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Thursday, 24 March 2011

Pregnancy Update- 40 Weeks Pregnant

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Yep, I'm still with child and she's showing no signs of wanting out...I am literally loosing my mind with all the waiting.

I have EVERYTHING prepared in her room, mine and her hospital bags are in the boot of the car and her pram is set up and ready to roll. All we need now is the baby!

How cute is her Moses Basket? Before you safety nuts get up in arms, I won't turn the radiator on and I'd draw the curtains when it's sunny like this :)

I can't say a great deal has changed in the last few weeks but I will fill you in anyhow. I've been spending a lot of time at home because a) Maternity Pay isn't exactly lots, b) Waddling for very far becomes a bit much, even round the supermarket is now a struggle and c) Most of my chums work days or don't live in Northampton, so it's been a bit lonely. I'm looking forward to when Baby Glitter is born so that I can be a bit more mobile (providing the birth goes well) and can enjoy the sunshine and take her out in her pram.

Physically, all that has changed is that I have got bigger in the bump department, put on a few pounds (sigh), which I have felt mostly round my face and boobies and also, my feet and ankles have swollen to unnatural proportions!! Matt says it looks like my legs have fallen into my feet and calls me 'Slab Foot'. I feel so sexy, ha.

Mentally, I'm frustrated and nervous. I want her here but I'm obviously anxious about the birth, will her health be ok? Will I be ok? Will we make good parents? Will I be shattered? Will I ever do my nails or hair again? You know, the usual kind of thing you expect all new Mum's to fret over.

With any luck, I won't be doing a 41 week pregnant update and you will be reading Zoe of Zoella's guest post to say I'm in labour! She is going to come in to Glitter Land and let you all know here, on twitter and on YouTube so you won't miss it! Be sure to send me positive vibes because I'll be puffing and panting for all I'm worth!!

I want to say a really heartfelt thank you to ALL of you who over the last few months have left kind messages and helpful hints about pregnancy, birth and babies, I feel a lot more equipped thanks to you all! THANK YOU




  1. ahhh i'm so excited for you! i'm sure everything will be fine, so don't panic and just enjoy the last bit of the pregnancy! can't wait to see her, i bet she will be ADORABLE! xo.

  2. hopefully not long now we all cant wait to see baby glitter x

  3. fingers crossed baby glitter comes soon!! i hope you and baby are both happy and healthy...when she does arrive =) xxx

  4. I just wanted to say good luck and I hope everything goes well and you both come back healthy and happy! I have no experience with babies at all but I'm sure everything will be fine :)
    I also got a bit excited when I read you were from Northampton, I'm from there too and I haven't heard of many bloggers from around the area :D

  5. wishing you the best of luck babe, I hope labour is a breeze and you have baby glitter with you in no time! xxx

  6. you will make an amazing mum louise! i feel like i know you just from watching and reading your posts.
    wishing you all the luck in the world!!! x

  7. Aw Louise I am sure she will be here soon. You have made such a lovely home for her for 9 months she doesn't want to leave!! I hope everything goes well with the birth. You will make a fantastic mum :) xxx love all the way from Liverpool hehe :)xxx

  8. I bet you've heard this saying so much over the past week or so but 'Good things come to those who wait' haha
    Good Luck for when baba glitter arrives and I hope everything goes well xx

  9. Good luck hun, I'm sure she will be here soon. We all can't wait to meet her.

    Lovely room and moses basket. I didn't realise you only live in Northampton! Not far from me and even closer to me when I'm at the boyfriends! x

  10. aww,bless you !! i really hope she comes soon i cannot wait to see her !! and find out her name of course :) xx best of luck

  11. i thought 40 - 41 weeks is pretty normal, is that late? Either way, I bet it's really uncomfortable for you and I really can't wait for you to bring baby glitter here :D xxx

  12. baby glitter's too comfy to come out! lol
    we all can't wait to hear the news that she's entered the world and that you're both officially parents :) you deserve every happiness in the world xx

  13. ahh your room is lovely, all nice and homely :) can't wait to see baby glitter and finally know her cute little name!all the best xxx

  14. I'm so incredibly excited for you! Your going to make the yummiest mummy ever!

  15. I'm excited she's coming too! I've been following you for ages now, I can't believe how quick this has come round, where did the last 9 months go! I hope it all goes well and I'll be thinking of you when Zoe lets us know! Aahhhh I want a Bubba too! xxx

  16. i'm so excited for you louise ehee your going to make such a lovley mummy :) i really hope she decides to pop out soon and i really hope the birth goes ok :) xx

  17. The moses basket is really pretty, I am sure it will be in use very,very soon. Fingers crossed for you , you won't have to wait too much longer.
    Ann x

  18. Hope and pray everything goes well for you in your delivery!

    -Candice :)

  19. Sending labour vibes your way! Can't WAIT to see her, I'm sure she is going to be beautiful!!

    Jade By The Sea

  20. so exciting, nearly there now!can't wait to see her!good luck with the labour, i'm sure it will all be fine!x

  21. Cant be too long now! Good luck with everything, Im sure everything will go smoothly :')

  22. awww good luck hunny,great looking room,i am going to make this post my post of the week so please check it out,
    my labour tip is just stay calm and focused and you will be fine,cant wait to see baby pics very soon x

  23. Good luck with everything! I'm sure you and Baby Glitter will be fine :) Hope she makes an appearence soon!

  24. OMG cannot believe she has still not arrived! Poor you! You deserve a medal lol xx :o)

  25. sending positive vibes your way! good luck and can't wait to meet the lovely Baby Glitters!!! :)

  26. Hurry up baby glitter we're all waiting to see you! Have you tried eating fresh pineapple? X


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx