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Monday 21 March 2011

Lou's Reviews :: Topshop Sandstorm Collection

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Oh me oh my have you seen the TopShop Sandstorm makeup collection? I luurrvveee it!!

I have a few gorgeous bits here and will be sharing the love and giving you my glittery little thoughts on them. I'm not planning on opening a couple of bits though as I want to keep them fresh for an April Giveaway (it's my Birthday Month, so I'm planning a few special things for you lovely Bloggerinos).

These are by far my most favourite things from the collection- I luurvvvee them! They are the Eyeshadow Mousse in Tundra (rrp £8), The Gloss Stick in Glisten (rrp £8) and the Eye Crayon in Equinox (rrp £.8.50) and below are swatches.

(I'm so glad you can actually see the sparkle in the 'Tundra' eye product because when I was showing it in my YouTube video, I had less luck than a walking under a ladder, whilst carrying a black cat and shouting the number 13, ie, NONE!)
I absolutely adore the fresh, girly, summery colours, they really make me feel ready for brightness and happiness and they are all vivid without being vulgar.

The eye crayon in 'Equinox' looks set to be my best friend this Spring (especially now I'll be pushed for time with a tiny baby), as you can use it as an inner corner/eyebrow bone highlighter, for a full wash or colour, for played down eyeliner or you can even apply a little to the cheeks for a golden glow. It blends like a dream and is lovely and soft, so no skin snagging :)

The little 'Eyes' paint point in 'Tundra'  is also very jolly. I love that it is made of glass, a rarity in packaging these days and the frosted effect adds a little bit of class I feel. The product is a dirty grey cream shadow with flecks of sparkle in for the glitter lover in you. I love the colour but still haven't worked out the best way to apply this- fingers, sponge tip, brush, but will let you know if I ever do! A slight problem for me with this product is the scent. It smells VERY chemically and I find this somewhat off putting, but this could be because pregnancy has made me ultra fragrance sensitive, so do have a whiff in store yourself!

My most favourite of the entire collection though is the Gloss Stick in 'Glisten'. Despite being called a gloss, I don't get this effect but do LOVE the colour with my darker hair and if I want a really juicy look, I have been adding a bit of Soap & Glory MotherPucker in 'BabyDoll'. It looks sensuous and yummy but not too mental/whorey (always best not to look a whore hahaha). The longevity is average, packaging is something I am happy to whip out in public and my lips don't feel parched after using- win, win, win.

I have actually made a YouTube video on these lovelies, which you can watch HERE, or alternatively, you can have a looksie on the official website below: 

Have you tried or will you be trying this range?




  1. ooooh these are amazing! Ive seen so many great posts about these! xx :o)

  2. Tundra looks SO GOOD! I love the taupieness of it.

  3. Looks amazing! Love your blog by the way. Very inspirational

  4. Equinox looks gorgeous! Wish we had TopShop here, too x

  5. ooooohhhhh all of them looks even more stunning in the pics. I think ill need to look into theses after my project 10 pans up


  6. These look fab, I didn't realise how sparkly tundra would be, I love it :) x

  7. Errrr yes, thank you Lisa for that lovely bit of non related advertising!

  8. What a fantastic collection! We don't have the products here BUT wow, they are so pigmented. Thanks for the post


  9. Ohh Lou, that gloss stick is GORGEOUS!!! :O

  10. Here in 2014, reading back on Louise's blogs. I love it!
    make sure to check out my blog!


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx