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Monday, 8 September 2014

Inadequacy || Motivational Monday

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Never blog in anger. A classic tip that I happily dish out to discerning new bloggers and one that I had to remind myself of yesterday after I (very eloquently, I might add) wrote about feeling so very stung by someone. 

After a while, I realised that they hadn't hurt me, I'd let myself be hurt. You have a choice. You can choose to take onboard what other people say or you can choose to simply hear but not listen. 

I don't like to use my blog or social media in general as a space to moan or begrudge, I prefer instead to use it as a highlights reel of my life, a place to share the good, offer encouragement and provide relatable inspiration for anyone who finds themselves looking for it. 

Some of you might feel the same way as I do at the moment and so I thought it might be nice to talk about it and discuss the ways we can deal with it. 

I feel really inadequate. 

I feel almost inadequate to admit that I feel inadequate. I feel like it's weak to say that I don't feel good enough. I don't quite know why I feel like this at the moment because by all accounts, everything is going fine. I'm healthy, my home has just been decorated, my Daughter is a dream and business is booming, but still, I don't feel like I'm fulfilling what I should. 

I feel like my blog should tackle better topics or that I should care more deeply for relevant subjects. I mean, I only learnt about feminism last year! Until then I just thought it had basically been solved and that woman had equal rights and we can achieve our goals and yadda yadda. 

I feel like maybe I should be making videos that aren't about the 'fluff' that I usually chitchat to you about. I feel like maybe I should see the world and take in some culture or do something impressive or learn about something very complex or just do something that someone will say, 'Oh did you hear about what Louise did?'.

I have always enjoyed writing blog posts about little bits of babyhood that please me or trinkets that I have found and thought were pretty- you know, the sweet moments of life that are to be treasured but aren't exactly earth shattering. I enjoy making videos about new clothes and shiny lipsticks and fun hair accessories. I don't know how to do special camera work and I don't know what makes a good edit. I'm not on the cutting edge of journalism. I'm not really a 'cutting edge' person haha. 

Does this make me inadequate? I'm starting to feel a tiny bit like it does. 

I promise you this isn't a pity party and a desperate bid for you all to feed my ego and stroke my hair (although the latter is always welcome), it's just a sad (and hopefully misguided) little realisation that maybe the things that I do are not as respected as I thought they were. 

With all that in mind, and because I like to find a positive (I'll always find one dammit, no matter how dire a situation), I've decided to make this week's Motivational Monday about doing what you love. 

I'm not fully feeling it myself yet but I'm aiming to consider it all week long and will get back to you on Monday with the verdict. 

Do what makes you happy. Some people are made happy by travelling the world with only a diana camera (no memory cards for them, they are far too earthy for that) and a pair of fair trade sandals. Some people are happy spending their money on photo frames and makeup brushes. Some people (I'd say most) are happiest somewhere in the middle and all of those places are OK. 

This week, your homework is to do all the things that make you happy and be happy in those choices. You can choose everything in your life. You can choose what you do, who you spend time with and who's opinions you take on board. 

Yes then. 

I realise today has been a little all over the place, it's a mirror image of my mind at the moment. Apologies. 

This is the part where I encourage you to talk in the comments and usually I ask specific leading questions. Today I don't have any specifics, I'm all wobbly and confused like a drunk squirrel. Run wild and free and write whatever you like! I love you a lot and know it will be excellent. 




  1. I loved it! Thank you so much!

  2. Great post, love the quote

  3. You are a mummy & wife as well as blogger, youtuber - the first 2 are hard enough and time consuming, cut yourself some slack and only blog when you enjoy it. You are such an inspiration Louise!

    AshleighAilsa |

  4. We all have days like this, but let me tell you Louise you are not inadequate at all, you are brilliant at what you do! Also you're a hilarious person who makes people feel very happy. :) x

  5. I completely relate to what you're going through. But I think we both have to realise that we can't do absolutely everything but you can do what you can do with absolute passion and a willingness to learn.

    I only became a feminist in January and until then had rolled my eyes at all the tumblr posts about it. Now being a feminist is a core part of my identity. We can consider ourselves lucky that we didn't really learn about feminism until later in life - it means we've been lucky in that we've not experienced a lot of sexism. I think I used to think it wasn't a problem and that people were overreacting, but education is so important and reading other people's stories and realising that girls all over the world are abused and punished just because of the genitals they were born with has to solidify. Every woman deserves to not feel judged or be harmed because of their gender/sex and because I've never been I feel the need to fight for those who have.

    Sometimes happiness and contentment leads to worry and fear and not feeling special or good enough - at least that's how I feel. I spent years being miserable and sad and grieving (I think you felt similarly) and now I'm 22 and I'm fine. Life's technically good and I have nothing to complain about, but it doesn't feel like enough and I don't feel like enough.

    There's nothing wrong with fluff - happiness is fleeting and it's okay that buying little trinkets or knick knacks makes you happy. I think the way you like to find meaning in life and want to better yourself are beautiful qualities and quite rare these days.

    I'm glad you feel like you can talk to us & I love that we share a lot of the same thoughts because I feel like I belong somewhere else sometimes.

    erin //

  6. Aw Louise I completely relate to this as I feel the same! There's this niggling voice in the back of my head telling me I need to be more successful, I need to be planning my wedding and blogging more and buying a house and sorting out motherhood and why do I have all these goals if I can't reach them and it is SO frustrating! I think we are guilty of putting too much pressure on ourselves, every single one of us, and we all try to squeeze it into a short timeframe... it's doubly frustrating when I know I'm the one making myself feel inadequate but can't find the strength to stop.

    Just know that you are an inspiration to so many people, I personally will consider it a success if I become half the mother and businesswoman you are and spread even an ounce of the positivity you do! These days will pass, it just takes time :) xx


  7. I needed this blog post, thanks Louise x

  8. I like you and what you do just as it is. I can see where your feelings are coming from though. Your success has come from who you are as a person and what you do and now you have a following its like a platform for even greater things but maybe you havn't figured what that is yet, and thats ok hun! I hope some inspiration comes your way to light up your way to even more greatness xxxx

  9. I love this, Louise! No matter what you do, we'll always love it. I hope you know that! Us viewers and blog readers will support you with anything, because even the most 'inadequate' things you do are phenomenal! x

  10. Your Motivational Monday's are making me very, very happy!

  11. This is just what I needed. Thank you Louise. I can always count on your blog posts to give me some sort of perspective on life when I feel like it is failing me. I'm also feeling all over the place at the moment but starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. So thank you again for this post. I've neglected my blog for over a month now after feeling tired, emotional and just run down, but have just returned and this was the first post I read and what a great one at that.

    Lauren xx

    Lauren xx

  12. You've got the way you are by being you, so changing that would be stupid

    Colourful Stuff | Beauty, Fashion, Life ♥

  13. This speaks from my soul. I recently feel like a constant failure. I feel like I can't be the girlfriend I want to be, the friend I want to be, the daughter I want to be. I can't seem to find things that make me happy which makes me wonder whether I am a person whose expectations are too high. I recently re-started blogging and feel like I'm constantly not putting enough effort in it, although deep down inside I know that it takes TIME. Time to get the hang of all thing HTML & blog design, the hang of a style of writing that I like (especially considering the fact that I am not a native English speaker but blog in English nevertheless!), the hang of good blog photography.

    My grades are uni are not the best but not the worst, either. Yet I feel like I'm not going anywhere with it. I like my subjects and I don't think I've wasted my time at all, yet people make me feel down all the time because I am studying English & German linguistics and literature which can open so many doors, but it's obviously not as straight forward as law or medicine. I'm super interested in Social Media but when I'm being honest to myself, I want to be the one with a successful blog and a successful YouTube channel (which I'm yet to create). I don't want to be the one managing Social Talent, I want to be Social Talent. But am I good enough? Youtube & Blogging are such new fields which most people don't quite get the hang of yet which is why I don't get support for it at all.

    Everything I do makes me feel inadequate and like a failure.
    But Louise, I look up to you so much. You are so wonderfully human, wonderfully imperfect. You admit weaknesses and low times yet you manage to find a positive aspect in everything. You cherish all the good things in your life even though you might not feeling your best. Your videos are always so chipper and up-lifting, it's great to see. Thank you for being you, thank you for letting us have a little rant in your comment section when we feel like we need it.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you

    Lisa x

    1. I feel the exact same way! I study European Languages and Cultures. My main language is Swedish, but I also have French and a subject about translation. I feel like I'm good at it, not perfect but definitely not bad, but I still get responses like "well what kind of job would you have?"instead of "yay, good for you" and that really brings me down sometimes. It's hard when people don't fully support you in what you want to do. I'd love to start a blog, the idea is forming in my head of how I want it to look and what I'd want to write. A YouTube channel would be amazing, but that is really not an option at the moment, becuase I feel inadequate, just like Louise subscribed. Thank you for this comment, it's great to find out that you're not the only one in a certain situation.
      And thank you so much for the blog post Louise, and for everything you do. You always manage to put a smile on my face :) xx

    2. I already graduated from college and I also have a master's degree. I studied Japanese and English and during those five years of both uni and master I second guessed myself because all I heard from people were comments like "What are you going to do with that diploma?" "How will that help you choose a career?" I was not the best at studying nor did I want to be, but I was also not the worst. From the confident person I used to be I started feeling like I didn't belong anywhere, I started to feel inadequate just like Louise said. However, between struggling to find a job and moving back to my hometown I realized something. I studied all that because I wanted to know more about those specific cultures, because I wanted to be able to speak and understand the languages and because, if there is really something I am afraid to lose, that would be my creative side. I am terrified of that. And that choice of uni helped become even more creative. So I am taking everything step by step and slowly I am starting to see that light at the end of the tunnel again. Of course, I am still second guessing myself every step of the way and I am still not confident in my skills but slowly I am getting to know myself again. So know girls, you are not alone in this. What I'm trying to say is that, if you want to do something, start by doing little things related to that thing.

      For example, I recently started a blog because even though I work as a freelance writer because I want to work on putting more quality content out there. It's like starting from scratch all over again and that is both terrifying and exciting at the same time because, heck, I need all the practice I can get.

      Louise, you are a wonderful person and a great inspiration. I know you will have your ups and downs and sometimes you will even feel pressured by the situation but know you are loved and admired by many. And I am sure that everything you decide to do in the future, if it's done with the same dose of Louise, will be fantastic.

  14. I think this is just what I needed to read, I have been second guessing myself and my choices as of the past couple of days due to something's happening over the past couple of days. Thanks for the pep talk. And whether you realize it or not you should know just how amazing you really are. Xxx

  15. I've always felt similar; that I didn't want to die without making an impact, without doing something "important".
    But who's to say what is important? You being a fantastic mother to Darcy is incredibly important to her, and I'm sure that those who you are a role model to find that you have already impacted them. I, personally, find you to have taught me to always be my goofy, slightly weird self, and people will love me for it.
    Never second guess yourself. If you are happy making videos about makeup and baby hauls, then continue doing so! You are more than adequate, as are we all! (yes, you too, whoever you are reading this)

    I hope you have a better week, Louise! <3

    Shona xoxo

  16. I think this is a great post! I think its very easy for everyone to not feel like they are bringing something to the table, even though they are! & i can understand that you might not think its solving world problems, but so what? You do bring SOMETHING to the table and thats the important thing. I think you are great and a good role model for people to look up to. Plus I think everything you write, talk about and film is important and dosent make you inadequate because you bring happiness to peoples lives. And thats pretty awesome! Im sure alot of people would love to do this but are maybe un-able or dont have the tools to do it on the scale that you can. So dont worry :D we all have bad moments ;)

    Hayley xx

  17. I don't think anyone should feel, or be made to feel inadequate for anything that they do, like you say as long as it makes you happy then let it!

  18. Wow, I feel like this really speaks to me... Maybe not specifically in the same context, but my parents have been bugging me about the degree that I'm pursuing as if I've made the wrong choice and I'm wasting my time in university going for a degree that's going to end up useless.

    I've come to really doubt myself now but at the same time, the things I'm studying are what I'm good at and I really don't want to spend 4 years studying something I hate.
    Thank you for this Louise, you're right: We should all do what we love, and make the choices that make us happy.

    And by the way, Louise? I love the content of your work, I think it's great that you focus on positive things and 'fluffy' things. I think it really helps us out when we need an escape and need to surround ourselves with happy things instead of thinking or focusing on the negativity in our lives. Your blog and videos are perfect for that and you really have no idea just how much you help us by doing what you do.

    Again, thank you so much and we love you lots


  19. Louise you are amazing at everything you do and not at all inadequate. In the past couple of years I've made some crazy decisions, some that people have not agreed on, but I've done them to make myself happy. Always aim to create happiness for yourself xx

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. are so far from inadequate. You have such a huge impact on peoples lives every single day, you help so many people by just putting a smile on their face, and that is one of the biggest things a person can achieve. You are successful, but you handle your success so gracefully, and I admire that in you. You're really great :) Lots of love Louise xxx

  22. This post is so very relateable right now. I've been feeling inadequate for the past few weeks and am struggling to see past it. I will definitely do some happy things this week though! And you are absolutely not inadequate, you are such an inspiration to me and others! Aimee xx

  23. Loved this post! I get what you mean as I sometimes feel like I can do much better and should be doing better in things. 'Do what makes you happy' is one of my favourite quotes because it suggests you should think of yourself and your needs instead of always thinking of others and making them happy (something I do a lot). The past few days my anxiety has been terrible and little bursts of happiness have been helping me through. Writing and reading is something which will always make me smile ☺❤

  24. Great post!
    Though I can't find quite good words to describe it, 'cause I'm pretty much speechless ( 'cause I've felt like this for quite some time, too ) but I guess life is just like an arrow? It goes backwards just to kick you even more forward. So I always think when I am feeling down or I don't know just not as good as I should feel, that maybe this is the beginning of something even bigger.

  25. Wow. How timely can this be? I needed this Louise. Thank you thank you thank you!

  26. We all feel like that sometimes! Writing or vlogging about your life and what you love is just as worthwhile and important as other more "serious" subjects. It's your passion and your personality that shine through and engage people. If you decided to take on more serious themes, I'm sure people would support you as you have such a huge and dedicated readership. I for one would like to see more bloggers take about animal rights and supporting and promoting cruelty free cosmetics and other household cleaning products. But that's just me. :)

  27. Please don't be too hard on yourself. You are such an inspirational person and everyone has followed your blog and youtube because we love what you have to say. Please don't think that you have to change in any way because you don't.

    Sugar Sweet Style

  28. I feel as though everyone goes though a stage feeling like this and there is no definite solution which will make it magically go away. I think the answer is to do what makes you happy and what you are good at and not to worry what others are doing or what they think. If you want to make you 'fluff' videos and if that's what makes you happy then people will respect you are doing something you are passionate about and for not caring what people will think/say. The same goes for anything you do, people will respect you if you stay true to you and do whatever makes you happy.

    I know what I will say will hardly make people instantly change the way they are thinking at the moment but I hope you, Louise, or anyone else feeling this way realises that what you are thinking is exactly that, something just YOU are THINKING and that you are feeling better and brighter soon.

  29. On the one hand I think from personal experience too that it's a positive thing to be interested in broadening the scope of what you think about and engage in - you're a very intelligent and creative person, and your desire to learn and grow is a quality to be nurtured.
    However, I think you are a wonderful example of the fact that a woman can enjoy fun things, homey things, girly things etc. AND be interesting/interested/clever. In my opinion an important part of modern feminism is making sure girls know they can like the things that others might try to belittle them for. (Like make up and glitter.)
    But even beyond that, it's so important young people know that being a person who appreciates the little things, and family, and having a normal life, is something to strive for. We shouldn't seek an extraordinary life, but instead seek to be extraordinary people in whatever life comes to us. You are an extraordinary person - and your life is the best parts of ordinary and the best parts of not, in that it has helped so many others in a way most people will never achieve.
    So as you say, follow what makes you happy and what feels right to you, because you and only you are fully equipped already with all you need to create your own magic. Thanks for your honesty, and I congratulate you on your consistent ability to reflect and better yourself! Luya lots xxo

  30. just recently started to use blogger, but ive been following your videos for a while :)

  31. You always know exactly what to say. Thank you for being so motivational and inspirational!

  32. I really loved this blog post! I guess everyone feels like this at some point of their life! And I think if everyone would do earth shattering things where would the people be who keep the daily life going? I guess there's nothing wrong in appreciating and sharing the little things that make us happy, life just needs a bit of glitter sometimes! <3


  33. Louise, I love you for being you in your videos and all social media. I think there's something authentic and 'real' about you from what you choose to show us at least. You seem to be down to earth and genuine and people love seeing that. Although you may be feeling inadequate at times, just know that a lot (and I mean a lot) of people all around the world love the little insights into your world and snippets of your life, thoughts and emotions that you open up for us to see. I think even just making one person happy with a video or a blog post demonstrates that you are not inadequate. Even the shear number of people who watch your videos or interact with you in some form shows this.
    I'm glad that you're trying to be more positive and happy. I suffer from anxiety sometimes so I know what you mean about trying to stay happy, and although it's good to try and be happy, just remember that it's ok to not be happy as well. Actually, it's not normal to be happy all the time. Otherwise you're probably a psychopath and that's not too positive ;) We all have our down days and that's ok too.
    No matter what happens in your life or how you're feeling, know that there's always people out there in the world cheering you on!
    Sending hugs from Australia xx

  34. I really needed this post today...

    I was looking at job posts this weekend and feeling completely inadequate. I wasn't able to see a connection from my skills and experience to what I actually what to be doing with the rest of my life.

    All I can do is learn. Try new things and see if they fit into my puzzle of a life. Thank you for the post!

    Much Love XOXO

  35. I love this so much - not that you feel this way, but to read what I think everyone feels a lot of the time. It's extremely hard to feel completely content with what you're doing, at times.. But I always try to count my blessings or make a list of everything good in my life when I start getting down. I hope you start to feel better because you are extremely talented and successful!


  36. I think we can all feel a little bit inadequate at times, I know I have this summer when I fell like I haven't really done anything super exciting with my time. I keep seeing all my old friends going off travelling and making their way in the world, whereas I have stayed in my little village working and just being content - but there is nothing wrong with being content.

    Lat year I chose to stay at home and commute to university as I didn't feel ready to leave home, sure this means I can't fulfil the student lifestyle to the max, but for me I knew it was the right thing to do. And it works for me, I have had so moments of feeling like I am not doing the whole student thing 'right' and that I am missing out, but actually I'm not - I'm happy, enjoying my studies and have made some great friends.

    Feeling inadequate comes down to comparing yourself against others, and in life there is always going to be that one person who can do a million and one things, but as long as you stick to doing things that make you happy - who is to question how much better you are than someone?

    What does it matter if the things that make us happy are shiny new makeup palettes and fairy lights?? You're doing great Louise! :)
    Amy xx
    Messing With A Dreamer

  37. It's funny how the brain works sometimes! Everything can be going fine, but sometimes you just can't quite feel it. Loving the quote. I can definitely relate to that at the moment, as I've made a few life choices lately to make myself more happy on the whole. One of good ones was to get my blog going.
    I think your posts and videos are great Louise. Sometimes you've just got to remember that these weird feelings will pass and go on their merry little way at some point...that always helps me :)

    Amanda |

  38. Hi Louise,
    I think for me, the feelings of inadequacy come from within but are put in front of my face when I see others doing things that I want to be doing (or think I want to be doing). But whatever you're doing is what you're doing and it's all fine. Life can be really short but it can also be really long if you hate on it all the time. It's frustrating to suddenly learn something and it throws everything you've ever known out of whack but you can't know what you don't know until you know it. A lot of times I feel like I'm so old and will never accomplish anything just because I'm bored with some of the things I have accomplished (...said as I wade through the muddy waters of a career change...)
    This is a totally rambly comment so I don't know if any of makes any sense, but I just wanted to commiserate about similar feelings with you and tell you that I love you for putting your honest thoughts out there into this vast internet for people to stumble upon. It's helpful to see real people doing cool things and not-so-cool things and to feel a connection with them and I think that's why people find you inspirational.
    That's it! Done!
    Have a good day!
    :) Alice

  39. This is 100% relatable and it's important to stay positive and understand that everyone has bad days! You are an amazing person and I along with thousands and thousands of others enjoy watching your videos. You often manage to brighten my day so just stay positive as love you loads!!

  40. I think it's 100% normal to feel like that once in a while and I actually think it might be a good thing because it forces us to refocus and change course if needed. Finding what you love is SOOO hard! I recently made the leap and decided to go back to school. It's slightly overwhelming but I'm hoping it's for the best. What stresses me out is that something we think we've made the best choice but what if we haven't?? I guess we have to have a little hope that things work out :)

  41. WOW!! What an AMAZING blog post!! Thank you!!
    Only YOU can determine if you are enough!! How you feel about you, your life and what you do should only be up to YOU and what anybody else thinks does not matter in the slightest regardless of how close they are to you (Family, close friend etc.). At the end of the day, YOU only get one life, so YOU should enjoy it, how YOU want to enjoy it/ live it and don't base it on anyone else's standards. They have their own life to lead/plan. YOUR happiness is all that matters!!
    People will always have thoughts and opinions about other people and their lives, as it is easier than actually looking at their own lives!! This is the way socialisation has been like, since time began and it is not going to change unfortunately!! The only difference that can be made to make it easier is YOU!! Stop listening to other people and just listen and hear yourself!! If people don’t agree with your choices then that is up to them!! Who Cares!!
    If you are not feeling good about yourself, just really think about what will make you happy and do it!! The key thing though is, is to take action and not wallow in your own thoughts, which your mind is telling you to feel!!
    Make the change to make YOURSELF feel happy, and don't think about anybody else's feelings and everything will fall into place!! If you want to learn a new skill, or learn about an issue/cause and spread the word, then do it!! But make sure it is for the right reasons and not because someone else thinks that you should!!
    You are such a beautiful person, Louise and what your feeling is absolutely no different to what millions of people feel!! You are not alone!!
    Sending you loadsa Love!! Xx

  42. You should definitely do what you love and what you are good at, doing otherwise wouldn't make you Sprinkle of Glitter or even Louise. You're amazing at the things you already do and share with us because it stems from love and passion. Keep on keeping on just as you are!

  43. Louise, I love your blog and your youtube channel. Sometimes listening to someone talk about what they got at Lush, or their favorite new lipstick is just what I need to take my mind off things. Your videos never fail to put a smile on my face, even if I'm having the worst day. Never think that what you're doing is inadequate in any way.

  44. I think you're doing a pretty amazing job of it all, we all have days where we're hard on ourselves but we just have to remember we're trying our best! I just started A-levels and I always feel like I'm letting down certain people or commitments but I have to remember I can't balance everything perfectly every single day :)

  45. I love this post and truly believe everyone should just do what makes them happy. I live my life by that motto! thanks for the inspiration Louise :)

  46. It's always good to spead positivity:)

    Ayesha xxx

  47. Dear Louise,
    I think you are a fantastic and nothing short of adequate (and beyond, really). You've been through a lot with your life, yet you choose to look on the bright side, and that seems to have a rippling effect throughout the world. You are one smart cookie as you have shown both through your wit and your more topical videos such as the "Youtube Culture" and when you were discussing "Beauty AND Brains".
    That being said, I do know it is easy to feel inadequate by the hand of someone else, or even yourself. It is all too easy to, especially for those that feel everything. I am so happy that you are doing what you love to do, and in the grey state of the world it provides a moment of sunshine for those around you. (and hopefully for yourself, even more sunshine)
    Love, Me

    p.s., There's always Louise-Land <3

  48. I adore your inspirational posts so much!
    ren xxx
    Blog: xx

  49. It reminds me of Alfie's "Do more of what makes you happy". And both of you are right :)
    I particularly love what you wrote about how we are in command of our mindsets, because ultimately it'll influence our emotions.

    Sometimes we have to remind ourselves to stop assessing others constantly to gauge our own self-worth. Because no matter what, we'll hurt others, and they'll hurt us too.
    It's so much easier to collect the pain into permanence & shed off enjoyment and happiness, when it's supposed to be the other way round.

    So this is my new motto, quoting you: 'You have a choice. You can choose to take onboard what other people say or you can choose to simply hear but not listen.' THANK YOU LOUISE, this is exactly what I needed today :)

  50. We love you Louise, don't forget that! I'm inspired by you as a human because you've inspired me to be a better person. These motivational Mondays, and different things you say in your blog really show me what I should be like and you're such a role model. If you're feeling a bit poo, have some hot chocolate. Always makes things better - but trust me, we <3 you no matter what x

  51. Oh I don't know you but I loved what you wrote. It changed my outlook on things :)

  52. Oh Louise! I can totally relate! I read your post this morning and I thought a lot about it. Now, bear in mind that I live in the US and I'm not sure how differences in culture and media make a difference, but as far ass your blog goes - the "fluff" that you refer to is what people WANT to read. Sure, it doesn't exist on some deep humanitarian level where you discuss war or poverty or global politics, but good lord, don't we have enough of that thrown at us all of the time? I know that here in the US we have several 24-hour news channels that just bombard us constantly with images and stories of war, and horror, and politics, and it becomes so tiresome. Escaping to YouTube to hear about your beauty hauls from stores that I've never even heard of - that makes me happy! Hearing about your beautiful daughter, your family adventures, your travels as a Vlogger, the wonderful people you encounter - it's all so positive and nice and a reminder that the horror in the world is not all that exists in the world. I don't think anyone wants to hear another person's thoughts on solving world hunger. I don't think that it makes inadequate just because you aren't answering the "bug questions" of our day - those questions will always exist. Long after we are gone, children will be starving in the third world. You are filling a need, and THAT makes you more than adequate. The need is happiness, joy, humanity, connections - you give all of that and you do it so gracefully.

    I recently started taking blogging more seriously, and it has been a fight that I have have with myself, because I am a very worldly and politically-minded person with loud opinions on social and political issues and I have days where I want to take to my blog and rant for 45 minutes about the wrongs of banning gay marriage, or how angry I am that the homeless shelter in my city is closing while new condominiums go up everywhere.... but I resist because no one wants to hear one more person's opinion on these issues. Instead, I try to focus on the things that I LOVE! Like books, and food and wine, beauty products, and clothing, and body positivity - things that other people want to hear about while they are trying to escape.

    Louise, You. Are. Enough. ♥
    Kaily at

  53. I love this post it's so relatable! I sometimes feel like this too but I don't think anyone is really inadequate otherwise we wouldn't all be where we are today! 'm sure Glitter doesn't think you're inadequate either! Abi :)
    MyW0rldMyView I

  54. we all have different talents and different areas in which we shine our brightest! these will always be different to those around us, so it's never worth comparing ourselves to others.

    louise, a large portion of your life revolves around an industry that boasts a whole array of talents, including people like carrie fletcher (who can belt out "let it go" like no tomorrow) and - of course - mister jack howard with all of his fancy film-making. but, it's never worth comparing yourself to other people. you have to remember that you are simply different people working in different areas - and sometimes even reaching out to different audiences... and while we're on the subject of youtube, i see you learning and progressing all of the time!! i mean, look at that fancy little edit you did in last night's video!;-) aim to grow in certain areas when you want to, but NOT because you feel that you have to! as the quote says, only do what makes you happy BECAUSE it makes you happy! :-D and after all, you're doing a bloomin' marvellous job of pleasing the important people around you - your family, your beautiful daughter, your friends and those who support & look up to you. don't forget that miss glitter!!

    personally, i feel like your blog (and your youtube channels) have covered a lot of brilliant topics, especially for women and young girls. you've tackled so many issues excellently, like how to stay positive, sex (ooh-er), body confidence and university... not to mention your chummy chatter series! i believe that there's a difference between idolising someone and seeing them as a role model, and i think idolising someone can be damaging. but, as for looking up to someone as a role model, i think you're a brilliant person to look up to. life isn't about what you DON'T do, it's about what you have done. and you've done one hell of a lot of brilliant things madam!

    learn and grow if and when you want to, and we'll all be so happy to see it. but don't forget that we're all incredibly happy with what you do every day. don't underestimate yourself xxxx

  55. I absolutely loved this post. It's just what I needed to hear (well, read) on a Monday afternoon when I feel like I haven't achieved anything today and I'm just wallowing in my own self pity, which I really need to stop doing. This post absolutely cheered me up and motivated me to actually get up and find something to do. So, thank you so much Louise. And by the way, you shouldn't feel at all inadequate as being a mother, wife, blogger, youtuber and everything else that you do, is bound to get overwhelming at times and you deserve a rest once in a while just like everyone else.

  56. Louise, It's so sad to hear that others aren't appreciating the work you put into your blog and videos! We love you for you! If you want to do different things on here and your channel then we'll support you no matter what you do. Honestly, stay true to you. Do what you love. If you love doing hauls, then do hauls. I know I love watching them. I love reading anything you post. Don't worry so much as to what others think, what counts is what you think! Sending love and cuddles!

  57. Love these motivational mondays, a great little pep up to the week! Totally relate to this one as well, and so brilliantly put!

  58. So much easier said than done to try and be positive but it really does work. The blogger community are always full of kind, motivational words too so you know where to turn to.

    Charlotte x

  59. Louise, I think you are fab! I love sitting down and reading your blogpost/ watching your videos, because they make me feel oh so relaxed and happy ^-^
    You shouldn't feel inadequate at all, people love you for exactly who you are!
    - F -

  60. Hi Louise,

    I'm new to your blog and this was the first post I read - and it really mattered to me! I often feel the same, especially as a mom, you sometimes feel inadequate... Am I a good enough mother? Am I a good enough wife? Why are things often so chaotic?
    But yes, I agree, you should do what makes you happy (whatever that may be) and be happy with that - just be content.
    It's hard sometimes.
    Looking forward to more of your blog!
    Heidi x

  61. Great post Louise, such a positive message :)

  62. I'm gonna tell you a little secret, and it's not to "feed your ego" but just because I think you could use a little something today - and it's a true story after all. I can't even tell you how many times me and my friends have texted each other going, "Did you see what Louise wrote? I was having a crap day and it made me smile." "Did you see Louise's video? I just wish we could be friends with her!" (FYI- the answer to all those questions is always yes.)

    I'm not going to tell you how to feel because that probably won't help much, but I just want you to know that to me, and to many more people, like my friends; you're more than adequate. I look up to you as blogger and a youtuber, but also as a person. You have the cutest little family and you're doing so well with both your channel and this blog, even if you think you should be doing something more. You definitely don't need to make videos discussing feminism or some conflict on the Middle East if that's not what you're comfortable doing. What you do, what you're doing right now, is relevant anyway. "Your art matters." (Totally quoting One Tree Hill here but it's appropiate!) And you matter to us all.

    And now I'm off to text my friends, "Girls, did you read Louise's Motivational Monday? I loved her honesty."

    Lots of hugs and positive vibes going your way! X
    Tania |

  63. I know exactly how you feel- in fact..i felt too inadequate to even comment on your blog post...there you go- i think we all feel the same...i always compare myself to others...and that never ends well. what ive discovered after starting my own vlogs is that i may not be as exciting as others but someone, even if its just one person will connect with me and love what i do- and that makes it all worth while :) xxx

  64. This is such a great post, there is nothing inadequate about your posts. Louise your such an amazing inspirational person and such a people pleaser (like my self) and I find you will constantly feel bad until you do what you want and makes you happy. This post will help so many people include myself and that's something you should be proud of :)

  65. I think feeling inadequate is something most women go through at some point in their life. But, it is so hard to read that you feel inadequate when on youtube and in your blogposts, you are one of the happiest people ever (and I haven't even met you!) and always make other people smile. I really do hope this is just one of those 'down days' people feel every now and then and you will wake up tomorrow feeling happier about your life! :D
    I know exactly how you feel though. Despite getting into university and leaving home in 2 weeks to start, the past year, I have felt totally inadequate and a complete burden to people. Quite a lot has happened and it has made me question myself and whether if I was someone or something different, then I would be happier and worth more and not feel inadequate. But, on some days, I am completely happy with how my life is going right now and so excited for the future.
    After watching your Draw To Life video, I saw how much you went threw as a child and it makes me so angry that you sadly went threw that. But to me, you are more than adequate and an inspiration to so many of us girls!! Do not let anyone make you feel that you should be blogging about other things like stuff that is in the news, do what makes you happy and don't listen to the haters out there.
    You are such an inspirational, motivational, beautiful and special person to us fellow bloggers and fans and I hope you keep telling yourself that :D
    Katie xxx

  66. I literally really needed to read something like this, thank you Louise!!! xx

  67. I feel like more people need to be reminded of this :) Thank you!
    I also hope you will be doing more of the things that make you happy!
    Lucy x

  68. Louise, if you read this, oh then wow that makes me happy :) You are an amazing mother, you tuber, blogger, businesswoman, friend, wife, and who knows what else! You are in no way inadequate. 1 Peter 5:7 says: Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you. Just remember that you got to where you are because you were yourself. And still are! Love you Louise, stay strong xx

    Meet me at:

  69. Thankyou Louise I always feel like you could brighten my day anyway but that little post has really made me think about all the things in my life and whether I am "adequate" or not! However, I have decided (with a little bit of inspiration from you) that you as a person are only "adequate" enough until you are happy and that if you are happy with life then you should be "adequate" enough. I also believe that whether a person is "adequate" is personal and only that person can decide for themselves if they are "adequate" and that nobody can judge anybody else as being "inadequate" as it is a personal thing.

    I think everybody is happy even if their happiness is at the very bottom of their heart everybody has a tiny little moment in their lifes to be happy so I feel that everybody again is "adequate" (even though everybody is human and has there down days)

    So thankyou again its been really nice just to contemplate life and meanings you have really motivated me to be EXTRA happy ALL this week! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  70. Wonderful article! I really liked your comment "I feel almost inadequate to admit that I feel inadequate." Isn't that thought the one that has us questioning what's what?

    Along with being happy with your choices, ladies shouldn't go back and wonder if their "happy" choice was the "right" one. We tend to do that.

  71. This was definitely inspiring and I completely agree with you. I think you should do what makes you happy, whether it be about all the stereotypically girly fluff or not. If you enjoy doing that, and in your case, if other people enjoy you doing that, do it! You shouldn't have to feel inadequate for being exactly who you are and doing what you love. There's literally millions of people that love you for you. We all really do love you Louise!

  72. Do what makes you happy Louise, we will love you no matter what. But you're such an inspiration this is absolutely amazing

  73. By all means, but your are definitely not inadequacte. You manage to be a wife, a mom, a blogger and a youtuber all at the same time. We all have felt the same way at least once in our life, that doesn't make you a less desirable person. On the contrary, by sharing your thoughts you prove that you are a great woman aware of what really matters in life and that everything isn't rosy. There should be more people outthere like you.
    I wanna thank you for sharing this post with us.

  74. Such a true phrase! I try and live by it, everyone should :) In the end, happiness is more important!

  75. I can completely relate. I've accidentally made myself seem like a shallow, one dimensional, stupid person to people I barely know and now they're prone to using it against me. It definitely makes me feel inadequate especially when I'm still learning things they've had 5+ years of experience in. It only recently hit me that doing what makes me happy will be the thing that gets me away from the inadequate feeling and I'm so happy that you've reinforced that thought.
    There's absolutely nothing wrong with writing about what you do and the videos you make. There are so many people out there who enjoy and relate to what you have to say and that's a beautiful thing in itself. At the end of the day though, it's your life and you're free to grow as a person, experience new things and make your place on the internet your own.

    Raise The Waves

  76. This post is so relevant to my life right now and exactly the type of thing I needed to read. So Thank You for that Louise :)

    Just a little quote that sprung to mind whilst reading your post that I thought you might be interested in.

    "You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches".- (I can't remember who it's by).

    I just had a little thought which is linked to your post. The thing is, you could produce the most groundbreaking, earth shatteringly brilliant insightful posts with amazing elements or videos with the most perfect angles and edited to the highest of qualities but someone somewhere will pick a fault even if just for the sake of it. It's a horrible trait society seems to have adopted, but it is what it is. Afterall the grass is always greener on the other side. So if you think that doing these things will make you happier in yourself then I would a 100% say go for it but if you feel like you only have to do them because it is 'expected of you' then I would say just keep doing what you're doing because I think of thousands of people who would say you're already doing a pretty great job. We read your posts and watch your videos because they are written and made by you. This may sound harsh but if we wanted all these things maybe we would go somewhere else for them? But the fact of the matter is we read your posts and watch your videos because we like you and the way you do things (I can't speak for everybody of course).

    So be happy and live your life with conviction. Be willing and open minded to consider other peoples opinions and ideals but also recognise that we are all people in our own right and entitled to be happy for whatever reason without having to explain ourselves.

    I don't really know what I'm trying to say but basically, thanks for being you. Same goes for anybody else reading this, thanks for being you and making this world a dynamic place. How boring would this world be if we all did the same thing or always did what is expected of us?

    Hope you're all having a lovely day.

  77. It wasn't until I read this post that I realised I've been feeling inadequate too.
    And I've been putting off so many things because of it.
    I guess it's something everyone goes through once in a while and rather than let it consume us we need to stop and realise that we should be doing what we want and what makes us happy and doing those things in our own unique ways. Even if those things take a lot of time and effort because they'll be worth it in the end.

    Thank you for this post x

  78. Oooh, Louise, I feel like someone has tried to dim your sparkle. You know what I think? I think they wear pink on Wednesdays! It stinks when people are like that and even though we're grown women, it still hurts when people can't appreciate the loveliness that we are. If someone felt the need to criticize the things that make you happy, maybe they are the one who needs to re-examine what they are doing in life. The little snippets of joy that bloggers share on the internet does not summarize their entire life nor their outlook on life itself. There is a lot of bad in the world and a lot of good, but so much is focused on the bad that it is a relief to go onto a blog a read/ watch you talk about fabulous stationery.
    The things that make you sparkle, these things that you share on your blog, come from a lovely heart and when you share these things, you pass the sparkle on to others. That is an amazing gift.
    You do whatever it is that makes you smile. Don't worry about anything other than that. Self doubt is something that is very difficult to outgrow, and I'm not certain if that is entirely possible; but wanting to be great at what you do is totally normal. It's fine to think about what was said and give it some consideration, but don't let it alter you completely. There is a reason why you have so many followers and it's because you're delightfully fabulous. Keep being you, kid!

  79. I think a lot of feel like this sometimes - I know I certainly do - so it's nice and refreshing to read that we aren't alone in feeling this way. I agree completely that the best approach is to do what makes you happy, even if it isn't ground-breaking. We only get so much time here, so don't waste it trying to be someone you aren't.

  80. The only thing you need to do Louise is be you. You are only inadequate if you allow yourself to think that you are. None of the people who love and care about you think that, none of your subscribers think that, or the people who watch your videos. Your up-beat attitude literally is contagious. It is totally up to you what you would like to write about, deep is always good but you can't beat a little bit of fluff either!

    We all have our down days but don't let this discourage you. Keep sparkling sprinkle of glitter! Your glitter army have your back, always!

  81. Louise, you are such a wonderful person. I love your honest posts because they make me feel that little bit less inadequate. You make me feel that even the best people have down days and to not give up on myself anymore. Even when you post about your beautiful baby or what little bits you bought from the shops, you brighten my day like a giant disco ball dancing in the sun. Thank you, Louise, for always being wonderful. Love, Eloise xxx

  82. I love your homework assignment, the idea of it--we can pick and choose things in our lives! I know it sounds so, well...obvious--but I find I often accept everything--thoughts, feelings and situations--as fate, something I have no real control over. This post was helpful, believe me. Thank you.

    from It's Really Rosie

  83. absolutely loved this. Can't add anymore but yesyesyes.

    Karina xx

  84. What a lovely post, I especially enjoy these type of posts they are just so special! I simply love the message that this one had. Happiness is key in life! If you had a moment could you check out my new post:

  85. This is such a great post. I just want to say don't feel inadequate. Your blog and Youtube make so many people feel happy all the time. Take pride in that! :)

    Thank you,

  86. Louise,
    Thank you so much for this post. I really needed this right now, and you have delivered incredibly (just like you always do). You consistently inspire, soothe, and motivate me, and I cannot thank you enough for that. I don't really have anything to offer you in return except a humble thank you and some quiet support from across the world, but I do hope it's enough. And while there is nothing I can say to take away or ease the icky feelings and thoughts you are having, I will do my best to telepathically. Even though you are not perfect or exactly who or what you want to be, you are enough and stupid things your brain makes you feel are just that. I hope you continue to do the things you love, even if not everyone else does, and I will try my best to do the same.
    From a sincere, somewhat insignificant, fan of yours, I love you and all the things you do!

  87. Louise, I truly believe you should continue to make fun videos about things that interest you, even if they are considered 'fluffy'. However, I also get the feeling you probably have a lot of interesting and valid opinions about more 'hard-hitting' subjects. You seem like a very intelligent woman and I respect all of your views.

    Because you now have an extremely visible platform that can be used to make a difference, I think you are feeling like the types of videos you started out doing don't cut it anymore. That's definitely not true, but I think anyone would start feeling that way once reaching your level of popularity.

    Your 'YouTube Culture' video proved that you can bring important topics to the table and still make a fun and interesting video. I would love to see more opinion-style videos from you, but only if a topic really inspires you.

    If you can make just one person happy, you've already accomplished something amazing. Always remember that!

  88. I totally relate to everything you've written Louise. Also do whatever you like, write what you want and make whatever videos you like. I always love hearing any of your thoughts xx

  89. At the place where I am in my life, I really needed this. I keep putting down and doubting myself. I need to think positively about myself and do things that make me happy and not worry about what others think of me

  90. oh god, this is EXACTLY to the letter how ive been feeling lately. Thank you for this post Louise, It really helps me, as im feeling the same way right now. Lots of love xxxxx

  91. I love anything you put out and it doesn't matter what content it's amazing!

  92. I often feel that I'm not good enough at life in general. Part of that is comparison to others-be it people I know or people I don't. That's unfortunately one of the downfalls of social media-it makes it easier to feel less than sometimes. I think doing what makes you happy is the best way to contribute to the world as whole.

  93. I know exactly how you're feeling Louise. I've recently moved away from home for the first time as I switched campuses of my school in my third year of college (university). Things have been okay, but haven't worked out nearly as smoothly/quickly as I'd hoped/had them go in the past, and it's been wearing down on me.
    Thank you for the simple reminder. It's so easy to say yes to many things that aren't quite what I wanted to do (though I'm okay with doing them), and then feeling like I haven't done anything for me at the end of the day. It's a strange way to become overwhelmed, but I find it happening too often. So, I'm happy to focus on that homework for this week and do things because I want to, even if it means taking myself away from the people and things around me for a bit. I'll give it a go, and I know it'll make me feel better.
    Like I said, it's simple, but it's easily forgotten. I love the quote: "The enemy of the 'best' is often the 'good.'" -Stephen Covey. So true. Good luck to you and everyone in choosing making yourself happy this week. (:

  94. Hi Louise, i'm sorry you feel inadequate and I hope you feel happier in yourself as the week goes on- far from your bl og being all 'fluff', your 'motivational Mondays' and decision to replace meet ups with your own and pretty cool way of meeting your fans are evidence of something deeper: you make little differences in our lives and outlooks and that is needed in life as well as the political/cultural/etc stuff. You are a brilliant blogger/vlogger and your love for baby glitter (can you still call her that now that she's bigger?) is evident so you are far more than adequate in all our eyes.

  95. Dear Louise,

    I think you should take your own advice and do what you love! I barely ever wear an ounce of make up and yet I watch all of your videos. I am not a mother nor do I want to be a you tuber, but I love your vlogs and you make me laugh. However, I also really value what you think about the world as I see you as very down to earth, so if sometime you make videos about feminism or something else, I would enjoy that immensely too. I remember your video on self-harm and how wisely you talked about the topic because you'd done so much research. Although this did not apply to me personally, I appreciated the deep thought that went into making it.
    Good luck Louise...I think you're wonderful!

  96. I agree with you, at the end of the day it's all about you and yourself. Don't think about how others would like you to be. We, as human beings, have to do what make us the happiest, and whatever it is, we need to do our best to achieve our goals, and spreading negativities won't be one of them. You're such an inspiration :) LOVE you


  97. I love Motivational Mondays! I can relate to this post because I'll be leaving for college in about a week and a half and I am SO afraid that I will somehow disappoint everyone or not be able to deal with the stress of it all. Although, I'm sure everyone has these thoughts before leaving for college, so at least I know I'm not being completely crazy haha. I know I will get used to college eventually but until that "eventually" I will probably be feeling very stressed and inadequate myself!
    But I really hope that you realize what a great person, mother, blogger and vlogger you are! :)

    Kendra | It's a Bug's Life

  98. You're actually so inspirational Louise ! ♥

  99. I find your posts very inspirational and I have to say you just made my day today. Spread some love....x
    Nika's Beauty Land

  100. Life is short, i have to do what makes me happy before it's too late. Thank you, Louise! ♥ I get what you're talking about, but i'm sure we all have place for improvement, so do what you love like you're telling us and i'm sure everything will be fine.
    “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
    ― Mother Teresa
    x Rita

  101. I really love your motivational mondays! And it does not always need to be all structured and professional! Especially on your (!) blog! We're all here to support you and one another and I always find your motivational posts helpful. They are highly appreciated Louise!

    I hope you're feeling better!
    Just know you're loved.
    xx Katharina

  102. Louise! You really inspire me to think positively and to enjoy everything I do! Writing my own blog has really improved my confidence in an amazing way and that is thanks to you and Zoella!

    I love you!!


  103. Hi Louise !

    These Motivationnal Mondays are really inspiring, thank you for that. And I really love your honesty about how you feel. But you have to know that we love your videos, we love your blog posts, and as far as I am concerned, I think I would love it whatever you do, because you do it your way, with you sincerity and a bit of glitter.
    And I am not sure if anybody is inadecuate. It's just a feeling, by being yourself, you are adecuate. I know I am not very clear, but what I am saying is : be yourself, do things how you want to do them, and we'll still be supportive.

    Thank you for all of this <3

  104. Thank you for this post, Louise! You inspire me a lot. Never stop what you're doing. Lots of love from Romania! x

  105. Louise, I think we all (and that includes you) know how a great woman you are. Even if sometimes you don't feel like it. You are a mother, a wife, a friend and a person who actually inspire other people, something that, I think, is the best thing someone could ever do. You help people, you do even when you don't actually mean to, because sometimes people just need to escape from their worlds and sit there watching some videos about a strong indipendent woman who does whatever the hell she wants, just because she can. I'm not gonna say "don't let people bring you down" because we all have those days, but just let me say, that whenever I feel down or someone makes mean comments about me or someone has something to say about what I do or the person I am, I just think "what would Louise do?" and somehow everything gets better, because you are kind and honest and loving and caring and that's something that right now, in the kind of society we live in, it's soo important. So what I wanted to say, is that it's ok to feel down sometimes, just remember that you have become a role model not for what you do, but for who you are, and that's something that will never change.

  106. While I think we should all strive to be educated and aware of current events, and not ignorant of the world around us, and while I think sometimes the people in the Youtube community aren't particularly good examples of this, it is not your job to educate the world. The world needs entertainment, and tips about the more "shallow" things in life like makeup. In any case, I think that you, Louise, do your fair share of helping improve and inspire peoples' lives in ways that go much deeper than the shallow. It is wonderful to have someone to look up to who is in a more settled time of life than lots of other Youtubers. It shows us younguns what we can hope to achieve. Don't put so much pressure on yourself!

  107. Hi Louise, I have been reading your blog and watching your youtube video's for a little while. I stumbled across your channel one day completely unaware of blogging and the like. ( I think im getting old, not down with the kids hehe!) I felt instantly cheered up by your funny tales and quirky interesting personality.
    I think everyone from time to time feels as you have described, outside pressures lead us to over think and put pressure on ourselves. But i think even making one person smile means you are making a difference, everything always gets over complicated. Just being you is why you have so many followers.
    I hope i get through to you, even though you have so many messages. Hellloooo im down here at the bottom hehe!
    Love Charlotte :0)xx

  108. I love you. I thought you should just know that. Keep that hidden away or something. I think everyone goes through that bit of life every now and then and that's fine! I think it's also important to find at least one positive thing at least. I've been slacking on my blog because of work and school and it's all so much all at once. Yikes.
    Anyway, I love all your posts, you're great!

  109. Hi Louise,

    As we are around the same age, I think at this time in our lives it is really easy to feel this way. Even with all you've accomplished (and I speak for myself as well) you often just feel like you should have and be doing MORE. I think in modernity, we women feel like we should be able to have done it ALL by 30...married, kids, an amazing career, etc. The thing is, you HAVE done a lot you can be very proud of. And if you want to do more, then by all means, do more. Nothing is stopping you from bringing awareness to social issues you care about with your channel every once in a while. People do watch and read for the fun bits, but you can always include some not-so-fun bits! Either way, you should be proud of yourself and you have done things people would say, "Oh...Louise did that!"


  110. I became a scientist because i wanted to make a difference. After being in my job for a while, working hard every day, i realized one thing: I will always just be a tiny wheel in the big machine. In the real world, no one scientist is irreplaceable and most of us will never make a huge difference on their own. However, i can support other people and teach other people to achieve greatness, and together we can make a difference. This is where my point comes ;). By doing your its and bits and fluffy stuff, you make people happy, you encourage people to go on with what the are doing, you encourage people to be happier with themselves and therefore achieve greater things. By doing that you achieve way more then you could achieve all alone on your own.
    I personally think this is the way to really make a difference in this world, touch the life of as many others as you can and make their day and their life better one little fluffy thing at a time. And together we will achieve great things.

    1. If anybody is interested in the long version of that messy thought :

  111. I think you are a wonderful, writer, Louise; it comes naturally, and that shows. Your videos leave me with the impression that you are a sensitive, genuine and fun-loving individual; but mostly, a loving mother. My advice to you for now is to allow yourself to gently move past this phase - be it a few days, weeks or months - and understand, in the end, it will be for the good of all. Discover what it is that you sincerely wish to offer that is meaningful to you... I guarantee, your audience will find it just as meaningful, and probably grow from there. As long as you keep growing, a greater good will surround you. All the best, always.

  112. Love this post Louise! I think everyone has days, sometimes weeks when they feel like this. It's so important to realise that you are not inadequate and so many girls, younger and older look up to you in a massive way, including me. Keep your head up and I hope you feel better soon!

  113. Dear Drunk Squirrel Louise, I just wanted to let you know I think it's so special in a person when they have learnt to love and enjoy the little things, be they small moments or small trinkets that make you all warm and fuzzy inside. It's important. But not only have you this lovely quality you are also incredibly inspirational. Yourself and Zoe are why I started my blog and Youtube channel, how you so nicely put it, my own little piece of the internet. Along with that I cannot explain to you how much confidence you have given me, so much so thanks to seeing you talk about how you love freckles (enough to draw them on!!) and I have usually always hated mine but this year I decided to make a change and not cover them up. My latest post it actually a Freckle Friendly Make Up routine, and it's thanks to you. Just thought I'd share that with you, those are only a few examples and I'm sure there are other girls like me out there. So thank you Louise, for not always leaving us to go climb Mt. Kilimanjaro and making that 'cutting edge' documentary about penguin poo, and helping us love our day to day lives :)


  114. I think this is such an important message Louise as many people, I think, just trudge through life trying to do things that they think will make certain other people happy. Whether that is wearing certain types of clothes, pretending they are interested in certain things or even filming specific types of videos they think they should be making. Life is about enjoying yourself so I feel that people should be who they are and have no regrets about that. They shouldn't feel guilty if they want to fawn over a new Mac lipstick or Nars blush because that it what brings them small pleasures.

  115. I love that quote & that picture. I have it on my wall in my frame collage which you can see in my lounge tour on my channel Donna Dyble. Would love you to check it out & tell me what you think Louise xxx

  116. I almost always feel inadequate. I constantly feel guilty that Im not doing anything profound with my life and that I just waste time doing nothing and not anything meaningful and worthwhile. Its a constant guilt and the only way I feel better about myself is to surround myself with people that motivate me to do something with my life!
    Feeling rather inadequate together *sigh*
    L x

  117. This blog post is in inspiring. Inadequacy is sadly a daily reality for many of us, as we strive to fulfil the somewhat impossible expectations of our many roles... child, mother, employee, and so forth.

    But just as a little heads up, your blog is far from in inadequate. Recently, as you've started to blog a little more often, I've throughly enjoyed reading them and you've brought a little happiness to my life. Life isn't about fairy lights and pink glitter but there's most definitely a place for it and this blog truly has a wonderful balance. Thank you! Xxxx

  118. Louise you're so fantastic and I'm so glad that you're honest and brave enough to share this with us!

    I wrote a blog post about vlogging and since you're a youtuber, I thought you might be interested? If you were to take a quick look at it, I would be so flattered!

  119. Great post and amazing quote :) You're not inadequate at all, you're such an inspiration and you seem like you're and amazing mother. You've inspired me to decorate my room, and your advice and stationery hauls are top-notch and entertaining. Your blog is also amazing, and the effort that you put into it is obvious. We all have days like this, and I'm sure you'll realize just how amazing you really are again very soon <3

  120. Hope this helps someone (: “The fact that you have a difficult time doing things that other people can complete with ease doesn’t make you inadequate. It doesn’t make you incapable or weak. And it doesn’t make you a failure. It makes you human. The truth is that everyone struggles with something. No matter how happy or well-adjusted a person may seem, we all have fears that hold us back. Despite how put together someone may seem on the outside, no one is perfect, and that’s okay. Whether you have a difficult time being social, talking on the phone, becoming independent, using your voice, entering a relationship, connecting with others, individuating from your family, or getting out of bed each morning to face the world — know that it’s okay. And know that despite your struggle, you are capable, you are talented, you are important, and you are enough.”

  121. Great post Louise! Such a great message that everyone needs to know. Thank-you for being so honest because so many of us will have felt like this at some point or another.

    You are a beautiful, fabulous, sparkly person that puts a smile on so many people's faces and you definitely are not inadequate. Keep being on being your fabulous self and never feel pressured to post about things you don't want to; there's nothing wrong with getting joy from the little things in life x

  122. You are a star, Louise! You do you and life will fall in line. You are already such an inspiration to us all

  123. Louise, I just love you so much. I have tried starting a YouTube channel or a blog so many times, I keep finding old ones. but I am really gonna continue doing this blog. I love doing it and I don't care anymore about what all the other people think of it. People like you have really helped me to open up more and don't care if other people might think it's stupid or weird. If I love it, I'm gonna go for it! You're such an inspiration, Louise, please continue with what you're doing!

  124. Hi Louise,
    I have this exact same thing- I know that I should not care about what other people think, that i should just do what makes me happy, but it's actually really difficult sometimes. I can't help feeling inadequate if I just do. But it does go away.
    That said, a little bit of TLC can sometimes make me feel better.. I'm not sure that this will have any impact on you whatsoever. I'm sure all people that you love have said it already, but I'll say it anyway because it's true. Don't feel like your aren't important. I really like your videos, they cheer me up. I like your sense of humour. I like your honesty. I like this blog post. I admire your approach to everything; I've learned a lot. It's kinda like a have an extra older sister with lots of sage advice. I've learned to be comfortable with myself, flaws and all. And although you'll never see it, you might never even know if you don't read this comment, seriously, it's such a HUGE thing- just finding a bit of self esteem. I wish you could know how much it has meant in my life. That's not a shallow thing, it's so fundamental to my happiness.
    What you do is not unimportant. You might not be doing what other people are doing, but what you are doing does make a difference. And more importantly, it makes you happy. If you'd like to try new things, if they make you happy, then I'll be excited for them.Thanks so much for everything you do. xox

  125. I don't think there is much to add to what's already been said so I won't try. But just a little note from one blogger to another regarding your concerns about blogging about the "fluff". The way I see it, the "beauty" blog stuff is just one small part of who we are and what we love. I think most people realise that a person has to be more complex than that. And just because one loves to appreciate a good lipstick, does not mean that that defines them. Speaking for myself, my "real" life job is very serious, taxing and complex. Blogging about beauty is my way to connect with a community that shares this interest in a light hearted atmosphere. Notwithstanding the fact that we all get "serious" from time to time and there are those who address some of the more difficult, personal subjects, which is also much appreciated, there is no shame talking about that lovely, shiny bauble you've just discovered or the amazing moisturizer you've been using. :-)

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  126. Oh Louise, you are wonderful. Don't think you need to do things like travel all over the world to be "adequate". You are a wonderful mom and wife from what we are able to see - and if that makes you happy then by golly that's all that matters. If you truly feel like you want to be doing more - then do it. It is quite as simple as that. Do what you can within your means (of course) so you never have regrets or doubts. I want to note that being an awesome mother to your child and documenting it along the way is amazing and is never boring to read about! xx

  127. I've actually been thinking about this lately.

    I also think I'd like my blog to be a happy place, where I share happiness and things other people would like to read and that would make them feel better :). Sometimes things get to me and I feel like sharing them on my blog too, but I rarely do it, although they're usually serious issues I'd like to talk about with others to hear more opinions on the matter and see how many other people are there who share my feelings, since that does feel nice sometimes :)

    That's one of the wonderful things about blogging, you reach a lot of people from all around the world who might actually have some things in common with you, so you're able to share and talk about it.

    Although I have to admit that I do tend to get mad sometimes when I make posts about books, but that's just me letting it all out after a character made me angry or something like that hahaha :P

    Great post Louise, as always! :)

    Lipstick and Mocha

  128. Oh my god I can relate to this post SO much! I spent the first 22 years of my life working towards becoming an English teacher, discovered I hated it and decided to go travel. Now I'm 24 and even though I don't know any of the youtubers/bloggers I find myself constantly comparing my life to theirs and feeling like a massive failiure. Why haven't I met my future husband yet like Tanya, why haven't I got my own business like you guys, why don't I know what career path to take? But life isn't a competition or a comparison and sometimes it is perfectly OK to not be the best at everything, or know where life is gonna take you next. It's all about the ride - and we all need to stop pressuring ourselves and just enjoy what we do have. It's also refreshing to see you feel like this too. Now I'll get back to enjoying traveling Australia, without my career goals (as scary as that would have been to 19 year old me) :/

  129. Hi Louise!!

    Just wanted to put my two penneth worth in and say your spaces on the www are where we come for fun! You're our *internet leisure centre!!* We can take in a collab video where you go to pieces laughing and silly stuff, or we can hop over to the blog and share some thoughts about autumn with you, then we can get back to youtube and watch a shopping haul or hang out with you, Zoe and baby Glitter.

    And what's wrong with that? Leisure and pleasure are two things we don't spend enough of outr time on and yet they keep our lives long and our mood happy. So, for me, I am happy for you to go on as you have.

    That said, it seems like you want to DO something, to feel like you're moving forward???? So I would say check out your local college and take an adult education class in something random!! Our colleges offer everything from basic car maintenance to pole dancing! they're usually only one session of 2-3 hours a week and is a great way to dip your toe into something entirely new and meet some more people. Photography? FLower arranging? scrapbooking? Languages?? These all sound like *Louise activities* to me! :-D

    Whatever you do, we all still like and admire you :-)

    Good luck!

  130. I really really enjoy reading your motivation monday :)
    I learn so much from these photos every monday and always look forward to reading them!
    Sometimes, I go back & re-read posts as well!

    :) with love
    Click & Visit me ★ Smile with Vivian

  131. Louise:) I agree so much! You are so right! This is a wonderful post and I really have to say, that you are such a great inspiration to me. you always make me smile and give me such a positive energy!:) Thank you so much for that! Much love, valerie ♥

  132. I think everyone can relate to feeling inadequate in some element of their life. I know that I have to constantly battle with feeling like I am not good enough or am not doing something to my fullest potential. I respect everything that you are doing with your life, regardless of how high tech your editing is or whether you talk about the hard hitting topics in the world. You make so many people happy and bring light to their life. We all love you for it. Thank you.

  133. I can definitely relate, but I don't feel you should be so hard on yourself. There's nothing wrong with focusing on all that's good in your world, but if you feel it's time to do something a little different, we're all here to support! :)

    x leah symonne x

  134. Currently I have been also feeling not good enough and this just cheered me up. Thank you mummy from the inter-webs <3

  135. It sounds like you just need to focus on what makes you happy when you are blogging! I find that I only feel inadequate when I am comparing myself to others and what others are doing, but since I stopped doing that and just concentrated on what makes me happy and what I am good at or interested in, then that's where the fun begins! I used to blog about my life and slowly it made me feel that my life was boring and dull, so I stopped doing that and started blogging about what I really love :)

    J.C Lemon xx

  136. I love these motivational mondays. I adore this quote because it is what I am trying to do at the moment

  137. Sometimes I really think there is too much striving in this world. Don't get me wrong, it's great to strive to be the best and do the best and see the best (see how tired you are now?) but sometimes it's ok to just live, ya know? Social media is sooo full of things to make you question your own life or think that you are some what inadequate - fabulous pictures of holidays, clothes etc etc. Strip it back and we are all just atoms trying to exist in this crazy too many atoms filled world. Don't beat yourself up (I actually came here to see where you'd been hiding as I missed your videos and hadn't seen a lot of you on instagram). My grandma who was a very wise old lady moved into a care home towards the end and she befriended another wise old person whose catchphrase was 'all you can do, is all you can do - and that's all you can do'. That is just the best way to see life I think. Yes, do things that make you happy, yes strive and change and acheive and grow but don't forget you can just do all you can do. Big hugs xxxxxx

  138. love this post, really got me thinking

  139. I really needed this post. Lately I have been feeling like I am good at quite a few things, but I'm not really great at anything. I don't really have a reputation for being 'that opinionated girl' or 'that super smart girl' or 'that girl with tons of friends'. I'm just average, and I want to be my own person! I'm going to try and just focus on what makes me truly happy... maybe that will make me someone! x
    -Emily x |

  140. Love it!!

  141. I love this post, so inspiring!

  142. so inspiring :))

    If you like to, please check out my blog!



  143. great post!

  144. Great motivation here. I completely agree with you. We have the choice to be happy or let the depressing stuffs get to us. I think that many shy away from happiness because they feel guilty to experience joy when they know that someone somewhere is not as happy as they are. We should accept that we deserve to be happy too!

    Escaping through Ink

  145. Thank you so much Louise! You just make my day and when I'm feeling down I know I just have to look at your blog or watch one of your videos to help me out a bit! :)

  146. Obviously you should blog about whatever you want to blog about but I really don't feel that you should feel the need to write about heavier issues rather than 'fluff'. I was watching the news today and after half an hour of constant doom and gloom I was in desperate need of what you called 'fluff'. Never say that you're just talking about this or only writing about that, what you do brightens the days of over a million people. Yes there are a lot of issues that need tackling with the world but that also means that there are a lot of people who need cheering up and need to empowered and loved by a complete stranger on the internet. After the never ending doom spiral that I entered after watching the news I watched the Ask Louise video that you did with Darcy and it was just so uplifting to have 10 minutes to get away from everything and just watch you having a chat and trying to control your hyper and adorable three year old. There really is no need to feel inadequate, I feel like Youtube channels and blogs are like friends, you go to one of them for one thing and others for another, you're the positive friend who is always lovely and is very good at cheering people up just by being you.

  147. I would never usually write a comment but after reading your blog post I felt I should. You should never feel inadequate! I love your blog and your Youtube channels. Reading/watching them brighten my day (often because I am laughing so much!). Although we don't see everything in your life it seems like you have a wonderful family and some amazing friends. I guess I wanted to say you should do what you feel like doing. If you want to make more topical videos then do it because you actually want to not because you feel like you should or that people expect that from you. I think most people will agree that we all love you just the way you are - cue the Bruno Mars music :)

  148. I think these posts are so cute Louise!!

  149. Your posts are some of the most meaningful ones out there and I love how open and honest you are with everyone. Life isn't always peachy but we can get through it with the support of others.

    Amazzable xox

    Feel free to visit my blog:

  150. Good luck with your feminist journey! I'm starting to collect vlogs about feminism and such but I don't know when I should post them.
    My Tips For More Blog Traffic <3

  151. Thank you Louise. I connect very deeply with this topic, as I feel inadequate most of the time. Knowing that you feel the same way makes me feel just a little bit more adequate because I think what you do is amazing. You are beautiful, caring, warm hearted, and from what I see extremely hard working. The fact that you feel inadequate when you are such an amazing person makes me think that maybe I am not so inadequate. I just see myself in that way because I choose to take people's criticisms seriously and get down about the little things I don't like about myself. Thank you again because this was a huge bright spot in my day. You are wonderful, keep doing what you're doing. <3

  152. I love Louise because she is so loving and caring and looks for the brightness in every dark tunnel. I love her so much that she inspired me to create my own little blog.

  153. Louise! I have always loved reading your blog, and everyone has their interests they like to talk about or are passionate about, and yours are ones that I always finish reading or watching on Youtube, with a big smile on my face! I completely know how you feel though, after just finishing my Masters degree this week, I feel like I'm really letting myself down somehow (again, no pity party, just one of those days). But reading this has made me motivated to move on from that feeling, and do what I love best!

    Chin up chummy! x

  154. If you like to, please check out my little blog :) <3



  155. This post has made me feel so much happier in knowing that I'm not alone in feeling inadequate sometimes! We just have to remind ourselves that we aren't as long as we're trying our best! xx

  156. This couldn't have come at a better time for me, I just started my blog after years of thinking it wasn't going to be good enough. I'm so excited and I'm enjoying it so much already. I love writing and rather than feeling nervous about posting I've discovered it's just really good fun and nothing to fret about. Brilliant post xx

  157. I love your Motivational Monday posts! I should probably start reading them on an actual Monday and then maybe I'd be more motivated....sigh.


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx