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Monday, 14 February 2011

Lou's Reviews :: LUSH It's Raining Men

Aloha Bloggerinos,

You will have seen a zillion of these, so I will keep it short, I just couldn't not profess my love for it.

This is 'It's Raining Men' shower gel from Lush and is from the limited edition Valentines range.

I took the picture from Google Images because I can't bring myself to waddle upstairs, take some pictures, upload them, ra ra ra. Will you ever forgive me/the bump?

This shower gel smells exactly like 'Honey I Washed The Kids' soap and I LOVE it! I'm much more of a shower gel than block of soap gal, and I'm really into sweet honey smells at the moment so this is just perfect for me.

It lathers nicely, makes me feel all cosy and happy and the scent lingers- what more could you want?

I'm afraid I can't give you a price because the UK site is still down and the USA site doesn't feature it, so it's a good excuse for you to get down to your nearest store and grab one before they all go! I've had mine a few weeks and am using it very sparingly...I may need to purchase a backup....

Have you tried this? What do you think?




  1. Actually this is the first review I've seen amoung the 80 or so blogs I follow; unlike the new No 7 mascara.

    Btw, from the order from [download from website] 100g is £4.95, 250g is £7.95, and 500g is £14.25

  2. Aw of course we will forgive you lols! I love lush and this looks like a definate weekend purchase! :o) xx

  3. I wonder whether they'll still be selling these after today - if so I have to stock up!

  4. I have heard so much about this - will def have to try it!! Loved Snow Fairy, so hope this is just as nice (or nicer) xx

  5. I love Honey I Washed The Kids so this one seems to be a sure bet for me!

  6. My boyfriend got it for me on Saturday and I've used it 3 times since :P Yum, such a nice sweet smell.. And feels very luxurious too..
    Actually, I might do my own review on it! :)

  7. ive got this and am yet to use it but it does smell lovely :)

  8. I really want to try this - I keep seeing reviews about it everywhere! :(

  9. I would love to get my husbent to use stuff like that he just likes to shower white reg. soap but i still try lol


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx