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Friday, 25 March 2011

Chit Chat of This and That

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I do actually have some reviews for you but I'm getting a bit tired of that kind of post and figure if I'm fed up writing them, you're fed up reading them! I feel a bit like I've gone Lou's Reviews mental because I felt a bit like my life was a but uneventful but then I thought "meh, it's my little bloggypops so I'll jolly well witter about little bits of life". Ooohh that was fighting talk wasn't it!


First of all, Baby Glitter will be here any day now (even if I do have to be induced, which is looking more and more likely), so don't forget to enter my 'Guess Baby Glitter's Real Name Competition' and have your chance to win a MAC product of your choice, click HERE for that.

I went to the midwife today to talk about what happens next now that I'm overdue and feel quite freaked out by it all. She offered a stretch and sweep which I turned down because it just sounded too utterly vile and a few people have said they have little effect. So now it's a waiting game and if she doesn't make her debut by the end of next week, it's induction time. This excites me because obviously I want a little baby and to see her little face and touch her hands, but also scares me because I'm freaked out by needles and drips and stuff. Yes, I'm cool with pushing a small human out of my lady zone, but I'm not ok with having a drip in my hand, go figure.


I'm really feeling gee'd up by the sunnier weather. I rrreeeaaalllllyyyy want to loose a few pounds this year (I weighed myself today and nearly died at how much weight I have gained, I hope this baby is 8lbs and the waters are around 3stone ahahaha) and feel good about myself. I usually feel OK but just recently I have been feeling very whale like and I want to spend the summer being confident in lovely floral floaty numbers and suchlike. I tell you what, I never see anything nice in Next, but I had a gander online and there are LOADS of gorgeous things there! Why don't they stock these in stores? Why? WHHYYYY??

I usually like to keep this blog as a place of happy chat, beauty, bargains and sparkles, but recently I have seen a few bloggers talk about more serious issues. I think it's ever so brave of them to go down this avenue because it attracts so many opinions and can be a bit controversial. I have a couple of topics that are very close to my heart that I am thinking of working up the courage to discuss, one being loosing someone to cancer and the other being child abuse, so do look out for those oh-so-cheery posts!

(Totally off topic but I NEED these in my life)

Whhaattt elssee? Hmmm. Oh yes! I'm thinking about starting another degree (part time from home) in September in Counselling. I did Psychology and Biology at University in Liverpool when I was 18 and my plan was always to be a counsellor but it kind of fell by the weighside and I took various boring office jobs to pay the bills. Now though I've come to realise I'm 25 and want to have something that I'm special at, I want to have the ability to make a decent salary and also I want Baby Glitter to look up to her Mummy and feel proud. My Dad owns his own business and so did my Mum and I always felt/feel very proud of them and so want the same for Baby Glitter too. Soooooo, all I need to do now is find a course that suits and apply- eep!

Ohhhh what a jolly good ramble I've had, I feel like you are all up to speed with my life now, whether you wanted to be or not, hehe.

As usual, I have littered this with images from because I cannae bare a naked post.

How has your week been? Do you have any news? Oh one more thing, a big Congratulations to Muhsine, over at BUBBLEGARM, who has just announced that she is pregnant! She is one of my favourite bloggers and Baby Glitter and I wish her all the best!!




  1. I think you will make a really good counciller as you were a really good help to me when we spoke about our mum's

    Stacey xx

  2. Gosh, I'm really feeling for you...hope Baby Glitter makes an appearance under her own steam soon!
    Doing the degree sounds like it'd be really interesting, and I'm sure you would be an excellent counsellor!
    If you get bored, (re last post), you can always give me a ring and we could go for a coffee.
    I am SO loving those pink shoes, but my ankles wouldn't!!
    Have a fab weekend,
    Z xx

  3. Oohhh Stacey I just saw you're blog is back and re-followed! Woop woop! I hope you're well and feeling good :) xxxx

  4. I'm not too bad thanks,, still having chemo and suffering anxiety & depression too :( Hope your well and can't wait to see little baby glitter :) I bet your sooo excited xxxx

  5. YOU BETTER HOPE THE BABBY ISN'T 8 lbs! That would be some tough labour! Don't worry about being overdue, it's silly to give people due dates as everyone just worries about them, and they are never true! Good luck! xxx

  6. just discovered your blog and i love it! i am a new follower :)
    and i love those shoes i could use them in my life too lol

    Coco Rebelle - click ♡

  7. I absolutely adore your blog and youtube videos, I don't think I've ever commented before because I'm a fail hehe!

    I hope baby glitter makes her appearance soon! She's being oh so fashionably late! <3

    Wishing you luck! xoxo

  8. Ah yet again an amazing post! I love reading about your life (promise you i'm no stalker!). Ah good luck again with Baby Glitter. I feel like I say this all the time but still, haha! x

  9. I love life posts i think its because im so nosy haha, The stretch and sweep thing sounds dreadful hopefully she'll come soon and u wont have to worry.

    Im hoping to be a counsellor too but things seem to be getting in the way for me to :( you'd make a great one.

    Good luck with ur goals :D.X

  10. Ohh you must be getting so tired I don't blame you. Don't feel bad about not making review posts, I love life posts just as much - if not a little more interesting :) Especially yours with a little one of the way! Good luck, I hope baby G comes before you need induced, but I'm sure you'll be great either way :) xo

  11. I love ramble posts like this :) So nice to have little insights to people's life!
    Good luck with everything hun :) xx

  12. Love your blog and I really like the way you give us all a catch up on your life, it feels like I know the real you and can connect more with your posts. Feel excatly the same way about drips and needles! Poor you!
    Hope baby Glitter comes soon xx :o)

  13. Great post! I'm sure you would make an amazing counsellor, you're so lovely, you would make anyone feel better! Your videos always cheer me up anyway :)
    Good luck with the ickle baby glitter, hope she arrives soon! :D xxxx

  14. Lou, she's waiting for mothers day, so you can have the bestest present :D xx

  15. Aloha Glitterino, Thanks for the mention and sweet msgs, I hope baby glitter has popped out, she is really making an entrance, so fashionably late! :) xXx

  16. I adore your youtube and blog, you're hilarious, and I hope baby glitter pops out soon! Good luck studying to be a counsellor, I think it's a great idea:)xxx

  17. I think studying to be a counsellor is a great idea and baby glitter would be very proud. I also think talking about the more serious stuff would be really good - we've already talked about losing a parent to cancer and ur words really made me feel better, so I'm sure a post to everyone would do even more. Keeping fingers crossed for baby glitter, lots of love xxx

  18. those pink shoes are gorge xxxx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx