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Monday, 17 June 2013

Motivational Monday #19

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

A new week, a new start and new chance. 

Motivational Monday | Sprinkle of Glitter

I don't know about you but I'm a thinker. My mind is constantly running over ideas and hopes and worries and memories. I over think perhaps. I also dream big. I spend a looooottttta lotta time dreaming of things I want to do.

I want to paint my garage, I want to grow this blog in a million ways, I want to buy new sofas, I want to teach Darcy letters, I want to have date night with Matt, I want to make gifts for my friends, I want to do projects with my sister. I dream up all these things and take an absolute age actually bloody doing them!!

My goal this week is to DO more things and THINK about less!

I think that by doing the things we think about we will reach a level of satisfaction and feel more motivated to do more. That to me is happiness and that's what Motivational Mondays are all about.

So, what are you going to do more of and think less of this week? I love reading your comments on Mondays. 



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  1. I think about things way to much, I imagine a lot about my life too. Love your motivational Mondays xx

  2. I think this is exactly what I needed today, thanks so much. Your blogs make a difference. xoxo

  3. I aboustely adore this series! Fantastic words once again.


  4. I have a habit of doing this too, so will deffo use this advice today! x

  5. I love your motivational mondays, I've said it so many times, but it's true! This quote is 100% dedicated to me hahaha I overthink everything and end up doing nothing in the end.

    Valérie ♥

  6. This post could not have come at a more perfect time. Thank you so much Louise! This is just what I needed to hear.

    Something that I'm going to do more of and think less of is blogging! I always worry about how EVERYONE is going to perceive the smallest details, but from now on I'm going to try to just write whatever feels right instead of what I think everyone wants to read.

  7. Haha I so need to do this but I'm now thinking about thinking less and doing more! Love these Monday morning post

    Carrieanne x

  8. I am going to work out more and spend less time just saying I'm going to do it! I love this series, I look forward to it every Monday when I get into the office :)

    Lottie x

  9. I'm going through a hard time lately and i've been pondering over the same thoughts for so long this post has motivated me to just drag myself out of my little bed-den and get to doing the things i want to do, thank you Louise xxx

  10. Thanks so much for this post! That's exactly what I need to do! Great motivation, love you Louise very much! <3

  11. Thanks for this motivation/inspiration!

    Ahh there are loads and loads of things I hope to accomplish and not just think about wanting to accomplish lol. One of which I will try to focus extra on this week will be part time job hunting! :)

  12. I love your Motivational Mondays, Louise. I'm quite guilty of this but I've dedicated this summer to making some of these hopes into realities or at least stepping stones to making them happen.

  13. I think way to much, and it sometimes times gets in the way of things i want to do.


  14. This is perfect for me! Thank you for posting this Louise. I always think way too much, to the extent of putting myself in kind of a black hole, where I can't get out. This is very motivating for me! Thank you so much for being you and for being awesome! ^_^ xxx

  15. I'm so lame! I mean, I'm lacking of this. I tend to think more than doing it. Thank you for this motivational quote Ms. Louise! I need to keep moving and doing more! :)

  16. Omg i'm totally an overthinker - i need to add this on my blog, oh i definately have to go and buy that etc... I promise, i'll try to think less this week and hopefully in the future too :) xx

  17. I love this quote! I think a lot of us will over think instead of just doing stuff. I know I do, I've started randomly agreeing to go on little adventures & I really enjoy myself! I usually over think & just don't bother. Over the past couple of days I've been thinking I need to start making birthday cards for upcoming birthdays. So today I'm going to get creating some :)
    Thanks for this post Louise,really makes you stop & think. :)
    Anna x

  18. This is a brilliant quote for motivational monday.... I am such a thinker and need to actually get some of my plans into actions! This is the week!

  19. Relaxes me so much when I find fellow over thinkers I really love this idea and will defiantly join you in that mantra!! Thank you and I love you blog.

    Happy less thinking Caitlin

  20. I'm going to stop thinking so much about the school work I'm worrying about, as I know I'll get it all done. I'll also start thinking more about what I want after my education and about watching my favourite show a bit more!

    Amy |

  21. I've been putting off university research and planning for ages now; I definitely think this week ill think about doing it less and get more of it done so that in prepared and a lot less worried about it all!

    I'm feeling really motivated now after reading this; sums my lack of motivation for doing things up!
    Have a lovely week Louise!

    Hannah- xx

  22. Also, your posts REALLY start me thinking about just how precious life is and how we should reach for our dreams. I always love your Motivational Monday - it's always very motivating! :)

  23. Something we all probably have to do!

    Carina xx

  24. This is so what I do. 1000 things racing through my brain. I have recently started writing ideas down in a big 'non urgent to do when I have time' list and will hopefully start working my way through them x

  25. I really need to start doing that! Haha xx

  26. I need to stop thinking about going on holiday and just book one! Been working non stop for so long! I'm really going to try and do it today! xxx

    100 Follower Giveaway: Essie, Urban Decay, Soap & Glory, Lush!

  27. Yessss, I definitely spend more time thinking than I probably should haha, more doing less thinking! xo

    Holly |

  28. I'm literally a nightmare for over thinking everything & then never actually doing it! This needs to stop!

    Great post! :) I'm feeling very inspired now.

    Charlotte xx

  29. Yu've just hit the nail on the head. I DO think too much and waste time not actually DOING things.
    ecause of your inspirational post, This week I solemy swer that I'm going to have more fun experimenting with my sewing machine and less time worrying what I'll do with the final outcome!

    I'll also get out on my bike and thikn about where I'm headed once the wind is rushing through my hair.

    xx Gem (EDiS)

    Thanks for the

  30. ..... and I may also concentrate more on my spelling/typing skills too ;p x

  31. This totally applies to me today! I am obsessed with making lists of all the things I want to do. Planing everything out in great detail this however stops me enjoying what I do and I should just throw away the lists and get on with it! Thank for the motivation Louise! I love Mondays now because it sets my attitude for the rest of the week.

    Rachel xxx

  32. Im going to apply for a job :) x

  33. I could've written this myself! I think a lot of women will relate to this post. I definitely over-think things. I hardly ever slept until baby number 2 came along. Now I nod off as soon as my head hits the pillow as I'm so tired ;)


    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper

  34. And we love your motivational mondays :D

    I'm also a huge list-maker but slow plan implementer! haha oh my!

    Excited for your next post!



  35. I also spend way too much time thinking and dreaming. Time to actually do stuff now haha

  36. I really do love this series! I could spend hours just sitting there thinking about the things I want to do rather than doing them. I can plan and plan yet when it comes too actually doing it I seriously lack motivation.


  37. This sounds so like me. I lie awake almost every night thinking. I think it's the time I come up with my best ideas. Problem is, I always forget them in the morning. I've started to write them down now!

  38. Such a great quote :) Really did motivate me to get on and do the things that I want to xxx

  39. I'm a massive thinker too! I'm going to learn to cook more! (Bored of cooking the same meals at uni, so hopefully I can learn to make better things this summer for when I go back!) Some other things I want to do are learn another language and try rock climbing :)!

  40. I'm exactly the same louise dream big but never put enough omph into making those dreams a reality though soon I hope to ! I also over thnk way way way to much dating, family, money worries , career worries etc etc its not good for us though.I hope to start up my youtube soon to just for fun more than anything :) this is a great article louise :) x


  41. This is a great blog for Monday and it hits home in so many ways!! Thanks for sharing with us!! :)

  42. great mantra, we should all think less and do more (Y)
    Fashion Ganache.

  43. This applies to me every monday gr, but ah what a lovely post i'm feeling a little more relaxed!

    x x

  44. This is something I seriously need to work on. I have SO many lists of things I want to do...and I never DO any of them! *Sigh* hopefully one day I can do more!

  45. I spend forever writing lists of what I need to do to progress that day/week/month/year, and far less time actually putting those things into action. My goal this week is to write sensible lists, and actually complete them.

    I love your motivational Mondays.

    Bit of a Freak - Is it possible to fall in love with someone you have never met?


  46. I love these type of posts!

  47. Those first two lines are exactly what I do, too!
    I finish my first year of college this week, so I'm definitely going to work on thinking less and doing more during summer!

    Emily x

  48. This quote is perfect for me :) I'm such a thinker and this often stops me from living and doing things :)

  49. This is so perfect, I am a thinker and procrastinator so I am definitely going to try and apply this to myself this week! xxx

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  50. Thank you for this post! I have always been a huger thinker but without really doing much about it, too! Reading this has just motivated me enough to apply for a new course :) thank you! xxx


  51. This is an excellent idea - I'm EXACTLY the same!! Must start pushing myself to actually do more.

    Lynsey xx

  52. my motivation to the rest of my week! i'll keep this in mind.

    - Janine

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. i'll keep this in mind everyday :)

    Life's A Beach

  55. Seriously perfect timing, I'm getting married in September and have been so overwhelmed just thinking about all there is to do. I need to just start tackling thing rather than spending so much timing stressing about my huge to-do list!

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Wow, I've loved every single one of your 'Motivational Monday' posts! They're so lovely to read and really put life into perspective. I'm sure all your readers would agree that you blog is so so pretty and I love the layout! One day I hope that my blog is as good as yours, however i'm only just starting out! :-) I really do love to write and share my ideas and photos with others who enjoy the same thing as I'm sure most blog owners do! I hope you've had or will have a lovely day (depending on when you read this) and it would be lovely if you could follow my blog as I currently have a grand total of 0 followers! xx

  58. This is such a good concept to live by, thank you!

  59. Made me think a bit and get on with some revision!! Which i should have been doing already. Thank you sprinkle of Glitter!! xx

  60. I love reading these posts, they're great! I always think too much and it gets in the way of little things I could do. Thank you for being so inspiring and you're beautiful Louise, you're my role model :) xxx

  61. This week I plan on doing revision for my further maths and statistics exams, I also plan to start getting things ready for my high school prom on friday!
    I adore your 'Motivational Monday' series and it really is nice to see quotes and things to kick off your day on Monday when all you really want to do is grumble!

  62. Your Motivational Monday Posts really help me start my week! They're really so incredibly inspiring. I actually started a similar feature on my blog called "Feel Good Fridays" because I just love the idea of spreading good thoughts and motivation!
    xx Amber

  63. This is so true. I think I become so overwhelmed by all the things I want to do that I don't end up doing any! I reckon the key is to break them into smaller, more achievable goals which don't seem so big... Thanks for these posts Louise, lovely way to start the week! x

  64. I totally agree with this. The only problem is that as soon as I stop "doing" I go right back to thinking. I sometimes wish I could just learn how to chill out and do neither!!
    Love you Louise, favourite blogger I've found.
    xo ruth

  65. I LOVE you Motivational mondays! I was having a bit of a lazy morning today but this really got me out of bed and moving! I even got a few blog posts written! Thanks so much Louise! Your YouTube and Blog are such an inspiration :) Check out my blog for beauty stuff and a wee bit of my life :)

  66. Wow I needed this today! I have these amazing ideas but never seem to get round to doing any of them, this needs to change

  67. I really luck forward to your motivation Monday posts, they really do help me get through the week! especially as I have 4 exams this week!!

    Thank you for being so amazing Louise you are a huge inspiration to us all!

  68. your motivation Monday posts are so great. ^-^ Thank you~
    I love them. *-*

  69. Great post, definitely something to keep in mind as this sounds very similar to me :L


  70. I definitely plan too much and do not enough. Today I cracked out my sewing machine and am going to try to blog a bit more!

  71. This is so very true. Gotta stop dreaming and start believing and achieving!

    Zoe // The Caribbean Flower

  72. so true, after reading that quote i got up and went for a run, time to stop thinking about doing exercise and just get on and do it :)

  73. Loooove your blog, I found you on Youtube ...and sorry to say I've become a little stalkery lol You have an awesome personality and seem really genuine.

    Keep the good stuff coming! Sid x

  74. This happened last week, but I felt like writing it anyway. I have the best friends in the world and they've bought the cutest gifts for me on special occasions. I haven't been just half as good at spoiling. I would love to give them some great gifts, but I'm really bad at actually doing it, and it took me a half year to get my lazy ass to the shopping center - and now four beautyful gift rest on my desk. It took me a meticolous long time but now it's done - I just have to do the cards soon...


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx