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Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Mummy's Heartbreak

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

My little baby is growing up.

A Mother's Love

When Darcy was a tiny newborn she did nothing but let me cradle her and loll about in my arms, being a little squishy teeny bean.

Now she's two, those moments when she will actually lay in my arms are like rare gems. Sometimes I'm secretly glad when she wakes up in the night because it allows me a rare opportunity to hold her like that and have those quiet moments of love. Those moments are so perfect they almost make me cry. There is absolutely nothing in the entire world I would swap it for.

A few days ago, after her bath, Matt brought her down in her towel (I forget why) and she pretended to be a tiny baby. She thought it was a game. To me it was heartbreaking.

I am so excited to watch my baby grow into a toddler and then child but I am sad for all the time that passes and for all the moments I can't have back. I think this is the impossible fight that every mother feels and no mother concurs.

I can't decide what kind of blog post this is, reflective I suppose. It doesn't really serve much of a purpose to you but since this is my place to document life, I think it's OK to say it.

I'm excited for my child and I miss my tiny baby. My heart doesn't know what to do.

Any advice?

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  1. Awww love this post! So precious.

  2. I would love to say it gets easier Louise but it really doesn't :(

    Every time we reach the end of August I find myself in tears. It means that Stacey's about to start a new school year, it's almost her birthday and I just hate it. It's wonderful to watch them grow but heartbreaking at the same time. I guess I can't explain it but you'll know exactly what I mean.

    Having Oscar has made it worse in a way as well because every time I cuddle him I know that it won't be long before he grows up to and I think I'll feel like I have no purpose when he does.

    Lou x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper

  3. Even though I'm not a mother (nowhere near it haha), my mom and grandma always advised me to document moments before they slipped away from memory, such as cute sayings and little quirks. I can't wait to do this and I think you are doing the right thing in documenting Darcy's moments like this through all forms (video, photo, writing, etc.). I don't think there is a way to avoid this feeling, but you are doing it the best way possible! I look up to you a lot, Louise! Much love from America!

  4. My mother has always said that "time is one thing you can never get back" and it is so true. I find I often feel the way you are about my own life - that there are some special moments that I can never experience again. I suppose all we can do is store up as many wonderful memories as possible so that we always have a precious cache to go back to in our minds.

  5. Being the mom of two boys I know exactly what you're talking about. I have also had those precious moments where they give you that sweet cuddle as a few tears rolls down my cheeks. I just try to embrace the new and hold on to the old by writing letters to them. I read back and have sweet memories while having myself a cry. I tell my boys I love them all day long and I noticed how they too have picked up on the love and everyday, all day I get sweet "I love you Mommy" and a bunch of hugs and makes the growing part a little easier :)

  6. Awe. But even tho these times pass, new ones come along like learning new stuff and pre-school and all of that. It's not so bad.

    Zoe // The Caribbean Flower

  7. It goes way to fast, I feel like I didn't get enough baby out of my 1 year old!! Cute photo though :)

    Rebecca x | Ze Makeup

  8. Youre such a nice person, she is lucky to have such a loving mother.

  9. I know what you mean. I feel exactly the same way. What helps me is to imagine all the other ways she and I can now love each other. Hearing her say "I love you mummy" is just as good as holding her as a baby. The big thing is that she can now give the love back. That must be worth at least as much, right?

  10. Aww you're such a genuine person :) I really love this post..

    Valérie ♥

  11. I think someone wants another baby.

    1. LOL that was my first thought too!
      xx Stephanie (

  12. But just think, Louise! It won't be long before you get to have the fun child experiences, like watching her learn to write her name and learn to read! It's also quite funny how at age 2 she thinks being a baby is a game, that's so precious!

    Rachel is Elsewhere

  13. Aw Louise, you're such a loving mum! My mum says "can you stay young?" when I grow up but it gives us new experiences and fresh memories :)
    Sophie x

  14. \Awwh Louise. I'm literally tearing up. Just try to enjoy these moments & do what you're doing, document it. Maybe you want another baby?

  15. I'm not a mother, but I can kind of understand it. Having to let go a little bit and when they grow older having to let go a lot must be horrible.

    I'm 20, my brother is 22 (turns 23 in July) and my sister just turned 26, and my mother still makes comments about how she wishes we were still baby's and toddlers.

  16. I feel your complicated mix of emotions Entirely! My baby just turned one and so we've been talking about all the baby things we miss already and how far too quickly it is all going. I feel the night cryings are a blessing too, because in those moments, all she wants is Mummy to hold, and I happily oblige her. I'm weaning her from nursing right now so it's especially tough to feel like I'm losing such a bond and connection with my baby girl. But, I am falling in love with a new little girl each day (she's growing that quickly) and that makes the missing a little easier. I can't wait to hear the words "I love you mummy" from her, and discover new ways to express our love each day. But gosh, I wish she'd take a nap on my chest again too!!

    Birthday Girl


  17. Aww this post is so cute, i can imagine how you're feeling, i had the same with my little sis but i bet that it is much harder if you're a mum. Seeing Darcy grow as much as i see on your blog and in your videos is like the cutest thing ever, i can't even imagine how would she look and be when she's say 15 (i hope you're still making videos and write blog then :p) and who knows, maybe she'll have her own blog and youtube channel :) for your happiness i can say that my 8 y-o sis still wants to sit on my lap too so Louise, you're not loosing the lap Darcy quite yet <3 sorry that was really long xx

  18. so cute! Maybe there will be another baby glitter in a couple of years..

  19. Oh and also, imagine if Darcy is reading it one day, i bet she would wish that she had woken you up more in the middle of the night, on purpose xx

  20. Just think of all the precious moment you still have to come first day at school, first boyfriend first night out when she will no doubtably ask for make up advise. Everyday she will do something that amazes you and you always have the precious videos of her dancing and singing to look back on.

    I'm 27 and still go see my mum and if I stay over me my mum and 24 year old sister all jump into her bed for a cuddle in the morning, we are still her babies.

    Carrieanne x

    1. Such a great comment and advice for her :)

  21. It's like my little cousin growing up, (he's 4 now) and it's weird to think he so little at one point, taking his first steps, speaking his first words, time flies by so quickly and every moment should be cherished. From your videos you're doing a brilliant job :D x Muchos Love x Jamie-Leigh x x x

  22. Awwww, I am pregnant with my first and will make sure I cherish these moments xx

  23. My little boy is 14 months now and i love it when he takes long naps on my you it still makes me teary. Its amazing watching them grow but heartbreaking their not a little baba anymore

  24. I feel your pain Louise. It's so hard! When Ava was first born as a first time mum I was so nervous. I use to look out for each milestone instead of savoring each precious moment. I wish I could bottle it. I wrote a blog post about it the other day. They really aren't babies for long xxx


  25. You are such a good mum. I'm not a parent yet but I would say not to look back with heartbreak but remember how lucky you are to have a baby yet alone a gorgeous one such as Darcy. I would say to look forward to so much that you are going to enjoy. You have 16 more years with her living at home but throughout your whole life you will have this precious child and you will have such fun and excitement. Don't look back, cherish those memories but remember they are gone and look forward to the wonderful new ones you will have together. If that fails, have another baby! x

  26. My little boy is 18 months and I feel the same way! When he wakes in the night as hard as it is to go and check on him, its always so nice to feel like they want to be cuddled and just lie there while you baby them again! This is such a beautiful picture! xx

  27. Don't hold those feelings too close to your heart. In my case, my mom did and I struggled all my child years and my teen years and my early twenties and I'm 37 now and it's still a struggle to grow up.

    By feeling happy about them growing up and letting go of that sadness you allow your kid to grow up without feeling that they're letting you down or that there's something wrong in growing up. At least that's what happened to was hard for my mom to grow up as well and she had to do it anyway when her dad died when she was only 9. Growing up it's hard, always.

    This new part of her life is fun, they start chatting away, asking questions and answering questions too in the most amazing ways possible! They start having their own ideas of things, how stuff works and the conversations you can have with them are hilarious and sometimes you are surprised at how wise they sound! Embrace it and love every minute of it!

  28. I have a 7yr old boy and a 6yr old girl. I struggle to be allowed to cuddle my son at all anymore and kissing him goodbye when i drop him off at school is a NO NOOOO!!!, because his friends would tease him. It's awful. My daughter is still a cuddly monkey, thankfully.
    My advice, grab them, tickle them and sneak in the hugs however you can. I attack my son with lipstick kisses when i reach over and buckle him up in his car seat. Always carry baby wipes for this reason!

    Jules aka @flabbyface

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Aw bless you, this is such a cute post! Xx

  31. My mother loves me and I really appreciate that, which is why I understand she finds it so hard to accept the fact I am an individual in this world and someday I will have a life of my own. My family has always been ambiguous towards me, maybe because I'm the youngest, they expect me to be responsible and learn the necessities of life myself yet they want to do it all for me and would rather do it for me than teach me how to do it.

    What I'm trying to show you is a daughter's perspective, yes these cute little moments are yours, my mom still keep recordings of me when I was younger and remember the things I said exactly the way it was, but they will grow up super quickly and next thing you know they will have their own opinion and taste. I suggest you to both cherish these moments and be open minded about the growth of your daughter, celebrate with her and the rest will follow.

  32. Have another baby glitter! :D

  33. I think this is kind of a metaphor for life...everyone is happy for changes, and nobody would want things to stay the same forever, and yet you can't help missing how things were. If it makes you feel better I'm still my mum's little girl and I'm 26! xoxo

    100 Follower Giveaway: Essie, Urban Decay, Soap & Glory, Lush!

  34. This post has left me in tears. You are such an amazing woman Louise and an even better Mummy, Darcy is the luckiest xx

  35. Oh gosh what a post! So moving. You're such a wonderful mum. She might not be a baby anymore but you've got the moments like teaching her to ride a bike and first day at school to come and those must be magical to go through.
    Beautiful post.


  36. I don't have any advice as I'm not a mummy
    but I can totally understand what you think because I have a little sister, she's 10 years younger than me and seeing her growing up so fast is kind of sad. She's turning 11 in 2 weeks and I honestly can't believe it! She's soon turning into a teenager, WOW
    Seeing her growing up is exciting but at the same time, it shows me how time flies and that's the depressing point... If I'm thinking this way as a sister, I can't even imagine what is going through my mom's mind!
    I think you're a wonderful woman, an amazing mother and I love the person you are!

  37. My baby is one year old today and I can't believe how the time has flown. It's mad to think this time last year I was in hospital bringing him into the world. I'm happy to see him grow into an inquisitive little boy but sad that time passes so quickly so I understand the feeling. I suppose all we can do is enjoy every moment xx

  38. You may not be able to create that moment of joy BUT you will forever have those precious moments in your heart always!!! Beautiful post today as usual!!!

  39. Aw Louise. I don't have any children but I was upset when my puppy started growing up so I can't imagine what it feels like with a baby. My Mum always says that although she was sad to see us get older, she was enthralled to watch what we grew into so you should definitely look forward to the years to come.

  40. She is so beautiful! It must be so hard for you looking back and missing your tiny baby! Think about all the things you get to look forward too :) you both have your whole life a head of you! many Mummy adventures still to come xxx

  41. This a such a sweet post! I can't imagine what it feels like, but as she grows you'll gain so many new experiences togethor. x

  42. She will always be your baby. My boys are close to 9 years old and they still want hugs, closeness, and affection on a daily basis... it's not the same as a baby but the connection is still as strong. You are a lovely mother, by the way. I love your posts on parenthood.

  43. Aww Louise :-(

    Those precious moments will stay in your heart forever. But look at the bright side: There will be a lot more precious moments while she's growing up. They're maybe not the same as the ones from when she was a baby, but maybe they will be even more precious! I think the best thing you can do now is to live in the moment and enjoy all those precious times you have with Baby Glitter and you should also look forward to all the beautiful times to come :-)

  44. Aw that's so sweet! It must be so hard to watch a child grow up but so rewarding. I bet Darcy is going to be just as beautiful inside and out as you!


  45. I have 5 pups, all up bar my youngest at 21wks. Even now she is 21wks, she doesn't like to be cradled like a teeny bean anymore! She's all about sitting up, and playing and giggles. We only had her all small & fragile for such a short space of time. It is heartbreaking. But you've been given this gift to watch her bloom into the beautiful young girl she already is, and you get to witness her wings flying high into all sorts of mischief and achievement. xx

  46. I'm not a mummy so I probably don't entirely understand, but I have a goddaughter that I basically raised. I can't believe she's 7 this year (makes me feel old). It's hard to think she's grown so fast, I love to tell her of things she did when she was likle or even when she was a baby. Sometimes she just shrugs it off but other times she'll listen which makes me smile :D Unfortunately I don't think it ever gets easier :( Lovely post Lou (same name as my goddaughter lol)

    SLS x

  47. This post has left me in tears. It must be really hard to watch her grow. I'm sure Darcy will going to be just as beautiful inside and outside as you.

    Life's A Beach

  48. My honest advice is have another one. It helps to ease this feeling (to some extent) because you have another tiny one whilst appreciating the new development of your Darcy. Seeing the relationship between my boys is an amazing experience and a dimension in the family I hadn't factored in. I know exactly how you feel though. So much so we are having a third and final one. (Daddy is already booked in for the snip lol). Think about it. You are an amazing Mummy x

  49. oh i feel the same sometimes.. miss those days and think back what and what i could have done and might have not.. i was too tired and stressed out then.. but i want to have another baby :) i want to relive those days.. maybe in a few years time :)

  50. This makes me feel sad and I'm not even a mother! But just think of what a beautiful, kind young girl she will blossom into... xx

  51. Even tho' I don't have a child (I'm 18 so that's perfectly fine for me at the moment) this was very heartbreaking to read. Just want to go to my mom and give her a cuddle now!
    A very great post and really loved reading it. This is your space and I found it delightful that you chose to share this.

    Christina xx

  52. I know what you mean. I have a 9 year old who grew up way too fast, and I missed a lot of it, because I was young, and my mom was caring for him (they all thought it was best that way regardless of my thoughts). Anyway, I always wish I could have moments back, even though I know I can't. Now, I have a 5 month old baby boy, and I'm cherishing every single little moment, every smile, every laugh, every tear, and every cuddle. He likes to be carried a lot, but I don't mind. I know he'll grow out of it, and I'll be sad when that day comes. I'll have to watch another one grow up. It's supposed to be a happy thing, and it is in some ways, but it's also never easy. I jus want to hold him in my arms forever and protect him from all the pain and hurt that will eventually find him, because trials are a part of life, and the best ones are the hardest of all, sometimes the most painful. No one wants their child to feel any kind of hurt or pain; we just want them to be our babies forever and be protected in our little cocoon. All I can say is that I'm with you, my heart is with you, and just cherish every moment, every look she gives you that's just for you. Keep those in your memories. Record as many as you can, take as many pictures as you can of when she sleeps, when she wakes, when she runs around making a mess of the place. Document those moments as much as you can. You'll be happy for them later. :)

  53. Ahhh, I can't wait to hold our first little nut in my arms. But I'm only 27 weeks along. That picture feeds my pregnancy hormones haha.

  54. Its sweet, and I dont think there is much you can do than what you already are doing, supporting and nurturing is all, and be happy that she is growing in to a gorgeous little girl, look back and think how happy times were and how many more happy times you can make with her! :)

    Pipp xx

  55. Aw, such a sweet blog post. I'm kindof in the same boat. My son is 3 now, goes to pre school. Thinks he's very grown up. But of course to me he's still a baby. You're a great Mumma, and she knows you'll be there when she does need a cuddle! Dani .x.

  56. Darcy is adorable! My advice for you would be appreciate all the little moments you have with her now rather than miss the past, although it seems hard to stop treating Darcy like a tiny baby, just remember all the exciting things you have to look forward to as she grows up! You're an amazing mother Louise! xxx
    Beauty/Fashion/Lifestyle Blog

  57. I can totally relate to this post....

  58. Hi Louise, that photo is so beautiful!

    I know exactly what you mean, my little girl not long turned 3, and it actually brings me to tears sometimes when I actually sit back and think about how fast she has grown and that she will never be a 'baby' again.

    It's joyful watching them become the little people that they are but it breaks your heart when they are no longer a tiny baby you can cuddle as long as you want.

    Just think how lucky it is that you blogged about your pregnancy journey all up until now with her. I never did this and so wish I had. I missed out on so much with my little girl and it breaks my heart even more!

    Lovely post xx


  59. By missing out i mean missed out blogging everything, every tiny detail about her life. I've been there every single day of her life and would not change it for the world xx

  60. Such a precious post. All my love. This is life.

  61. Awww, Darcy is going to love you all her life because you're such a wonderful momma!

  62. I'm not a mom but I think you're doing amazing Louise. It's important to treasure each moment. Little or big. And you are doing just that. I know it's sad to think of Darcy growing up but just think of all the wonderful things you're getting to experience because she is growing up.

    You're a fantastic mom and Darcy is very lucky!

    A Bite of Glamour

  63. This is a really beautiful and heart-felt post Louise, well done :).
    It's a difficult dilemma, but I think its why some people end up having a few children close in age.
    Enjoy her xx

  64. I'm in the same spot right now! My daughter will be 3 in August and lately more than ever I've been realizing how grown up she's getting (ALREADY! lol) I even told my husband "soon she'll be off to school.. then college... then she'll be getting married.." he looked at me like I was crazy but time seriously DOES fly by.

    xo lita
    she writes her own story . com

  65. This is such a lovely post, so honest! Although I'm not a mother myself I do find that as a daughter I still have those days where I think "I want to go and give my mam a cuddle" so I will because it reminds me of all those times when I was little and she would cuddle me, there's a kind of soothing and relaxing feeling from it and knowing that if I'm having the worst day she can give me a hug or a cuddle and I feel a bit better, So I'm sure that even when Darcy is my age she will feel like that too :D xx

  66. Aww! These moments must be precious! It's sad to see time pass away so quickly like that! xx :)

  67. Well, you could always tell Matt to knock you, so you can get pregnant and have another silly piece of shit so you can hold it in your arms...

    its funny because you love darcy so much considering she was a mistake (SHE IS the reason - THE ONLY REASON matt proposed you)...

    1. Pathetic. How very brave to have a bitch anonymously. You must be a very sad and bitter person to write that. Being nasty won't make you feel better about yourself.

      Its a beautiful post.

  68. I'm pretty sure you and I are around the same age, but my son is 7 now. When he was about 3 to 4 years old he started having nightmares that would keep me and him up most of the night. I remember at about 9 am Toot and Puddle would come on, and it was his favorite show, so I'd lay on the couch on my side with my knees bent and he'd climb up and sit behind my knees and watch his show while mommy sort of half slept, for some reason he called it "The Crook". Every so often I'll take a nap on the couch, and when I wake up he'll be sitting behind my knees reading a book or playing a video game. As much as it makes me miss his little 3 year old face so so much, I try to hold on to that, because someday he may climb up to find he doesn't fit, or he may quit doing it before he even gets big enough to not fit.

    Being a parent is hard, I'm sure if you asked your husband he'll tell you he misses her as a baby, and when she's 4 you'll both miss her as a 2 year old, and at 7 you'll miss 4. But write all your favorite bits down somewhere, I've got all my things in google drive, and I can pull it up anytime I want to remember something he did, or said or was for Halloween. It's hard to remember that your raising a person when all you want is to hold onto your baby.


  69. You should just cherish your moments, as you are, and enjoy life with her. It's so sweet that she's growing up but it's also frightening to thing she's becoming more independent. But she will always need you in one way or another. <3

  70. This was the sweetest thing I have read in a long time. You seem to be such a loving and caring mom. I'm sure Darcy loves you and Matt i happy that you're the mom to his child. I can't see why they wouldn't.
    Just keep on being the amazing mom/wife/friend that you are and I'm sure you will have many more great moments with the people you love. They may not be about you holding your beautiful daughter in your arms like a baby but I sure there will be moments where you feel just as happy. You really do deserve that.


  71. she's so lucky to have a mummy like you!

  72. Some of my best childhood memories are time spent alone with my mom, whether it is shopping at the grocery store, walking hand in hand down the street, or a nice cuddle.

  73. can't believe she's two! next thing you know she'll be starting high school...

    - Janine

  74. Aww Louise, this is lovely. But just think of all the things you have to look forward to and your love for her and vice versa, will never get any less, in fact, as she gets older she'll become your best friend. Like I'm 20 and I am ALWAYS going to my mum for relationship advise and we go out on day trips and go for coffee, it's lovely. It's an adventure :)

  75. This is such a cute post! Darcy is going to grow up into a beautiful and lovely girl :).

  76. When she is 16 you will look back and wonder why you were sad when she was 2! Time truly flies, so make the most of the fact that your little baby glitter is still just a tot. You don't want to look back on this in the future and wish you had spent less time feeling wistful and more time living in the moment.
    She is so gorgeous by the way, I love whenever she pops up in your videos.

  77. Advice? Hmm, just enjoy each moment fully. Cherish your memories but try not to dwell on them because you will miss the cuteness of today! I have an almost 1 year old and almost 3 year old. Time flies by so quickly!

  78. awww what a nice post...although it is reflective and sad how time goes so quickly look at the amazing little munchkin you have made and are raising!

  79. I love Darcy, one of the cutest little things I've seen. I'm sure, when she'll grow up she will return all that endless amount of love you give her.

  80. I wish I could tell you what to do, but I guess we all just need to try and accept that life goes by way too quickly!

  81. She's so precious! Just enjoy every moment as you are doing ♥ x

    Holly |

  82. Everyone tells me that I need to enjoy time with my baby - and as I am thinking of the end of maternity leave, it is even more important to enjoy each moment. I think you should be proud of what she becomes, everyday cuddle you gave her has made her grow into a toddler. She has learnt a lot from you, and she has much more to learn... Be excited about the future! And because you are missing the baby moments, enjoy them to the fullest when they happen... And have another baby ;)

  83. Reading this made me cry... The expression on your face together with your words touched my heart. My boy is now ten months and he's already a lot less cuddly than he was as a tiny baby. We've been together almost constantly since his birth, but that will change soon, since I'll need to start working in the near future. I feel like I haven't appreciated the past months enough... Even though we've never met, you are an example to me as a mom. You're a wonderful woman and a source of inspiration to many of us. Thank you for sharing your feelings with us, I believe you're brave for doing so.

    xo Nena

  84. This is the same inner 'fight' I'm having with myself too... Isla's turning 1 next Tuesday and although it's incredibly exciting I find myself crying because she's not my teeny tiny baby anymore, who needed her mother for everything. Now she's walking and exploring the world.
    It's crazy, but I guess that's just how life is :( xxxx

  85. This is one of the most beautiful things I've read. I don't anything but the memories are important and you should always know that the love you share in that moment is always there no matter what her age may be xx

  86. Awww it is hard - today is my first baby's 4th birthday! I can't believe he is four already - time certainly flies! On Monday my baby girl will turn two - we decided to stop at two children so I think it's really hard as once she's two, there's nothing I can do to pretended I still have a "baby". I'm so proud of my children an what they are achieving - my little boy brought home his preschool report and I'm amazed at the comments - he broke up a dispute between two other children at preschool and comforted the crying child! As proud as I am - I also miss the baby cuddles! However, given how soon time flies - in the blink of an eye we will soon be cuddling grandchildren!

  87. Awwhhh. Darcy is SO cute!! xxx

  88. The Photo looks great and nice to see this here and thanks for sharing here with us.

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  89. Aww this is such a lovely picture of you both. It's true children grow up way too quickly!



  90. Embrace it Louise, as she grows out of some things, she will grow into other things and new memories of her as a three year old will be made. When she's 4, you'll say i wish she was 3 again so she could say some of her cute unprounounceable words, (or whatever the case may be) when shes six you'll say i wish she was 5 again so i can see how excited she gets when going to school and so on.

    There's always something new - so why not say 'im so glad baby glitter is where she is' and embrace her as she is now :)

    Lovely blog post!

    Hollys Beauty Box

  91. Look forward to the new experiences you can have with her!

  92. aww Louise i feel exactly the same with teegan,and although i'm preg again she is still my little girl and i look back at photos and just can't believe how quick it's gone,like you it's lovely to see her grow but heartbreaking that my baby is no longer a baby,that's not why we decided to have another it was just to give Teegan a sis or brother and of course for us to have another little one b4 we get too old but your still young so have time if you do decide to have any more but i know it's something you don't want at the mo but you never know in the future was an age thing for me tbh i'm 35 in next jan,but yes this post was sad as i feel how you feel xx♥♥xx

  93. I think it will come full circle, but maybe quite later in life. My mom is my best friend now and she always tells me how wonderful it is to have a grown up daughter who wants to come to her mother when in need. And also know that when she's five, you'll miss when she was two, and so forth. Just enjoy the moment!!!
    xoxo ruth

  94. this is an adorable post! have a baby glitter 2 springs to mind as a solution ;) xx

  95. I'm crying reading this, partly because I'm a new mum to an 8 week old and still hormonal and partly because I know I will feel the same when I can't get all those precious moments back. I shall cherish them even more having read this post. Do you think you will have any more children? x

  96. Awww Louise! This made my heartbreak a little bit too :( You've still got so much to look forward to and be excited about with Darcy growing up <3 xxx

  97. After reading this, I found this typography and thought it would be just the thing you'd like to see Louise, I really hope that you see this <3

  98. Have another baby glitter! Then Darcy will have friends to play with :)

  99. I've only just seen this post and sister- I feel your pain - how bizarre that I have just written a similar blog. Although mine are much older than Darcy now but it still hurts the same.

    Taking time off to be home with them at the age of 12 when they call out - "Goin' park mum - got me phone" - leaves the heart strings pulling.

    The idea of more babies isn't too far from my thoughts - how about you? x

  100. Although I'm not a mother; I've recently learnt to hold on to and cherish all these certain special moments. My best advice is take a lot of photographs so although these moments do feel like they're whizzing away, you can always take 5 minutes to look back at the pictures and be back in the moment again as best you can.
    And look forward to all the other times to come!

  101. Eventually though, she will be a beautiful woman and your best friend. And all of the growing pains will have been worth it.

    I am 24 and every now and them my parents look at me and say " oh I wish I could pinch your cheeks like when you were 2." But in the same moment my mom will be so overjoyed to see me gown and love how me and my sisters spoil her to death with our own money and not hers anymore! lol! Not to mention, they still pinch my cheeks. I'm grown up, but I am still their baby.

    And because I am 24, I feel like I have deeper and more life questions to throw her way. I'll make the tea and we'll still cuddle up for a girl chat. And these chats are beautiful, because I learn more about my mom as a woman and our bond grows stronger.

    She'll never stop being your baby, she'll just grow closer and closer to you until one day she'll call you up and ask you to come over for some cake and a chat. Then you will know that you are and were a good mom because that little baby you used to cuddle and fetch things for, now wants to spend time with you and fetch things for you. And the next chapter begins. It will be beautiful Louise!

  102. She's always be your baby no matter how old she becomes xxx

  103. This post was heart breaking! She will always be your baby though! I'm fourteen and I'm my mums baby, as she gets older she will become like your best friend and that's what my mum and I are like and it is the best. Love you Louise!

  104. Awh Louise, this was so touching! I have little tears in my eyes as I sit at my desk at work on my lunch break, trying not to look like an emotional psycho!
    I struggle with time and getting older. Whislt I am not a mother yet (something I can not wait to become), I have a younger sister who is 10 years younger than me. When she was little, I wasn't overly interested in being a big sister - something which I really regret now. Luckily I have gained a wonderful relationship with her, she looks up to me and asks my advice so many things, it makes me feel proud and inspires to me to continue to be a good role model for her.
    Last year she started secondary school and this spurred on something that I can only describe as a quarter life crisis. It made me realise how quick time flies and that I am no longer little - I am now a woman watching her grow up and experience the things I did at her age; the first trips to town and the shops on her own, sleepovers, adventures with friends... The list is endless. And this is where my female clock of life achieve clicks in.
    I feel so pressured to achieve this and that before a certain time and the thought of actually being an adult scares me. To me it is one day closer to not being in this beautiful world to have wonderful adventures and, like you, have a beautiful child to watch grow and help to flourish.
    My advice to you is just to spend as much time with her as possible, enjoy her whilst she still is able to enjoy you. There will probably be a stage when she wants her independence, but after that, you will, once more, be the most important thing to her and will always be the only mumma glitter she will ever have.
    All my love to you, Matt and baby glitter. | xxxx

  105. that was so lovely to read louise. She is a beauty. She is going to grow up to be an absolute bombshell! you are a perfect mum and im sure you will do everything right to send her on her way to an amazing life. Just enjoy t while she is still so little! my dads friend has a little girl, I am constantly with her and I adore her. I cant believe how much shes grown since I first saw her! I cannot believe how fast it goes and that she has been in this world for almost 2 years! feel free to gave a look xx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx