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Monday, 3 June 2013

Motivational Monday #17

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Hap hap hap hap haaappppppy Monday! Do you have big plans this week? I do. 

Motivational Monday

If you cast your mind back, February, March and April were crazytown busy for me. I am a person that likes 'busy' but that kind fo busy was the kind where you realise you have no clean knickers because you've had no time to do your laundry kind of busy. By the time my birthday rolled round I was exhausted. I was burnt out and fraught so did something rather luxurious. I took things slow.

I had a proper think about which projects were essential, which were de-stressers (this blog keeps me calm), which were unnecessary and which were just for fun. Anything that didn't serve a direct purpose (ie. To pay bills, make us happy or create a worthwhile memory) were ditched. I halved my trips to London and I said no to a lot more things. It felt great! I stopped fretting over whether I was missing out and looked at what I was gaining. Quality time with Darcy, a happier relationship with Matt, a deeper kind of self confidence and moments to stop and appreciate what I have.

Now, I'm not suggesting you quit your jobs, loose your friends, trash your house and go live in the forest with nature (unless you like that kind of thing), but I am suggesting that today you make a little list. Is there anything in your life that you are doing for no real reason? Are you doing things purely because you feel obliged or because you feel socially pressured to? If you don't go to that party of a friend of a friend will it really be a big deal? Do you actually need to schedule a meeting for something you could do over Skype? Could you order your shopping online and spend that time watching a film with your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/pet? 

Think about it. Don't cut out people and don't skimp on work you must do, but do streamline your life a little. You'll feel like your brain is decluttered and everything feels that much easier.

I'm all about easy. It leads to happy.

Share in the comments one thing that you could cut out and what you could do better with that time? Even if the 'better' is sitting doing nothing :)



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  1. Taking time to smile is always worthwhile :)

    Carina xx

  2. I really need to do this, my blog keeps me more calm too. Thanks for this post Louise, gave me some good advice.

  3. Stressing out is one thing I can cut out. Taking things slowly sounds perfect right now, especially as I'm in bed and have to get up for work... I'm gonna get up reaaaal slowly.

    Kerry x

  4. Ah, I have my final week of the uni trimester this week so two tests and one assignment to go! That photo is a good 'un for me this week.

    As for streamlining my life, I didn't go to a party of an acquaintance last Friday night because I knew I'd prefer to get a quiet night in and be ready for study on Saturday. It was also going to prove too problematic to get home from the party. I'm really glad I didn't go, I don't feel like I owed that person anything and I had a really nice night in (I watched Legally Blonde...).

    Rachel is Elsewhere

  5. I've cut out spending my time alone in my room on the internet,and now I enjoy spending time with my family, baking for them, watching movies, playing board games, and even playing old records on the turn table! I must say I'm so much happier lately, no matter how simplistic it may seem to others. xx

  6. I love your motivational mondays Louise!! They get me so excited and jolly for the week ahead! But yes I definitely need to do this and slow down, I'm going to do the things I need/want to and not the things I think I should (but really shouldn't) thank you for being so inspiring! :)xx

  7. I could cut out probably studying so much. I know it is important to study, but I study so much and get burned out quite a bit... I probably could study much less and just hang out with friends and relax a bit more. I remember in one of your videos when you were pregnant with Baby Glitter and you said "I want to go live in a forest" hehe.
    ^_^ So long ago!

  8. Last year I cut out spending time upstairs blogging and I now do it downwstairs so I can talk to my family at the same time. I manage two blogs which can take up a lot of time, so I'm trying to schedule more posts so I'm not sat at the computer all evening when I get home from work. - Rosie :)

  9. I used to be the girl who couldn't say no and I would do things because I felt pressured. But over the last couple of years I've started saying no to things I don't believe in or don't have time for and I realize I respect myself a lot more than I used to :)

  10. My boyfriend and I are going away on a little holiday together and we have both agreed to cut out using our mobile phones for the whole trip! I am so excited because I always feel like we get interrupted when spending time together. So he is all mine for 4 days :)

  11. Such an inspirational post! Thanks Louise :)

    X Valérie

  12. i am trying my best to cut out spending too much time on the internet. So far i've been doing pretty great! i went to hangout with my friends 3x last week! it was worth having a little chat with with them and have a little walk to the park. :)

  13. I got addicted to You tube (your videos mainly) and also my blog so my partner was just seeing my head in a laptop of Ipad.

    So what i have started doing is watching you tube whilst in the bath and i have upped my internet on my Ipad so i now blog on the train ride to work and back and also on my lunch. Just using my time more wisely and im Happier for it!!

    Carrieanne xx

  14. I'm going to cut out being afraid as it's holding me back from great experiences. I stress too much over what I don't have and should look at what I do instead.


  15. Great post Louise ! I love all your posts and videos ! You're such an inspiration ! Love you Louise !! :* xoxo

  16. I found that blogging keeps me calm too.
    It lets me gather my thoughts.
    It's a good break from all the responsibility in senior year.

    Really liked this motivational Monday! :)

  17. What a lovely post. So often we get caught up and stressed about things that don't really matter in the long run - that we won't remember a year from now.

    E R I N ☂

  18. By far the best Motivational Monday post yet! In my opinion :)

  19. You truly are one of the most wonderful people Louise! I love reading your Monday posts! xx

  20. Thanks for writing this post gorgeous. It really has got me thinking.
    Today, I was stumbled across a job dilemma. I have no idea what to do; should I bear with the 'torture' and carry on with the job? Or should I just pack up and leave? There are many confusions that I'm facing right now today and it's not helping that I was told to sign the contract by the end of work. This issue may just be one of those things that don't really matter in the long run.

    Anyways, my way to keep calm is also to blog! Thanks for this wonderful post girl! :)

  21. Such a nice post!

  22. Such great advice, thanks Louise!:-)
    - From Annie ToadRoad

  23. Loved this motivational monday! i really need to relax more and take some more time to myself.

    jess xx

  24. Talisa I really hope you read this. I have noticed that on EVERY single post I write, you copy and paste this comment. You clearly don't read my blog and you are clearly just trying to self promote. Now I'm all for spreading the word about a good blog but you are taking it way to far and it's kinda rude. I even wrote in a post last week about how cool it is to just write, 'Amazing Post! Link link link' but it's evident that you haven't read it. Please stop being a spammer. It only reflects badly on you and is most unwelcome on Sprinkle of Glitter.

  25. I think I just need to take time to breathe, collect myself, and keep going.
    I'm currently working three jobs as well as studying full time, and it gets pretty stressful, so taking time to slow things down is perfect advice! :)

    Beth x

  26. Ahhh this is such lovely advice. It's so hard when you feel like you're rushing around everywhere, trying to see everyone, trying to keep everyone happy! xoxo

    100 Follower Giveaway: Essie, Urban Decay, Soap & Glory, Lush!

  27. this helped me so much like you can't imagine. i just want to relax people!!
    thanks again Louise, xxx

  28. Great post! You have such a fun upbeat attitude that I admire.

    Motivational Monday is such a good idea and definitely motivational! Thanks x

  29. this is a great post!!!!!!

  30. Lovely post, so so true. You have such a big heart Louise! Say it every monday but I love these posts ♥

    Holly |

  31. I need to stop shopping loads but I just love it so much and there's always things I want to get!

    Seaside Beauty

  32. I need to get my last exam over with (this afternoon), stop spending so much money and save up for something I really want :)xoxo

    Amy |

  33. Lovely Post! These are truly the three most important things! I love you so much louise!

  34. Motivational Mondays, and a half day at college make my Mondays a million times better!

  35. Great post Louise, helped and motivated me a lot :)

  36. I love this: "I'm all about easy. It leads to happy"
    Great post Louise, it's great to start the week!
    xx from Brasil

  37. I love your motivational mondays!

  38. Very wise words. I am going to cut out worrying if the house is tidy! It isn't the end of the world and I want to spend my evenings with my (very new) husband :)

  39. Your motivational monday posts are so helpful! thank you!

  40. I'm the opposite, I need to stop being lazy! haha!x

  41. i love your motivational mondays! i've tried doing motivational posts on my blog before, it just isnt the same :)

    leyla xx

  42. I definitely need to stop spending loads of money eating out with friends and instead cook some healthy meals at home!
    Loved the post <3

    xx Grace

  43. I love this quote, I had exams recently so felt stressed but now that they are done I am definitely going to take things slow! xxx

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  44. Definitely agree with this! List making is the way forward :)

    Imogen - A Rendezvous with you

  45. slow and steady wins the race!

    - Janine

  46. This is a lovely blog post! I agree with what you said!

    I've decided to start my own blog! Not sure whether it will work out or not but you don't know until you try do you?!

    Here it is, if anyone wants to take a look!

  47. This is really good advice because sometimes u get court up in reality u are my inspiration

  48. It would be really nice to just stop studying for exams- a girl can dream

  49. I really want to say that I love your videos, blog and you generally! Reading your blog is my time out. The video you put up of Darcy and you made me so happy and fuzzy inside! I have generally become a more happy person who takes different outlooks on life, thanks to you! And your friendship with Zoe makes me wish I'll find a best friend like you and her!Thanks Louise! xxx

  50. Great post! I'm going to try this :)


  51. When I got up today one of my first thoughts was "Ooh, I must look at Louise's motivational Monday post!". I've really been enjoying these.
    I find myself stressing about everything. So whilst I'm trying to say yes to more social things I need to start saying no to less essential things too.


  52. 1st time reader and such a great post! (plus, that quote is such a great daily reminder)

  53. Great post Louise! I think people get caught up quite often and it's always nice to have a little reminder of what is really important, and that we should take time to enjoy our lives and our families <3 :)

    xx Emily

  54. Loved this one louise! :)

    Pipp xx

  55. I like it :) Great post! :)

  56. Oh I love this post Louise! Just what I needed to hear right now! xxx

  57. oh wow! you inspire me so much. after watching your 'draw my life' video you were my role model!! keep it up x x

  58. I could probably cut out a lot of the time I spend on the computer; I always get sucked in to online shopping. I understand what you mean about being busy; I'm a competitive swimmer year round and many times I feel like I miss out on so much because of it. It gets tiring trying to cram too much in. I feel like the quote you chose is very relevant in today's "go go go" society and more people should strive to do exactly what this quote proposes.
    Love your motivational monday posts Louise, they always put a smile on my face!
    xx Amber

  59. Thanks louise is really helps me and makes Monday that bit more bearable xx
    Love amy xx :{)

  60. One of the hardest things to do in life is to stop trying to do everything!!! I'm glad you were able to say no to things that weren't important. You have to make choices about your priorities sometimes, but when you do you actually enjoy the things you make time for.
    Thanks always for these posts!
    Ruth xo

  61. Great post! I really could ave done with seeing this this morning! :-) xx

  62. I should really cut out Stress, exams are killing me!

  63. Really like this post!! (:
    It makes me think about my life, because I´m always busy as well.. you are right, maybe I should slow down a little bit! I definitely appreciate the advice with the list and I will be doing one right after I send this to you! You seem like an amazing person and I am happy that you share your thoughts with the world! (:
    If you would like to, you can give a look to my blog (:

    I really hope that you have a lovely day! Say hi to baby glitter for me (:
    - Marie xx

  64. Wow, I've recently been reading every motivational Monday post made by you! It really does motivate me, especially this one. Now that I say "no" to certain tasks and have some quality time for myself I feel a lot happier, thank you Louise. Keep on the great blogging job. Cheerio c:

  65. Ugh I hate being stressed but this post is like the opposite of me! I'm never busy. I literally have almost nothing going on. I just have things I need to take care of and figure out (most of which I have a while to get done) but I still am always worried or stressed by something. Like right now :/ Thanks for the post Louise!

  66. I love being busy too!
    Now I want to keep myself extra busy
    because my husband went to Australia to spend some quality time with his fam
    before we start a new life together in the states in September.
    I don't want to feel empty and lonely,
    I'd rather learn something new and be productive.
    But you are right, we do need to take it slow sometimes.
    I am planning on quitting my job in Aug and travel around this side of the world a bit!

  67. Very nice, thanks for sharing.

  68. My life for the next month or so is going to be really relaxed and slow-going, (in a nice 'holiday-feel' way though), and for this reason I've felt really obliged to go to a party which I don't want to go to, as I don't really have something 'better' to do. People expect me to go and I feel obliged to, but I don't feel I'll gain anything from going... It's a tough one :)

  69. This is such a great quote. Once I've finished my exams next week I plan on relaxing and spending more time with family and friends xxx

  70. I love your Motivational Mondays. This one is probably one of my favourites!

  71. It makes me think about my life, because I´m always busy as well.. you are right, maybe I should slow down a little bit! I definitely appreciate the advice . Thanks for the advice once again

    Mark Duin

    Inspirational Speaker

  72. I deffinately need to do this. I stress, pressure and overthink a lot and end up in panic. As I feel like i'm getting quickly old over the stress, i'm 24 and feel like 34. From now onwords, I'll do one thing at a time. Thanks for this motivational Monday. I only just read it a bit late, but I guess it is better to read late than never? =)

  73. Great post! I'm fed up of doing things because I'm too shy to say no to people. I do things just because i want to make other people happy, not because I want to do it myself. So your right, I have to choose what I want to do and spend my life doing things I enjoy! xx

  74. Such a good post, I think doing nothing is actually a good suggestion. Just take a like ten minutes in the morning to just sit and chill before the day begins, think I am going to try it xx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx