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Friday, 18 March 2011

LOU'S REVIEWS :: TopShop Sandstorm Cyclone Polish

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I've been super busy today, but I don't like to not post a video or article, so this is a really quickie (ooer misses!).

I went to the midwife this morning, hoping she would magically encourage Baby Glitter but alas, no such luck. She did say though that if there was no sign of her by next week we could do a ...... stretch and sweep! *shudder*. So tonight we've had the spiciest fajitas ever to smoke this little blighter out!!

Anyhooo, do you like this new nail polish? This is 'Cyclone' from the new TopShop Sandstorm Collection and retails for £5.

(Not the greatest of snaps I know, I was in a tizzy trying to get to midwives/feed the cat/find my bag etc etc- garghh!!)

I love the cube bottle, very chic and I enjoy the colour immensely. It's easily wearable for when you want something but not too much- perfect for job interviews and suchlike. Also, the joy of lighter colours is if they chip during the day, it isn't as noticeable, phewf! The cruddy picture above is just with 2 coats but no base or top coat, so I'm looking forward to spending a bit more time on them in future.

All in all, an ideal colour for when you're in a mad rush and want a tiny bit of subtle oomph.

I have quite a lot of the Sandstorm Collection and am really enjoying it, so keep your eyes peeled for more posts.

For more information on this polish, clickidy click HERE.




  1. that polish looks well nice. Hope baby glitter comes soon. The stretch and sweep doesnt sound nice at all. Hope she comes soon

  2. I never think of wearing that kind of colour on my nails, but it looks really nice on you.... maybe I'll give it ago! Prayin for baby glitter to pop her way out soon! x

  3. Fingers crossed for baby glitter arriving soon xxxx

  4. Ah still no sign on Baby Glitter? :( Hope she comes out soon, stretch and sweep sounds a bit.. dodgey, haha! LOVE the colour, I've yet to try Topshop's make-up/nail varnishes! x


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx