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Monday, 14 March 2011

Is it a jumbo jet? Is it a whale? No, it's Louise, 9 months pregnant!

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I just wanted to pop a quick post up to say still no Baby Glitter (I don't think she will ever come out, I will just be pregnant forever and become a medical marvel, making my millions as "The Girl Who Was Pregnant Forever" etc) but I have been going gaga on the YouTube front and have uploaded lots of new videos, should you want to check them out. Look right and down and there is the link.

Do excuse my gimpy face, this is pinched from Matt's facebook and was taken the other night- I thought you might like to see how ENORMOUS I have become. Even my stretchy jeans are straining- eesh!

I do have lots of beauty reviews coming up, including Batiste Dry Shampoo, Bio Oil (loving the stuff), MAC Prep and Prime Serum, a few hair masks, lotions and potions and all things lovely. I might also be brave and pop up a few FOTD's because I have been taking snaps and there will no doubt be a few 'life' posts too, just bare with me :)

As always, all your requests are welcome and I hope you are enjoying the smell of spring that seems to be in the air :)




  1. Spring is definitely bursting out all over!
    (Apart from Baby Glitter!!)
    Z xx

  2. Aw! I bet you can't wait foe baby glitter to arrive! Even I'm excited :)

  3. Aww you look lovely, your bump does look huuge :)


  4. good luck girly it will be soon :) i have a little pressie here for your little one too just need to remember to email you hehe! actually will do it now :)

    shel xx

  5. Awww, you look lovely and happy! You must be so excited that she will be arriving soon! :) xx

  6. Awww you have a nice big baby bump :) You seem to be really happy and excited ;)
    I'm waiting that beauty products haul or review.

  7. Looking lovely hun :)

    Sarah xx

  8. considering your just about to drop your bump doesnt look like it has dropped one bit! its really lovely shaped x

  9. Come on Baby Glitter! Lovw reading your blog, you make me laugh so much, if not for the great product reviews I would read yor blog for the comedy elements, you should take up being a stand up! or write a book! xx :o)

  10. Aww you look so cute i feel your pain though i struggled for that last month xx

  11. eep I'm so excited for babyglitter! goodluck.


  12. Good luck Louise! Can't wait to see BabyGlitter and hear the story about how she was born :-)


  13. Woahh don't become a medical marvel please.. I wanna meet the bab :D Looking gorgeous missus. Mucho love xx

  14. Baby glitter will come out very very soon don't you worry ! Apparently, the baby will be ready to come out when your stomach has lowered itself.. basically if you can place a hand properly between the boobs and the tum ! And you're looking gorgeous <3


  15. Ahhh you look blooming marvellous! Can't wait to see bubba glitter! x

  16. Oh wow that is a big baby bump and you still look beautiful :) Such exciting times!x

  17. Gosh, you don't look like you've put on weight anywhere else but your bump is HUGE! Wowee. Hurry up baby glitter!!

  18. aww i hope she comes soon! & you can post us lots of lovely pictures
    My little girl should be here in 10 weeks, cant wait! x


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx