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Monday, 29 September 2014

Good In Bad || Motivational Monday

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

As I type this, I have a Zula licking the inside of my elbow (VERY weird sensation) and a Rocket trying to sit on my boobies. I do love these kittens so but they certainly pick their moments. 

Today's Motivation Monday is about finding the good in bad situations. 

Looking for the positives in a negative situation, I think, is one of the quickest ways to get over something and the easiest way to feel re-motivated to carry on with life. It might seem quite twee and do-gooder-y but have faith, it works. 

I don't think I need to explain this too much as you are all smart Sprinklerinos but basically, if a bad thing happens (no matter how big or small), try to take something good from it. The good thing doesn't have to outweigh the bad (often it can't), but it just has to be there. One little thing that you can say, 'well at least blah blah blah'. 

For example, whilst filming this video the other day, I dropped and smashed a brand new concealer. I was prrreeeeetttyyy pissed but immediately thought, 'Ok, well I won't buy that brand again because the tube is made of thin glass (stupid), if I do, I'll know to be a lot more careful (a lesson learnt) and at least I got two goes out of it and managed to get a shot of it on camera before it went to cosmetic heaven'. As soon as I thought all those things, I didn't feel too bad. 

For all the little things that happen this week, I would like you to try and find a piece of good in them. You don't have to tell them to anyone, you don't have to write it down or make a fuss, just think it, take comfort and move on. 

Also, how did you get on from last week's homework which was behaving well even when people don't show you the same grace?



PS- Still being attacked by kitties. 


  1. Trying to be more optimistic and looking on the bright side is so beneficial, helps put things into perspective! Great advice as always :)

    A Fashion Tale // UK Fashion Blog

    1. Indeed! Being optimistic and always looking at the brighter side of things brings a whole new and more upbeat perspective. It's always worth it. Lovely Motivational Monday Louise!

  2. I completely misread the title as 'good in bed' and thought 'oh aye' xD

    I have a notebook where I have to write down the positives of every day. For example, today I'm not well and haven't been able to go to work, on a bright side I'm giving my body some much needed rest and I can work on my posts instead a little at a time and I've been able to email family members and thank them for their cards for my birthday.

    Last weeks homework: I dealt with a particularly aggressive customer with a smile and even got an apology, well, less abuse.

    Have a lovely day Louise! Give the cats a squishy hug from me :)

    Chez xx

    1. Ahhh I'm so glad to hear that and I hope you feel better soon! xxx

  3. You couldn't be more right Louise, I've had a difficult time lately but at the end of the day my life is going to be so much more than these few weeks. There's always something to look forward to, and sometimes the darker times are what motivate us to do better and be better ourselves x

    Angelica // One Little Vice

  4. Hi Louise,

    I've followed your blog for a long time but I have never commented before but this post really made me focus.

    10 weeks ago at 34 I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Since then I have gone through extensive surgery and am still recovering. I have been so focused on 'I didn't go for smear tests regularly, I could have prevented this' to 'I will never have my own babies' and I keep forgetting the plus points-I have spoken very very honestly and openly on my own blog about the whole process and so many girls have contacted me to say they have booked their overdue smear tests. I have made so many new friends through this process and had support from so many unexpected sources. So many people came forward and offered to guest post on my blog whilst I have been recovering and I have had over 30 guest posts on my blog whilst I recover from the surgery.

    At 34 this may sound juvenile but I have decided to create a small notebook of quotes I can carry in my handbag-things I can look at when I am feeling low or withdrawn or not feeling positive. There is definitely good in every crappy situation

    Lots of love

    Stacey | Expat Make-Up Addict xx

    1. Stacey I follow you on twitter and I just saw this here too - You are inspirational and so brave. It's amazing you are still seeing the positive even DURING all the things that have happened to you.
      I love your idea for your notebook of quotes. I wish you all the best, keep your head up you're amazing ! :)
      Jamie xox

    2. Jamie thank you so much it's so sweet of you to take time to comment and say that xxx

  5. Hi Louise!

    It is often very hard for me to see the good in bad things, because I automatically think "well this doesn't change it either", but you are so right that the good thing does not have to outweigh the bad thing.

    For example: My grandma died last Thursday and we are all still very sad. It was a very unexpected death and we were all very shocked. But then my sister pointed out to us that we should be grateful that she died without any pain and just as she wanted: at home in her bed, not in the hospital. This does not make her death undone, but we can feel better about it now. I am sad that I won't ever see her again, that she won't be able to go to my wedding or see my kids, but I am happy that I visited her in August and got to see her again.

    Thank you, Louise, you are such a big inspiration and motivation for me!

    Lots of love,


  6. I think this is just what I needed to help with this week. Work is getting so busy and overwhelming and I'm finding it really hard to cope to be honest.

    Thanks Louise for this!!

    Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog.

  7. Great advice - definitely something to hold onto as I'm ill in bed today.

    Lizzie's Daily Blog

  8. I love these motivational mondays so much! They just inspire me every week to be a bit more positive. You've got such a great spirit Louise I love it :) xx

  9. Very good advice Louise, I always remember the phrase - we are so busy worrying about why one door has closed to not even notice another (better) door has opened since.
    Always better to see the good in any situation IF POSSIBLE - I know sometimes it's very hard.
    lovely post! Jamie xox
    Reaping Beauty

  10. Love this thought! I think it's the best way to get through something! I got on pretty well with last weeks homework haha, I was still nice to someone even though they said something which annoyed me :/ ❤

  11. Lovely post :) totally agree with this! I'm always trying to look for silver linings and always telling people that the bad stuffs are just lessons learnt and if we didn't have them we wouldn't be who we are today :) xo

  12. Great post. Not going to lie, I can be a bit of a spoiled brat sometimes (like we all can) and don't appreciate what I have and wallow in the losses.

    erin //

  13. This is so relevant having just lost my bag along with everything in it this weekend haha. *deep breath*

    Elizabeth Valentina

  14. what an amazing way to look at life. I will try this to hopefully help me see good things from situations which would generally make me anxious.

  15. Very good tip! I'm so bad at this, I always dig myself deeper when in a bad situation. I have to work on that! Have a wonderful day, Louise

  16. Well I spilt tea on my self in the car yesterday (My dad's courtesy car I may add), was sick four times (Also managed to get the outside of the courtesy car) Sorry people of Nottingham. So had to eat bread for my dinner in an amazing pub when all I wanted to do was devour the roast beef. I fell asleep at 9.30pm instead of writing my blog post, woke up at 6am with my MacBook in my bed and wrote my blog post then went to work to find I have a rash by the side of my eyes from the most beautiful new Chanel limited edition rose glacier blusher which is the holy grail! But instead of being in a grump I'm happy because I had a brilliant day out with my family yesterday so being ill, spilling tea on myself and having a rash are insignificant.


  17. Last week's homework helped me several times throughout the week! Indeed I had to use it just yesterday as my brother was being unreasonable but I stayed calm and nice and felt good about it afterward :) Thank you a lot for everything Louise ♥

    Already looking forward to using this week's lesson. God knows I can make use of that :D
    All the best

  18. Hi Louise,

    Thank you so much for this timely message! I had a doctor's appointment this morning where I found out I most likely have PCOS and I was/am pretty upset about it, as it's affecting my physical appearance. But at least it isn't anything life-threatening. I'm also off to get my wisdom teeth out right now, which won't be fun but at least they won't be able to hurt me any more after this!

    Thank you for the encouragement, it's much needed and appreciated today.

    Lots of love to you and all the other Glitters out there! <3 xxxx

  19. This post helped me so much! Such a great reminder and I really appreciate it.
    - C
    Claudine Converses

  20. Always come away from reading one of your posts feeling so much more positive! :) x

  21. I love this quote, I live by it. Life isn't always a bed of roses but there is almost always some good to come from it, weather that's a lesson learnt or growing as a person, or whatever it may be. Lovely post :)


  22. It's always good to be reminded to stay positive on a Monday.

  23. This is great. I'm loving motivational mondays! Especially since I'm an hour away from heading to work and I need the motivation when it comes to that haha!! Finding the good in bad is something I always try from the beginning when things happen, and if I don't manage it I'm pretty lucky having a boyfriend who can find the good in any kind of bad. Seriously if you're having trouble let me know and I'll give you his number, he'll talk anyone out of a funk haha!

    Etak x

  24. ohh this is awesome! i like your blog a lot :D have an amazing day!

    purse giveaway

  25. I love your motivational monday posts!

  26. For smaller setbacks I love trying to find humor in it and laugh about it - you just can't feel bad if you're laughing - and for bigger things that go wrong I've come to learn that life is balanced. You may not see it as it's happening and you feel like you've lost more than you've gained, but eventually, everything always balances out. Ah, just can't get enough of your motivational posts!

  27. I really love your little motivational posts on a money, they really get me going and face the week head on. I try to see the good in things but sometimes you do forget and this post has just reminded me that although I'm feeling pretty crappy about certain situations in my life if it wasn't for those things happening I wouldn't be where I am now.
    I have a few exciting things happening for me at the moment and although they might not seem like a big deal to others they are the first step to me getting somewhere and I need to enjoy these moments and exciting things and not dwell on the bad stuff.

    thank you louise I always love your positive nature and think you are really inspirational xx

  28. Monday is probably the best day to read something like this. Thanks, Louise! (:

  29. This is so true and sometimes maybe things are meant to go a bit pear shaped because then maybe it's a sign that you shouldn't do what you wanted to do and instead there maybe something else you should do, if that makes sense. x

  30. Great quote - thank you so much Louise - perfect inspiration for a Monday

  31. Such great advice Louise! I often forget to be optimistic even when bad things happen, there's always a good side to every downfall.

  32. Great advice Louise! I'm been trying to stay optimistic when bad things happen, although it's sometimes difficult. I'm working on it though! :) & Mondays are really the best days to read this type of stuff, cause it seems like everything goes wrong on a Monday...

  33. defiantly have to follow this advice :)

  34. This is an absolutely brilliant quote and one of my favourites. I think it's so easy to forget all the good in a bad situation. xx

    Beauty Soup || UK Beauty Blog

  35. I love this quote and will definitely remember this!
    Lucy x

  36. Always look on the bright side of life! :) I did a similar blog post on my blog if anyone's interested.. :)

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I absolutely adore Motivational Mondays. You write so beautifully Louise! You actually inspired me to start my own little blogging series 'Thursday Thoughts' haha!

  39. Aw kittens!
    Well sometimes the problems are really big and I don't speak about some "blah blah blah and I just can't afford buying new iPhone blah blah blah" problems, I talk about huge problems that basically rules your world and they do it for years and it sucks. People think that 16 year olds has just stupid make-up, clothing, boys, grades problem and just doesn't get that it doesn't matter how old are you, problems comes in every age. However what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?
    Xxx, Carade

  40. Definitely agree - I sometimes over-react at a 'bad' thing but then it's a learning curve and teaches me to rationalise things and be more thoughtful in my reactions

    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty -

  41. You always give the best advice Louise! I always look forward to reading your Motivational Mondays after I have a suck-ish day.
    - F -

  42. Louise! I've just seen this and thought of you, you need it!

    You would look super profesh with it, and I know you love your stationary! Also, thank you for the advice, it is so hard not to get bummed out about things, I'm trying so hard to be positive because I'm scared I'm going to turn grumpy haha!

  43. Great post as always :) Most of the things you write on motivational mondays are things that I really know but forget and I love that you remind me once in a while :) Thank you.


  44. Your motivational Mondays are the only thing that I look forward to after the weekend!

    Elma x || PetalGrrl

  45. I love your motivational posts :D Great post as always.

  46. I love this! I always try and take good things out of the bad things. I'm also a believer of everything happens for a reason, so if something bad happens, i try to take a good thing from it. Great post Louise :)

    Sophie xx

  47. I absolutely love your Motivational Mondays!

  48. Great motivation and always positive attitude

  49. I'm pretty good at finding the positive in any situation and I think it's a great message to pass on! x

  50. Nice life advice again Louise, I really do love your ''motivational mondays''. I think this is yet another message we should all live by :-) X

  51. I absolutely love your Motivational Monday posts, they're such a good pick me up and reminder every week about how to live a good life. Definitely keep them up Louise, you're such a big help to everyone! :-)


  52. This is a really lovely post Louise!! xx

  53. This is great advice, Louise. I really love your Motivational Monday posts, they're amazing :D

    Lipstick and Mocha

  54. I love this. Both the quote and the way it is designed. I have made this my screen saver!

  55. I really feel like this post is very relevant in my life right now. Today I had an extremely stressful day, but what actually happened was that I managed to conduct myself very professionally, and intelligently. I asked questions that I needed the answers to, and I got them. I run pretty well under pressure, but for quite a long time I was terrified of being in confrontational situations, thinking only bad could come from them. Now I realise how silly I was being. Confrontational situations need to happen and be handled with an intelligent and respectful demeanour in order to find answers.

    Hells yeah to finding the positives!


  56. This has been really helpful as I have some things I'm quite worried and anxious about this week but whatever the outcome of things is, I will try my best to look for the positives and don't let it get me down because I'm really happy at the moment and I don't want anything to bring me down. Thanks for this great reminder Louise!

    Daisy May xx

  57. Hi Louise,

    I'm so glad I found your post this morning as I feel worse today than what I did yesterday. Yesterday I wrote a blog post on my blog about trying to get over someone, which is incredibly hard especially when you are 24 weeks pregnant with their baby. To cut a long and heartbreaking (for me) story short, my ex left me at 12 weeks when he decided he wanted nothing to do with the baby or me, he told me he could never love the baby and would never love me again or look at me in the same way as I'm pregnant. I felt and I still feel so heartbroken over what's happened. Together for nearly 3 years, went on holiday together and had a good relationship. We spent a week in tenerife, which I enjoyed as it was my 20th birthday this year and he blamed me for being boring (in&out of the bedroom), for spending his money when I had my own anyway, and for him not being able to do anything because I couldn't swim. I don't think he realises how much that hurt me when he said all of those things and still to this day, after 3 months ago that he left, I can't get over it. He said I would never be able to cope raising a baby on my own and that I would live off benefits like everyone else as I can't be bothered to work! (His own words) how do you get over someone that still has a hold over you? He won't speak to me for weeks and then he comes back like nothing has happend but he turns nasty towards me, starts blaming me for things. How can I take the good from the bad in this situation? I know I have already said it, but it breaks my heart.

    Sorry Louise..

    Natalie x

  58. I always love your motivational monday posts! You're the best Louise! :)

  59. I love these posts so much Louise, they really make me think.
    It's true, often we see the negatives, sometimes we may even want to be negative because it can be so easy.
    But doing this sort of a thing on a regular basis really makes a difference in happiness in general, I've been trying to do it lately :) :)

  60. Thank you so much for this post! I tend to forget about looking on the bright side of things. But reading this really reminded me that it'll make lit easier, if I just look for the positive!


  61. Aw, I love that quote. Very, very true and sweet.

  62. Can really relate to this ATM Louise! Great post.

  63. for the homework last week, I have not yet encountered mean people this week *fingers crossed* so I haven't had a chance to practice.. as for thinking good in bad situations, sometimes it's a lot of effort because I'm used to just letting the bad consume me. Now, I'm learning to put in the effort even though it exhausts me emotionally and mentally... it's scary, but it's rewarding as well..


  64. I absolutely adore your motivational Monday posts, they're so good to flick through when I'm feeling down and give me a bit of a pick up!

  65. This post is honestly just what I needed to see. Thank you so much for doing these Motivational Mondays, I'm sure they help people more than you know (including me!).

    Jenn |

  66. I love these posts! I think the message of "taking the good from a bad situation" is really important and comes to play in so many different scenarios.

  67. If you like to, please check out my little blog <3 I post a new blog post every saturday :))

    Another Ordinary Blog

    thanks xx


  68. I honestly feel that these small positive thoughts make things just a little bit better, sometimes they stop me from exploding. Bring on more positivity to the world :)

  69. i just made my own blog inspired by you :)

  70. Thanks for the inspiration :3

  71. My mum always says this "there's good in everything" even if someone dies! And it's true! Staying positive is so important! <3 xxx

  72. I totally agree, I have always found it hard to take a positive out of a negative.....but i'm very good at getting other people to do it, isn't it always the way. Just watching and reading your life keeps me positive!!!!
    Next time i drop my make-up or smash anything.....quite a common occurrence for me, I will think of you chuck.
    Kisses for beautiful Baby Glitter!!!!

  73. i love motivation posts, keep doing them! xx

  74. I love posts like these! Thank you for the inspiration Louise! x

  75. This is just what i needed to read! Todays been a tough day but this has helped to put things into prospective. Although some things are hard to explain in life it's important to look for the positive! Thanks so much!

    Yolanta x


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx