsing through the snaps everyday. I guess what I loved most about it is the fact that it just celebrated life in all of its wonderfulness and simplicity. I believe that there is beauty in the simple things in life and every moment deserves to be documented. :) I hope you'll do something like this again Louise in the future.

  14. I loved the 30 day snap! I was going to do it myself but seeing as I spend 5 days of every week in school the thought of it doesn't sound overly thrilling. I'd love it to come back at some point - you could do one for every season! I'm getting excited here and its not even my challenge.

  15. Awh such cute pictures <3 I invite you to join my summer GIVE AWAY party on my blog :) Love, Anna

  16. I've really enjoyed the 30 day snap. It's such a good way to get a nice insight into someone's life. Usually you just see the exciting bits of people's lives, like the highlights. But this way you get to see more of a spectrum :) xxx

  17. I would love to see you do this again soon! It was nice to see what you were getting up to xx

  18. Thanks for organising this, it's been fun!
    Just about to upload my final picture. Woo-hoo!
    Z xx

  19. i'm going to do a 31 day snap challenge starting tomorrow, you've inspired me! :) xx

    1. I'm doing that too! :) I so wanted to do it in June but me and my partner were both poorly. Looking forward to doing it this month though! xo

  20. I LOVED doing the 30 Day Challenge :) I feel exactly the same as you I have really learnt that its the simple things in life that have the biggest impact! most of my pictures have had something to do with my 2 year old daughter or something we have done as a family!
    I will miss finding something to post about everyday and Im not thniking of doing a sunday post of pictures from the week :) just to keep some of the family memories on my blog :) i like it!
    I was also thinking of doing the same thing with the picture haha then I realised you've done it hope you dont mind me still doing it? :)

    I've loved reading your posts everyday! and i can happily say i managed to post every single day :D wahoo!

    Much love

    Dees Beautiful Life

  21. I started the '365 day' snap on the 1st of January! I have found it really hard so far... like you say remembering to take my camera to where I need it! However really looking forward to seeing the last result- yours look fab all collaged together! xxx

  22. All I need to do is post todays pic and I''l have completed the challenge. Yay! So days were hard but it was fun. All your pictures are amazing Louise and everyone's I have seen are all amazing too! I'll enjoy looking back on it and remebering some of the things I did. And probably laugh at how hard I thought GCSE's were when I get onto A levels. Haha! Xx

  23. You definitely should do the 30 Day Snap in December, a festive edition! It was so interesting to see what you snapped this month. I completely failed at it so well done at keeping going!

  24. I have really enjoyed the 30 Day Snap and admire you for completing it!

  25. I loved doing this challenge; you posted about it just as I started this new blog, it was fate! Its given me a little head-start into blogging and I love it! I found it difficult too though, I had to take my camera to college at times and I often had people asking me why on earth I was taking a picture of such random-ness! haha.. I enjoyed looking at all of your snaps :) but I'm glad its over, now I shall start my own little projects :) x

  26. I loved the 30 day snap, not gonna lie but sometimes it was hard but so much FUN!!! I loved discovering new blogs whilst other girlie's where taking part in the snap too. You should defo do a festive addition it would be fabulous.

    I took part and completed the whole 30 days which im quite chuffed about tbh im glad i never gave up.

    Loved reading all your posts Louise.

    Love Hayley xXx

  27. Well done louise! Wow these all look so lovely. They are pictures that you will cherish forever. I'm doing a project 52, try that! It's so rewarding, one picture a week for a year. I would love to see what you come up with for that.
    Hope you and everyone are well!
    Jasmine xo

  28. I loved your 30 day snap! I'm just about to upload my photo for today. I've managed to take a photo everyday, even if some days I was a day late in posting it.

    Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


  29. I actually found the 30 Day Snap really hard as most of my days consisted of school, by day 2 I was thinking of giving up! It was fun though and I carried on! Thank you so much as through this little post series I've found some amazing blogs!

    Bea xxxxxxx

  30. I must say Louise, I think this post is my favorite snap day of them all! The collage of all the other photos is just wonderful!

  31. I can't believe I've (we've all) completed it :D I've had such a ball doing it :D It got me started on posting fashion posts, and I've learnt quite a bit about my editing apps :D Thanks Louise :D Great challenge - well done everyone :D

    SLS xx

  32. This is such a cute collage to have created, as you say it beautifully shows the most important aspects of your life, with nearly half being pictures of your family :-)

  33. I took part in your snap challenge! It was surprisingly hard to find something interesting about my day to photograph! Even though my pictures were boring compared to yours, I am glad that I took part as I now have many cute, quirky photos to create my wall collage with!! Thankyou Louise! X

  34. I took part, I really enjoyed it! I did find it hard doing it every day! I didn't think it would be so much work! Your pictures have been fab along with everyone else's! I've found it's really helped me with my blog as I've been posting more posts than usual along with my snaps! Xx

  35. Thank you sooooo much for this, it has really helped me to improve my skills and notice all the little things I do each day!

    Today I went for a bike ride and made a decision to start doing videos/vlogs!

    Sophie xxx

  36. thank you, that was sooo nice!!
    oxx, Katrin

  37. I didnt manage to finish the challenge, think i did about 5 or 6 days, i seemed to really struggle to find things to take pictures of each day and always forgot to take my camera. i am tempted to re try and do one for july but just for me and not to post on my blog! I did really enjoy seeing your daily photos though and you are right, it is the little things in life (especially when you are a mummy)that bring more joy than anything else could!!! xx

  38. It was so lovely seeing the little moments of happiness in your life over the last month! Congratulations on finishing the challenge - it is definitely something I would like to do in the future!

  39. Wow! I loved all of your 30 day snap posts! It is such a shame that it has come to an end! I am thinking of doing this next month! From Nixi xx

  40. It both looks and sounds like you've had an amazing June Louise! I've enjoyed looking at all your pictures, they're all so pretty! xxx

  41. Your photos are all so lovely :) I gave up at around day 15 because my laptop died, but I was finding it quite hard and frankly my photos were pretty diabolical (first time I've ever written that word and spellchecker says it's correct - win for me, lol!) Xx

  42. Yours have been so adorable with the majority being baby glitter.I started one this month but got sick but I am doing a themed one in July. Which you can follow on my blog and instagram.

  43. I've really loved seeing all of your photos Louise. You've taken some lovely shots. If you enjoyed it, it would be great to see you do this challenge again once you've had a bit of time off to recover from all of the busy-ness of it.

    Lucy x

  44. I loved seeing you 30 day snap every day, even if it was just normal everyday things, I guess what's normal and monotonous to you is interesting to someone else lol. xx

    MyLushBoxBlog | Bloglovin’

  45. I have really enjoyed looking at your posts this month! It is nice just to see your life as a mother day to day. I can't wait to meet you at Vidcon! I also hope you do this again in the future. xx Rena

    Kiss and Make Up

  46. wish I took part in this!
    next time I will!

    - Janine

  47. Love how you put all the pictures together!Really have enjoyed reading your posts this month!

  48. Loved looking at all your snaps. So wish I did this maybe something to do in the future. Love this little collage

    Carrieanne x

  49. Hi Louise, I just wanted to tell you that I am really enjoy looking your blog and your youtube videos. I am French but I understand almost all that you say in your videos, and they help me to improve my English! You and Zoe, you inspire me a lot and this is why I also began a blog. Kisses to you and to your wonderful little Darcy!!

  50. Thank you for doing this whole 30 Day Snap....I thoroughly enjoyed seeing a picture every day -- it was such a cute idea and a great way to HAVE to take a picture every day.

    You have a wonderful thank you for sharing some of it with us :)

    <3 Kelly | The Patch Diaries

  51. First of all, WELL DONE! Congrats! You made the 30 day =) and I LOVED every single day of it. I love reading your posts all the time. Unfortunately, I didn't took part of 30 day as came late and you have already started it =( Anyways, it was interesting to see how the days as my days are pretty boring as don't have much to do but I have learned from your 30 day that appreciate every single moment of those days. So a BIG thank you for that Louise!
    I hope you enjoyed yourself doing the 30 day snap and hopefully in future you'll do similar or something else interesting =) Now take a DEEP BREATH and enjoy your time with your family.


  52. Thank you so much Louise! I have loved doing this challenge (and it certainly was a challenge). You are my inspiration and I am going to miss your snaps!!

  53. I would LOVE to see more of these tags! I feel so guilty for not starting the tag because I missed a few days on the internet (thanks BT)! But I have really loved reading about your day-to-day life and am actually very sad to see the end of it :(

    Much love, Lou xxx

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Well done, Louise! It's a very cute collage you have done there, I'm trying to do that kind of challenge too with my friends, but we have 100 days instead so I reaally don't know where it's going with that... But you did it very well! You are so inspiring, I love your and Zoes blogs, you are amazing both of you!:D

  56. I was so pleased that I managed to complete this, loved looking through all of your photos!

  57. Darcy is unbelievably gorgeous!

  58. such cute photos, congrats on completing the challenge :D xx

  59. I was hoping to be able to join in but exams sadly got in the way. It's been nice doing the challenge vicariously through you though haha x

  60. I did it for a couple of days already but I'm still doing it through July! This is my blog (I just started!)

  61. Loved them all, they were all so great. And every picture of D melted my heart. She's so adorable. Really looked forward to this post each day, so awesome Sweetness!


  62. This was such a fun challenge, I may have to try it in the summer! xxx

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  63. Hi Louise, I have loved looking at all your pics. My friend and I, both big fans, have started the 30 day snap. Thank you for being an inspiration xxx

  64. I really enjoyed this challenge Louise, and I want to say a huge THANK YOU! I improved my blogging skills, was inspired to go out and enjoy the day instead of sitting around, and I met so many new bloggers. I loved keeping up with your snaps and everyone else's. I honestly can't thank you enough for this!

    Ring-a-Round a Rosey

  65. Its been so nice this month having a different post from you everyday, and i think i might have a go in the summer!

  66. This is such a cute idea Louise. Looking back at all the photos is really cool. I might have to try and do photo a day posts myself. So cute. :)

  67. I've been taking part in the challenge. And if I'm honest I have found it pretty challenging. But as I'm new to blogging it made me upload everyday so I'm proud I completed it.

  68. I took part and did all thirty! I found as you said it was a much bigger challenge than anticipated. I thought it would be easy snapping a picture a day but I proved to be a much bigger task. Though it pushed me I had such a fab time! I have loved 'stalking' though I'd much rather call it 'seeing' what other bloggers have done and how they have interpreted the challenge. Your photos were of course a joy to see and a massive motivation point to which I snapped away. Though the majority of the time my snaps were pretty boring, looking back on it now there have been some good ones and fun times.
    As you said there are defiantly mixed emotions about the end. I don't want it to finish but yet I don't think I can deal with the knowledge of having to make sure I take time out to post everyday!! But I think that once school is over I am going to do the challenge for the whole summer then make a big scrap book/album of them all at then end so this really isn't goodbye to the challenge. For my last post I did a slightly too long reminiscing post about this month and I have to admit the snaps have certainly helped document it!!


  69. Aw, Louise I loved looking at your snaps! I love how you cherish the little things in life. They are what matter. I didn't participate in this, maybe for another month. As I'm pretty new to blogger.

    xoxo, Aman | coffee chic twitter

  70. Louise, you are so lovely! If it had been me doing this no doubt I would have just posted pics of the miserable weather all the time! Next time something like this comes along I'm going to take part and promise to myself that it will be a cheery project!


  71. I thought this challenge was brilliant and I can't wait to make a recap of my part.
    I would also like to add that I would like to do a round of applause to you for making this challenge! It has been delightful to be a part of it and to read and find new great blogs to read. So thank you

    Christina xx

  72. I took part in this challenge, I slacked at the end but on the whole I think I did quite a good job.;)x

  73. cute !

  74. I absolutely loved your 30 day snap! You inspired me to do it in July!

    Best Wishes -Keri

  75. I will be attempting the July blog challenge!

  76. I will miss your posts for this challenge! Your photos are always so good, I love it.

  77. The challenge has been so intense- especially alongside my studies, but I have loved being involved and have met some wonderful bloggers in the process. Thank you for that Louise!!

    Phoebe xox

  78. I cannot believe it is over! The 30 day snap challenge has inspired me to do more lifestyle blogs and really find out what I enjoy writing about. In turn showing me where I want my blog to go. I love your little collage and I love that I can see my whole month in pictures. I am going to consciously try and take a picture everyday, even if it is just an iphone picture to document my year just for me!

    Love B xxx

  79. I thoroughly enjoyed your 30 Day Snap and think that you should do it again next month perhaps after taking a break this month! x

  80. I did it, somehow! I think I'll post a 30 Day Snap summary one of these days. It was definitely hard to find stuff to photograph after a while

  81. Thanks Louise!! You really did motivate me to finish this challenge and I am really happy about it!! Big hugs from Venezuela!!

  82. I had been doing so well with this challenge until Day 18 or so and then my life was sent for a spin and I left this challenge in the rubble, however this loop did cause me to write on my blog every day and since I was posting pictures in those daily posts, I suppose I did keep going with the challenge in a way.
    I did learn something with this failed challenge though: appreciate the small things, because those are the things that will be there at the end of the day. Those are the things that make your healing heart smile.
    Thanks for doing this challenge, Louise <3


  83. I thought about doing the 30 day snap and I regret not doing it now. I hope there will be something similar again.

    Fashion and Happy Things

  84. I only missed the first day, but it was still a challenge. While it was fun, there were also moments where I forgot to take snaps throughout the day, forgetting to post until late at night or not having anything interesting happen. I have learned a lot about the little things in life and I'm glad I participated!

    Hello-Worldxo <3

  85. I managed to find out about the whole thing just as it ended! Looks like a nice way to focus on the day to day good things though. You got some lovely pictures out of it =]


  86. I thoroughly enjoyed your 30 Day Snap! You did a great job. How I wish I was able to join, maybe next time. :)

    Life's A Beach

  87. I am relieved that the 30 day snap challenge is over. I enjoyed participating, but it was challenging. I really enjoyed seeing your lovely snaps on a daily basis, because it was nice to get a glimpse into your everyday life. I also enjoyed taking a peek at the snaps other participants posted. Overall, I am glad I did it because it helped me appreciate the little things in life.

  88. Darcy is just the cutest thing EVER!!!

  89. well done :) I wanted to try this soon.. it feels so exciting because I love photography :)


  90. I enjoyed your 30 day snap posts. It's a great idea.
    You're so lovely and inspiraional xx.

  91. hey may i ask what editing you use for your photos and also the camera's for photo taking and vlogs, the quality is always great :)

  92. Have loved all of your photos :) Will miss these posts xxx

  93. I took part for half the month on my instagram juliet176 and blog and absolutely loved doing it for that time, thinking of new things to take photographs of and also been able to build up the content of my blog. I was sad when I had to stop but I had a knee operation and for a week I wasnt awake enough to come up with something to post and then I was confined to my room with a lack of interesting things to take photographs of.

  94. Hi Louise! Love all your snaps :) I really enjoyed taking part in this challenge. I haven't finished posting all the pics but I'm really determined to complete this challenge - I enjoyed it so much! And I agree with what you said above. I also expected to improve my photography skills but instead was very focused on taking a snap per day. I work full-time and commute to work 2 hours per day so it got a bit hectic at some times but I really did enjoy this challenge. Let's do another one soon - maybe with a color theme or some kind of fun theme :) xoxo, Michelle

  95. I loveeeed taking part! I'm going to miss seeing what everyone's got up to and taking pictures of my own day to share with everyone!I'm defiantly going to keep snapping and every now and again I'm going to upload them to my blog(but a lot of the time my life is pretty boring and nothing goes on at all)! I enjoyed it so much- lets do it again soon!

    Hannah xxx

  96. I really enjoyed seeing all the pictures you'd taken. I love how you got beautiful pictures from even the most simplest of days :)

  97. I'm starting the 30 day snap today as iv'e started my summer holidays and thought it would be more fun to do while i was on holiday :) xx
    loved seeing you're pics louise hope you have a lovely day xx
    holly x

  98. It been such a good challenge, I can now look back to see what I've done this month so thank you for such an amazing idea! <3 xxx

  99. Well done, I think your photographs look/looked beautiful! You make me wish I'd taken part! :D
    from Emily x

  100. Started a July Challenge ! For those who did not partake - Lets have some fun this month <3

  101. Hi Louise! I love all your pictures they're awesome! I do have a question though, would you be able to tell me what you used to create the collage? I would like to do something like this but don't know how to make it! Have a wonderful week:)


  102. THis is a great idea - although I can see how it would be a little difficult to sustain! Love it though!

  103. I think 30 day snap can show that every day you live is unique and has something to remember/

  104. Hi Louise, its lovely to see the different view of your life other than beauty with this 30 day snap! Please could you help me out, and check out my blog?


  105. Ermergerd I'm so proud of myself for completing ALL 30 and a very well done to everyone else who managed it. I'm so pleased we all have Louise to rely on to keep us all in the loop! I am also a lover of the small things in life and I really don't find ways to express this but Louise's idea of the 30 day snap brought this out of me as I posted pictures of things I had found and also browsed through everyone elses and found some really lovely things. Which also gave me ideas for upcoming blog posts that I am really looking forwards to doing. Just realised how much I have wrote its on its way to becoming a small blog post! I apologise for the reading.
    laurel :))

  106. I really enjoyed seeing your life in pictures over 30 days! Was really fun and interesting!

  107. I really enjoyed your 30 day snap! I'm thinking I'm going to do something similar for August. Your final collage of photos are such a lovely memoir for each day! I take a lot of photos, but never always document them, so something like this would be a really good idea for me. I will definitely persevere to actually take one and post it every day!! Challenge accepted!
    Take care! Sammy xo

  108. I am thoroughly impressed that you managed to get a photo up everyday Louise! Well done you!
    You should have the above photo framed and then you will always be able to look back on June 2013 and remember all the small things that made you month!
    Follow my Fashion Blog on Bloglovin!

  109. I'm sad that the 30 Snap Challenge is over :'( I loved popping over here everyday to see a little snippet of your day. Darcy is such a precious little girl and she always brings a smile to my heart. I love that you take joy in the simple things. Me too. My boyfriend always tells me I'm over excitable, but I really do take such great joy out of the little things in life. A bite of delicious food makes me giddy, the sound of the birds tweeting in the trees makes me smile... etc I just try to enjoy life in its simplicity.

  110. I absolutely loved this challenge, I couldn't wait to see your pic of the day. I'm on day 12 of this challenge as I started late, I would love it if you gave it a wee look :)

  111. I did try this before to encourage myself to blog. I called it the 21 day blogging habit. It made me look at the beauty of life and has incredibly changed me. Keep it up. Lovely blog!

    Tina of

  112. Hi! I saw this post a few weeks ago and I really loved your idea. I recently started a blog and I thought doing something like this might be a great way to introduce myself to any viewers. Would you mind if I did a daily photo post on my blog next month and referenced you're awesome idea? Thanks x


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx