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Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Pregnancy Update- 41 Weeks Pregnant

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Well, as you can see, still no Baby Glitter. I'm so fed up I could cry/scream/both, but know it wouldn't get me too far.

(Sound advise if you ask me! Hahaha!)

I'm a week over now and have been booked for an induction for Tuesday the 5th. I really, really don't want an induction. I thought I did but then I found out what it entails and that you loose the option of a water birth anndd unless you are in established labour, you're partner can't stay with you the whole time. Also, whilst you are induced (ie, laying with a pessary up your lady zone for 24 hours), you are in a room with 3 other woman and have regular internal examinations- NOT WHAT I WANT AT ALL.

In an ideal world I'll labour at home as long as possible, get to hospital, pop myself in a birthing pool, dim the lights, try to remain calm and have a lovely little baby girl. Unfortunately, we don't seem to be reading off the same page and she doesn't seem to game for this plan.

I had a stretch and sweep yesterday, which is just as vile as it sounds and the midwife said she had stretched me (shudder) 2-3cm, so this is a positive. I'm booked in for another on Friday so fingers crossed it starts labour (as yet, yesterday's hasn't). Whilst these Stretch and Sweep things are very gross, I think they are the lesser of the 2 evils (compared to induction) so I'll opt for them. Sigh.

In other news, my feet and ankles are still swollen, just called me Mrs Kankle, my skin has gone really spotty (thank goodness for MAC Studio Sculpt) and I have been more tired than a sloth on sleeping tablets.

I won't go on too much because I'll only be Mrs Grumpy Pantaloons and I don't want to bum you all out.

Please send all your psychic energy to encourage Baby Glitter out naturally!





  1. Good luck! Very excited to hear about her when (if?!) she does arrive x

  2. Oh no :-( I hope things work out with the second (shudder) 'stretch & sweep....!

  3. Sending thoughts to urge baby glitter out! xx

  4. Oh I'm soooo excited for you!!! I hope it happens soon!

  5. Fingers cross Baby Glitter decides to make an appearence before Tuesday!


  6. Not long now :-)

    Once she arrives it will all be forgotten!


  7. Come on baby glitter! xxxx

  8. I'm sending you lots of positive opening of a lotus flowering thoughts! I really hope she comes soon, for your sanity :( ! Come on baby glitter lets gooo.

  9. Wow, I cannot believe she hasn't made an appearance yet! Come on Baby Glitter! x

  10. Oh no, naughty Baby Glitter!
    I do hope she comes out soon, I can't imagine how miserable you must be feeling. I've only got 6 weeks left now, but I'm hoping mine will come early as she is HUGE!! eeek!
    I am sending lots of positive energy your way. Try not to get too ratty with your husband (easier said than done I know) and try to relax.
    Good luck Louise, take care. x


  11. Hope she comes soon,, wouldn't it be nice if she came sunday for mother's day :) that would be a lovely present for you :)

    Stacey x

  12. aaww louise!! little baby glitters torturing you!! i hope she comes out really soon!! and i hope the dreded induction doesnt have to happen as it doesn't sound pleasent at all!! xx sarah

  13. Aww, Baby Glitter really wants to keep you waiting! I hope she surprises you early! Good luck! :) xxx

  14. Come on baby glitter!

    Maybe she's waiting for Mother's Day as a very special present?

    I hope she comes out soon so the induction doesn't have to happen at all! Doesn't sound too nice :(

    Good luck!


  15. She will be very much worth the wait! Good luck and fingers crossed you won't need an induction and you can have the birth you want. :)


  16. Fingers crossed she makes her arrival soon and you don't need an induction! x

  17. Best wishes sweet, I'm pregnant with my fourth and had one induction (I just tend to go 40weeks+ 10 days over) I hope you get to have your water birth! :D

  18. red beans help reduce swelling (:
    in China & Taiwan they give it to those in the pregnant care facilities!
    my aunt is quite spoiled and went to one, and so that's a trade secret i guess ? (: goodluck with baby glitter!

  19. I was induced and it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was quite happy as all through pregnancy I worried I would be in labour for ages at home in pain and the hospital wouldn't let me go in and all I'd want is pain relief. So I was happy to be in the hospital for the full labour with all the drugs on hand.

    Good luck. Have you tried Clary Sage? I used to rub it into my bump mixed with baby oil, and then put some in my bath. I think it helped as they decided to induce me at 38 weeks because of slow growth and I was 2cm when I went in but had already been having contractions and had been in slow labour for a few days x

  20. Sending lots of positive vibes! Love that pic! I totally agree with it haha! Good luck xx :o)

  21. aww bless ya heart! **come on baby glitter time for you to come out now!!** Hope the 2nd sweep and strecth works for u tomorrow lovely xxx

  22. hope the second sweep works. fingers crossed baby glitter makes her appearance soon. good luck xxx

  23. Thinking of you! Hope your OK, she will be worth the wait :-) x

  24. Ooooh haven't updated for a few days so I'm praying that means your little one has arrived and you're in happy new family bliss!

    Sending lots of positive energy and hugs! xxxx

  25. Awh, you must be so fed up! And, at risk of sounding like a total uneducated waif, what is a stretch and sweep? I'm so not clued up on pregnancy lingo! :) xxx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx