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Monday, 15 September 2014

Gratitude || Motivational Monday

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Thank you so much for all your support and kindness last week. I read comments and tweets and emails and felt so uplifted by your care.

I won't go as far as to say I feel completely 100% better (that would be very flighty), but yanno, things are good and I'm a happy bean and I'm glad you're in my life.

This week I wanted to talk about a way of thinking that I constantly find myself turning to because I think it makes alllll the difference in our well being. Gratitude.

Having an attitude of gratitude is such a huge key to happiness and something that I regularly have to remind myself of.

When I consider how lucky I am and how much I have in my life, I feel incredible. My life IS incredible. I am afforded so many luxuries and so many wonderful experiences that to cast them aside and only focus on the things that make me sad or angry or anxious would be churlish.

I thought it might be a fun exercise to make a list of just some of the things I am so very thankful for in my life. As you can imagine, I am going to encourage you to do the same in the comments!

1. My Daughter. My beautiful, healthy, happy, kind, smart baby girl Darcy. She is unassuming in all she does and it so easily pleased. I love the way she unconditionally loves me and thinks I look beautiful no matter what my state. I love her tiny hands and the ways she strokes my top when she's tired and I love the way she tips her head back when she laughs at things that aren't funny unless you're three years old.

2. My Home. My house is small and cosy and happy. I feel safe here and I feel happy in every room. I have worked for five years to make it just so and I am still enjoying working on it. I love that I own it and I love that people say it has a good atmosphere inside.

3. My Job. What started as a passion is now a job- what a dream! I am so fortunate to be able to do what I love full time and to have such creative freedom on a daily basis. I never forget what a lucky position I am in and I regularly have to pinch myself at how amazing it all is. 

Those I think are the biggies. I'm also thankful for all the little things in life like my phone, yummy treats (haha I sound like a dog), rainy mornings when you're cosy inside, fairy lights, the purring sounds of my cats and pinterest. 

Making little lists, whether physical or mental, is a great way to uplift yourself and feel more positive about everything around you. 

I'd love to see some of your gratitude lists in the comments and also hear about any other things you do to keep yourself merry and bright. 




  1. I think this is a great idea and what a way to put a smile on your face! Have a great day Louise :) Tania xx

    1. I agree doing these things can definitely put a smile on one's face. Have you heard of MEMORY JARS Louise? Basically you write down anything that has made you happy and drop them into a jar. You can read them on New Year to see how great the year that was or you can simply grab a random note during one of your gloomy days for a quick happiness lift. :)

    2. I did that let year! Was really helpful but my jar wasn't big enough! haha

  2. 1) My family. There is nothing that I value more than my siblings and parents. They are always there for me no matter how Im feeling or what I'm doing.

    2) That I am well and healthy

    3) Youtube. I love how it always manages to make me smile, and it is a great escapism if I'm ever upset or anxious. :)

  3. Sometimes it can be hard, but everyone has things we can be grateful for. I’m grateful for a loving boyfriend of 6 years that has stood by me through everything. I’m also grateful for the most wonderful bunch of friends that anyone could ever ask for! :) And I’m also grateful for my Benefit Erase Paste... as without it, I would look like death this morning!

  4. I love this Louise!
    1. I am grateful for my family and some of my closest friends.
    2. I am grateful for living in a country where I can freely speak my mind.
    3. I am grateful for all the people that I meet and will meet who treat me kind

    I love you so much Louise :) xx
    P.s. I think you should be grateful that you are you xx

  5. 1. My amazing family
    2. My warm home and room
    3. The unconditional love my parnets have for me

  6. Lovely post Louise! I try and note down 10 things each morning that I'm grateful for, I don't always remember but on the days that I do I always feel so much better that day! I'm grateful for my boyfriend, my home, autumn and my blog! x


  7. This is so lovely and the idea behind gratitude is so refreshing. It's nice to take a step back and think of it all! I hope you feel 100% really soon and Happy Monday! <3
    xoxo, | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog 

  8. Hi Louise,
    I know your a Christian and I think thats amazing example on YouTube that we are "normal" lol anyway a similar book that goes on about this is A Thousand Gifts by Voskamp. She lists 1000 reasons to be grateful, and chats about how when people especially children loose someone close to them it can be hard to have a grateful attitude in life. I know I struggle with this I lost my mum at 9 and I know this has effected my outlook on life. Its wonderful to watch that even when you struggle you are still looking on the positive x x

  9. Lovely post Louise and great quote.

  10. This is wonderful Louise!
    I am grateful for:
    1. My family and my friends
    2. The beautiful sunset I watched this afternoon
    3. My health.

    Hope you keep feeling better! :) x

  11. Beautiful idea Louise. I am grateful for:
    1. My family - without my brother & mum I don't know what I'd do.
    2. My job - there are many people struggling to get jobs at the moment and I'm lucky that mine challenges me (though sometimes that is one thing I don't like about it) and allows my strengths to shine.
    3. My house - I'm very fortunate that I have a 2 rooms where I can feel completely comfortable.
    4. My things - I have a lot of quaint little things, albeit unnecessary, but these little things make me happy and allow me to express myself.
    5. The country I live in - Australia. I feel so grateful that I was born into a country and family where I don't have to struggle to make ends meet.
    6. My friends. We've had some rocky time and we've gone months without speaking to each other sometimes but I know at the end of the day that the best times of my life and my favourite memories involve them and that we'll always be there for each other.


  12. Hola he llegado aqui por casualidad y tienes un blog precioso y muy util, besos


  13. Amazing idea Louise, loved this post! I'm grateful for my friends and family and to be in good health. I have the most brilliant friendship group and I couldn't wish for anyone better! ❤

  14. This was a really lovely post to read on a Monday morning, it's certainly a good way of helping people to look at their lives more positively. I am grateful for the way my life is, not all of it is amazing but the majority of it is and so I have to be happy that things aren't worse.

    Amazzable xox

    You can find me at:

  15. "Making little lists, whether physical or mental, is a great way to uplift yourself and feel more positive about everything around you." GOD YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL, LOUISE <3

  16. So lovely reading this post, have you read 'The Secret'? It's quite a nice book to look over ever once in a while to remind ourselves of things like this. How positivity and gratitude affect us. I am grateful for my health and fitness, my boyfriend and our puppy Lola, our house which is becoming a home, the health and happiness of all of our friends and family, and the ability to connect with such inspirational people through the internetty bloggy world. Wishing you a fabulous day :)

    Lauren x

  17. Great idea. I'm thankful for my awesome husband and crazy kids!

  18. My cat who wakes me every morning by jumping up on me and giving me kitty kisses and big purrs. ♥nic

  19. Great quote and idea :)

    -Amanda from

  20. Really agree with this phrase!

  21. Happy Monday! I'm glad you are feeling better!
    A few things I'm grateful for on a daily basis:
    1. My husband, who is my absolute best friend in the world.
    2. My dogs and kitty cat, who are so excited to see me come home from work every day.
    3. My job, which allows me 3 day weekends every weekend (I wish every one could have 3 day weekends, I think it would make people a lot happier!).

    Great post for lifting the spirit ^_^


  22. What a wonderful way to start off the week!
    I am thankful for:
    1. My daughter Harper. She is a constant ray of sunshine - always smiling and giggling. She's just about 10 months old and although I want to cry every time another month goes by, I am so excited everyday to see what new little quirk she has developed!
    2. My fiance. We've been together for 10 years (since we were kids!) and I feel blessed everyday that he is my partner in life. I see so much of him in our daughter which is so amazing. His constant positivity and happiness radiates throughout our little girl. His my best friend and the love of my life - as cheesy as that may sound.
    3. A happy home. We just recently purchased our first house and it is just perfect with its imperfections. We are so excited to make it just the way we want it and that it is ours.
    4. Lastly, good health. Knock of wood, I have my health and so do those that matter the most to me.

    Keep up the positivity Louise! Kisses!


  23. Happy Monday Louise! Some things I am grateful for:
    1. The education that I'm getting. I am fortunate enough to attend a school that I would never be able to afford if I wasn't here on scholarship, and with this, I've already had a number of other opportunities open us to me.
    2. My family. Without their love and support and can't even imagine where I would be.
    3. Creativity. I am so grateful and thankful that creativity is a concept that exists, and is a way for me to get away from "the real world" for an hour or two (doing whatever I may be doing).

  24. Making a list of things you are grateful for is such a great way to help your realise how lucky we all are! Like right now, just typing this on my laptop I'm thinking how lucky I am to live with this great technology :-)
    Great post Louise! Thanks for sharing
    Jocelyn x

  25. Lovely post louise, Great quote and great idea :)

  26. Remembering all the things you are grateful for is so so so important to keep in mind, especially when you're trying to gain some perspective on a dilemma in your life. I like to remember that my parents will always be there for me, even though I don't get to see them very often, and that I'm lucky enough to have the opportunity to go to university.

    Abby xx

  27. When I was in junior high and suffering from depression, my mum used to have me write a list like this every night. It helped me put things in perspective and realize that not everything was as terrible as it seemed.

    So three things I am thankful for are:

    1. My Mum.. I do not know what I would do without her.

    2. Having clean water 24/7... Traveling to poorer countries has really helped me notice just how much of a blessing this is.

    3. Being able to read any book I want.. I cannot imagine not being able to read, or living in a country that does not have that many books.

    Thanks for this post Louise!

    ~ Mikéla

  28. You have no idea how much I needed this :) It makes me SO gratefully to surround myself (in person and virtually) with people who remind others not everything in their life needs to be negative. Thank you!

  29. You are so inspirational Louise, lovely post:)x

  30. 1. My twin sister - she is the most important person in my life!
    2. My friends - recently I have noticed the importance of having great friends and I couldn't live without them. :)
    3. My family - although we have our ups and downs, they have and will be there for me.

  31. I love your posts. It's so uplifting to read. I always make a list of things I appreciate each day. It helps me be more of a positive person Even on the worst days, theres always something to be grateful for.

    Sugar Sweet Style

  32. What an uplifting post! I'm glad you're feeling better Louise ^-^
    - F -

  33. Lovely post, so inspirational and motivating! Abi :)

  34. Love the idea of making a little list of good things, a great pick me up when you're feeling a bit down and definitely something i'm going to try! These posts are just too lovely for words!

  35. What an amazing post! And the list is perfect, I'm going to give it a try.

    1) My family. They support me no matter what and are always there to cheer me up when I'm down. Where would I be without them?
    2) My best friend. We've recently started different schools (which is crazy since we've been going in the same class for 10 years!!) and it makes me so sad that I can't see her everyday. I know that many people loose touch if they don't see eachother everyday, but I know that that won't happen to us. Our friendship is too strong, and we've been friends for 10 years, that's nothing that will just disapear.
    3) My country. Even though I don't always love loving here, Sweden makes me so happy and makes me feel safe.

  36. If I am having a down day, you always make me smile!! Just remember you always have your Sprinklerinos here for you :) Lots of love <3 xxxx

  37. I panic about money all the time - but by allowing myself to spend here and there I've actually got more back. I'm also grateful for the time I have to spend with myself and my family, and working in a 'job' I love without feeling dread
    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Fashion Lifestyle + Photography -

  38. This post suits my mood perfectly at the moment; I'm moving to uni at the weekend and currently am feeling very reflective and grateful for the last couple of years- my friends, family, education and experiences and am slightly petrified about what this next step in life will hold

  39. Aww I find being gratuitous makes me feel a lot happier when I'm a bit down ^^ x

  40. Such a lovely positive motivational post. I love reading gratitude lists! Right now I'm grateful for being back in manchester, my lovely lovely boyfriend who is the most supportive little bean, black ankle boots and having fresh flowers in my room! :)

  41. Agh, this was just the post that I needed to read on a gloomy, Monday. Seconds before reading this I was glued to the couch in search of positivity and motivation and here it is, hidden for me in this post and I couldn't be more happy. So here is my list:
    1. My family, including my husband, mom, sisters, brother, dogs, the whole lot. Damn, they are loud and kooky but boy do I love 'em!
    2. my hobby! Almost a year ago today (sept. 30th) I took the biggest leap of scary, awesomeness and joined Youtube. I am beyond excited everyday about creating and though it is only a hobby now, it refreshes me for the day and gives me enough to be grateful about for the rest of my life.
    3. Some quiet time. Where I can just be still and breath it all in. Skimming blogs, reading a book, sipping my tea a little slower, all of these things I am grateful for.

    Lovely post Louise, and thank you for re-centering me today :) Off to go do the same for someone else!

  42. This was an absolutely gorgeous post. Completely lovely, heart warming and beautiful. You are a wonderful lady Louise! :)

    Sarah / Sarah Smiles

  43. 1. My best friend. She makes me laugh when nobody else can cheer me up.
    2. My mum. She's the wisest, bravest, strongest woman I know and has helped me through some of the toughest times.
    3. My education. I moan about the early mornings and piles of homework I get from college but deep down, I'm incredibly grateful for the fact that I am able to go to college and receive a good education.

    Thank you for this post. It's reminded me how wonderful my life is at a time when I was starting to doubt that.

    -Ellie x

  44. You have such an uplifting outlook on life. This is lovely and such a coincidence! I've been doing this little thing I've labeled the Thank You Project where for the next 30 days (already on day 12) I will post about something I'm grateful for with an illustration I make and a quote to go along! I really do think that taking time to reflect can have such a positive impact!

  45. This is a really great post louise! It is easy to get caught in the moment when you are down or something bad has happened, it is very easy to get completely sucked into that moment and forget about everything else that is great in your life. For me right now in this moment in time, i am grateful to be alive, to have a home with family friends & my wonderful boyfriend around me. The news has been devastating lately and i think a lot of us need to sit back and take a look at how great life is for most of us x

  46. Ha ha! I love that you included Pinterest in there at the end!!
    At the top of my list are my husband, my sister, my health, and the internet. Thanks for the reminder to reflect, Louise. :)


  47. This is the best quote to start the week. Thanks for introducing me to this one :) x

  48. This was so uplifting to read. Gratitude is the most beautiful accessory!

  49. Great Monday post! Try and keep that smile on your face and remember all the things you have been blessed with.
    I also do a Motivational Monday post every monday if you are interested

  50. I absolutely love your Motivational Monday posts! I really hope this continues to happen. You are such an amazing woman in everything that you do and you bring joy to many people (especially me).

    Haley xx

  51. 1. My mother. There is no one in the world who I love more than her. To know that there is always someone in the world that you can hug and cuddle with that will love you to the end is a thought that saves my gloomy days.
    2. My friends. I've been a lucky girl in friends land. I got to meet the most wonderful people and the most caring people and now I cannot imagine who I'd be without them. They are there when no one else is and there is not enough thanking I could do for that.
    3. The prospect of future plans. Having been going through a tough time, the fact that I will soon be able to travel for the first time in a long time and explore new places is something that is exciting every cell in my body and I am so grateful that I am finally getting the chance to do something I love so much again.

    lovely blog post, Louise! You make mondays sweeter!


  52. Poor Matt, no mention? :(

    Erm for me, I would say

    1. The realisation of how lucky I am to be living and working anywhere in the world, I am currently in a small town in Queensland, Australia (I'm also English).

    2. My family and friends back home, they are a constant support to me wherever I am and with whatever I'm doing.

    3. Being in a job that allows me to save lots of money to save for my next set of travels (I'm thinking New Zealand but unsure). Having the freedom to do what I want at the age of 24 is also pretty awesome.

    Love your blog Louise, I hardly comment but I'm always reading :)

  53. I love the motivational mondays! Keep it up!

  54. This is such a great post, Louise.
    We always end up taking everything for granted and forget about all the good things! Sometimes it can be hard to look on the bright side, but it's possible and it makes life so much better! :)

    Lipstick and Mocha

  55. This is such a great post! I always try and make sure to say my thank-you's to everyone who helps me out, but I sometimes forget to be grateful for the things I have in my life!
    1. My family - they are such huge supporters of mine, and I can always count on them for advice, or just a shoulder to cry on.
    2. School - I'll be leaving for college in a couple of days, and although I'm nervous and scared, I'm really grateful that I get to go!
    Those are the major two in my life that I have to be extremely grateful for! Thank you for reminding us to always be grateful for everything, good and bad, in our lives :)

    Kendra | It's a Bug's Life

  56. Great post Louise! I am thankful for my friends and family, they are always there for me :)

  57. What a wonderful idea! It's so easy to get lost in our heads when things are getting us down and forget how lucky we are.

    I'm grateful for a) my teeny little family comprising of my wonderful Mum and my old, grumpy dog. b) my country - this referendum has really highlighted how lucky we are to live in such a democratic, peaceful environment. and c) my youth and all the opportunity that lies ahead of me in life.

    I'm glad you're feeling better Louise. Hopefully next week you get a little closer to 100%!

    lots of love, Shona xo

  58. I have been seeing a "grateful challenge" pop up everywhere lately. I certainly try to end every day thinking about everyone and everything I'm thankful for that day. It makes me go to sleep happy, which always makes the next day a bit better.

    Madeline | Ring-a-Round a Rosey | Bloglovin’

  59. What a great post and inspirational quote! I`m grateful for my life the way it is!
    Croydon upholstery cleaning

  60. Hey, you have a really nice Blog with interesting Stuff on it! :)
    Do you want to follow each other via GFC? If yes please let me know and i follow back :*

    Greetings & Kisses from Germany

  61. This is such a lovely idea and it's probably a great idea to do it whenever you're feeling a bit down! I'm grateful that I started blogging because I've met tons of new people and that's what I love. I've also started a new job and met new friends. I'm also extremely happy that it hasn't snowed where I live yet! ha

  62. please NEVER ever stop to write these, they are so incredibly helpful!
    Lots of love to you, darcy, matt and the kitties (woah that was a mouthful) :)
    I. xx

    -Please come over and take a look at my blog if you've got time, I'd really appreciate it!-

  63. I think gratitude is such a huge part of happiness too, I mentioned it on my post How to be Happy just some thoughts and tips on how I be happy when I'm down sometimes. Happiness is everything :)
    Beyond Bally

  64. I love love love posts like this!! xx

  65. Louise your such a inspiration to me, you've made me so confident & happy I really appreciate that, Im following you on twitter, Matt has noticed me 3 times:) but you haven't yet:( if you see this then please follow me or give me a sign that you've seen it and that you know im alive, its @piinksparklesxx I love you lou lou<3<3

  66. I love your motivational Mondays!!! They are so inspiring and something I am in need of right now. I've just finished uni and fell kind of lost. I've been trying to find a simple jobs just to earn some money, but it's so bloody hard lol. But I haven't lost faith I'm trying to stay positive, beachside I know I will fine one soon. Also, I have recently started blogging and getting the hang of it can be a little confusing which leads to me becoming discouraged, but I won't give up hehe. I realised that I just need to be grateful for the life I have been blessed with. If I won't it to change it's on me, nobody else. I just have to work uber hard tehee. Thanks for making me even more motivated :D xx

  67. These Motivational Mondays are a great way to start the week. I recently downloaded the app, Happify that asks you to do many of these same things. It's so good for our well being to take moments throughout the day and remember the good things in our lives, what we're striving for, and who are those that are important to us.

    Thanks for the great posts!

  68. I love these types of posts x

  69. I really needed to read this - lately I've been feeling a bit sorry for myself with no reason whatsoever!
    I am grateful for:
    1) My family. Everyone in my family has always been so supportive of me and made me feel like I can accomplish anything I want to, and I feel like I can never really be grateful enough for that.
    2) My friends. Who else am I supposed to ask dumb questions and then two seconds later switch to the deepest conversation in the history of the world? My friends are always supportive and kind and know exactly how to cheer me up when I'm feeling a bit glum!
    3) My life in general. I am healthy (should probably be doing more exercise but I'm healthy :L), well cared for and receiving a good education. I live in a country where I can speak my mind and where I am not suppressed or told to act in a certain way, and for that I will never be anything but grateful.

    Thank you for making me think, Louise. :)

    The Crafty Fox

  70. If you like to please check out my little blog ! <3 :)



  71. Thanks for sharing your gratitude Louise. :)

    Me, I am grateful for each day that provides a new opportunity to achieve my goals.

  72. Gratitude is so important, once you start recognising all that you have, you realise you have a lot. I'm grateful for a lot of things including having loved ones around me. I love your motivational monday posts!

  73. Motivational Monday posts really do give us the motivation we need on these dreaded Monday mornings especially as winter is coming!!!

  74. Gratitude is an important thing so I'm glad you wrote about it. The top three thing's I'm grateful for are my health, family and friends. I think its really important to appreciate what you have and not take anything for granted xxx

  75. Thanks for writing this blog post!
    I think it is sooo important that big bloggers like you address such topics, which are very important especially for the younger followers!
    You often find yourself always wanting more, which is so dangerous and can make you very unhappy!

    xx Jana

    Check out my blog @

  77. You're so right, Louise! Gratitude is so important, particularly for the little things in life. Lately I've been learning to appreciate and find joy in things like making a cup of tea, eating a yummy lunch while catching up on my favorite youtubers, and opening a brand new eyeliner. :)
    Nicole xx

  78. I love posts like this - so so necessary.

  79. This was a great post to read Louise! I must admit sometimes I forget to take a step back and appreciate things.

    I'm grateful for my family being happy and in good health :)

  80. Such a great post to realize that there are amazing things that has happened in our lives, not only the bad ones! Every night, I write on my gratitude journals about what I'm thankful for today and what I have learned during the day. It helps me to stay positive :)


  81. If you like to, please check out my blog! :))

    Another Ordinary Blog



  82. I loved this blog post Louise and I posted my list on my blog, here:

    Looking at all the things I am grateful for in my life really helped me feel happier about everything, thank you :) xx

  83. I love this! When I get down it can be so hard to pick yourself up. So:

    1. My brother and sisters are my best friends. They are as loud and ridiculous as I am so it's perfect.

    2. I caught the travel bug from my Grandad who told me stories about his adventures. It made me strong enough and hungry enough to see the world to fly overseas for the first ever by myself and fly 24 hours from Australia to England. Best thing I ever did.

    3. Books, libraries, poetry, blogs, newspapers. Words in general.

  84. Here's the thing, I'm already certain you won't read this ordinary comment among so many other comments, but I love your blog and over on there is a tag going around called the One Lovely Blog Award where you tag other bloggers who you think they deserve this nomination. I just so happen to honestly think you deserve this ego boost because this idea of motivational monday is wonderful, as I can only speak for myself, I would say that reading these definitely enhances my mondays. Anyways, here is the link if by chance this post makes it to your eyes thank you :)


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx