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Monday, 7 February 2011

YouTube- IMATS Haul London 2011

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I have finally uploaded my IMATS Haul and thought you might like to see it. If so, click on ze link below ze image. One day I will work out how to hyper link!





  1. Fantastic video! I want it allll! Well not the Sunset Pallette, I already have that :P I'm so jealous you got free lip tars, I loooove those things! I'm not impressed by Sleek at the moment, the products are excellent but the way thye conducted the sale was appalling. I guess in a way it's good she didn't treat you differently even though you had a press pass :/

  2. Very Enjoyable! I hope you write more on this subject! I found your website perfect for my needs. Thanks for sharing the great ideas. I hope you write more on this subject!

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Sprinkleofglitter xxx