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Thursday 17 February 2011

Lou's Reviews :: Liz Earle Toner and Moisturiser

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Do you remember when I posted about my love for the Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser HERE? Well, those crazy gals at Liz Earle were kind enough to read my review and then send me the next two steps in the range, which I was over ze moon and zo stars about now that I'm such a convert! Eep!

(How professional is that? I do think Liz Earle have excellent PR)

I was generously sent a bottle of  Instant Boost Skin Tonic and a jar of Skin Repair Moisturiser (for dry skin).

Instant Boost Skin Toner

A while ago I asked you all what the point of toner was, so it was good luck that you all answered before this product arrived, otherwise I'd be fumbling around in the dark for something to say like a blind mouse.

I have been informed, by none other than you clever Bloggerinos, that the purpose of toner is to remove any remaining yuk from the skin, close the pores and prepare your skin for moisturising. Now that I know this, I am much more inclined to use toner and much less clueless- thank you!

I love this toner. It doesn't smell the same as the Cleanse and Polish (which is a shame because I am in love with the fragrance of that one), but does still smell mature and sophisticated. I go through phases. Sometimes I like the funky vivid smells of Lush Whoosh Shower Jelly and Snow Fairy, and sometimes I like a more grown up scent.

The packaging, like all of this range, is very bathroom friendly- pastel greens with unoffensive silver writing, lovely. Also, I like the cap of the bottle. Rather than take the whole cap off, you twist the lid and tada, a little nib where the toner comes out of, allowing you to control the flow of product and prevent wastage. A bonus in my books.

I have only ever used one other toner before (Lush Breath of Fresh Air) so I am by no means an expert in this field, but I know what I like, and I like this. It feels refreshing but doesn't make my skin tingle and it doesn't leave me feeling all tight and horrid- this is a big thing for me because my other one does leave me running for the face cream post haste!

I can't say I noticed that it removed any remaining yuk from my face, but I really do think this is because the Cleanse and Polish kit deals with everything and does such a good job that there is nothing left to remove.

Phewf, who knew I could talk about toner for so long?! Sorry!!

Skin Repair Moisturiser

I'm in love. Fact.

I used to use Lush Dream Cream religiously because I enjoyed the thick, non oily consistency. Then Baby Glitter started making my tum her home, my sense of smell went gaga and Dream Cream became Nightmare-Vomit-At-The-Smell-Of-It Cream. I had been using a Vaseline body lotion in it's place because I could bare it, but this. is. brilliant!

The scent is subtle yet fragrant- I'm yet to put my finger on it but all I can think of is that it smells 'clean'. Does that make any sense? I hope so!

This product sinks in beautifully, especially after using the 2 prior steps the routine, but I have also used and enjoyed it after a little makeup wipe cleanse (sometimes I just don't have the energy for a full routine/I'm lazy).

It leaves my skin feeling revived, soft and I have noticed my foundation sets very well over the top of it.

Win win win.

Links are at the top for each product but for the whole Liz Earle site and prices (I didn't include as they are different depending on sizes), click HERE

Have you tried these or similar products? What did you think?




  1. Have got them both, really love them :) although I have run out of the toner :( so need to stock up asap. I'm glad you like them also xxx

  2. Wow i may have to invest these look & sound great! :o) xx

  3. ooo lucky you getting these amazing goodies!! they look great =) love the review sweets. hope all is well with the run up to baby glitter xxx

  4. I think I told you the toner advice if i remember correctly, but i did get it from Liz Earle. Before this Skin Tonic (and that advice) i never used toner, I just thought it was a bit pointless but I love the Liz Earle products and you're so lucky to receive some freebies!
    I live in Leeds and theres a Liz Earle store here which is amazing! Apparently sometimes she comes into the shop! Haha :)

  5. Oh wow, so nice they sent you lovely goodies to try! So much I would love to try from Liz Earle, I here such good things, the moisturiser sounds lovely! :)

  6. I really want to try Liz Earle stuff, that moisturiser sounds lovely! But alas, I am too poor :(

  7. Have just come across this and I'm soooo gonna invest in some Liz Earle - the positive blogs on it are fabulous!!! Thanks and will be following you from now on in :)


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx