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Monday, 22 September 2014

Behaviour || Motivational Monday

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Did you all have good weekends? I gave a speech about YouTube at a convention for my Dad's work. It wasn't my usual audience (hello huge room full of over 50's men) but it was still quite fun. Then, I headed over to Sloane Square where Miranda Sings was performing and filmed a super hilarious collab with her which will go up soon! Yay!

This week I wanted our Motivational Monday to focus on behaviour. 

This last few weeks and months have been really challenging for me on a personal level. I will talk more openly about them eventually but for now, just know that I have been really struggling with my emotions and with trying to stay upbeat and to remain focused on positivity. I think for the most part I am managing but yanno, there are days when I just feel really cross at the world or at people or at myself and it's not ideal. 

As a result of feeling so hurt or cross or sad, I have found myself wanting to lash out at people. I've, at times, taken an, 'I'll show you!' attitude and for the people who I have felt haven't been kind, I decided I would be unkind in return. Now, by 'unkind in return', I don't mean like poisoning their morning coffee, I mean like not putting a kiss on the end of a text message or saying, 'fine' in a really harsh tone. Yes, it's true, I'm a complete lame-o. 

I spent a week feeling like this. No kisses on texts, lots of 'fine's and I didn't feel good for it. I didn't feel like the winner or like I had gained control of a situation. Instead, I felt like I had just let myself down and wasn't representing the Louise I want to put out there .

When I saw the image above, it struck such a cord with me. 

It doesn't matter what other people do or say to you, you can still be kind back. Being a good person to them in those situations does not mean that they won or that you were somehow less than them. It means you were true to yourself and that you are stronger than feelings of sadness or anger. It means that despite adversity, you can still continue to be the person you want to be and that you are not controlled or influenced by other people's negativity. And that makes you a winner in my books. 

This week, let's focus on our own behaviour. 

If your boss at work is in the grumps and taking it out on you, that's their problem to deal with. You can still get on with your tasks with a smile and a glad heart. If someone at school/college/university throws a snidey remark your way, you don't need to retaliate with a similar one, you can choose to ignore that and show them love. Often the people who are mean or unkind need the most love and care because it shows them a better way to be. 

I'm going to remind myself of this message every day this week and hope that it encourages me to make good choices in my behaviour towards others and as your homework, I'd love for you to do the same. 

Have good weeks my gorgeous Sprinklerinos!




  1. one of my favourite motivational monday's yet! hope you feel better soon louise x

  2. What a great and honest post - it's so true. I struggled with taking other people's reactions and attitudes too personally for a while (mainly at work), but now I've learnt that I just need to remain positive with hope those good vibes will possibly spread! This is my first Motivational Monday post that I've read from you and I think it's such a fab idea. So, thank you and I'll be sure to check back in order to start my often dreary Mondays with a smile! Have a lovely day :)

    Marianna x

  3. I can resonate with this so so much - it's hard to not get caught up in whatever is going on and feeling as if they deserve the same thing back. But at the end of the day it only really hurts you and you end up feeling like the bad person. It's like everyone says, "don't stoop to their level". It takes some sort of courage to not bite back, something I'm still working on.

    Jemma | Jemma In Words

  4. Loved this post! Definitely going to think of this message throughout this week ❤

  5. I totally understand how you feel. I have those days way too often and being harsh to my family and friends makes me feel so terrible. There's always a different way to deal with things.
    What a lovely and honest post.

  6. I feel ya! I'm definitely one to hold grudges with people, but definitely in a more passive 'i'm not gona speak to you for a week' kinda way, rather than one to get things out in the open.. which definitely doesn't help matters! lovely post xx

    F U Z Z Y P E A C H D R O P S

  7. I have been feeling/acting the same recently, so completely understand how you feel. Your blog posts and youtube videos always make me feel so much better and more positive. thank you :) xx

  8. Great post, this is something that I struggle with often as well. I am definitely one of those "I'm irritated with you so you're getting a one worded text full stop at the end" haha. I love these posts.
    I hope you start to feel better soon Louise! xox

    - Lana

  9. This actually relates to my week pretty good. I had a fight with my mum and we both got so mad but then I just took a minute of silence, thought about it and to the conclusion that I'd just not argue any more and rather have a nice time with her as she probably just wanted to help me :) I felt very good as I could just as easily have gone away but I showed that I could be better than that :)

    I hope you'll have a great week Louise :)
    Thanks for everything x

  10. A really good message for people to focus on, I usually remind myself that if anyone is unkind or rude that's their problem and I don't need to sink to that level of negativity. Being positive and kind in the end helps you become a better person which in turn tends to mean that positive, kind people are those who become part of your life. While sometimes it's hard to see this, take the high road, be the better person and focus on the good.

  11. This is so true, Louise. Sometimes, when someone is being unfair to you, it is really hard and frustrating to keep your head up because all you really want to do is to be unfriendly back. But like you said, if you decide to behave the same way, then you only disappoint yourself. Chances are, the person you are being unkind to does not care in the slightest.

    I worked in a supermarket this summer and it was so difficult being kind when customers were being unreasonable. It was frustrating seeing people get away with being mean. However, the next customer would often smile at me and comment on how unfair the situation had been and that made me realise that I had done the right thing. Had I been snappy back, I would have just felt awful for the rest of the day. xx

  12. Lovely! You have such a way with words. Thank you for this post x

  13. Great post, Louise. Hope you feel better soon :)

    ChrissyLilly x

  14. Super inspirational. I love you, Louise :) xx

  15. I needed this blogpost. The past week and a half maybe two, have just been really...bad and this weekend only got worse, so I;m really glad I took a moment and read this. Love youuuuuu

  16. There's such a nice message behind this post! It's a great quote!

    I hope things are all okay with you and you feel better soon. x

    // A Midnight Wonderland

  17. I love this motivational Monday post Louise! Please remember that you are not alone in the world! Everyone has days where it's sometimes safer to have a duvet day! You are a kind, loving and strong soul and if you portrayed a perfect Louise everyday I would feel that you weren't being true to yourself. Go out and shine/sparkle/glitter your philosophy and values!

    I've been watching your videos and reading your blog for some time now and you've become an inspiration for me. I'm so glad that your family acknowledge this too and know that your Internet family is here, supporting you, too!

    Big squishy hugs!

    Chez xx

  18. Yes! This is great! Reminds me of "How others treat you is their Karma, how you react is yours". It's often easy to forget and just react out of instinct. This is a great personal habit to work on <333

  19. Loving your motivational mondays!

  20. So true! I love your motivational mondays, they are all very inspiring and I can relate to every single one.

    Cylia <3

  21. I think this is a great message Louise! It can be so hard to be nice to everyone, especially when you feel that they perhaps don't deserve it, but if we all behave more like you've suggested I think we'd all be far happier. I'll have to try to start implementing this!

  22. Great post Louise! Love ya! x

  23. I adore these motivational Mondays. You are always so clever and know just what to say,and when it comes to people like me that struggle to put their thoughts into words. Love you!

  24. Thank you for this Louise!

  25. It's very true that when people are moody at you for no reason then it is best to try to ignore their behaviour because you don't know what they could be dealing with outside of that situation. x

  26. Lovely quote, very inspirational! Abi :)

  27. A fantastic quote there and one I should keep in mind more often. Thank you, Louise, I'll be putting more kisses on my text messages from now on! :)
    Hannah | The Crafty Fox

  28. This quote is the absolute truth :)

  29. Been feeling quite down as well. This definitely helped put a few things in perspective. I will for sure be keeping this quote in mind. Thanks Louise! xoxo

    Brittaney Penney

  30. Aw louise I hope you will be better soon! you're literally amazing. I'm going through the same sorta thing, so this is motivational to hear :)

  31. i love this quote!
    also, “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”

    hope you're feeling better soon, sometimes going through ruts and rough times makes you see things more clearly on the other side

    - helen rose x

  32. I'm definitely glad to see this. I've recently been going through a time of doing a lot for people only to have absolutely nothing in return when the situation is reversed. I do feel bad about it, but then at the same time I don't regret putting the effort into helping them.

    Nicola //

  33. This is a great message to send out and I can completely relate to it.

    I hope you're feeling better soon

    Take care


  34. I can totally relate to this! One of my favourite motivational monday posts you've done so far so thanks Louise :)

    Holly xx
    holly la beau

  35. Louise, you are marvellous!
    Thank you for writing this post, I think it's a great reminder to everyone to at least 'try' to be nice to everyone :)
    - F -

  36. Hey SprinkleOfGlitter. Just come across your blog (better late than never) and am loving it !!!

    P.S. What camera are you currently using ? I thought i'd ask as i'm not sure if your FAQ is recent or not

    Thanks, for being awesome !

  37. Love your motivational monday's they are always so inspiring. Thank you for all your advice.
    Bisous, Marye

  38. I am so loving these motivational Mondays! Lovely post Louise, hope you're feeling better soon x

  39. Love this post - what a great message to send out to people!

  40. I love a good motivational Monday!! It's so hard to stay positive when people around you are so negative towards you and it really pulls you down. But it's amazing how a positive thought every morning can turn your day around! xx


  41. But the Lord stood with me and strenghtened me. 2 Timothy 4:17.

  42. I have now been reading your blogs for over a month now and I cannot even begin to express the changes it has made on my life! suffering with anxiety myself for two years I never have really felt motivated or that confident in myself, but from this past month you have made me feel motivated and confident. So thank you so much xx

  43. Excellent quote and one I'll definitely try and follow this week :)

    Lizzie's Daily Blog

  44. Such a great post louise! I needed a post like this especially this week. I have had quite the year in which 8 of my "friends" did some terrible things to me and left my life so these past few weeks i've been focusing on the negative things and sending negative vibes and i find myself enjoying their misery as if it's some sort of revenge and that is so unlike me... I felt terrible yesterday when i sat down and thought about my behaviour and this just gave me warning sign i needed. Thanks for writing. It's time for a positive change xx


  45. Yet another wonderful and relatable post, I hope everything is ok Louise! Motivational Mondays are definitely one of my favourites!

    Amazzable xox

    Feel free to check me out:

  46. I love these Motivational Monday posts, Louise xx I myself have been struggling through a severe case of no self-belief. I see all these people doing wonderful, brilliant things, whether it be in university or entrepreneurship, and I just feel like I'll never be that successful. Hopefully I'll get over this and make a change for my future. I've got to try! x
    -Emily |

  47. I love reading your Motivational Monday posts. I hope you can get out of this slump fast. I tend to watch How I Met Your Mother when I'm in a bad mood and can't get out of it. Maybe try finding a show that can always make you smile because smiling naturally brightens your mood. You're such a bubbly and fun person and I can't imagine you having an "I'll show you" attitude (more like I don't want to imagine you like that). I hope this week is better for you!!

  48. Love these posts, they make me feel so lovely. I hope you feel better. x



    Just made my first blog post in fellow Louise fans wouldn't mind taking a look xx

  50. I do hope you're ok Louise! You have lots of support around you so I'm sure that whatever it is will turn out just fine :). Lots of love

  51. Beautiful motivational quote!! I like these positive vibes!
    Feel free to visit my blog:

  52. I always need to remember this, when one person puts me in a bad mood I feel like I have to spread it around to everyone I speak to. I need to be the nicer person!

  53. It's a good saying, but it's not possible to stay positive all the time, we're only human. We need to wallow sometimes (rarely) The people who truly love us can see it's not personal if we're going through a tough time x

  54. This is one of my favorites. Not only can this be applied when down, sad, or aggravated, but it can be done at all times in every day life. Thanks Louise!! xx


  55. This is just what I needed. Thank you <3

  56. i make blogs like louise

  57. Sometimes this is easier said than done! But it's something that I'm trying to do in every day life, I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels like this sometimes, thanks Louise!!

  58. I always look forward to your posts like this!! :)

  59. You are such an inspiration to me! I love your motivational-monday-posts!! :))

  60. great post louise, hope you feel better soon x


  61. Great post Louise!! I'm loving motivational mondays at the moment. You always raise some really good points! Keep them coming! xx

  62. Great post made my day reading this.

  63. Nice post :) it's true we need to brush these simple things that others do but I don't agree with the image so much :/ i think others actions DO define us. Everything we experience in life defines us! Things that have happened to me because of the choices others made will forever define who I am, you just have to move on and learn from it i guess xo

  64. I love the positivity, I would like to work on that myself. I can't wait for your collar with Miranda to come out!!

  65. This is definitely something we all need to be reminded of from time to time. Thank you for the motivation. :)

  66. Really sweet post! Thank you for sharing :)

  67. Loved reading this post! What a great motivational Monday!

  68. Beautiful post Louise.

    Growing up, my Mum would always use the phrase 'smother them with kindness' whenever my sister or I would complain about someone who had been mean or insensitive to us. I use this every day and find that often people will realise their errors if you don't stoop to their level.

    Emma xx

  69. Very true post! I really like that quote and I am trying to life by it :)

    You will get through whatever it is Louise, I am sure of it!!


  70. Anyone who's ever rude or unkind are dealing with a battle of their own - that's how I like to think of it. It's them, not you :) And my forever-going mantra is "kill them with kindness"!

  71. Thank you for this lovely post Louise.. It's exactly what I needed :) Keep being you, because you are awesome! xox

  72. I really needed this Louise. Someone was mean to me at work today and I literally had a good 10-minute cry... I have had anxiety attacks and I've cried, but not as hard as today. Today, I wasn't anxious. Today, I was upset. I kept asking myself why it was necessary for them to be in such a way. Why was it necessary to be rude when I was simply sharing information they may or may not have already known. I guess it just completely got to me today because it's been building up for a while and I just lost it I suppose. I was also in a very PMS-y mood. Darn Mother Nature.

    My therapist told me today that sometimes, I need to do what's best for me first. If taking myself out of the situation is what's best for me, then that is what I need to do. I need to forgive myself for it even though I feel like I'm giving up. Here's to hoping I can actually achieve this goal. Thanks again Louise. You're such an inspiration.


  73. I really love this blogpost, it's nice to know that someone else feels the same way. I have found myself doing exactly those things recently and it's just made me feel worse causing a never ending spiral of negativity! Maybe I'll have to take a sneaky look at that picture each morning to remind myself to be better behaved!

  74. I love this blogpost. There is so much truth in your words and you inspire me to be a better person. Thank you for that. :)

  75. Great read and some great wisdom Louise. Sorry to hear that you're having a bit of a time. I am as well. I keep reminding myself that like all things, this too shall pass. Sending good vibes to you!

  76. "Being a good person to them in those situations does not mean that they won or that you were somehow less than them."

    I think that this is amazing, and so many more people could be better from hearing this. I often am often asked by my friends how im so forgiving to one other friend particular who they are not as good friends with and i never really knew the answer. However, this post has given me the answer that i could never put into words myself, that is not you letting them win. rather you choosing to not let that negativity affect you. so thank you i dont know how this could have been written any better xxx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx