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Tuesday, 1 March 2011

To The Imagination Station!!

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Way back when I did my 1000 follower giveaway (would you like another one if I hit 1500 followers? let me know), I asked people to request posts for the blog as I was lacking a little in inspiration. Lots of you came up with some brilliant ideas that I am slowly working through, but one stood out the most.


One nifty little Bloggerino delved into her imagination and asked me to tell you all what I would invent if I could make anything for Lush. I thought this was a really unusual question and have pondered it for a while and decided on my fantasy product!

As a big fan of cleansing wipes (despite being somewhat of a Liz Earle convert these days), I would like to use these as my base. I would invent a packet of cleansing face wipes that smelt like green Opal Fruits (I know they are officially called StarBurst but I'm practically elderly and will never change) and in the packet, each wipe would be a different colour. I think nice pastel colours would be cool, mint, pink, lemon, aqua etc.

Naturally I would want to wipes to remove eye makeup as well as the Johnson 3 in 1's (the best I have ever tried), wouldn't be tested on animals, wouldn't contain sulphates or parabens and would be hypo-allergenic- I'm not asking much haha!


If any company were ever going to do something this 'out there' with colour and scent, I think it would be
Lush, as their products are always so vibrant and brave.

Obviously this is a made up product so until we invent cameras which look inside my head then I can't post a picture, but fortunately, has come to the rescue! Huzzah!

What would your dream product be?




  1. those wipes sound amazing. I would sooo buy them. I am loving boots essential cucumber cleansing wipes just now.

    Oh also i am loving your youtube channel, i look farwards to watching your videos every day and cant wait to see baby glitter.


  2. I now can't get the 'Opal Fruits, made to make your mouth water' song out of my mind!!
    You, an oldy? a*se!
    Z xx

  3. That's so cool, haha! I'd deffo buy a pack! x

  4. hahah that actually sounds like a really good product!

  5. untill these products come out,il stick to using my huggies,surely if they are good for a babys butt they are good enough for my face? :) x

  6. Omg I LOVE your idea, id sooooo buy them!!! :) :) xxx

  7. That is the coolest idea ever, i dont think im that imaginative :o( xx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx