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Friday 21 June 2013

My Beautiful Liverpool

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

A couple of weeks ago Matt and I took Darcy to Liverpool to see family and enjoy our favourite city. Liverpool is where I found my happy self (to clarify, life was very volatile until I left home at 18 to attend university, which is where I finally felt free and joyful), where I met my most stable group of friends and where I found my wonderful husband.

I owe a lot to that city. It often gets talked down but if you ever have the chance, take a weekend to explore it and try not to fall in love. You'll struggle.

Whilst we were out and about on one of the days, I took a few (ahem, a lot) photographs with my big girl camera. I wish, wish, wish my canon was lighter and smaller so that I could take it everywhere with ease. I'm looking into buying a camera bag disguised as a handbag so that I can tote my machine around more. Until then, it's days with the buggy or husband only haha.

Sprinkleofglitter LIverpool
 Yep, tiny people up on a big sheer hole. Cool, non?

Sprinkleofglitter LIverpool
 Darcy showing Daddy her new handbag from Monsoon Kids.

Sprinkleofglitter LIverpool
Little LouiseFact for you here. Ever since I was little, drinks with bubbles and ice and all things nice have excited me. I love watching them the way people like to watch giant tanks of tropical fish. I kind of get sucked into a bit of a dream world of magic. Something that you drink being a different colour each time and having tiny spheres of gas moving about and rocks of solid freezing ice in it? Blows. My. Mind.

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool
Things that shouldn't be. Like floating gold boxes stuck onto old brick buildings.

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool
See all those buildings over in the background? I used to live over there. Live, socialise, study, everything. A huge mess of brilliant exciting memories. The path Matt and Darcy are walking down is one I used to walk every day when I was 18 and living not in the buildings you can see. I could never have envisaged coming back years later and having my Daughter walk the very same paving slabs as me. It's funny what life brings to you.

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool
A young me used to sit on these steps with my girlfriends. Now an even younger Darcy sits there with her Daddy.

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool
The Natural World Museum is a must for exploring hands and interested minds. It's free but asks that you donate at your discretion.

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool
Birdseye view of Liverpool One, my favourite shopping area.

Sprinkleofglitter Liverpool

What a day!! I'm SO glad I documented it because so many of those moments could have been lost. It was one of those days where you feel you are in the right place with the right people and feel completely safe and protected. I'm the type who feels very easily unsettled so it was great to feel so at ease for so long. 

I'm hoping we can fit another weekend in before the Summer is out and I can photograph more spots for you. I am also working on a vlog from the trip for Sprinkle of Chatter

I also wrote an Outfit Of The Day (OOTD) post for the clothes I wore that day, which you can see HERE

What is your favourite city in the world? Tell me why you love it and why someone should visit it. We can be like mini travel agents in the comments today! 



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  1. Ahh, what a beautiful day! :) I would definitely put Liverpool on my to-do list if I ever am fortunate enough to visit the UK. Unfortunately, I haven't traveled very much yet but I've always imagined Cardiff and Dublin to be amazing cities. Hopefully someone here can confirm that. xx

    1. I haven't been to Cardiff but I went to Dublin and I absolutely LOVED it! :)

  2. Would love to visit the UK! I'm from New Zealand, it's meant to be very similar to here.

    Carina xx

  3. Looks like you had a wonderful day! Love the quality of these pictures, you look absolutely gorgeous in that outfit, lovin that scarf. & Your daughter is so beautiful! <3

    I would love to visit Liverpool one day, when I travel the UK. I'm from the US.

    Much love, Aman x

  4. I loved Vienna, I don't know if it was because it was all snowy and romantic when I went but I just remember it being so magical! Never been to Liverpool though, I might have to look into it :) x

  5. You're day looks so lovely! The three of you look great, the blonde really does suit you so well.
    You're getting great at catching some awesome photographs!

  6. I studied in Liverpool too, I don't quite recognise everywhere you've photographed but some ARE familiar :D Do you know I never realied it had a Natural History Museum, SUCH a shame as it's my favourite type of museum! I will have to visit Liverpool and revisit old stomping grounds and go to the museum while I'm there! I wonder if you went to places like Heebie Jeebies (dumb name for a club I always thought!), the Razz (actually Blue Angel but everyone called it the Razz), Krazy House? Alma de Cuba was too expensive :( Liverpool One wasn't finished until after I had finished university, but some of it was open during my final year. Shopping heaven! Students are poor enough haha.

    Chinatown was a place I quite liked, I remember getting lost and ending up there with a friend, we went to a Turkish cafe which was staffed by very nice, kind people who moved the chairs out of the way so my (mobility-challenged) friend could come in and then gave us a free cup of tea. :)

    Bold Street was cool too, so was the cinema that I'm sure was pretty close to it, argh not sure what it was called, Vue? It had sofas instead of pull-down chairs :D

    I have a soft spot in my heart for Liverpool :) Lived there for 3 years after all! Favourite city... I'm not much of a city girl, country girl at heart! Favourite city ... it's between Liverpool and Chester - I do love Chester (it's a bit closer for me - if I want to get to Liverpool by train, I have to switch at Chester anyway) and I love that it's very unique looking, the way the shops are laid out. You never know what treasures are lying in wait up those narrow steps and down the little streets!

  7. Hi Louise
    Omg (fan girl) haha
    I am actually your biggest fan I have actually watched and read every single video and read every blog post, and I basically am obsessed with you tubers and your one of my favourites. I live in New Zealand and I'm 15 , I actually can't wait every week for your videos and blog posts .You and Zoe complete my fave you tubers and bloggers ag long with flur . I really benefit from your videos even though most of the shops you buy are not in New Zealand but I wish they were . I have a major major crush on alfie and one day ( in my gap year ) hopefully I will go to England and you will do a meet and greet !,,,because I i am you biggest fan ever . I made a blog because you inspired me to because I like writing thank you so much xxoo love mady

  8. You look really pretty in these pictures! They're way too cute :)
    Valérie ♥

  9. Beautiful photographs and you look amazing. I love your outfit so much!

    Embrace My Style

  10. Darcy is starting to look very much like her mummy! She is a gorgeous wee thing! xx

  11. Seeing this post actually made my day (and it's very early but I can say this with confidence!) Firstly, I am a HUGE Liverpool FC fan, secondly, I made my BFF take a 3 day trip as part of our holiday to stop in Liverpool, while it was extremely cold (Dec 23) I absolutely loved it! I really want to go back when it's summer so hopefully soon!
    During the same trip I went to Dublin and fell in LOVE with it! I would definitely reccommend it! AND I live in South Africa and I would tell anyone anywhere in the world to visit Cape Town - it's overwhelmingly beautiful

    x Natalie

  12. Louise you look absolutley gorgeous in these photos! I especially love the first one and the ones of you and Darcy at the museum. Adorable! It looks like you had a really lovely time, I'm glad xxx

  13. I love Liverpool too! My sister studied at John Moores and I'm hoping to study at liverpool too. It always get slated as rough but I just love how clean and friendly it is! Great for shopping too!

  14. Lovely photos! I'd love to go to Liverpool one day xx

  15. After this I am convinced I need to go to Liverpool. I've not been to many places around the UK, I guess still being a student I can't really afford it, but I've only been to Birmingham and London. I really want to travel lots of places within the UK as well as out of! It looks really beautiful. Great post :) Thanks! Charlotte xxx

  16. I just LOVE how you can catch all These small Moments and make all of us see The world with your eyes.
    And your Outfit Looks sooooooooo nice.

  17. Louise, you take such great photos! I wish I had the confidence to pull out my camera and snap away.

    Other than Glasgow, my other favourite city in the whole wide world is Tallinn. It's just such a beautiful place and he architecture is amazing.

  18. Such lovely pictures of my favourite city!I live close to liverpool and do love going there, the 2nd nearest city to me is manchester but rough, not as nice and it just dosnt compare to liverpool x

  19. I love my city :D
    I don't live there any more, but it's my birth place and will always have a place in my heart. I don't go there as often as I should / could but whenever I do it's a nice feeling of home. :D

    These are such great pictures. I can't wait to see your vlog ^_^

    Juyey xx

  20. It looks really nice there and realky bice photos too! my favourite place I the world is Siguliana in sically its where my grandparents grew up and it's so so beautiful!

  21. Beautiful city, like your photos and memories you share with us :) thank you!

  22. Darcy is so so adorable!! I'm starting my own blog if you can take a look it would mean so much.

  23. These pictures are gorgeous! I don't think I'll ever get over how adorable Darcy is! I've never been to liverpool but these photos make me want to go!
    As for my favourite city. In Scotland where I live I love Edinburgh! All the old buildings and the castle added with the atmosphere when the festival is on. Sitting in Princes Gardens when the sun is shining, The thought makes me so happy.
    In the world, it would have to be Paris, Am I aloud to say that even though I've never been? The whole idea of Paris is magical to me. I'm finally going in August and I just cant wait!
    Caitlin x

  24. I love this kind of post Louise! Sounds like you had an amazing weekend, and all these pictures are so so lovely! xxx

  25. This is such a lovely post, Darcy is so cute! And Liverpool One is aaaamazing to shop in!!

    My favourite city is Manchester. I love where it is in the country, not too far up, not too far down. I love the buzz of the city and its not too dominating like London. I have dreams of living in an apartment high up in a sky scraper on Deansgate. Oh, and the shopping is awesome... for that reason, everyone should visit!


  26. I love Liverpool I used to live there when I was younger, my favourite place is the Albert Dock it just so beautiful xxxxx

  27. I'm lucky enough to live right in between Liverpool and Manchester, so both are only a short 20-30 min train ride away. Most of my family are from Liverpool so I go there fairly often and I always feel right at home. I also loooooove Manchester, even though it is absolutely huge and I always get lost. And to top it off I'm currently studying in Cardiff, it's great for shopping but compared to Liverpool and Manchester it is teeny tiny XD I guess I'm a bit biased being a northern girl and all haha. xx

  28. I love this post! The photo of matt and darcy walking along the same path you did is genius and really lovely!

    Jamie-Lee | Glitter Infatuation | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog!

  29. Liverpool is my favourite place. I live on the Wirral. I went to uni in Liverpool too, stayed at home in first year, lived in Wavertree in second year, and in third year (06-07) I lived in Atlantic Point, so may have been close to where to were.
    I walked the same street every day past the museums, has to be the prettiest street to walk down, and made up for the massive effort of climbing Brownlow Hill ugh!

  30. I love the look of liverpool...its never a city I have explored but is on my list now! Some of these photos pulled on my heart strings....looks like you have some pretty amazing memories being made!

  31. Such a lovely post Louise, Liverpool is going on my list now :) I have been studying in England for the past 3 years and I've got just one year left, so I am trying to see as much of England as I can. I was up in portsmouth a few weeks back and I will highly recommend it. I found out it isn't far from Isle of wight which is another place I would love to visit. But overall my favourite city is New York. I have never been but I know so much about it already. I am hoping to go next year with my girlfriends to celebrate graduation :)

  32. I love Liverpool! I don't understand how anyone could not love it. Also, I buy bigger shoulder bags that are handbags but big enough to put my SLR in, so it never looks like I've got a big fancy camera in, but I can whip it out for good pictures whenever I want. I tend to get nice looking bags at TKMAXX, I just take my camera in and make sure it fits before I buy it! My favorite city wanter around in is York, every time I go I find something new and makes me fall in love all over again :)

  33. Great photos it looks like you have had so much fun the pizza looks extra yummy too! :D xx | Macadamia Oil Control Spray Giveaway ♥

  34. Wow you made a real day of it and it looks like a fantastic place to have a day out! I love museums so the one you visited definitely looks interesting! It is really strange that all the places I live, visit bit in a few years time a child of mine could be doing the same. Darcy looks like she enjoyed herself too! Win, win all around!

  35. So cuteee! You look so chic and casual here Louise! You are stunning!!!

  36. I grew up right outside of Liverpool and visit there a lot. It's such a wonderful, vibrant city!

    Lovely photos! :)


  37. What an amazing lot of photographs, you all looked as if you had an absolute ball. I have never been to Liverpool, my son has and he absolutely loved it. Maybe I will make a trip at some time. Hugs, Jen :-) x
    Krafty Keepsakes

  38. I love this post! My favourite city in the world is New York, which I'm visiting in August - I'm so excited! I'm going to be documenting it on my blog (link below).My favourite city to visit is London, which isn't too far away from me. It's so beautiful and a big place, so it's easy to get lost, which is actually quite fun.

    Amy |

  39. You are sooooooooooo beautiful :)))))
    xoxo Vesi

  40. this is a lovely blog post,
    i'm at uni in liverpool at the moment and its an amazing city, i love living here :)


  41. Hey,
    your little Family is sooo cute, i love to read posts like that :))

    ox Katrin

  42. Looks like a beautiful city!! You make me want to pack my bags and move!!!!! <3

  43. Boston has to be my favorite city in the world. I've been to so many different places throughout my life and Boston still remains #1 in my eyes. It is not as busy and hectic as NYC and much cleaner. Theres so much to do and so much history there. There is something for everyone there. Just an overall nice city. I feel like I'm home whenever I visit there. Highly reccomend visiting if you get the chance!

  44. Love all of these pictures and you look so nice in them :)

  45. I'm going to be selfish and promote my own country ;) One of my favourite cities in the world is definitely Lisbon. I live 1 hour away and I always visit it when I get the chance. It's so beautiful and historical. I think you can get a little insight of what Portugal is when you visit Lisbon, specially it being the capital. Everything you could possibly need or look for is there and I always recommend it to my foreign friends :) x

  46. My favourite city is also liverpool! I live here (always have) and feel so lucky to live here, my favourite place there is town, there is very old buildings and modern ones like in the albert dock and they're all gorgeous. But there is just something about looking at the Liver birds that brings me joy everytime, I don't know why haha xx

  47. I live in the US so in summer I always get this overwhelming need for a road trip. This may stem from the fact that I moved all across the country as a child- as a chef's daughter, not a military kid- or it just might be that I have so many cool and exciting things SO CLOSE to me. Whatever the reason, I have yet to take that road trip with friends. It's just never quite in the budget. But this August my parents and I will be road tripping from our home state of Minnesota to the east coast and Ontario Canada, Niagara Falls to be exact. I haven't been to the Falls since I was a girl and I'm getting so excited to spend that time with family and old friends.
    And I can't wait to take my big girl camera along and document everything :)

  48. I absolutely love these photos! Honestly, love your blog and videos so so much!x

  49. Aww, these are such lovely pictures, particularly the one of Matt and Darcy sat on the steps. Definitely a framer!
    My favourite city is Rome, it's the most beautiful place and I just love all of the history! They also make the best icecream. Shouldn't really be a deciding factor in my favourite city, but it is, and I'm OK with that. X

  50. This post really warmed my heart, you have such a beautiful little family! I'd definitely like to visit Liverpool and create memories there like you have! :) xxx

  51. I know it's Cliche, but I love New York. Liverpool is by far my favourite city in the UK though - the people are lovely, there's so much history, great shopping, everything you could want!

  52. Lovely Photos Louise! Liverpool is a great city, I've been there a year ago & I really enjoyed it (besides the rain haha)

    you seem like such a happy family, I am so happy for you :)


  53. I would love to visit Liverpool as some of my family are from there so I would love to see how different it is to where I live! Lovely post! xxx

  54. Oh my gosh! You make me miss Liverpool I went last year for the first time I feel in love instantly!
    You took some great shots of you and your fam

  55. Beautiful photos! It's such a strange feeling being somewhere that was once so familiar and being struck by all that has (and hasn't!) changed :)
    I only dream about someday making it to England - ANYwhere in England! Haha!
    Have a lovely day :)

  56. I really love your lifestyle/family related posts, Louise! You, Matt and Darcy are absolutely adorable and I love seeing what you guys get up to! You look gorgeous (as always) and I really love your outfit! So casual but so pretty! I've never been to Liverpool, or England for that matter but it's definitely on my to-travel list, haha.

    My favourite city that I have visited has got to be Venice in Italy. I only spent one extremely hot day there back in 2010 but I was with one of my best friends and it was so beautiful. We took a gondola ride and just walked around, stopping for pizza and gelato breaks. Venice is the most beautiful place I have ever been, it is so unique and full of amazing culture. I can't wait to go back one day.

    I live in Toronto and I love it. Downtown Toronto is somewhat like New York City (though less impressive). Walking around downtown is one of my most favourite things to do during the summer. There are unique and quaint little shops, crazy restaurants and beautiful historic buildings.

    xo Emily | Honey Loaf

  57. You look so lovely Louise! Love those colours on you. Can I please steal Darcy's trench! Adorbs! So happy for you and your family, quality time like this is so good for the soul. Love these family/day in the life posts.

  58. Lovely photos.
    I love Liverpool more than anywhere i have ever been, It an amazing place. I'm a massive Beatles fan so i get excited every time i get to go to Liverpool going to see all things Beatles and waling around thinking 'oooh The Beatles may have stood where i am right now'.
    I love this post it has made me miss Liverpool and i now want to go back :)


  59. such lovely photos and story about when you lived there!
    ...also the photo of you and matt, is just so cuteeee!

    -sarah xo

  60. Your daughter has the most beautiful eyes! She seems like a bundle of giggles and smiles. Such a pretty family :)

  61. Ahh, Liverpool is my absolute favourite city in the whole world.. It's beautiful! I love how there's such a big mixture of old and new history there. Loads to see, and a city where I've made some of my favourite memories... I saw that you took pictures on the outside of The Blue Coat Building, and my dad took his piano exams there! (Little fun fact that probably no one cares about..) :)

  62. I live in Liverpool! Lovely pictures, Darcy is too cute!xx

    - Jayne

  63. You all look so lovely and happy, a real inspiration!

  64. I love Liverpool! You're such a cute, lovely family :)

  65. Lovely, Louise! You have such an adorable family. My favorite city to visit is Vancouver, BC, Canada. It's breathtakingly beautiful. The people are incredibly nice. Lots of creative and interesting things to do and see. Stanley Park is worth a couple of days just of itself. The food and shopping are amazing. The weather is perfect. I really can't say enough good things about it. I'd love to live there one day.

    xoxo Lorie

  66. As much as I do like Liverpool, Manchester will always be my favourite city.
    Darcy looked ridiculously cute with her new handbag!

  67. Louise you look so beautiful in this pictures but I also think that you look super happy and carefree xx

  68. Louise, (this is going to be incredibly cheesy, but bear with me) seeing you so happy and seeing your family makes me so happy. I don't even know you, except through the internet, but I feel all these feels! I'm so happy for you and all of the wonderful things that you are getting to do and experience. This is totally sentimental and mushy but it's true.

  69. You look so pretty in these pictures! And I really liked Liverpool when I went :) x

  70. My 'Liverpool' is Dublin. I moved there when I was 18 and lived there for 4 fabulous years before being made redundant in the recession and having to move back home to blighty and back in with my parents. I met so many wonderful people there and had so many amazing times. It's a part of my life I will always cherish. I miss it so much every day (even 4 years on) and class it as home. I'd love to move back over some day, but the job market is so unstable there at the moment and I've built a life here... It's not easy to just up and leave to move over there anymore. At least the first time I was fresh out of college with no responsibilities or ties. *sigh*

    I highly recommend people go and visit... The people are so genuine and kind,and the atmosphere happy.

    I love it.

  71. You look really pretty in your outfit Louise!

    Zoe // The Caribbean Flower

  72. I'm from and have lived in Liverpool my whole life! The new Central Library is fab isn't it?! :D

    ATA|AllThingsAnita - please take a minute to give me some feedback on my blog! xx

  73. Hey Louise, I love the pictures of you and your lil family, so cute!
    And your YouTube videos are also very entertaining to watch
    D xoxo

  74. I love Liverpool! I went there last year and I'm going again this year for my birthday, it's so weird I just feel like I'm home whenever I'm there, I live in Dublin and I'm actually thinking about going to uni there I love it so much! Lovely pictures! x

  75. awww this looks like such an amazing day in liverpool! I remember watching your 'draw my life' video so I can understand what you mean, I think it is great that the place holds so many great memories for you and that you can share them with your husband and your daughter :D xx

  76. awesome! i wanna come to liverpool soon x

  77. I am at university in Liverpool too its such an amazing city so many memories made there! You look lovely and you have a lovely family X :-)

  78. What a gorgeous city! I went to Liverpool Uni too and had so much fun there. I went back a few months ago for the first time in ages and had so much fun. Liverpool has a bad reputation across most of the UK but it isn't bad at all!

  79. I love the photos! I would love to go there someday. :)

    Life's A Beach

  80. Now I want to go to Liverpool, just to see for myself if it is as nice as you say it is. My favourite city must be Copenhagen. It's one of these rather large cities that manage to feel small, where jazz is flowing down the streets and the scent of some of the best food in the world dances along with you. But then, I'm partial, since some of my best childhood memories are from there eating Danish Pastries, the real deal, and drinking milk directly out of the box while sitting in the King's Garden. It is a park...not as fancy as it sounds.;)

  81. I'm currently studying in Liverpool! Not going to lie I agree with the things you said, it really doesn't deserve all the bad things people say and have image of the city because it is really great (really looking forward to forever21 being built too).
    It's really nice to see the places that you went to and how you feel about them because I walk down that path between the museums/library and the park too! It's really weird reading and seeing these favourite places of yours and having experienced and loved them too :). Although, I couldn't tell where you guys had lunch? It looks lovely and I'd like to try it out!
    Liverpool has such good nuts and crannies for really nice cafes and food! :D

  82. Love the photos Louise! I took two day trips to Liverpool when I was studying abroad in London a few summers ago and I loved the city. No one would go with me because everyone had heard bad things but I personally liked it more than London! Can't wait to go back at some point in my life.

  83. Liverpool is one of my dream places to visit! I have managed to persuade my parents to take my there for my 18th so I still have to wait two years!

  84. Love the photos! Darcy is such a cutiepie ^.^ I have never been to Liverpool because I live in The Netherlands, but I'd definitely love to go there sometime :)

  85. Ahhh Louise- you are the most gorgeous family!

    Daisy x

  86. Lovely post, especially as i live next to Liverpool! - Nice to see some love given to Liverpool..for once!

    I also love the dock area, very relaxing...although sometimes a bit chilly and windy haha.


    Saw this camera bag on New Look and made me think of this post! Could be useful?

  88. I go to Uni in Liverpool, (following your footsteps haha) and you always seem to be there when I'm not! This makes me sad because I would be so excited if I ran into you in Liverpool! Please go back in September when we might have the chance to cross paths haha. Lovely post xx

  89. You always dress so nice! Where is your black bag from? gorgeous!


  90. Can't believe how big your little girl is getting, I remember when you had just had her. I love that you do so much with her, as a blogger and mum sometimes people can be so rude. Someone once asked why my son was on my blog!? Anyway that pizza looks divine, massive loveage xx

  91. The greatest city on earth to me is Nashville, Tennessee here in the US. I don't live there but I really want to go to university there.. we'll see! It's an urban city with the charm of a southern town. The people in Nashville are unbelievable. There is a part of town for EVERYONE!! so much good shopping, it's just one of those place i like to be even if i'm not being entertained. i could probably go there and sit outside of a cafe and watch the people pass by and be just as content as if I was shopping or eating or going to concerts!! that is why I am in love with Nashville, Tennessee!! great place for everyone, all ages!

    -Madeline xo

  92. Looks really nice, don't see why people slate it so much. Really want to go now :) xxx

  93. Lovely pics Louise! I've never been to Liverpool, but it looks nice from your little snaps! You also look gorgeous :) <3

  94. Wow, Darcy looks the image of you in the handbag picture! My favourite city is Cardiff, the capital of my home country. It has a wonderful atmosphere and gorgeous scenery :)


  95. What a beautiful family :3

  96. I adore this, I love taking day trips like this with my family.

    Fashion and Happy Things

  97. I'm from Liverpool too, and it's so, so nice to see it getting some love! It seems to always get so much bad press and negativity, I'm always doing posts on it to try and encourage people to visit - so it's really nice that you've bigged it up in the blogging world too!!!

    Chels HumbleHonesty

  98. I adore Liverpool too! Both my parents were born in the Wirral across the Mersey from Liverpool so whenever I go there and hear the Liverpudlian accent it makes me feel at home! Even though I was born a southerner! haha
    Such a lovely post and pictures! :)

    x x

  99. is it bad that i live in Liverpool and i haven't seen some of the places in your pictures! I would love to meet you next time you are in Liverpool it takes me 10 mins on the train to get into the city center!
    Love this post x

  100. I live in Denmark, and my favorite city is our capital, Copenhagen - that's not original at all, but I've lived in this tiny little suburb my whole life, so I like spending time in a bigger town and Copenhagen is the closest. It's not like I have a perfect tourguide, cause I'm not usually there to play tourist or explore shops - I mostly do political work and visits friends. I just like all the old buildings, the shops, the restaurants, all the people, the green areas... I like walking with music in my ears just watching the world around me. Next year, I'll be educating there, so it'll probably be "my town" soon. I hope so!

  101. Next time you come to Liverpool will you do a meet up?? I live in the wirral so can't ever get down to London for the meet ups all the youtubers do but would love to meet you! xx

  102. Your family is just the absolute sweetest! I'm glad you had fun walking down memory lane.

    So happy that I have found your blog!
    I'm a mom also of a one year old lady who has a fashion blog :)

    All the best,

  104. New York was my favourite city ever when I went to visit even though it was during Hurricane Sandy, whoops! Liverpool looks like such a lovely place, I've never really travelled anywhere in the North and I only live in the South! Definitely on my to-do list when I explore a bit more and look at universities! Love you Louise!

    Lauren x

  105. I'm so glad there's someone who finally appreciates Liverpool as much as I do and doesn't think of it as a rough place full of thieves as it is most certainly not! I am from Liverpool and have lived here all my life and I love it, proud to be a scouser!

    Love you Louise! X

  106. I LOVE Liverpool. It's where I'm originally from and even though I've only been away from it for about 5 days I feel like something is missing. I'm currently in Aberystwyth for University, but nothing will ever compare to the wonderful Liverpool <3

  107. I'm glad to see some Liverpool Love! I love living here...Just started my own blog and Liverpool provides such a massive source to write about and photograph! ❤

    Great pictures and a great blog, glad I stumbled upon it, shall me reading more often

    Love Evie xxx

  108. I recently went to Liverpool too. It really was a great place. I didn't stick to just Liverpool though - I hired a 4x4 from Vehicle Hire Merseyside and went around the whole area. If anyone is thinking about going to Liverpool, I fully recommend it - but make sure you visit outside of the city too!


  109. Nice Blog, Thank you for sharing this Informative Blog. This blog is very helpful for students who wants to take admission in Liverpool University and also need
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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx