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Wednesday, 19 June 2013

30 Day Snap #19 | Working from Home

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Confused as to what The 30 Day Snap is? Read THIS to be in the loop and join in.

Working from Home

I've been seriously slacking on my beauty posts of late, naughty me. Yesterday whilst Baby Glitter snoozed I made a bit of effort to catch up on what's what, photographed and planned. Felt good. 

Oh, and yes, that is a pj'd knee. The perks of working from home :)

Sidenote- I've been considering writing a full post about working from home. Is there anything you'd like to know or  topics you'd like to discuss? Let me know in the comments. 

If you are taking part in this project, tell me below! What have you done today?



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  1. I would be really intereseted in a working from home post! I would also love a video or post about editing posts & videos! :)


  2. I think a working from home post would be awesome! Go into as much detail as you want - we all love knowing that touch more about you and what you get up to. :)

    Love, Chlo


  3. Can't wait to see this post when it's finished! My questions are:
    1. what do you like best/ not like (if anything) from working from home
    2. Do you think you will always work from home?
    3. Any advice for people that want to work from home/ where to begin?
    p.s I thought the nail things were giant white chocolate flowers hahaha

    please check out my blog :)!


  4. I really want to see a working from home post! See what i've been up to today in the 30 day challenge below:


    Amy |

  5. I'd really love to know, when working from home, i know it could get lazy, is it hard for you to get off the couch or bed to go and start working? And also how many hours abouts you spend on working? Lookin' forward to this post!

    Merilin xx

  6. I'd love to see a post about working from home!xxx

  7. A post on working from home would be great! My question would be how you motivate yourself? Sometimes when I try to sit down and actually do lots of stuff for uni, I just can't bring myself to do it and end up on bloglovin', YouTube and Twitter!

    Lisa xx

  8. A working from home post would be great! Also, love the neon yellow nail polish! :D


  9. Yes a working from home post would be great! The more time I spend working in an office, the more I realise that working from home is what I want to do. A post on the more boring admin side of stuff would be so great, like paying your taxes etc! Looking forward to it :) xx

  10. I would love to find out about working from hour, would love to know if you can turn off? xxx
    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  11. Yes a post from working from home sounds great! :)

  12. jealous of your makeup collection! i would love to work at home, i love writing posts and i spend way too much time on the internet anyway! :P for me, blogging would be a dream job <3 i know it would take a lot of work, but it would be great to be able to document my life and be able to write about the things i truly love! i only do it as a hobby for now, but i love seeing when people have left comments or when they follow my blog:) one of the best feelings ever!
    Beauty/Fashion/Lifestyle Blog

  13. Do i spy a matte top coat? I hope so!
    i'd love to read a working from home post - i'll keep my eyes peeled!

    bec X

  14. I'd love to read a post about working from home! :) xo

  15. Working from home would be great for everyone, I mean who wouldn't love just rolling out of bed at anytime? My question for you Working from Home post is: If you didn't have Darcy to keep you company, would you get bored?


  16. I would love a post about working from home. What do you do? How does it actually work with having kids in the picture? How do you get it started? Pros & Cons? etc. etc. I would love to hear your thoughts.

  17. I don't know what I want to do for the rest of my life, so that post would be really helpful!

    I had a final exam today! But I didn't study that much, I hate sociology!

    love your photos ♥

    Lots of love from Argentina

  18. a working from home post would be great. Plus, I'm new to blogging and would really love to see a 'blog tips' post

  19. I would love to know how you take your photographs and where you photography set up is, because I always find it hard to find places to actually take my photos!

    MissBeccaBeauty xo

  20. This photo is all too familiar! I would love to know more about your structure and schedule when it comes to working at home, like, do you set a certain time of day specifically for work or just do it when you feel most motivated? (I tend to go with the latter!) Hope you're having a lovely week Louise :) xx

    Leanne | Seeking Serendipity

  21. Same here. I'm a beauty bloggin' mommy, working from home. How do you deal with baby Sprinkle when she want attention while you're working?

  22. Would love a working from home post! Working from home as a full time blogger would be my dream job but there must be some downsides? xx

    Heels forever

  23. Yeah you should definitely do that post, it would be really interesting! xx

  24. I'd love to read something about how you structure your day when you're working from home, especially when Darcy's home! :)

  25. you have the perfect job! and that post would be brill:)

  26. Yes, would definitely love to see a work-from-home blog post! Echoing the others, would love to know how you balance work and home life.

  27. I'd like to know something about working from home: how many hours a day do you devote to work? I'm curious to see if it's a full 8-hour day or not. I'd love to work from home once I become a full-fledged freelance writer :)

  28. AH! I'm so jealous of the pj's.....definitely a great perk of working from home! I wish I were in my pj's right now!

    Maybe a post on your favorite camera...favorite settings...maybe the way you like to edit your pictures

  29. I'd like to know how you concentrate with that gorgeous little one running around??

  30. I love that green and orangee nail varnish, and cannon camera. I would love to read and watch a video 'Working from home'. I am not going out person, prefer to stay home therefore was looking for work from home. I read your blog every single day than any other bloggers because I love the variety of your blog.

    It would be interesting to find out how did you felt for the first time of working from home? Can you seperate the work from private life? Do you have a seperate office/room or just a corner office table? What sort of things are important and less important? What is the most important thing to do/to have/to make sure whilst working from home?

    Have a lovely the rest of the week and weekend.

  31. I'm loving this 30 day snap thing! xx

  32. Hello!! *waves
    I would love to know how you manage to work from home with a toddler. My son is 2 in September and I find it so hard to write posts during the day, they have to be fitted in in the evenings and weekends. I find it hard because this is the time I want to spend with my hubby and son so I would love to know your routine and how you manage to be a blogging goddess! ;)

  33. It would be do nice to work at home, especially doing something you love SO much, like blogging. I know, I know, I'm only a teen, and I'm talking about work, but to earn money from my blog and to be able to just sit at home a work on it peacefully, would be an absolute dream! I would LOVE to see a full post about it! :)

    Lauren x

  34. That would be awesome if you did a post about working from home! I also work from home so I would love to read how a typical day for you would be and how to grow your blog and be able to make a living off of it or something like that lol :)

  35. I would love to hear you challenges of working from home as well as some tips on what you do to manage it. I love your 30 day snap too! I might do it next month :)

  36. I would love to see a working from home post! I've been at work since 7:30 this morning sitting behind my computer and figuring out ways to pass the time...besides working of course :)

  37. bed blogging is the best :) haha

    Imogen - A rendezvous with you

  38. I would love to read a post about working from home and how and what you do! Also, maybe some tips on a blogger just starting out as I know there's quite a few girls (and maybe boys) who are in that position at the moment! Please could you have a look at my blog too?
    Thanks Louise, love Francesca xx

  39. Ugh I wish I had all those nail polishes!!!

  40. I find it so hard to stay focused whenever working from home.

    Carina xx

  41. I'd love to see a working from home post, especially one with tips about how you seperate work from home when you don't have a specific office space. I have major issues with that, and with my family thinking "Oh she's just on the computer" and not "Oh mummy's busy working"

    Fashion and Happy Things

  42. A working from home post would be great. How you keep focused, your set up all that sort of thing would be great

  43. I would love to read a post about working from home as I enjoy my job, but want to know what options I will have when I get older and want to start a family.

    Love this photo and can't wait to see the nail polish post.

    Lorilee xxx

  44. Would definitely be interested in a working home from blog ♥

    Holly |

  45. I'm taking part, love your blogs louise! <3

  46. I have this sorta day planned for tomorrow haha. Another great post Louise.

    Im taking part too.

  47. It would be great to know where you work from, do you have a special area dedicated to working and what sort of things do you have around you when you do :)


  48. so many products... so many posts! i know how you feel.

    - Janine

  49. Oh yes, do talk about working from home please! I just started a youtube channel myself and I need help with the balancing of my time that I do have while little one is asleep. I have a 16 month old and I'm having trouble finding time for everything all while trying to loose weight!

  50. Love the look of that lime nail varnish!

  51. I would like to work from home!! xx

  52. you should defiantly do the working at home post!

  53. OOh Please write a work for home blog post, how much do you get paid, how do you get paid? Is it enough to help pay toward bills, mortgages and general life?

  54. I would love to know what you are doing when you work at home it is so intregging, but mainly i am a VERY nosy person hehe. xx

  55. I definitely would love to see a work at home post from you! It would be very interesting.

    A Bite of Glamour

  56. Great picture - when I blog I am usually just surrounded by things I need to photograph etc! I would love to read the post on working from home! :)

  57. Working from home, such a great thing and then sometimes so hard to motivate yourself - or is it just me? How do you overcome the urge of just getting a cup of tea, a biscuit and sit in front of the TV?

  58. A working at home post would be perfect! Specifically how to avoid procrastination when working at home :) x.

  59. I would love a post on working at Home. Is it as fun as it seems?

  60. I really like the idea of you doing a post on working from home! It would be lovely if you could just talk about how it happened for you, sort of what really enabled you to be able to work from home rather than having to go to work elsewhere.

  61. haha! working at home or from home is awesome! I would like to read about it!

    My day was such a special day! It'll be one of my memorable day in my life :)

  62. Hello Louise :)

    I would really love to see blogging tips. Of Course there is no remedy for being successful, but everyone could use a tip or two on what not to do, or what to do :)

    Love Dunia

  63. Louise I love this picture! I'm obsessed with reading your blog and am loving the 30 day snaps!


  64. I work from home and I find it easier when I have structure and I'm in my office at set times, so it's more like work- my job probably isn't as exciting as beauty though haha! Love to see a post about how you make it work for you :)

    Ellinor x

  65. I would love a working from home post! I find it really hard to stay focused on work when I work from home (youtube and blogger are much more interesting than work ^.^) any tips you have on how to stay focused when you are in your most comfy setting would be really helpful!! xoxo

  66. I really love seeing your 30 day snaps! I really wish I could have done it during a more exciting month of my life lol but I love reading yours! I would love to know what it's like to work from home as it may be an option for me soon!
    If you're interested take a look at my 30 day snaps:

  67. Yes I would love a blogpost about working from home! x

    Look like fun! (:


    instagram: ilovekoffee


  68. A post about working from home would be lovely!
    I'm loving your snaps and I adore your blog :)

  69. Aww, how comfy! :)

  70. That is a great idea! I would like to know how to start working from home, and the different sources of income.

    I'm also enjoying the 30 Day Snap :) Hello-Worldxo <3

  71. Ohhhh look at all the lovely goodies that surround you! Feasty for my eyes! Would love a blog post on working from home!

  72. I've gotta say, I'm really enjoying this Thirty Day Snap! I would also absolutely LOVE to see a working from home blog post! I definitely really just want to see the ups and downs- the things you enjoy and the things you don't enjoy so much! Also if you have like some sort of office or a place where you typically work. :)


  73. Working from home looks like a lot of fun. I am very envious of your cozy pjs! My snap of the day is work related too. Great minds think alike!

  74. I think a post about working from home would be incredible!
    My questions would be: are you able to support yourself just by working at home & does it ever get really hard to sit down & WORK because I know I get easily distracted at home (especially in my bedroom!) Haha. :)

  75. Hello. I am Nicole and I have recently started a beauty and fashion blog and I would love it if you would check it out!

  76. Would love a working from home post :) Loving all of these photos xxx

  77. I love these little snaps. They are a fun concept. And yes, I would love to know more about how it is for you to work from home, how you got started and the hardest/best things about it.

  78. I love staying in my pajamas all day! I'd love to read more about you working from home, Louise :)

    Rachel is Elsewhere

  79. I would love to know more about working from home I take it you job is a beauty blogger and youtuber, I hope this question isn't to intrusive but, Do you think it's a long term job? and Is the money stable enough? e.g would you still need other incomes coming in? I was just trying to think of it in a realistic way and I would love to know what you think on it. Thanks.

  80. i would love to work from home xx

  81. A post about you working at home would be awesome!

    Life's A Beach

  82. I would love a working from home post! especially on how you keep focused. I would get so distracted if I were to work from home.

    love this post :)

  83. would love to read a post about working from home, that would be awesome!

    xxx Jo Betty

  84. That would be interesting to know how you organize your process, especially how you concentrate, cause it's usually a lot of things to do at home.

  85. I would love to know about working from home... the blogger work side of things rather than just a hobby

  86. I really want to try the CC cream... I love when we see all the products you use!!

  87. I would love to hear your post about working at home, mite be some tips in there to help me when uni comes round, for distractions and everything!

    Pipp xx

  88. Yes, make a post about working from home! :)

  89. I'd love to hear all about your working from home story and I'd love to know how long you blogged for, as a passion before it became a job? I know you still love to blog, so it's not meant in any horrible way, I'm just curious as I'm currently blogging and loving it but we've come into some money troubles and I was wondering if I could use my blog, love and passion to help. Thank you xo

  90. I would love to hear about working from home, I seriously wish I could do the same, but my blog just isn't as popular as yours! and I'm too scared to make a youtube!

    clair xx

  91. I'd love to hear about how you work from home! I've just recently started doing the same!

    Maryam xxx

  92. Knowing the basics can help parents better understand their baby's needs, promote healthy growth


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx