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Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Dating Woes

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

As it is becoming customary on a Wednesday, here is my YouTube video that I uploaded on Sunday.

I like using my blog as a little catch up space and I'm enjoying this routine- are you? I've come to think that maybe routine is the way forward in life. Either that or I'm just getting old and boring. 

This week's video was more of a funny lifestyle one than a beauty one. And by 'funny lifestyle' I mean, 'let's all laugh at my misfortunes with men' ho ho ho. 

If you have any requests for future videos, do feel free to let me know, and if you would like to subscribe to my channel, you can click HERE

Do you prefer to watch videos or read blogs and why? I'm interested in your brrraaainnns!



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Barbie and Pie. If you would like to find out more about advertising on this blog, click HERE.


  1. i love your hair blonde lousie!! :) xxx

  2. Oooh I can't wait to watch this! I like a mix of both videos and blog posts but maybe blog posts just a teeny tiny bit better because they're more convenient to read on the go or when I have a few spare moments. But whenever someone has a wonderful youtube personality (such as yourself), I MAKE time to watch videos :) xx

  3. I loved this one! I just love you (in the least creepy way possible, of course)! Just a gem in every sense of the word!

    Becca X

  4. It was hilarious! Laughed so much! You're so funny Louise!xxx

    1. Haha I know right! She's so funny it just rolls off the tongue with her!

  5. I laughed so hard at the "20 mn poo" !

  6. I'm ALL about routine, just makes things so much simpler and more straightforward! I enjoy both blogs and videos, they both have positives and negatives. I like when people have both, because they tend to show slightly different parts of their personalities on each. :)

  7. This was such an amazing video! As the queen of awkwardness I really appreciated hearing about your misfortunes ;). So great to know I am not alone hahah. Howled throughout the whole thing!


  8. Omg i laughed so hard at this video and i think i even was in first 100 comments :D i especially loved the bit where you were in that toilet for super long "poop" :D keep it awesome Louise <3

  9. Ugh don't make me choose Louise, i love both, videos and blog posts, blog is better in the way that you write it basically every day but videos are better cause they're longer and i can like see you move and speak etc. <3

  10. Oh Louise! You crack me up!!! Would love it if you did more of these videos!

  11. Haha this video made me giggle do much!

  12. I loved watching this one!
    do more of these please~~ :)

  13. I love watching your videos and reading your blog. I think you blog seems more personal and everyone can read and interpret just how they like and sometimes (most of the time) I love it. :) Watching your videos lets us see the funny self you are.
    This video made me laugh a lot. Thank you
    Rachel x

  14. This was so funny, I was actually telling people about the '20 minute poo date video on youtube'! :p

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  15. Louise your eyes in this video are phenomenal!!! Can you show us what make up you used? I love your blog, that is how i found you first (and at that time you had been doing youtube a few months!). When I watchd your videos i felt like i got to know you even better! I think they should go hand in hand just like your doing now :D although i would love more videos and keep blogging like your doing now!!

    Also have you stopped Bedroom Beauty challenge :( i loved doing it!

    Jen xxx

  16. Hi Louise!

    Your blog has become part of my daily routine. I'm a uni student and can't start doing any work in the morning until I've checked your blog. This is either due to my procrastination needs (highly likely) or the fact that your cheery ramblings put a smile on my face for the day.
    Hope everything is well in Glitterland. Have a nice day :)


  17. I have to say I love both blogs and videos. I tend to catch up on on my blog reading in the mornings and love to watch videos in the evenings before bed... I am a right sucker for a routine lol

    I did LOVE this video....made me think about awful dates and unfortunately there have been quite a few!

  18. This was such a great video really funny too :) would be good to see more like this haha x
    Designer Dress Hire Giveaway

  19. Bahaha I love hearing about peoples awkward dates. We have all been there at least once ;)

  20. Generally, I prefer blogs, but when I find a YouTuber I like, I'm obsessed with watching all their videos! So...both?

  21. I prefer blogs but I also like videos, this one made me laugh!

    Emily x

  22. I love both...I think I prefer videos because we get to see more of your personality..BUUUT as an ENglish student..I love a good read ;) .. and you write SO well, so I really enjoy the blog too! :)

  23. wonderful post
    visit me :

  24. I can't really decide whether I like your blog or videos the most. I've always really liked reading blogs but I feel you get more personality from a video, so I definitely wouldn't want to miss out on that either. ;-) x

  25. oh dear I laughed so much about the twenty minute poo xD
    it was a fun video! very inspirational!

  26. I love reading blogs and watching videos equally. Obsessively. Haha. Love your hair Louise, suits you so well. So summery! X

  27. I really like both blogs and videos, it just kind of depends what mood I'm in! I do find sometimes though which is a bit irritating is that some people only use their blog to promote their videos and they don't actually put any content on their blog.

    Louisa's Notebook

  28. I prefer reading on your blog than watching your videos. I do like your voice and your videos but as a french it's easier for me to understand when it's written. I think i liked your vid (for what i understood ;) )
    Have a nice day! :)

  29. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this video so much, I was literally cracking up watching it, it seemed like a story of a movie or something haha :)

    I prefer watching videos, because I think it's more personal and you just get to know a lot more about the person :) I personally write a blog though, as I don't think I'd have enough courage yet to talk on youtube (:


  30. I loved this video so much! I showed it my cousin who is around your age and she new exactly what you meant about the flared pants and dodgy trends! Haha! :D :D

  31. I can't choose! I love your videos however I think I prefer your blogs more only because I think your personality in your posts really comes through and I also love to see your pictures of your life! Plus your ''motivational Mondays' are the blog posts I look forward to the most!

  32. I love reading AND watching! Because some people do one and not the other. But in the case of you and Zoe, I get a double dose of great humans, so, winning all around.

  33. i love your story's, there so funny! ive once had a date with a guy that because of his nervs, threw a intire glass of beer on me....

  34. I loved watching this video! It's so fun to hear awfully awkward situations from the past that now are just super funny.

  35. This video made me laugh so much Louise, I love you and your blog so much!

    please check out mine, i'm new :) xx

  36. Love your hair and this is so funny!

    Please check out and follow my blog! I'd really appreciate it! <3

  37. This video was so funny! You look lovely as always!

    Beauty/Fashion blog

  38. Omg I love your makeup in this video! And your hair! xx

  39. I've been addicted to Youtube since I was in middle school (I'm now in college), but have always returned to blogs because of the humongous amount of fashion/beauty bloggers. I would like to think blogs are a little secret and safe community in a huge social media world. I love vids & blogs equally :)

  40. This video was hilarious 20 minute poooo hahaha I did a real life LOL when I watched it. I've had my fair share of disaster ages too. Your very brave putting them out on the web, mine would be far to embarrassing haha.
    Megan xx

  41. This was hilarious! Thanks for the laugh!!

  42. You have such a brilliant way of storytelling, this video made me laugh so much x

  43. You have such beautiful eyes:D

  44. I love Louise!!!

  45. I love reading your blog! It is the highlight of my day! But I also LOVE watching your videos! I think that you are good when you do a blog post daily and then one video each week! :) Hope this helped you <3

  46. I cant wait to watch this weeks! I cant chose if i like the videos or blogs more. Hmmm?! I just love them both!

  47. I loved hearing your stories Louise! Made me take a trip down memory lane to some oh-so very painful dates haha.
    Lindsay xx

  48. Did really love this video. Nice to get to know you more :)

    Pipp xx

  49. This video made me chuckle A LOT! I love your videos and your blogs so keep doing both! :)

  50. This video absolutely cracked me up! The tampon story had me in fits of laughter!

  51. I love both! As a (self-described) word nerd and blogger myself, I'm a big fan of blogs. I enjoyed reading reviews or fashion tips or, my personal favorite, lifestyle blogs. But I really enjoy videos as well because I think there are just some things better conveyed in video than in writing. Please don't make us chose! Do them both! :)

    xx Haley

  52. I loved this video so much, was watching it whilst not feeling very well on Monday night and it was making me giggle so much :-)
    I love your videos so much, and it was actually your youtube channel that lead me to your blog, so more videos please!

    Rachel xx

  53. Love this video Louise, hilarious (although I'm sure at the time it wasn't!). I was literally laughing out loud all the way through! :) xx

  54. I laughed so much with this video! Love u Louise!!

  55. Aah...the first date. Nothing will bring more angst than the first time you are preparing to take out your potential dream girl. It's easy to get caught up in the mood and forget all the little things you wanted to say and/or do. New Jersey dating


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx