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Thursday, 6 June 2013

Sunset Date Night

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Last weekend whilst in Liverpool, Matt's Mum and Dad asked to have Darcy one evening (we're so thankful to have such keen babysitters) and since we had no plans, we hopped in the car to see what adventures would unfold. 

North West Sunset | Sprinkle of Glitter

North West Sunset | Sprinkle of Glitter

North West Sunset | Sprinkle of Glitter

Matt decided to take me on a little tour of all the places he went as a child. We had a stroll on Formby beach (pictured in Tuesday's post), drove on another who's name I've forgotten and then pootled up to Southport before driving home. Since I grew up in the middle of the country without a grain of sand in sight, it was a real treat to go to three different beaches in one evening. We didn't stay long on any of them as it was getting windy and the sun had gone in, but I managed a few snaps to remember the night. 

It wasn't wild, it wasn't fast paced and it wasn't expensive but it was luxurious. When you have children/jobs/responsibilities, dedicated leisure time with one an other is so wonderful. Matt and I have been spending so much of it together lately (thanks to both sets of grandparents having a bit of Darcy time) and we have loved it. We don't like to ask people to babysit for us because we enjoy to have our daughter accompany us and we don't like to put people out, but I think I have started to value 'couple time' a lot more lately because it allows us to make sure we are reading off the same page and are both going in the right direction.

What do you do with your partner to stay in tune? Do any of you have dedicated 'date nights'? Your suggestions would be very welcome. 



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  1. Me and my boyfriend go running together during the night. It gives us the chance to be outdoors, do some excercise and talk about everything that happened during the day. This is realy quality time. We also try to get date nights once a week, just to break the routine.

    You and Matt are a great couple, I think its wonderful that you share your thoughts because you two are someone to look up to as a couple!

    It is isn't too much for you, you can check otu my blog.

  2. Beautiful photos! I know exactky how you feel, don't like asking grandparents for baby sitting but need to spend some time together. It is always worth it when we do!

  3. I love these pictures! It's always great to spend some time together :)
    Great post!

    X Valérie

  4. Beautiful pictures :)
    I don't have a partner but I do know that it's important to spend time with people that you love <3

  5. Just from reading your blog posts and watching your vlogs (which I'm so glad Matt has decided to be in lately, because you two are just too adorable together) I can tell that you two are both loving parents, and also make a lovely couple!

    As for date nights I can't say much seeing as I'm chronically single, but at least once a week I usually offer to babysit my younger siblings for my parents, and they go out to dinner and a movie!

  6. Your pictures are beautiful!

    I've been with my fiancé for eight years in August so I know the importance of couple time. We don't have any children yet but we still like to dedicate time to just the two of us. We don't do dates anymore really but we do go on walks in new places with our dog and talk non-stop or have movie marathon days just to spend time together.


  7. wow, those pictures are beautiful! if you ever visit devon, you should definitely go to exmouth because the beach is lovely there too. sounds fantastic!

  8. This is lovely. Me and my beau have date night every Friday. We often just tend to chill but sometimes we go to a little place that's special to us to just sit and talk. Raspberrykiss xo

  9. Those pictures are so lovely! Sounds like you had a nice couple time x

  10. Hi Louise, you are absolutely right it is of a huge importance to make time for the couple, I have a beuty today turning 8 months and she comes before anything, but we need to care for our sweet half. I went to a superbike race with my hubby and left Lisa with her grandma, we reconnected that day. My parents live in Brazil so we can only count on my hubbies parents that live I. Milan. Love your videos, and I also follow you on Instagram among thousands of other people, we do it because you are a beautiful person. All the best the world can offer to you :-)

  11. Look like you had a wonderful time at the beach, I love date nights :)

    Carina xx

  12. love the pictures!

  13. Aloha!
    Although my boyfriend and I aren't married and we don't have kids, we both are very busy during the week. We usually save Saturday nights to go out to dinner (we like to try new restaurants) and on Sundays we visit my Nana and depending on what time his soccer game is, we'll head out that way. I've been missing my boo lately because he left back to Cali (from HI) for a fam emergency and it made me realize that I don't take advantage of the time we have together too much. I'm usually the one to leave on vacay back to my island and he'll stay here, but this distance is killingggg me and I can't wait to see him and spend time with him again!

    xx Jess
    Jess Classy | design x lifestyle

  14. My boyfriend and I have only been together a year but we've both had exams so haven't seen each other for a few weeks actually. We just make the most of the time we do get together. It seems like I make more effort with actually calling him up and stuff but when I do see him he has made really romantic plans, like a picnic on the downs or something :) haha we never go out anywhere because we live quite far from each other so don't have much of a common ground (and neither of us could drive!) but I just passed my test so yay! Hopefully means I will see more of him :)

    Your date night sounds so special! I can't wait for summer for lazy days/nights at the beach :D xxx

  15. We are expecting our first baby in September and I admit this is one thing I worry about - how our relationship will change when the baby gets here. It is very much wanted, planned and will be totally loved, but I do think that my OH thinks having a baby will be like having a dog! :-)

  16. Formby beach is lovely, we had a school trip there for geography last year and i will remember the day forever. So many laughs and adventures, sometimes it's not the place it's the person or people you are with. My boyfriend and i tend to get movies in and have a cuddle up as a date night but we spend a lot of time together. Sometimes me dragging him round town, shopping, doesn't feel like a chore because he carries my bags willingly might i add ;) I don't think you need a date night very often because a day out shopping can prove little things, like him carrying your bags, still go a long way. Very sweet he took you to his child hood places though! Matt seems like such a nice guy! Reminds me of my boyfriend!

  17. These pictures are amazing! *o*

  18. Very Nice beautiful Pics. .! ! !

  19. Gorgeous pictures Louise! xx

  20. I'm schooling from monday to friday and my weekends are mostly spent on family/friends/school work and my boyfriend works saturday-thursday. So we try to spend as much time on Fridays and Sundays because friday is his off day and he works till about 11am on sundays. So we usually meet at most once a week to have little meals/picnics together and ensure that our phones were on silent so that we have all the time for ourselves. Our dates aren't long either, but we try to make full use of the 3-4 hours we have together. I usually love to prepare mini picnics for us, exploring different locations and treating us to sweet treats like ice cream or I'll bake us cup cakes to add a little touch of romance. My boyfriend usually have reservations for us so that we are able to dress up a little once in awhile.

  21. How cute, the pictures are amazing. We also love having a glass of wine and watching the sunset from our balcony <3

  22. Beautiful photo's! It's so important for all relationships to allow time for date nights, to keep the relationship happy :) xxx

    Gemma ♥ |

  23. I live quite close to Southport! Lovely photos :)! xxx

  24. Southport is so lovely :D I live about an hour away but always try and drive down on sunny days. It's really nice in autumn aswell if you get wrapped up :)


  25. How lovely, great to see you and Matt still get time to be a 'couple' as well as parents


  26. Lovey pictures, sounds like you've had a great time recently!
    check out my blog, ive only just started so means alot!

  27. I love Formby beach so much! My dad used to take me and my sisters on individual "Daddy-Days" and we'd usually go to Formby to paint. Such a relaxing place! xx

  28. That sunset is so beautiful! Maybe one day I'll have someone to spend evenings like yours with...

  29. beautiful image Louise!

    - Janine

  30. Nice photographs Louise! Sounds like you had a great couple time. :)

  31. Great photos - I can almost smell the air. I dream of someday living near the ocean. Glad you and Matt had a lovely evening together:)

  32. beautiful photography

  33. Love the photos, this looks like a beautiful place and I hope you had a great date! xxx

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  34. Lovely post, Louise!
    I like the pictures and what you and Matt do to keep everything going right. :) It's wonderful to read that! Enjoy it! :)

    x Vanessa |

  35. Gorgeous photos! I like a date night, I don't think it matters what you do or where you go, it's setting aside some quality time to spend together that is important.

  36. Those places look beautiful! I think its really important you spend time with the people you love <3

  37. My husband and I like to go on walk/runs together -- it's kind of wonderful to be working out but to have it just feel like I'm hanging out with my husband and getting to talk to him about what we have planned for the day. Love it!
    grey et al

  38. Hi Louse,

    I am a HUGE fan of your blog, so much so that you have completely inspired me to create my own! I hope that one day mine could be half as good as yours! xx

  39. Beautiful pictures :)

    Charlotte xx

  40. My husband and I like to pick a show to watch together (whether it's on Netflix or something that's currently on TV) or go on walks together. We don't have kids yet, so we haven't embarked on all that craziness, but it is easy to let the days go by without really spending some nice time together!

  41. Love the colors in the sky! Soooo pretty! xxx

  42. My fiance and I like to take time to cook together at home if we can't go out. We also love to go on walks together, go to local markets and festivals. Friday nights we try to do something, it makes the weekend feel a lot longer that way.

  43. Such pretty pictures of the sunset! I love sitting with my hubby on the beach at dusk!

  44. Loving the photos Louise! Hubby and I are trying to get back to weekly date nights - sometimes we go out for a nice meal, other times we relax on the sofa and watch a movie or thrash out a few matches on the badminton court!

  45. gorgeous sunset photos :)
    I'm glad you and Mat had some couple time :D xx

  46. My husband and I have lots of date nights, dinner, movies, gamenights and so on. We don't have childeren so I guess it's a bit easier to just do things when you want to :). But on an everyday basis, we just talk a lot. About work, what we had for dinner at work (which is a very important subject in my opinion! :D), about everything basically, which I have found out is not as common as I thought it was :)

  47. N'aw I love to watch the sunrise and sunset! Lovely pictures! <3

  48. Seaside perfection. <3 Emily

  49. You and Matt are such a great couple. You do deserve some nights alone to rekindle the fire. Haha! x

    Zoe // The Caribbean Flower

  50. Awww how lovely! It's so beautiful!x x

  51. Great photos :) You and Matt are such a cute couple! xxx

  52. So sweet! It really is so important to set aside 'date nights'. Type A personality that I am... I schedule them into our calendars and always have a plan about when and where. Otherwise it just won't happen but when it does, it's so worth it :)
    Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx