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Friday, 14 June 2013

Our Harry Potter Experience

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

If you follow me on Twitter or watch my secondary YouTube Channel (Sprinkle of Chatter), you might know that a few weeks ago, Matt and I had an amazing day at Warner Bros Studios visiting the Harry Potter Tour. 

We weren't paid to attend or to vlog/blog about it but we were given the day free of charge. Just thought I'd be transparent about that. I remember when I started this blog I thought it was amazing that bloggers were sent samples of beauty products. Now, I'm going on spectacular days I feel like I'm living the dream! I'm so grateful for the opportunities this blog and my channel have afforded me and really I have you to thank for them, because without your readership and support, there would be a lot less of this loveliness. So, Thank You. You are so very valued and thought so very highly of by both me and Matt.

On to the photos!

Blonde Louise Sprinkle of Glitter
A glamorous moment at the station. 

Harry Potter Studio Tour

Harry Potter Studio Tour
My Crookshanks cat. Man I love cats a lot. 

Harry Potter Studio Tour

Harry Potter Studio Tour
In the films I didn't notice the details on the tableware, like curly handled forks or hogs head jugs. 

Harry Potter Studio Tour

Harry Potter Studio Tour

Harry Potter Studio Tour

Harry Potter Studio Tour
Crackerjack who plays Crookshanks. Little fact for you- he wears kitty extensions. To make these his carers brush him as you would any Persian cat, collect the hairs, rough them up a little to make them look wildy and make tiny hair pieces. They are then attached with pussycat friendly glue and voila, extra crazy haired cat ready for his close up! 

Harry Potter Studio Tour

Harry Potter Studio Tour

Harry Potter Studio Tour

Harry Potter Studio Tour

Harry Potter Studio Tour

Harry Potter Studio Tour

Harry Potter Studio Tour
Zoe + Dobby = Twins.

Harry Potter Studio Tour
The Gang!

From left to right :

Matt - Husband, Daddy, light bulb changer, nerve calmer, drink fetcher, provider, biggest fan and best friend. 

Me - You know the score.

Zoe - Best chummy, Phone chatter, skype companion, infectious laugh, conker head.

Maddie - Always smiling, accessorises beautifully, organises amazingly, lovely gal.

Katie aka 'Snooksie' - Not called 'Snoozey', spunky, bloody loves mentos, hangs out with Brad Pitt (seriously).

Lucy - Supports more than she knows, kind hearted, hardest worker ever, blogger, vlogger, internet knowledged goddess.

Alfie - Nandos lover, caring, sharing, Darcy's bf, YouTube obsessive, suitcase panic saver!

Joe - Thatcher, funny, cheeriest chappy, sloth impersonator, snapchat genius. 

Jim - Giant ball lover, master vlogger, spideyfan, snitch enthusiast.

Tanya - Makeup artist extraordinaire, cookie baker, skater skirt lover, all round sweetiepie. 

I think you can see from the photos what an AMAZING day it was. Funnily though, it wasn't the props and displays that impressed me the most though, it was the staff.

If you think you are a potterhead, you're not. They. Know. Everything. Every little details about every little scene of all the films and all the books, they know. They were more than happy to answer any questions you have and to discuss all the things you want to chat about- for me, it was the differences between the books and the films because I'm ocd like that. For us, they made the experience. 

Matt and I have decided to revisit the tour at the end of this month because we loved it so much and want to be total geeks and read all the signs and watch all the videos they have playing as you walk round. We may even take our wands. 

If you would like to explore their official website, click HERE

Phewf that was a longie! What do you think? What is your favourite Potter moment in either the books or the films? Let's be nerds in the comments! Squeee!



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  1. I love your bag! You look so pretty

    Seaside Beauty

  2. I love these pictures! Seems like such a wonderful experience :) My best friend and me are going to do this when we're in London :)

    Valérie ♥

  3. Beyond jealous, it looks phenomenal! Looks like you lot had a great time too :) xx

  4. You look so pretty! I can imagine this must've been an amazing experience. Even more to share it with your closest friends. So glad you had an awesome time! x

    Zoe // The Caribbean Flower

  5. I love this. I'm thinking birthday trip due to the distance between my home and London. Unfortunately that's not until March. Look's amazing and I'm a huge harry potter fan actually watched the first one yesterday but i do the boxset every other week :)

    Kate - Sparkle Dust x

  6. What an amazing experience & opportunity! I definitely need to put this on my to-do list if I ever make it out to London someday. My favorite thing about HP is definitely Luna Lovegood & her spectrespecs and basically everything about her character. This post makes me want to re-read all the books and watch the films (the first half of the 7th film is one I've yet to see!) xx

  7. I was so excited when all of you guys went to Harry Potter studiosa as I got to see so many vlogs on it and now I feel as if I never have to go. I do live like on the other side of the world so that may be hard... I am so happy that are you are having so much fun! I love Harry Potter like so much it isn't even funny. I have read all of the books at least 10 times and could quote a lot of them. I have books 1-6 on cassette tape and I listen to them before I fall asleep, every night. And I have listened to them every night before I fall asleep for eight years. So more than half my life. Also, once my bestest chummy and I watched all eight Harry Potter movies in one day. That was an interesting experience. Who is your favourite character in the books? I love Luna and Neville! They are misfits just like me. ^_^ Love you so much Louise!!!
    ~C ^_^ xxx

  8. What a wonderful experience! As for my favorite part of the Harry Potter movies/books I can't decide! I love all of them so much... I will say though if I had to pick my favorite movie I would have to say Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince!

  9. wow , must have been a great experience , i LOVE harry potter !



  10. What I love about this post is that you described each person so lovingly. You could've just written their name and a link to their work, but you went beyond. It shows how good of a person you are and that's why I genuinely love your blog and channel.

  11. I'd love to visit the Harry potter Studios! You guys are so lucky! How tall is Alfie on that picture though!
    PS: I love your mint green bag, its beautiful!

  12. Love the way you describe everyone ahaha!! So funny xx

  13. Alfie and Jim being extremly tall in the last picture hahaha :D

  14. I visited last summer when I was living in London and it was such a dream. When the screen lifts and its the Great Hall? Any type of Potter fan's fantasy! So glad you had such a wonderful time! I wish I could pop back in again, but it's much too expensive to take an eight hour flight for a second trip around Hogwarts. I would love to investigate everything a little more, as you said xx

  15. that would be such an amazing experience! You look gorgeous xx

  16. It looks like you had a really great time! Harry potter something I wish I got into but didn't because when it came out I was too young and didn't understand it haha!

  17. I'm so jealous! Sounds-and looks- like you had an amazing day xx

  18. I loved the vlog and I'm glad you decided to write a post about the visit. I had no idea that the cat has "hair extensions", that's funny!
    I love the way you describe your friends ♥
    Lot of love from Romania :*

  19. Great pics ..looking so natural.

  20. I really want to go here and was looking at tickets yesterday.
    My best film bit is when they are in the flying car and Harry falls out and Ron shouts 'HHHAAAARRRRYYYY'
    God I was in love with Ron Weasey in the 1st 2 films!! even if he is a few years younger than me


  21. I've been to the HP Tour twice and I'm booked again to go in August. I find sometime new each time I go and I'm totally in love with the shop. My favourite moment in the films is a bit strange. It's the moment in POA when Harry looks across the lake and thinks he sees his father. It was so heartbreaking when he realised it was himself

  22. I have always loved Harry. I literally grew up with him, having the first books read to me when I was little and then going on to reading them myself as I got older. So many amazing memories attached to these books. When I first saw all the videos on youtube it made me realise that my life would not be complete till I went to Harry Potter studios. Better start saving the money to go down to London!
    I love the photos you are such a talented photographer :)

    Rachel xxx

  23. You look so lovely! What an exciting day out! My best friend and I are planning on doing the studio tour when we come to London in a couple of weeks on our OE, so excited! I've completely grown up with Harry Potter, I've seen and read all of the movies/books countless times. I love the third book, 1st movie and 8th movie! Love the twins! xx

  24. I went to the studios last June and it seems to have changed this year! The animals and things only seem to have been introduced recently. The staff are so lovely though aren't they?! You and Matt are so cute, I watched the vlog. You guys are adorable! You lucky things you.

  25. Visiting here with my little sister in the next few weeks and I'm a excited now. All the coverage that it's been given by YouTubers / Bloggers in the last few weeks has made me even more excited (if that's possible)! Thank you Louise. Love your blog. :) x

  26. Lovely photos! I really want to go there now!

  27. I was there a week before you! I am so jealous that there was animals about when you went!! I would have spent forever around the animal section. Maybe that is only for weekends they do it! I loved my time at the studios! Best day ever!!

    Jen xxx

  28. I wish I lived in England!

  29. I've never actually read the books or seen the film but from the photos of my friends that have been there it makes me really want to go!

    ... Is that weird?


  30. This is perfect! Wish I could go there with my friends :)x

  31. aaah soooo jealous <3<3 next time we go to London I really want to make that tour!
    Also looooved your vlog!

    xxx Jo Betty

  32. This looks amazing! I don't live too far from here but still not had the chance to visit... I think I might have to this summer...if only just to buy my very own wand!

  33. If this had been open in 2011 when I was in London I'd have been there in a heartbeat. I love all things Harry Potter so I would have had to drag the OH around the studios!

  34. Looks like you had a brill time! Some really great photos too :)

  35. hi! i loved this post as we are off on the harry potter tour tomorrow! im new to the blog world and would love if you would read and follow mine!

  36. Wow loved this post!
    Check out my new beauty/life/fashion blog, would mean alot!

  37. Ah yes, the video!! Matt is such a gent and a true gem, as are you Louise ;)

    Looks exciting, I'd really like to go.

    LOVE FOR DARCY! I showed my boyfriend the 'ask Darcy' video you made with her and he loved it, we laughed and laughed.

    Wander bug

  38. Such cute photos love it x

  39. I saw several of the vlogs, and it looks like you guys had a blast! What a fun trip. I've never been the hugest Harry Potter fan (i knoww..) but getting a behind the scenes look was so cool. Thanks for sharing the experience!

    xo Molly

  40. What do you use to edit your photos? They always look so good! x

  41. Ahh i'm so jealous! I would go crazy in there :D
    one day I will get to go :)
    loved the post and vlog!

  42. Looks like so much fun!!
    Any bloggers out there take a look at my blog :)it's beauty , fashion and travel.

  43. my daughter (ten this month) has just got 'really' into the books and films and i defintely think this will be one of our stops in the summer holidays. i must admit i have only read the first book and watched the first two films so i'll have to play catch up on my spare weekends so as not to look like the class dunce on our visit. we also went to the harry potter land when we were in florida and i LOVED it! so much fun!


  44. Hi Louise!

    I went when in January when it was still decorated from Christmas! So the great hall was all dressed up in garlands and wreaths and the common room set covered in baubles etc. It was stunning! You obviously had a good week to go with the animals being there as they weren't there when I went! It is actually dead cheap considering how much you get out of it! I walked round there for hours, like 5! Hahaha!

    Hope you had an amazing time as it looks you did! I look forward to your next post!

    L x
    ♥lucylovehart - ♥life♥beauty♥thoughts

  45. Aw I had no idea crookshank's wears kitty extensions - thats so cute! I watched all the vlogs from you guys and now i'm dying to go!

    bec X

  46. I am so glad you had a good time, looks like a lot of fun!!!

  47. I'm going for my birthday on the 28th and I'm so excited! Seeing your post has made even more excited (which I didn't think was possible!) eeeeeek! I can't wait!


    P.S. You look stunning!

  48. Louise you are adorable! haha zoella looks cute too.

    - Janine

  49. Love these pictures! I am so jealous, I really want to go!x


    Electra Violet

  50. looks like you had a lot of fun Louise :)


  51. So jealous that you got to go. I'm a massive Harry Potter fan and I still haven't been there yet :( But glad that you both had a lovely time :)


  52. Love the movies but prefer the books!

    Fav book moment was in Book 6, the Ginny/Harry scene.

    Yes I am and was a total shipper.

  53. so cute! I love the gang!

  54. the photos are absolutely amazing! im planning on going on Halloween night! cant wait:) x

  55. I am a massive Harry Potter fan, these books and films have been my childhood.
    What I love is that the films were pretty accurate to the books.
    I know that they couldn't do i exactly or else these films would be a lot longer hehe
    but they did an excellent job! :)

    I really liked seeing the relationship between Ron and Hermione transfer from the books to the film :)

  56. I enjoyed the studio vlogs so much, it looked like you had a wonderful time which makes me happy. It was also wonderful to see so much of Matt, glad he is getting more camera friendly! x

  57. Soooooooooooooo jealous! Looks so much fun! xxx

  58. I loved your vlog of this, I really want to go to the studio :)
    Jessica xx

  59. This looks amazing :) I'd love to go, I love looking at the behind scenes and how they did stuff of any movie!

    Also, thank you that you said it was free. Thank you for being real with us, and I think you deserve some freebie days out, you're a fab Mumma! xx

  60. The pictures look amazing!
    I have not seen HP before, but I guess I really need to catch up on that haha :)


  61. I'm going with my bff and brother in 2 weeks, and we're all real Harry Potter fans... books and movies :) I kinda wish that I left the blogs and vlogs to after the tour, I feel as though I know what to expect now. But it ain't stopping me from going :) My favourite harry potter moment was when (in the book) Harry & Voldemorts battle in the great hall... much more tension and excitement when the crowd is there, with Harrys speech... it was the best, perfect ending imaginable :)

    Michaela xxx

  62. I am so jealous! I live in Canada so I'm quite far from both the amusement park and the studio tour :( BUT I'm planning a trip to England and I'll definitely be stopping here. I really love all your photos.. especially the one of Zoe and Dobby!

    I've read the books several times each and seen the movies countless times. My favourite Harry Potter moment was the final battle between Voldemort and Harry. EPIC. All the great battle moments from the books were so well-written. From the films, I really loved in Half-Blood Prince where Harry and Hermione are at Slughorns party (eating ice cream?) and Cormac is staring over at Hermione licking his fingers. Hermione looks SO uncomfortable, it's hilarious.

    I really loved this post!

    xo Emily | Honey Loaf

  63. I'd love to go on the studio tour, so jealous!!

  64. What an amazing experience! I loved watching the gangs vlogs about it ,I got so excited! I'm kind of a Harry Potter nerd!

  65. I have already been there and I loved it!! You are so lucky to have the free days out and I'm happy to read your blog so you can do more posts like these from all the lovely days out!! I loved the giant chess pieces and the massive hogwarts! I love the picture of you and crookshanks! I always love your pictures they are so so so good!
    Alice x

  66. I am desperate to go here! I'd love to go on the studio tour :) thankyou for sharing pictures :)
    Nicole x

  67. omg, that looks amazing! I would love to go there, especially after having watched all the vlogs about it!
    If anyone has a spare minute, it would mean the world to me and my friend if you came and checked out our blog; we've been working really hard on it! Thank you!xx

  68. I definitely recommend going twice! i went this time last year and last month - the second time around you notice so much more and pick up more details! The staff are so lovely there! Definitely two of the best days of my life!x

  69. The HP studio tour is incredible! I absolutely loved it, we braved a 3 hour journey in thick snow just to get down there and it was totally worth it! Sounds like you had an incredible day Louise! xxx

  70. I love these photos and I love the way you described everyone, so adorable!

  71. I sooo need to go! You look like you had a fabulous time! xxx

  72. When I went it was quite funny I didn't need the head set I was just being a tour guide for my mum.. I watch a lot of special features. I agree the staff were amazing they told you all the little things you never new, like how long it takes to make certain sets and wear Evanna Lynch's wand case was. Do you get the impression I like Harry Potter?

  73. Loved the vlog, this looked so fun and the hotel was amazing! xxx
    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  74. Louise! You are beautiful and you are my inspiration !
    My new post : sunny makeup :

  75. I am so jealous, loved the vlog it looked so fun!x

  76. you look so gorgeous, and all my fave youtubers are pictured in the last photo! loved the vlog too
    sara x

  77. I went to the Harry potter experience in April may do a blog post about it soon. My favourite part was getting closer to the costumes so that you could see all the intricate details and how much work put into each individual piece !

  78. Looks like you had loads of fun at the harry potter studios, I don't even like harry potter one bit but I liked your blog post! Ahh a fellow cat lady (I have 3)

  79. Looks incredible! I want to go there one day, seems like so much fun for a potterhead :) x

  80. Omg so jealous :O

  81. I'm going on Weds and I'm so excited :) watched everyone's vlogs about it and it's only fuelled my excitement!

  82. Ahhh I really want to go there! It looks amazing and looks like you had a really good time, it looks really interesting to see how every thing was made and created! Loved the vlog as well!

    Millie xx

  83. Oh my gosh I'm dying to go! I'm sharing this with my mom. She is going to drool over your pictures. She loves Harry Potter so much she goes in Harry Potter chat rooms.

  84. Everytime I'm diving headlong into the Harry Potter-universe I end up so uncomfortably sad that I'm a friggin muggle and not able to live in that universe. The same kind of sad I was on my 11th birthday which was in the same year I read the first book and there was no owl with a letter for me :( Still not over that.
    My favourite movie moment definitely is in the first one when Hogwarts appears for the first time over the lake, gives me the queen of goosebumps every time. And the books... no favourite moment, I love everything to bits and pieces, haha.

    I especially love the descriptions of your friends in this post, it shows how much you love them all really.


  85. love this post! xx

  86. it is near me and I have been yet - totally need to go!

  87. Ohh gosh, you are so lucky but you deserve it, you're great :) XOX and OMG this looks absolutely AMAZING! and I love how lovely you've described everyone in the cutest way possible, you seem like a good friend to have aside :)

    lots of love!!xxx

  88. You guys are so lucky! I'm going to the Harry Potter Studio tour with my school next month. Me and a few friends are going to be fangirling all the way round. The vlogs and this post have both made me more excited to go now :D
    My favourite scene in all of the movies would have to be the yule ball dance practice in the Goblet of fire, it's hilarious!
    Have a lovely weekend

  89. I watched all the vlogs on the day and it seems like a wonderful experience to go there, especially which such lovely friends!
    The pictures are beautiful :)

    Erin //

  90. Love this wish we had something similar in Australia, I would probably be there most weekends haha

    Jess x

  91. I can't wait to go! Me and my friend how run our blog are going in November for our birthdays, this has made me so excited!!

    Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blog!

  92. i would love to go to the harry potter studios one day. my favorite part was always the one in the last book. when harry sees the silver doe and ron so heart warming. and then hermione beats him up :D hilarious

  93. Oh, I wish I will visit this place sometimes!

  94. Hopefully going this summer, reading just excited me even more! :D

  95. I loved all of the vlogs going round the tour, I think I managed to watch all of them :D Glad you enjoyed yourself x

    Muchos Love
    Jamie-Leigh x x

  96. That looks amazing! I really hope to go some day!

  97. I'm going there in a few weeks. Seeing the vlogs and photos gets me all excited, woooooo!

  98. Extremely excited to go there this summer! After watching the vlog i was like, 'We totally have to go there!'. Thank you for sharing it with us, i would have never thought of it! Thank you!

  99. This is amazing! The pictures are just as fun as the video.
    About a year ago I finally got my sister into Harry Potter (after much teasing about me being a nerd..) and I would love to go to this with her. Of course, we would have to make it to London first.
    I'm always amazed by the animals in movies. It is soo cool how they train them and they are just so good!


  100. The photos are beautiful, I can't wait to see pictures from the second time you go there.
    I really want to go! So many questions are still to be answered.
    One of my favourite things from the movies, I know it's not a "moment. But one of my favourite things are actually all the detailing, I love details especially in these kind of movies, it really makes or breaks it after my opinion.
    Other wise a moment for me was when Cedric died, so touching or after the big fight against Voldemort where Fred is dead. Uh or when Hermione and Ron finally kiss each other!!

    Might have had some moments, there are many!

    Lots of Love xx

  101. I need to go here! It looks amazing!

    I'm just back from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and it was so incredible! xxx

  102. Wow, looks amazing!
    lucky thing! The photos look beautiful and so do you.
    Love how you described everyone, so cute!


  103. Wheeeeeewhoooooo! Love this blogpost to bits! xx

  104. Does anyone think that Matt looks like a brunette Tom Felton? Maybe it's just the heightened Harry Potter effect but I've always sort of thought that. Looked like it was tons of fun, the vlog too! Looking forward to visiting myself when I travel to the UK in a few months. Love all your posts!

    xo Katie Lady's

  105. Great photos :) So jealous!! I absolutely love Harry Potter xxx

  106. Wow it looks so amazing I really want to go there woo!xoxo

  107. I will definitely visit this place whenever I have the chance of travelling to the UK. It must be so cool to walk through the hall!

  108. Thank you for your post. This is excellent information.
    caspar lee gay

  109. only just found this post after watching each and every vloggers youtube vid about it, aha. i was devestated when i didn't have time to visit while in england, however this is officially top of the list for the next trip.
    your photos of the day are gorgeous, louise! glad you enjoyed it, x

  110. I absolutely adore the little descriptions you gave everyone. Reminds me of Bridget Jones. <3

  111. When Ron and Hermione kiss for the first time! Love that in the books and the films!! x

  112. I am so desperate to go there, am hoping my husband takes me for my birthday. X

  113. Wow! You are so lucky to have such an impressive tour ! If only I have such an extraordinary experience like you! That would be very crazy ! To be honest, I am a loyal fan of Harry Potter. I read all books about Harry Potter, and I always see Harry Potter movies with my best friends. Above all, I would like to buy my favourite cosplay costumes on the to perform on the stage as a Harry Potter cosplayer. I enjoy it very much! Now, I am curious about which role you will play in the cosplay show?


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx