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Monday, 1 September 2014

Motivational Monday

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

For the first time in a very long time I've felt motivated enough to talk about motivation. The irony. 

If you are an avid reader of this blog (thank you) you will I'm sure have noticed that I've been a little be quiet over here for the last few months. 2013 was a bumper blog year and I worked my not-so-little-booty off making sure it was regularly updated and cared for. 

It's no secret that one of my weaknesses is not letting things go. I feel like I have to excel at everything and that if I do less than excellent then I've failed. I've found myself in tears before because I've felt like I did a poor job of something. Part of not doing something well has been updating and caring for my blog. I still care for it very very deeply, but as you can see, it hasn't been as busy as it used to be.

This isn't a post about, 'I've been gone a while and now I'm back...back again' (sing it), but more about acceptance. This past year I have learnt to accept that you can't do everything and actually, that's OK. 

Focus on the things you can do, realistically. You're not going to do a full day in the office, cook a banquet for the in laws, engage the children in five Montessori activities, iron three wash loads and finish a pinterest project in one day, you're just not. Can you scrap the banquet, cook something easy but yummy and involve the children in the pinterest project though? Could you look at what you have on that day, streamline it and then do those things really well? Stop making to-do lists that look impressive but leave you sad when you can't tick everything off. Stop feeling inadequate when you have to leave your inbox unanswered at the end of the day or when you have a cheeky frebreeze and batiste morning- we've all been there and we're all alright. 

I am enjoying (slowly) learning to let go of the things that don't fully matter. I am striving for success every day and being proud of what I do manage to achieve. 

Your homework for this week is to let go. What a lovely assignment. Feel free to share in the comments something you might let go of. If you don't feel like sharing, that's Ok :)

If you would like to read over my back catalogue of Motivational Mondays, click HERE




  1. Lovely post Louise very relatable! I actually suffer from the opposite. I am afraid to try things whole heartedly because I am afraid failing. So can I change my homework to trying harder things?

  2. Everytime when I read posts like this in my mind is "I can do this!"
    Thanks for you inspiration. ;)

  3. Love this Louise! Important thing to remember :)

    Carina | CARSTINA

  4. Beautifully put & so very true. Thank you Louise, I hope this finds you well xx

  5. This was a beautiful post, written amazingly and so well written! Thank you Louise xxx

    Much love from Australia, Em xx

  6. Love this post! I am exactly the same and strive to do this all the time, really love these motivational mondays, written so eloquently x

  7. Yay I love motivational Mondays! I'm going to let go of the past and the time I went through, as well as all the little worries I have! ❤

  8. Sounds like a great idea. Time to put the feet up this week!

  9. Love this Louise! I always fear that I'm not going to do a good enough job so I never actually start it. I'm going to work on letting go as you said. Thank you.

  10. I read this post just after deciding to let go of something that had been weighing on me for a few years. Thanks for continuing to share your thoughts and make connections with your readers- you make a difference in my life.

  11. I find it hard to be motivated when I see a huge list of things I need to do, especially when I'm feeling pressured to get a blog post out, or start an assignment. I'm going to let go of the stress and focus on each task individually not as a massive task list. Thanks for the inspirational post Louise xx

  12. Yay Motivational Mondays are my fave! I'm now singing #Let it go let it go!#

  13. Lovely post Louise, I love your motivational monday posts! x


  14. Such a brilliant post Louise - thank you! I am like you, constantly trying to do too much and then panicking when I don't complete it all. But I am going to accept your challenge and try to let go for the new school year :)

    Tilly x

  15. This is such a lovely post Louise

  16. you're completely right Louise, I get like this too when I don't excel at something I think i've failed. Especially with exams I start to overthink and then I can never get the work done, thanks for the post it's helped me realise I do need to let go x

  17. I'm the same I get so aggravated with myself, take the other day I was trying to take the perfect photos for a blog post, I had to take 45 photos all together to get 6 good photos, it made me so mad and annoyed with myself especially because I'm also worried about going to school, I found it so over whelming and I felt panicky & anxious so I had to do something about it, I lit a candle and sat down with no electronics & tried mediation and it really helped.

    Thanks for this post Louise it made me realize that I just need to take things slow on a day to day basis. It would be amazing if you could check out my blog xx x

  18. lovely post :)

    emily xx

  19. This was a lovely post ^-^ I love reading your motivational mondays, they make me feel happy!
    - F - www.elevatorbrain.blogspot,

  20. I agree, everyone seems to make themselves try to accomplish everything. Nice to see a motivational monday again! x

    Beauty Soup || UK Beauty Blog

  21. A great post for the beginning of the week! I have a lot of trouble sleeping when things build up in my mind, i find it helps to spend time writing little notes of the things that get me down and ideas on how to relieve some of the pressure x

  22. This is a perfect post for a Monday. Thank you.
    Great post

  23. Love your motivational posts Louise!!! Hmmm I've been debating what to 'let go of' as my homework...its a tough one because we all put so much pressure on ourselves. Whilst my daughter had a sleep it popped into my head to catch up on bloglovin, sort out my own blog and then paint some blinds...ermmmm not sure what the hell I was thinking. Thank you for writing down what so many of us do, and whilst it may not stop these long 'to-do' lists popping in my head, at least I can try and not feel bad when I haven't done all 101 items in an hour! x

  24. Thank you Louise, this is just what I needed to hear today.
    Part of what I ( as a blog and YouTube follower) love about you is that even when you seem to be having a "off day" (which doesn't seem to be very often) you still bring joy and motivation to my life through your personality. Everyone has ups and downs, its how you choose to deal with them that shapes you. You are inspirational to every life you touch, which is something that should never be belittled or forgotten.
    Have a funtabulous day.

  25. Amen to that Louise, my homework for this week will probably have to be try harder at making my blog posts perfect, so not rushing it just because I want to post something, but posting it when I know it's perfect, even though I don't post as regularly as I would hope.

  26. I love that quote! x

  27. This is definitely something I do! Particularly with school! I'm just going into year 13 so it's going to be a pretty big year for me where school is concerned but I'm also a musician (or trying to be one) so it's going to be difficult balancing the two. I think the main thing, like you said, is just to try not to put too much pressure on myself to do everything and to make my to-do lists more realistic!
    Lovely post :)
    Lucy xx

  28. I love this post, Louise. Thank you for posting it.
    I definitely need to step back and look at what I really enjoy. At the moment, I'm not doing anything because I feel the need to do everything and it's overwhelming. And comparing myself to others definitely plays a huge part in it, I think. New college course starts tomorrow, and so I plan to use that as a fresh start! :)

    Emily x

  29. Its hard to accept but it's not worth the stress of trying to fit everything in and getting upset about it.
    I learnt that today also :)

  30. I have always found you motivating Louise! and when I am having a bad day I look back on one of your old youtube videos the one about being an "Ok Person" and it always makes me feel better :)

  31. Great post Louise!

  32. I love motivational Monday posts! Finding balance can be really hard, but I'm going to make sure I work hard on being a good girlfriend, a good friend and a good student this coming university year. Those are the things most important to me at the moment so I think those deserve the most time. :)

  33. This post really comes at the right moment for me. I just wrote a self-portrait blogpost yesterday about being worn out from a busy week, which is the result of trying to do it all and not being able to say no, even when your body is telling you to stop and breathe for a moment.


  34. Great post! Sometimes I feel that let it go can be the only painless solution!��

  35. This is a great post for Monday, especially because I started with school today! :)

    Love,Sara Wallflower

  36. You are so right, you should not be expected to do so much in the day, otherwise you will just burn out and we've all been in that situation before and it's not nice haha. x

  37. This is a lovely post Louise. You are a wonderful soul

    Jen xo

  38. How can one woman be so uplifting and inspirational? Louise thank you for posting this today as school is one its way soon!
    Please check out my fashion/beauty/music related blog :)

  39. Yay, love Motivational Monday's! Such a great post x

  40. Love this post!

  41. This is such a wonderful post, I think it's important to set yourself little, realistic goals as well. I always feel good about myself when I can accomplish a couple little things a day. :-) Love you, Louise.

    -Emily :)

  42. It's crazy how I've been wondering about the same very things lately. It's a great back-to-school post as well to students who take school too seriously!

    Evelin Kivi blog

  43. Hi Louise! I started a beauty/lifestyle blog over the summer, just as a bit of fun. Now it's time to go back to school and I'm worried that I won't be able to keep it up! It is something that I am very passionate about, but I also want to focus on school! Please help.
    My blog:

  44. I love Motivational Mondays!
    Thanks for sharing Louise :) MY days are always brighter after I read your blog

  45. Fab post as always Louise!
    If anybody is struggling with deciding whether to go to uni then please give my latest post a read :)


  46. This was just what I needed! Thank you Louise!

  47. very motivational, It's important to focus on a few things that you can do well rather than doing many things badly!

  48. Such a lovely inspirational post! Abi :) MyW0rldMyView

  49. This is so difficult when you're a mom! The mom guilt will kill you! You are so right though, you cannot beat yourself up. I am a list maker too, and it makes me crazy when I don't check off every item, but I'm learning! I'm taking a lazy day today. It's Labor Day here in the US, the kiddies are home from school, and I'm baking and shamelessly watching a Kardashians marathon. It's the little things! xox
    Kaily @

  50. blogging definitely should be done for fun, not for obligation.. Glad you're happy Louise :)
    Letting go definitely feels amazing. It's like a weight has been lifted...

    Arianne |

  51. this is such a good post, I always take on too much and get overly stressed which is so unnecessary x

  52. Oh how I've missed your motiviational mondays! Thank you for great advice, I'll try to do what you said, altough things like that are always really hard for me.

  53. I think i might have needed to read this, i always make to do lists big! But then i get sad when i don't complete them :( I need to start spreading it out and making it more achievable, or its just set to fail from the start! Im sure lots of people do this though, its a flaw of the human species i feel. We set our goals to high sometimes, like you said nothing wrong with just doing what you can!

    Hayley xx

  54. I need to let go of the poisonous relationships and people that are bad for me. Also of the past and the decisions I made in the past. I've been abused for almost my whole life and I couldn't let go of the abuser for the persons better moments, I tried to forget the bad stuff right after it happened to be happier, but what I really need to do is stand up for myself and remember those moment very well, and let go and make a better future for myself, be brave.
    Thank you for making this post Lou, and giving me this little space to write about stuff I don't tell people :) <3

  55. Adore this post! sometimes we can all be hard on ourselves and its nice to see that we all do it, I always have to-do lists flying around for all kinds of things, work, blogging, shopping, miscellaneous. Haha it's always good to have a rest day and do what you can and forget what you can't xx


  57. I've learned that it's okay if my house is a bit of a mess. I work full time (9-5), drive 3 hours every day getting too and from my office, have two dogs and two guinea babies to look after as well as my lovely husband, so I'm okay with living in a little bit of chaos every now and then.

  58. Amen to that! I was just reading an article of why mom's need to let things go, at times. It's hard for me too! Thanks for this post!

  59. Such a good message to be sharing. Love this post!

  60. Lovely post! Thank you so much for the amazing advice! (fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog)

  61. I'm quitting Selling Mary Kay because i have school, a job, were moving, garage sales, my blog, on top of selling the things we dont sell in garage sales we are selling on ebay so its just crazy! There was no way i could do Mary Kay on top of that!
    I really didn't want to let it go but it just got to be too much. and everything else either needed to be done or was good for me. <3

  62. This is so true. Thank you so much for sharing this, Louise! :)

    Lipstick and Mocha

  63. I would like to let go of a few things..
    - Being afraid to let go for fear of losing out [i.e friendships, the past, memories]
    - Toxic friendships and people
    - Worry
    - Expectation
    - Caring overly what is thought of me
    Thanks for the motivation Louise :) Have a lovely week

  64. I love these types of posts. They always make me feel like I can do anything. x
    I would like to let go of a few thoughts that always seem to re-appear just when I'm about to close my eyes at night, one being the terrible thought that I will achieve nothing important in my life. I probably will achieve something in life, but I always psych myself out and start to think that I won't.
    Hopefully I will let go of this soon!
    -Emily x

  65. I think you are my spirit animal because I related to this on such a deep level. It takes me such a long time to let go of things and I take everything people say so seriously and it feels so nice once I finally let go. Loved the post xx.

  66. Even though it's not Monday anymore this will still motivate me on Tuesday haha. Nice post Louise.

  67. Louise, your posts always cheer me up!

  68. phew... that is such a good pic

  69. This is great advice, I have a lot of trouble letting things go. Between work, school, and my blog I sometimes feel that I'm stretched too thin.

    Madeline | Ring-a-Round a Rosey | Bloglovin’

  70. This is a great post, I've been trying to think a little like this too! Get myself organised and set something achievable rather than building it all up and overwhelming me! xx

  71. Love this post Louise, struggling to do things worthy of writing blog posts about is the story of my life.

  72. love this post !

  73. So true! :)

  74. Loved this post! I would like to let go of my silly little worries about things that don't even matter. xxx

  75. These posts are amazing!

  76. You're right. The secret is really to take small steps to get there. Otherwise, everything will mess up!

    My beauty/motivational blog:

  77. Very inspiring post!! Good for you!
    L x

  78. I love this post, and totally, totally agree. No point dwelling!


  79. Love this post!!! I'm exactly the same!

  80. Love this post Louise! There are a few things I need to let go of. This post will help me :)

  81. Wonderful post! <3 Some days the motivation just isn't there... I've struggled with that ALL of August. It was like I had sooo much to do that I just shut down, ugh. My writing suffered && now I'm working extra hard to get caught up! Aha!

  82. Thanks Louise :-) You have no idea how much better you have just made me feel - it could not have come at a better time. Thank-you again x

  83. Aww, I love this post, Louise <3 What a great inspirational, self-care post.

  84. I love this post, Louise! I get too hard on myself a lot and start feeling really overwhelmed by life. I am working on letting go, just as you said. You are so inspiring and this post made me very happy (as your posts always do). Thank you:)

  85. September is my fave too, and it's off to a very nice start. You titled this post same as I did my September 1st post... great minds. I very much enjoy your blog and vlog, Louise. You have something really special here; you remind me of Sarah Ban Breathnach... but a much younger, hip version. Keep up the great work. ~ Lil

  86. I'm going to let go of my need to perfectly keep to my blogging schedule. It's good to slow down a bit and connect with family and friends and not just the internet ^^ Thanks for the post Louise! x

    Anon Style Blog // Style and Beauty

  87. I read your blog regularly and I know you are always anxious about not doing everything perfectly. But the problem is.. I think you just aren't looking at things in the right perspective! You are focusing on feeling a failure because you haven't answered your e-mails but you are maybe forgetting you were doing something else, that was as important as that, or maybe more. Please be patient and kind to yourself Louise! :) Luckily, I am quite good at being patient with myself, but this can lead to procrastination and always do a sloppy job. I think being harder on myself could be beneficial for me sometimes! Isn't it ironic?

  88. This post really helped me. It came out around the same time I was having a difficult time and it even inspired a blog post of my own and helped calm down my anxiety. I'm probably going to bookmark this post and read it every so often just to remind me.

  89. I really needed this today. Thank you so much for this post Louise, and for always making me smile. I hope you make some progress on letting go, I know I need to start making progress with that as well. We'll see how that goes haha

  90. Hi,
    i have just started my blog ( and i was wondering if anyone wants to come have a look and suggest ideas for me! Thank you xx by the way louise, i love what you do and me and my friend are exactly ike you and zoe! xxx

  91. Hi Louise!
    First off I have to say that I really really love your blog and youtube channel. I kind of think of you and Zoe as my best friends that I have never met or know that I exist, haha.
    Whenever I see you have uploaded videos on youtube it always bring a smile to my face, because I really like your outlook and view on different things in life. Be it makeup, style (loved your plus size lookbook) or even the deeper stuff.

    Ido have to say, if you don't mind me saying I have noticed you have gotten a lot slimmer the last couple of months. I can see a big difference from before and I find this very inspiring and motivating because I am a big girl myself. I would love to see what you did to achieve it, either in a blogpost or a video(only if you feel like it). I really think this could inspire quite a lot of your viewers.

    Love you, Louise! Lots of love from andrea from norway<3

  92. Lovely post, very motivational!

  93. Thank you Louise, I REALLY needed to read this right now xxx

  94. Great post and a wonderful reminder! Thankyou so much for sharing x

  95. Hi Louise! I love all your motivational Monday post :) I've been watching your YouTube account for a few years now but it's my first time reading your blog and i love it! It's really relatable and i do feel as if i learnt something from your post, as well as the fact that it's nice knowing that people do understand how i feel, because sometimes i feel that no one aroumd me do. I'm currently in the midst of taking my A levels (in Singapore) and i do feel like giving up, especially because I've already deemed myself as a failure and hope seems bleak :"( i've considered stopping A levels and taking it next year but my parents didn't want me too. But your post helped me realise again that i should be realistic with my goals now, and no matter what the outcome, try as much as i can now. Oops i think i rattled on too much, but keep on blogging!!! xoxo


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx