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Monday, 14 February 2011

YouTube- Pregnant/Curvy Girl OOTD Casual + What's in my Hospital Bag

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Happy Valentines Day! Did you get something nice or are you anti smooshyness this year?

I have uploaded two YouTube Videos that I thought you might like to check out. One is a short Outfit Of The Day for a Casual look and the other is what I'm packing to take to the hospital in a few weeks for the delivery of Baby Glitter- oohh it's close!

Thank you to everyone who gave me ideas and inspiration for upcoming videos, it's always greatly appreciated and goes in my notebook :)




  1. Bazookas!!!
    Haven't watched the vids yet. It will be my bedtime viewing, later on.
    Hope you're doing OK honey; you're looking well.
    That must've been scary having to go to hospital the other day. So glad you are both 100%. How's Matt doing after the car accident? Lummy, I am SO far behind!!
    Big hugs, Z xx

  2. I love your videos, your voice is so soothing, is that weird? I just really love listening to you talk haha.

    And they are making me so broody!

    Lovely vids


  3. Loved the what's in my L&D hospital bag. It made me chuckle lots. I've just ordered myself a bag so will be starting to pack soon. Oh the excitement!
    Hope you are well and enjoying your maternity leave. x


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx