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Friday, 11 February 2011


Aloha Bloggerinos,

Today I'm announcing the winner of my Belated 1000 Follower Lush Gift Set Giveaway. I'm a couple of days late but have good reason- I've been in the worst pain ever and ended up in hospital!! Drama drama drama! In a nutshell, Baby Glitter and I are alright, although she is in a funny 'back to back' position and I've strained my stomach muscles (lordy knows how!).


So, thank you to every single Bloggerino who took part, I've loved reading your hopes for 2011. Passing exams, getting good jobs and passing driving tests seem to feature heavily in your goals, and I have taken note of your video and post requests.

Of course there could only be one winner, who was chosen at random, and she is...drum roll please...


Emma said:

This year, I have a busy year planned and I hope to achive all that I have planned! :-)
I am aiming to save for a deposit on a new house, go on a lovely holiday with my boyfriend, also go to Dublin with a friend, also go to V-Festival again this year!Plus.... Go to The Fat Duck Restaurant! Whoop! Now I just need to find the money to do all those things!!

Emma I will be emailing you today to find out your address and get your Gift Set on it's merry way!





  1. congrats to Emma and thanks for this giveaway !

  2. Congrats Emma :)
    Also really glad to hear you and baby glitter are both doing well after your scare, take it easy xx

  3. wow.. congratulations Emma on winning such a lovely giveaway.. im jealous :D


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx